Walters, Convergence 2000 Levine 2001 Levine 2001 Carl Hausman, 1992 Bernstein, S., 1994 Albarran, Alan B., 2002; Friedlein, As

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Transcription: 21 : The Trend of Communications Operation Management under Digital Wave Abstract In the past, practicers and researches on media production rarely focused on the operations level, for the reason that the scopes of the media product are much diversified and the process of implementing the innovative ideas into media product is a nonlinear process in nature. In the 21 century, the nature of media industries has tremendous changed under the digital wave, which leads them into the phenomenon of convergence. In this opportunity, authors reviewed media production process and took advanrage of information technologies to develop new Communications Operation Management model. Hence, the new Communications Operation Management model called Web based collaboration operation mechanism was structured on operation management technical tranfers and internet based information technologies. Media production memebers could practice remote creative collaboration, creation collaborative team, and information integrated platforms to increase the effectiveness and efficiencies in this mechanism. Keywords: Communications Operation Management; digitization; technology transfer; collaboration - 102 -

21 1990 2004 Walters, 1995 2000 Convergence 2000 Levine 2001 Levine 2001 Carl Hausman, 1992 Bernstein, S., 1994 Albarran, Alan B., 2002; Friedlein, Ashley., 2001; Sohn, A. B., Wicks, J. L., Lacy, S. & Sylvie, G., 1999 2004-103 -

2004 1 1 Managing of electronic Media WEB PROJECT MANAGEMENT Managing In The Media Telecommunications Management Media Management: A Casebook Approach New Direction In Media Managment - 104 -

2002 2002 (parent children relation) 1 1999 2002 1989 Office Automation Personal Information System Management Information System Decision Support System Executive Information System 1-105 -

1998 1990 21 (ownership pattern) Shaver, 2000 21 Hilliard (1989) England & Finney, 1999 Shareman, 1995 Tony Buzan 2001-106 -

Young (1994) Gooch, 2002 (Hirsch, 1972) Powell(1989) (project-based craft industry) - 107 -

2000 2001-108 -

stakeholders Will 2000 2 2 Lavine & Wackman 1988-109 -

2002 Block(2001) PMBOK PMBOK 2000 Bagur(1987) Tidd 1997 Ounjian(1987) Roger, 1972 Samli, 1985-110 -

Hilliard, 1989 Rogers(1983) 1996 1997 1997 Drum-Buffer-Rope (Gollrate, 1986) (Peter Block, 2001) PMI(Project Management Institute) PMBOK Ashley, 2001 Englan & Finney, 2002 21-111 -

Baker 1999 Cobble-together system Henry and Hartzler (1998) Palmer 2001 Bal & Foster 2000 E-mail Voice mail Fax - 112 -

Bal & Foster (people) (process) (technology) 12 Goldratt 1997 1990 2000 Huang & Mak(1999) - 113 -

Bollapragada 2002 1996 2000 20 80 80 1 1 / Baker 1999 / Bal & Foster(2000) Palmer 2001 Goldratt 1997 Huang & Mak(1999) - 114 -

Huang & Mak(1999) Bollapragada 2002 Bollapragada 2002 Goldratt 1997 Critical Chain Levine 2001 3 3-115 -

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