A Study of Junior High School Students’ Learning Disturbances of Mathematics Toward the Implementation of

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A Study of Junior High School Students Learning Disturbances of Mathematics Toward the Implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum

94 6

142 93 1,615 SPSS10.0 t 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. I

Abstract Title: A Study of Junior High School Students Learning Disturbances of Mathematics Toward the Implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum School: National Taipei Univisity of Techonology Pages: 142 Department: Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Time: June,005 Degree:Master Researcher:Shih-Chang Lin Advisor: Chia-Yu Chang The purpose of this study were to investigate the learning disturbances of mathematics toward the implementation of grade 1-9 curriculum for junior high school students in Taiwan, and to explore the differences of them between students backdrounds. Based on literature analysis, the study took questionnaire, named the scale of the learning disturbances of mathematics toward the implementation of grade 1-9 curriculum for junior high school students, as main reasearch methods. 1,615 students from junior high schools, in the year 2004, had been chosen as samples of this study. The quantitative data obtained were analyzed by the computer program SPSS for windows 10.0. The result was analyzed as the descriptive statisticsmean and Standard Deviation, independent samples t-test, and the one-way ANOVA. The conclusions were as follows. 1. The learning disturbances of mathematics toward the implementation of grade 1-9 curriculum for junior high school students was middle standard. And the school element was the main source of learning disturbances of mathematics, concentration difficulties was the main explicit behavior. 2. The learning disturbances of mathematics were significant differences in gender and grades. 3. The learning disturbances of mathematics were significant differences in the school attributes and parents educational degree,expect for the school locations and parents vocation. Finally, based on the results of this study, some suggestions were offered. 1. For mathe- matics teachers: 1emphasize the learning disturbances of mathematics of students,2develop the positive learning habits and methods of students toward mathematics,3change teaching method and adjust the attitude and method of displine. 2. For manager of junior high schools:1break away from entering higher schools and return the essence of education of mathematics,2plan the proper learning II

materials of mathematics,3promote multiple examinations. 3. For educational authorities:1encourage schools to develop school-based curriculum, 2plan programs for mathematics teachers to promoting their teaching ability. For future research: use both qualitative and quantitative methods. Key words: grade 1-9 curriculum, junior high school students, learning disturbances of mathematics III

.... Ї...И..... IV..... IV.. IV 1 1 4 6 7....9 9..38..64..69..69..70..72..83..84 IV

..85..85..87..89 112 119 119 123 127...137 137.140 V

2.1..21 2.2..32 2.3..39 2.4..46 2.5..53 3.1 93.71 3.2..72 3.3..75 3.4..76 3.5..78 3.6..79 3.7..82 3.8..83 4.1..86 4.2..88 4.3........90 4.4.....93 4.5......97 4.6 VI

...101 4.7...105 4.8...109 4.9.118 VII

1.1.....8 3.1 70 VIII

learning disturbances 84 1

71 84 64 79 87 74 82 91 79 83 91 10 30 87 9 28 87 10 12 89 2

TIMSS 93 10 11 93 10 11 3



Grade 1-9 Curriculum learning disturbances of mathematics 6


1.1 1.1 8

88 92a 9

92a ( ) 88 10

88 11

88 92a 12

1. 1 2 3 2. 1 2 3 4 3. 1 2 3 88 91 91 13

92a 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 14

7. 8. 9. 10. 92b () () () 15

() 90 () () () 87 89 16

92b () () () () () () () () () () 84 89 1-3 4-5 6-7 17

8-9 N S D A (C) (R) (T) (S) (C) (E) 92b N S D A 18

89 92 10 15 240 80 60 30 10 19

92b N S D A NSAD 1, 2, 3, 4 92b 1 9 nsad 2.1 20

2.1 N-3-01 7-n-09 100 N-3-02 7-n-10 7-n-11 N-3-03 N-3-04 N-3-05 7-n-16 7-n-19 N-3-06 7-n-16 21

2.1 N-3-07 7-n-17 a:b c:da/bc/da:b c:dadbca:b c:dabkcdk a/bc/d adbc a/bc/dabkc dk 7-n-18 7-n-19 N-3-08 7-n-01 7-n-02 5 5 7-n-03 N-3-09 7-n-04-3 -2+5 7-n-05 N-3-10 7-n-06 7-n-07 7-n-08 N-3-11 7-n-12 22

2.1 N-3-12 7-n-13 32 34=36(-5)2=25 30=1 7-n-14 N-3-13 7-n-15 N-3-14 N-3-15 N-3-16 N-3-17 N-4-01 8-n-01 8-n-02 N-4-02 8-n-03 8-n-04 8-a-02 23

2.1 N-4-03 8-n-05 N-4-04 8-n-06 8-n-07 N-4-05 8-n-08 S-3-01 S-3-02 S-3-03 N-3-15 S-3-04 N-3-16 S-3-05 S-3-06 24

2.1 S-4-01 S-4-02 S-4-03 S-4-04 8-s-01 8-s-02 8-s-03 8-s-09 8-s-17 8-s-18 8-s-23 8-s-33 8-s-31 8-s-32 8-s-34 8-s-36 8-s-10 8-s-25 8-s-29 8-s-30 8-s-35 25

