-- Strategic Change of Traditional Industries -- Bicycle Industry As An Example Porter (1980) Dunning (1988) 1976 Kojima(1982) ( )? A-Team ( (Barker I

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-- Strategic Change of Traditional Industries -- Bicycle Industry As An Example 79 : (03) 977-1997 (216) Email: ibclass@yahoo.com.tw

-- Strategic Change of Traditional Industries -- Bicycle Industry As An Example Porter (1980) Dunning (1988) 1976 Kojima(1982) ( )? A-Team ( (Barker III Duhaime, 1997)) : A-Team 80 幤

Porter (1980) Dunning (1988) 1976 Kojima(1982) ( ).. A-Team A-Team A-Team Business Policy (Strategy)

(, 1998) Mintzberg (1998) : (CEO) 2003 Integration (e.g., Zajac & Shortell, 1989; Barker III & Dhuaime, 1997; Pettigrew, Woodman & Cameron, 2001) 70 Shendel Hofer (e.g., Schendel et al., 1976; Hofer, 1980) (e.g., Hedberg, Nystrom, and Starbuck, 1976; Starbuck, Greve, and Hedberg, 1978) 没 頽 (Strategy Tripod) (Hoskisson & Colleagues, 2000; Peng, 2002, 2005) (Institution-based view) (Industry- and resource-based views) (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983) (1980)

(Wernernerfelt, 1984; Prahalad & Hamel, 1990; Barney, 1991 ) (Kenneth Andrews) SWOT (1980) 逹 (2004) SWOT SWOT (Core Competence) (Sustained Competitive Advantage) 逹 Rumelt (1984) ( Competitive Position) Rumelt (1984) (uncertain imitability) (causal ambiguity) Barney (1991) Barney ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Penrose (1959) (Priem & Bulter,2001; Barney,2001) Nelson & Winter(1982), Winter(1995), Teece & Pisano (1997) (Evolutionary Theory and Dynamic Capability) ( 1 )

1 : 2 : 3 : 4 :

5 : OEM O Schwinn OO (, 2006) A-Team 90 逹 曽.. (, 2006) 2001 逹 11 A -Team ( ) A- Team A- Team

A-Team 逹 ( OEM ) 逹 (2007) 兹 1. 2. 5% 3 4 逹 Schwinn (GIANT) ( 2)

1 O (2006), 逹 WalMart ( 2006) SWOT (Cycling) (Total Solution) (1985) (Value Chain) 2 逹 逹

(Giant) DNA (, 2006) 抺 (, 2005) OO (, 2007) 3 Global Giant, Local Touch (, 2006) Global Giant, Local Touch (Strategy) (Support) (Service) S (, 2006) GIANT TCR Advanced (,2007)

4 : TCR REVIVE ( 2003) GIANT NRS CEO (2003) : Giant.. (, 2008) 2007 10, Rumelt (1984) A-Team 没

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A-Team 逹 A-Team A-Team A-Team OEM A-Team

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