The Idea Changing of Father & Son between Two Dynasty Chou Wan-Yu Kao* Abstract Chinese is proud of its country with courtesy and justice. The courtes

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The Idea Changing of Father & Son between Two Dynasty Chou Wan-Yu Kao* Abstract Chinese is proud of its country with courtesy and justice. The courtesy means everyone s behavior should follow the rites. Generally speaking. The courtesy can involve in Country s Policy, Social System, Relationship, the interaction with people and family and individual s conducts, etc. The wisdom Chou assists a ruler in governing a country with courtesy and he makes the Dynasty West-Chou get better gradually. However, as the disorderly in the later period, the system becomes worse and worse. In the Dynasty East-Chou, the place of king almost disappears. The Confucians concern about the corruption of courtesy, therefore, Confucians brings the idea Right Position up. Regarding yhe family, Right Position means father do what a father should do, and the son take his responsibility. The relationship between father and son is the most basic moral in the society. The Confucians and the Laws have their own method to improve the moral. The Confucians emphasize on the obligation between father and son. On the other hand, the Laws take the point from the selfish. Father can control the son under the permit of law. Based on the past papers and related references, this report will talk about the Idea Changing of Father & Son between Two Dynasty Chou. Key WordsDynasty East-Chou/ Wast-ChouThe Confuciansthe LawsFive MoralMoral between Father-Son * Wan-Yu KaoDoctoral Student, Department of Chinese, National Chung Cheng University.

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