2.1 S-4-05 S-4-06 S-4-07 S-4-08 S-4-09 S-4-10 8-s-20 8-a-07 8-a-08 8-a-09 8-s-05 8-s-06 8-s-08 8-s-19 8-s-04 8-s-07 8-s-14 8-s-11 8-s-12 8-s-13 8-s-15 8-s-16 8-s-24 8-s-26 8-s-27 180 8-s-28 26

2.1 S-4-11 S-4-12 S-4-13 S-4-14 S-4-15 8-s-21 9-s-01 8-s-22 9-s-02 9-s-03 9-s-04 9-s-05 9-s-08 9-s-09 9-s-06 9-s-07 9-s-10 9-s-11 A-3-01 A-3-02 7-a-05 A-3-03 x y A-3-04 7-a-01 27

2.1 A-3-05 7-a-02 N-3-14 A-3-06 7-a-08 A-3-07 7-a-02 7-a-03 7-a-12 7-a-13 A-3-08 7-a-04 7-a-05 7-a-06 A-3-09 7-a-07 7-a-08 7-a-09 A-3-10 7-a-10 28

2.1 A-3-11 7-a-11 7-a-14 7-a-15 7-a-17 A-3-12 7-a-11 A-3-13 7-a-16 7-a-18 A-3-14 7-a-04 7-a-07 7-a-10 7-a-16 A-4-01 8-a-01 A-4-02 8-a-03 8-a-04 8-a-05 8-a-06 29

A-4-03 A-4-04 A-4-05 A-4-06 A-4-07 2.1 D-3-01 8-a-07 8-a-08 8-a-09 8-a-10 8-a-11 8-a-12 8-a-13 8-a-14 8-a-17 8-a-15 9-a-01 8-a-16 9-a-02 9-a-03 9-a-04 9-a-05 9-a-06 9-a-06 30

D-4-01 D-4-02 D-4-03 D-4-03 2.1 92 9-d-01 9 -d-02 1025507590 9-d-03 9-d-04 9-d-05 9-d-06 9-d-07 1 23 9-d-08 9-d-09 9-d-10 31

2.2 2.2 32

叁 92 91 92 爲 93 33

92 93 92 92 92 34

92 91 91 91 6 18 91 6 18 35

92 5 16 92 6 8 1997 93 10-15 240 92 93 1 9 92b 36

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 93 10 29 37

85 Good Brophy Contemporary Educational Psychology Wittrock 89Bower Hilgard Theories of Learing 79 McCown 1996 38

2.3 2.3 78 82 83 Naoarstek1995 2.3 39

82 86 78 85 91 91 learning disturbances learning problems learning encumbrance 91 learning difficulties 91 91 91 learning disturbances 90 90 90 86 93 93 93 learning disabilities problems encumbrance difficulties disabilities disturbances 40

learning disturbances learning difficulties 90 92c learning disabilities 88 76 80 76 41

80 79 85 42

82 66 80 85 91 84 90 90 74 89 91 84 77 43

85 77 81 79Coleman1988 79 77 44

81 85 45

Coleman1988 2.2 2.4 76 80 85 90 77 82 85 85 89 91 91 74 66 90 80 81 79 84 79 46

2.4 84 77 Coleman1988 21 18 19 8 3 1 1 2.4 47

叁 76 77 81 66 Bos Vaughn1994 84 83 76 48

77 81 49

76 81 77 Bos Vaughn1994 BosVaughn1994 76 81 77 84 50

83 66 51

74 83 77 93 77 85 91 92 91 82 79 77 82 93 64 79 93 77Nielsen1996 84 71 87 87 90 79 72 52

2.5 2.5 64 1. 2. 3. 4. 74 1. 2. 3. () 79 1. 2. 3. 4.18-24 50 5. 6. 83 1. 2. () 87 18-44 53

2.5 74 1. 2. 77 1. 2. 3. 77 1. 2. 77 1. 2. ~ 77 1. 2. 3. 79 1. 2. 82 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 82 1. 2. 3. 82 1. 2. 54

2.5 85 1. 2. 1. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 91 1. 2. 91 1. 2. 91 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 60-69 6. 7. 93 1. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 55

2.5 93 1. 2. 93 1. 2. 緖 3. 4. 5. ( ) Nielsen 1988 64 1. 2. 3. 72 1. 2. 3. 咏 78 1. 2. 56

2.5 79 1. 2. 83 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 87 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 80 91 1. 2. 1. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 91 1. 2. 3. 57

2.5 71 1. 2. 84 1. 2. 1. 2. 2.5 82 77 79 79 77 2.5 58

2.5 2.5 1. 87 93 85 64 91 72 82 82 74 71 77 2. 93 85 64 91 72 82 74 93 3. 93 85 91 72 4. 93 91 72 93 5. 93 64 85 59

6. 87 93 71 7. 64 82 8. 93 9. 87 2.5 1. 1 93 85 91 83 91 82 79 72 87 66 Nilsen1988 87 74 93 2 74 91 60

83 85 91 74 3 87 91 85 85 79 77 93 4 77 93 85 91 91 93 87 66 91 60~69 2. 1 61

87 91 82 91 2 93 91 85 91 93 91 3 93 93 4 85 1. 62

2. 3. 4. learning problems learning encumbrance learning difficulties learning disturbances problems encumbrance difficulties disturbances learning disturbances 63


叁 87 64 79 72 77 79 79 65



3.1 69

3.1 94 736 179 915 903 26,538 956,927 3.1 70

3.1 93 13 352 12,205 0 0 0 3 83 2,948 2 45 2,116 58 2,471 80,228 3 31 1,185 13 328 11,294 12 183 7,809 61 3,154 116,717 2 38 2,043 14 704 26,267 15 304 13,358 53 2,107 77,935 0 0 0 2 95 3,599 7 110 5,325 10 369 12,862 0 0 0 4 93 3,107 3 37 1,589 27 517 17,451 0 0 0 1 50 1,888 3 29 1,356 222 8,970 317,398 5 69 3,228 37 1,353 49,103 42 708 31,553 30 529 17,687 0 0 0 3 98 3,343 3 59 2,768 44 1,679 59,988 0 0 0 5 140 4,877 9 170 8,496 23 1,004 36,686 0 0 0 3 133 5,462 7 127 6,054 39 1,460 51,693 0 0 0 1 43 1,487 2 28 1,254 30 567 19,124 1 4 146 1 45 1,554 2 17 533 28 548 17,756 4 97 4,130 2 72 2,482 6 89 4,077 194 5,758 202,934 5 101 4,276 15 492 18,630 29 529 23,757 8 297 10,656 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 73 3,157 24 464 15,532 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 33 1,491 41 857 30,966 2 36 1 68 2,735 7 137 6,853 17 8,326 30,110 0 0 0 2 36 1,213 7 137 5,613 43 1,066 37,740 1 2 53 6 214 7,920 3 27 933 34 1,432 51,765 1 22 955 5 201 7,511 5 98 4,161 36 871 30,914 1 33 1,279 2 63 2,132 3 23 956 203 5,813 207,683 5 93 3,901 16 582 21,511 32 528 23,164 22 553 18,911 0 0 0 1 9 245 2 30 1,192 21 273 8,652 0 0 0 2 18 407 1 5 225 23 414 13,638 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 27 948 14 125 3,176 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 71 2,090 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 16 305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 1,452 46,772 0 0 0 3 27 652 5 63 2,365 709 21,993 774,787 15 263 11,405 71 2,493 90,471 108 1,789 80,264 94 903 26,538 71

956,927 93 95 3 1,067 94 1,000 1,920 4 1 1,920 3.2 3.2 72

91 91 74 咏 78 92 83 1. 1 2 2. 1 2 3 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2. 1 2 3 4 5 3. 1 2 4. 1 2 3 4 73

1. 1 25 2. 26 35 3. 36 56 1. 1 5 2. 6 10 3. 11 22 4. 23 27 37 Likerts 5-point scale 54321 3.3 74

3.3 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 5 7 7 202122232425 6 2627282930 3132333435 5 5 3637 38394041 6 4243444546474849 9 50 5152535455 5 12345 5 678910 11121314151617 1819202122 232324252627 5 7 5 5 75

3.4 98.5 96.3 3.4 124 122 98.4 120 118 98.3 86 85 98.8 330 325 98.5 kaiser eigenvalue 1 factor loading communality 86 89 0.3 0.3 0.5 KMO 76

Kaiser-Meyer-Oklin KMO KMO 0.5 Bartlett 0.5 171829373840 4152535455 56 50.585 50 3046 49 3.5 0.5 6910222324 7 54.623 50 20 19 3.6 77

3.5 1 0.575 2 0.558 3 0.715 4 0.650 5 0.649 6 0.700 13.003 23.219 23.219 11 0.576 19 0.621 20 0.542 21 0.667 49 0.561 36 0.641 39 0.574 47 0.757 48 0.644 3.246 5.796 29.016 50 0.574 51 0.684 30 0.641 31 0.669 32 0.606 33 0.664 2.680 4.786 33.082 34 0.618 35 0.624 22 0.670 23 0.756 24 0.772 2.399 4.283 38.085 25 0.785 7 0.720 8 0.753 9 0.667 10 0.454 2.233 3.987 42.073 12 0.620 46 0.652 13 0.587 14 0.716 15 0.627 1.652 2.950 45.023 16 0.687 42 0.696 43 0.728 44 0.703 1.622 2.897 47.920 45 0.652 26 0.648 27 0.733 1.493 2.666 28 0.605 50.585 17 0.724 18 0.776 1.397 2.495 53.081 38 0.608 41 0.558 1.362 2.433 55.514 54 0.755 55 0.717 1.266 2.260 57.774 52 0.595 1.192 2.128 59.902 53 0.640 1.147 2.049 61.951 37 0.624 40 0.722 1.088 1.944 63.894 29 0.686 56 0.644 1.012 1.808 65.702 78

3.6 8 0.513 11 0.705 12 0.582 13 0.751 8.400 31.11331.113 14 0.735 20 0.594 21 0.599 15 0.675 16 0.635 9.360 17 0.572 2.527 40.472 18 0.590 19 0.661 1 0.628 2 0.532 3 0.562 7.691 2.077 4 0.610 48.164 5 0.598 24 0.377 23 0.457 25 0.702 6.459 1.744 26 0.772 54.623 27 0.724 6 0.486 7 0.590 4.500 9 0.346 1.215 59.123 10 0.487 22 0.481 Cronbach Cronbach Nunnally1978 0.7 Gay 0.6 0.6 89 79

Nunnally 0.7 Alpha if Item Deleted 1420 44 Cronbach 0.9308 Cronbach 0.9033 Cronbach 0.7925 Cronbach 0.8564 Cronbach 0.7 3.7 Alpha if Item Deleted Cronbach 0.8680 Cronbach 0.8792 Cronbach 0.7863 Cronbach 0.7456 Cronbach 0.8322 Cronbach 0.7 3.8 80

3.7 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 11 7 19 8 20 21 9 7 10 0.9012 0.9033 8 11 9 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 31 24 32 25 33 26 34 27 35 28 36 29 39 30 47 31 48 32 50 33 51 34 42 35 43 36 44 45 37 0.7925 0.7925 0.778 0.8564 0.9308 81

3.8 1 1 2 2 3 3 0.7456 0.7456 4 4 5 5 8 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 0.8792 0.8792 14 10 0.8680 21 11 15 12 16 13 17 14 0.7863 0.7863 18 15 19 16 25 17 26 18 0.8322 0.8322 27 19 82

94 5 4 1 2 3 4 83

SPSS10.0 t 叁 t scheff e method 84

93 16 120 1,920 94 5 4 5 28 1,668 86.9 53 1,615 96.8 4.1 4.1 426 26.3 436 27.0 379 23.5 374 23.2 1,211 75.0 404 25.0 3 1 794 49.2 821 50.8 529 32.7 558 34.6 528 32.7 85

115 7.1 390 24.2 758 46.9 291 18.0 61 3.8 255 15.8 26 1.6 63 3.9 54 3.3 438 27.1 343 21.2 9 0.9 427 26.5 30 4.1 % N 1. 426 26.3 2. 436 27.0 3. 379 23.5 1,615 4.374 23.2 1. 1,211 75.0 2. 404 25.0 1,615 1. 794 49.2 2. 821 50.8 1,615 1. 529 32.7 2. 558 34.6 3. 528 32.7 1. 115 7.1 2. 390 24.2 3. 758 46.9 4. 291 18.0 5.61 3.8 1. 281 17.4 2. 63 3.9 3. 63 3.9 4. 438 27.1 5. 343 21.2 6. 427 26.5 1,615 1,615 1,615 86

4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 4.2 2.62 2.77 2.36 2.87 t 叁 3.04 2.69 1.94 1.96 t 87

4.2 N M SD 1. 1,615 2.34 1.12 2. 1,615 3.18 1.23 3. 1,615 2.91 1.20 4. 1,615 3.01 1.12 5. 1,615 2.92 1.15 6. 1,615 2.02 1.03 7. 1,615 3.17 1.25 8.1,615 2.76 1.19 9. 1,615 2.97 1.24 10. 1,615 2.74 1.28 11. 1,615 2.73 1.31 12. 1,615 2.28 1.16 13. 1,615 2.89 1.19 14. 1,615 2.35 1.16 15. 1,615 2.69 1.21 16. 1,615 3.08 1.23 17. 1,615 3.06 1.23 18. 1,615 2.56 1.17 19. 1,615 2.90 1.26 20. 1,615 2.91 1.26 1,615 2.77 0.75 21. 1,615 2.28 1.11 22. 1,615 2.22 1.13 23. 1,615 2.66 1.25 24. 1,615 2.13 1.06 25. 1,615 2.68 1.32 26. 1,615 2.27 1.14 27. 1,615 2.33 1.13 28. 1,615 2.34 1.10 1,615 2.36 0.76 29. 1,615 3.28 1.27 30. 1,615 3.11 1.14 31. 1,615 2.62 1.15 32. 1,615 2.70 1.17 33. 1,615 2.78 1.18 34. 1,615 2.49 1.16 88

4.2 35. 1,615 2.79 1.19 36. 1,615 2.89 1.21 37. 1,615 3.13 1.23 1,615 2.87 0.83 1,615 2.71 0.66 1. 1,615 3.03 1.25 2. 1,615 3.26 1.18 3. 1,615 3.20 1.18 4. 1,615 3.18 1.21 5. 1,615 2.53 1.27 1,615 3.04 0.94 6. 1,615 2.75 1.39 7. 1,615 2.83 1.21 8. 1,615 2.67 1.27 9. 1,615 2.72 1.27 10. 1,615 2.71 1.27 11. 1,615 2.45 1.26 1,615 2.69 1.01 12. 1,615 1.74 0.94 13. 1,615 1.68 0.92 14. 1,615 2.07 1.13 15. 1,615 2.19 1.20 16. 1,615 2.00 1.11 1,615 1.94 0.80 17. 1,615 2.15 1.23 18. 1,615 1.83 0.98 19. 1,615 1.90 1.07 1,615 1.96 0.96 1,615 2.47 0.72 1,615 2.62 0.41 89

4.3 t 4.3 N M SD t 1. 794 2.28 1.15 821 2.40 1.07-2.205* 2. 794 3.09 1.29 821 3.26 1.16-2.836* 3.-5.356* 794 2.74 1.23 821 3.06 1.15 4.-2.452* 794 2.94 1.14 821 3.08 1.09 5. 794 2.83 1.19 821 3.01 1.10-3.170* 6. 794 1.96 1.06 821 2.07 0.99-2.097* 7. 794 3.05 1.31 821 3.29 1.18-3.897* 8. 794 2.63 1.20 821 2.88 1.17-4.183* 9. 794 2.81 1.25 821 3.12 1.21-5.058* 10. 794 2.63 1.29 821 2.84 1.26-3.237* 11. 794 2.64 1.33 821 2.81 1.29-2.588* 90

4.3 12. 794 2.22 1.15 821 2.35 1.16-2.333* 13. 794 2.82 1.24 821 2.96 1.14-2.274* 14. 794 2.47 1.21 821 2.23 1.10 4.049* 15. 794 2.75 1.26 821 2.63 1.17 1.879 16. 794 3.17 1.24 821 2.99 1.21 3.030* 17. 794 3.08 1.26 821 3.04 1.19 0.643 18. 794 2.52 1.17 821 2.60 1.16-1.385 19. 794 2.83 1.27 821 2.96 1.25-1.952 20. 794 2.84 1.28 821 2.98 1.23-2.169* 794 2.72 0.79 821 2.83 0.70-3.012* 21. 794 2.22 1.12 821 2.33 1.11-2.046* 22. 794 2.23 1.13 821 2.21 1.13 0.308 23. 794 2.66 1.24 821 2.66 1.25-0.002 24. 794 2.20 1.07 821 2.07 1.04 2.530* 25. 794 2.65 1.31 821 2.72 1.33-1.086 26. 794 2.29 1.14 821 2.25 1.14 0.730 27. 794 2.33 1.13 821 2.32 1.12 0.195 28. 794 2.31 1.10 821 2.36 1.10-0.904 794 2.36 0.74 821 2.37 0.77-0.103 29. 794 3.18 1.35 821 3.38 1.18-3.119* 30. 794 3.02 1.19 821 3.20 1.09-3.206* 31. 794 2.60 1.17 821 2.64 1.13-0.589 32. 794 2.68 1.23 821 2.72 1.11-0.767 33. 794 2.75 1.21 821 2.81 1.15-1.027 34. 794 2.49 1.18 821 2.50 1.14-0.145 35. 794 2.65 1.20 821 2.92 1.16-4.505* 36. 794 2.76 1.23 821 3.01 1.17-4.198* 37. 794 3.07 1.28 821 3.19 1.18-1.976* 794 2.80 0.85 821 2.93 0.80-3.138* 794 2.66 0.69 821 2.75 0.63-2.815* 1. 794 3.05 1.28 821 3.02 1.22 0.536 2. 794 3.20 1.23 821 3.32 1.13-2.151* 3. 794 3.14 1.21 821 3.26 1.14-2.111* 91

4.3 4. 794 3.18 1.23 821 3.17 1.18 0.099 5. 794 2.53 1.30 821 2.54 1.24-0.168 794 3.02 0.96 821 3.06 0.62-0.945 6. 794 2.60 1.38 821 2.91 1.38-4.527* 7. 794 2.74 1.26 821 2.92 1.15-3.037* 8. 794 2.66 1.29 821 2.69 1.26-0.524* 9. 794 2.58 1.25 821 2.85 1.26-4.401 10. 794 2.52 1.25 821 2.90 1.26-6.054* 11. 794 2.35 1.24 821 2.56 1.26-3.348* 794 2.57 1.03 821 2.80 1.00-4.604* 12. 794 1.76 0.95 821 1.71 0.92 1.030 13. 794 1.75 0.97 821 1.62 0.86 2.744* 14. 794 2.07 1.14 821 2.07 1.13-0.111 15. 794 2.12 1.18 821 2.26 1.22-2.344* 16. 794 1.98 1.11 821 2.03 1.10-0.900 794 1.93 0.83 821 1.94 0.76-0.110 17. 794 2.18 1.24 821 2.13 1.21 0.854 18. 794 1.89 1.04 821 1.77 0.92 2.472* 19. 794 1.92 1.09 821 1.87 1.04 1.008 794 2.00 0.99 821 1.92 0.93 1.585 794 821 2.43 2.51 0.74 0.69-2.079* 794 821 2.58 2.67 0.67 0.62-2.703* *p0.05 4.4 92

4.4 F SS df MS Scheff e 1. 6.797 2 3.398 2.737 2001.788 1,612 1.242 2008.585 2. 34.832 2 17.416 11.644* 2411.165 1,612 1.196 2, 31 2445.998 3. 21.571 2 10.786 7.539* 2306.123 1,612 1.431 2, 31 2327.694 4. 12.117 2 6.058 4.894* 1995.683 1,612 1.238 21 2007.799 5. 8.631 2 4.316 3.279* 2121.538 1,612 1.316 21 2130.170 6. 9.128 2 4.564 4.334* 1697.420 1,612 1.053 31 1706.549 7. 2.581 2 2522.178 1,612 2524.759 1.565 1.291 0.825 8. 2275.037 22.265 2 11.133 7.888* 1,612 1.411 21 2297.703 40.671 9. 2436.589 1,612 2 20.336 13.454* 1.512 2, 31 2477.261 10. 9.723 2 2.970 2638.380 1,612 4.862 1.637 2648.103 11. 53.291 26.646 15.726* 2731.287 1.694 2, 31 2784.578 2 1,612 93

4.4 12. 2 2, 31 28.698 21.32.280 2160.978 1,612 14.349 1.323 10.848* 13. 17.451 2274.231 2291.682 2 1,612 8.726 1.411 6.185* 31 14. 1.623 2176.504 2178.126 2 1,612 0.811 1.350 0.601 15. 2372.715 10.116 2362.599 2 1,612 5.058 1.466 3.451* 21 16. 19.230 2413.783 2433.013 2 1,612 9.615 1.497 6.421* 2, 31 17. 19.824 2402.229 2422.053 2 1,612 9.912 1.490 6.651* 2, 31 18. 17.351 2181.101 2198.452 2 1,612 8.676 1.353 6.412* 31 19. 18.193 2548.331 2566.524 2 1,612 9.096 1.581 5.754* 31 20. 15.576 2532.044 2547.620 2 1,612 7.788 1.571 4.958* 31 908.422 13.035 95.387 2 1,612 6.518 0.555 11.734* 2, 31 21. 33.800 1,612 16.900 13.840* 1963.369 2002.170 2 1.221 2, 31 12.160 2051.592 2063.752 2 1,612 4.777* 31 18.531 2484.553 2503084 2 9.265 6.011* 2, 31 24. 18.728 1795.846 1814.573 2 1,612 2, 31 9.364 1.114 8.405* 25. 56.497 2755.550 2812.047 2 16.525* 2, 31 1,612 28.249 1.709 26. 19.027 2067.097 9.541 1.282 2086.124 2 1,612 7.419* 2, 31 27. 6.393 1.265 31 12.785 2038.593 2051.378 2 1,612 5.055* 21.125 1922.607 1943.731 2 1,612 1.193 8.856* 31 10.647 0.564 21.294 909.649 930.943 2 1,612 18.868* 2, 31 29. 8.059 2603.622 2611.682 2 1,612 4.030 1.615 2.495 30. 2.982 2111.838 2114.820 2 1,612 1.491 1.310 1.138 31. 13.013 2122.828 2135.841 2 1,612 6.507 1.317 4.941* 32 22. 6.080 1.273 23. 1,612 1.541 28. 10.562 94

4.4 32. 13.798 2198.744 2212.542 2 1,612 6.899 1.364 5.058* 31 33. 14.766 2249.077 2263.843 2 1,612 7.383 1.395 5.292* 32 34. 15.509 2148.129 2163.637 2 1,612 7.754 1.333 5.819* 31, 2 35. 2.316 2270.105 2272.421 2 1,612 1.158 1.408 0.822 36. 12.866 2346.171 2359.037 2 1,612 6.433 1.455 4.420* 31 37. 14.113 2423.319 2437.433 2 1,612 7.057 1.503 4.694* 31 0.434 7.460 1105.148 1112.608 2 1,612 6.129 14.108* 31 12.259 700.372 712.631 2 1,612 6.129 0.434 14.108* 2, 31 1. 27.476 2488.719 2516.194 2 1,612 13.738 31 1.544 8.898* 2. 2 12.695 2233.598 2246.293 1,612 6.348 1.386 4.581* 31 7.402 2223.795 2231.198 2 1,612 3.701 1.380 2.683 4. 39.423 2307.930 2347.352 2 1,612 19.711 1.432 13.768* 31, 2 5. 22.508 2587.470 2609.978 2 1,612 11.254 1.605 7.011* 31 19.354 1408.813 1428.168 2 1,612 9.677 0.874 11.073 31, 2 6. 19.868 3082.049 3101.917 2 1,612 9.934 1.912 5.196* 31, 2 7. 0.373 0.746 2360.112 2360.858 2 1,612 1.464 0.255 8. 15.591 2601.093 2616.684 2 1,612 7.795 1.614 4.831* 1, 32 9. 1.255 2585.556 2586.811 2 1,612 0.628 1.604 0.391 0.123 2588.991 2589.115 2 1,612 0.062 1.606 0.038 11. 2.499 0.789 2553.627 256.126 2 1,612 1.250 1.584 0.746 1666.388 1667.133 2 1,612 0.373 1.034 0.361 3. 10. 95

4.4 12. 1.077 1422.554 1423.631 2 1,612 0.538 0.882 0.610 13. 1.232 1364.450 1365.682 2 1,612 0.616 0.846 0.728 14. 2.378 2070.433 2072.811 2 1,612 1.189 1.284 0.926 15. 4.756 2324.771 2329.527 2 1,612 1.442 2.378 1.649 3.001 1,612 1.501 1.221 1.229 0.031 1028.938 1028.969 2 1,612 0.015 0.638 0.024 17. 12.856 2414.280 2427.136 2 1,612 6.428 1.498 4.292* 31 18. 5.352 1546.387 1552.189 2 1,612 2.676 0.960 2.789 19. 4.405 1832.119 1836.524 2 1,612 2.202 1.137 1.938 6.888 1470.913 1477.801 2 1,612 3.444 0.912 3.775* 31 3.488 823.064 826.552 2 1,612 1.744 0.511 3.416* 31 8.389 660.815 669.204 2 1,612 4.195 0.410 10.232* 2, 31 16. 1968.996 1971.998 2 *p0.05 1 2 3 4.5 96

4.5 SS df MS F Scheff e 1. 8.098 2000.486 2008.585 3 1,611 2.699 1.242 2.174 2. 2.876 2443.121 2445.998 3 1,611 0.959 1.517 0.632 3. 6.280 2321.414 2327.694 3 1,611 2.093 1.414 1.453 4. 7.301 2000.499 2007.799 3 1,611 2.434 1.242 1.960 5. 16.103 2114.067 2130.170 3 1,611 5.368 1.312 4.090** 42 6. 16.541 1690.007 1706.549 3 1,611 5.514 1.049 5.256** 41 42 43 7. 4.855 2519.904 2524.759 3 1,611 1.618 1.564 1.035 8. 14.822 2282.481 2297.303 3 1,611 4.941 1.417 3.487* 42 12.915 2464.346 2477.261 3 1,611 4.305 1.530 2.814* 42 10. 2.646 2645.457 2648.103 3 1,611 1.642 0.537 11. 14.288 2770.290 2784.578 3 1,611 4.763 1.720 2.770 12. 10.765 2150.214 2160.978 3 1,611 3.588 1.335 2.688 9. 0.882 97

4.5 13. 2.965 2288.716 2291.682 3 1,611 0.988 1.421 0.696 14. 13.152 2164.974 2178.126 3 1,611 4.384 1.344 3.262 15. 1.809 2370.906 2372.715 3 1,611 0.603 1.472 0.410 16. 7.905 2425.108 2433.013 3 1,611 2.635 1.505 1.705 17. 13.901 2408.152 2422.053 3 1,611 4.634 1.495 3.100* 12 18. 18.662 2179.790 2198.452 3 1,611 6.221 1.353 4.598** 12 19. 10.227 2556.297 2566.524 3 1,611 3.409 1.587 2.148 20. 10.258 2537.362 2547.620 3 1,611 3.419 1.575 2.171 21. 18.519 1983.651 2002.171 3 1,611 6.173 1.231 5.013** 41 42 22. 29.009 2034.743 2063.752 3 1,611 9.670 1.263 7.656** 41 42 43 23. 8.355 2494.729 2503.084 3 1,611 2.785 1.549 1.798 24. 16.299 1798.274 1814.573 3 1,611 5.433 1.116 4.867** 42 43 25. 20.816 2791.231 2812.047 3 1,611 6.939 1.733 4.005** 41 26. 6.006 2080.118 2086.124 3 1,611 2.002 1.291 1.550 27. 5.201 2046.177 2051.378 3 1,611 1.734 1.270 1.365 28. 7.133 1936.598 1943.731 3 1,611 2.378 1.202 1.978 29. 4.112** 19.845 2591.837 2611.682 3 1,611 6.615 1.609 14 30. 46.106 2068.714 2114.820 3 1,611 15.36 9 1.284 11.968** 31 32 34 8.355 1.310 31. 25.065 2110.776 2135.841 3 1,611 6.377** 13 43 98

4.5 32. 16.601 2195.941 2212.542 3 1,611 5.534 1.363 4.060** 24 33. 7.598 2256.245 2263.843 3 1,611 2.533 1.401 1.808 34. 18.041 2145.597 2163.637 3 1,611 6.056 1.453 4.168** 12 35. 27.579 2244.842 2272.421 3 1,611 9.193 1.393 6.597** 41 42 43 18.169 2340.868 2359.037 3 1,611 6.056 4.168** 42 43 37. 3.865 2433.567 2437.433 3 1,611 1.288 1.511 0.853 3.549 709.082 712.631 3 1,611 1.183 0.440 2.688 1. 5.150 2511.045 2516.194 3 1,611 1.717 1.559 1.101 2. 13.893 2232.401 2246.293 3 1,611 4.631 1.386 3.342 3. 3.799 2227.399 2231.198 3 1,611 1.266 1.383 0.916 4. 8.427 2338.925 2347.352 3 1,611 2.809 1.452 1.935 5. 20.265 2589.713 2609.978 3 1,611 6.755 1.608 4.020* 42 6. 8.958 3092.959 3101.917 3 1,611 2.968 1.920 1.555 7. 23.373 2337.485 2360.858 3 1,611 7.791 1.451 5.370** 12 42 8. 24.508 2592.176 2616.684 3 1,611 8.169 1.609 5.077** 12 42 9. 11.221 2575.590 2586.811 3 1,611 3.740 1.599 2.340 10. 6.046 2583.068 2589.115 3 1,611 2.015 1.603 1.257 11. 22.592 2533.535 2556.126 3 1,611 7.531 1.573 4.788** 13 12. 10.554 1355.424 1365.682 3 3.518 0.877 1,611 4.011** 43 36. 1.453 99

4.5 13. 10.257 1365.682 1355.424 3 1,611 3.419 0.841 4.064** 41 14. 5.129 2067.682 1,611 20.72.811 3 1.710 1.283 1.332 15. 3.950 2325.577 2329.527 3 1,611 1.317 1.444 0.912 16. 3.473 1968.525 1971.998 3 1,611 1.158 1.222 0.947 6.660 2420.476 1,611 1.477 18. 1548.047 1552.189 1.437 4.412 3 1,611 1.381 0.961 19. 3.342 3 1,611 1833.182 1836.524 1.114 1.138 0.979 4.108 1,611 822.444 826.552 3 1.369 0.511 2.682 3.732 665.481 669.204 3 1,611 1.241 0.413 3.004 17. 2427.136 3 2.220 1.502 *p0.05**p0.01 1 2 3 4 4.6 t 100

4.6 N M SD t 1. 1,211 404 2.40 2.17 1.12 1.09 3.679* 2. 1,211 404 3.21 3.07 1.21 1.29 2.021* 3. 1.19 1,211 404 2.99 2.67 1.22 4.564* 4. 3.09 1,211 404 2.77 1.10 1.11 4.955* 5. 1,211 404 2.98 2.75 1.14 1.15 3.436* 6. 1,211 404 2.07 1.86 1.06 0.91 3.787* 7. 1,211 404 3.21 3.07 1.24 1.27 1.910 8. 1,211 404 2.81 2.60 1.20 1.16 3.075* 9. 1,211 404 3.00 2.88 1.23 1.25 1.658 10. 1,211 404 2.76 2.65 1.28 1.28 1.534 2.66 1.31 12. 1,211 404 2.28 2.29 1.15 1.18-0.046 13. 1,211 404 2.88 2.93 1.18 1.22-0.773 14. 1,211 404 2.38 2.24 1.16 15. 1,211 404 2.70 2.65 1.20 1.25 0.707 16. 1.816 1,211 404 3.11 2.98 1.22 1.25 17. 1,211 404 3.03 3.15 1.21 1.26-1.618 1,211 404 2.52 2.67 19. 1,211 404 2.88 2.94 1.26 1.27-0.821 11. 1,211 404 2.75 1.32 1.167 1.17 2.195* 18. 1.15 1.21-2.261* 101

4.6 1,211 404 2.99 20. 2.88 1.25 1.27-1.453 0.75 2.263* 1,211 404 2.80 2.70 0.75 21. 1,211 404 2.29 2.23 1.12 1.09 0.945 22. 1,211 404 2.22 2.24 1.12 1.17-0.302 23. 1,211 404 2.66 2.67 1.23 1.30-0.062 24. 1,211 404 2.15 2.10 1.06 1.07 0.842 25. 1,211 404 2.68 2.68 1.29 1.41 0.070 26. 1,211 404 2.27 2.29 1.11 1.21-0.287 27. 1,211 404 2.34 2.30 1.11 1.17 0.514 28. 1,211 404 2.38 2.22 1.11 1.04 2.644* 1,211 404 2.37 2.34 0.76 0.77 0.768 29. 1,211 404 3.24 3.40 1.25 1.32-2.096* 1.15 1.14-0.751 31. 1,211 404 2.64 2.57 1.15 1.15 1.007 32. 1,211 404 2.71 2.66 1.17 1.18 0.830 1,211 404 2.82 2.67 1.19 1.15 2.171* 34. 1,211 404 2.52 2.41 1.16 1.14 1.620 35. 1,211 404 2.83 2.68 1.18 1.21 2.130* 36. 1,211 404 2.91 2.82 1.20 1.24 1.282 37. 1,211 404 3.14 3.09 1.23 1.23 0.785 1,211 404 2.88 2.83 0.84 0.82 1,211 404 2.73 2.65 0.67 0.66 1.897 1. 1,211 404 3.05 2.99 1.25 1.24 0.806 1,211 404 3.28 1.257 1,211 404 3.25 1.18 1.16-1.012 1,211 1.21 1.20-0.260 5. 1,211 404 2.51 2.59 1.28 1.26-1.022 1,211 404 3.04 3.04 0.94 0.93-0.067 30. 1,211 404 3.10 3.15 33. 1.072 2. 3.20 1.17 1.20 3. 3.18 4. 404 3.17 3.19 102

4.6 6. 1,211 404 2.82 2.57 1.38 1.38 3.093* 7. 1,211 404 2.86 2.75 1.21 1.20 1.531 8. 1,211 404 2.70 2.59 1.29 1.23 1.599 9. 1,211 404 2.77 2.56 1.28 1.22 2.874* 10. 1,211 404 2.76 2.57 1.28 1.23 2.667* 11. 1.23 2.555* 1,211 404 2.50 2.31 1.27 1,211 404 2.73 2.56 1.03 0.97 3.021* 12. 1,211 404 1.78 1.60 0.98 0.80 3.676* 13. 1,211 404 1.72 1.58 0.95 0.82 2.882* 14. 1,211 404 2.10 2.00 1.13 1.14 1.510 15. 1,211 404 2.22 2.10 1.21 1.19 1.749 16. 1,211 404 2.03 1.91 1.11 1.08 2.003* 1,211 404 1.97 1.84 0.81 0.74 2.916* 17. 1,211 404 2.19 2.02 1.24 1.19 2.444* 18. 1,211 404 1.87 1.71 1.00 0.92 2.816* 19. 1,211 404 1.94 1.75 1.09 0.98 3.131* 1,211 404 2.00 1.83 0.97 0.90 3.150 1,211 404 2.50 2.38 0.73 0.68 2.852* 1,211 404 2.65 2.56 0.65 0.61 2.369* *p0.05 4.7 103


4.7 F SS df MS Scheff e 1. 39.704 4 9.926 8.117* 31 1968.881 1,610 1.223 41, 2 2008.585 51 2. 17.547 4 4.387 2428.451 1,610 1.508 2.908 2445.998 12.982 4 3.246 3. 2314.712 1,610 1.438 2.257 2327.694 14.214 4 3.553 4. 1993.585 1,610 1.238 2.870 2007.799 32.821 4 8.205 5. 2097.349 1,610 1.303 6.299* 41, 2 2130.170 6. 25.326 4 6.331 1681.223 1,610 1.044 6.063* 42, 3 1706.549 32.843 4 8.211 7. 2491.916 1,610 1.548 5.305* 31 2524.759 41 37.947 4 9.487 8. 2259.356 1,610 1.403 6.760* 3, 41 2297.303 51 28.264 4 7.067 9. 2448.994 1,610 1.521 4.646* 3, 4, 51 2477.261 11.673 4 2.918 10. 2636.429 1,610 1.638 1.782 2648.103 11. 3.107 4 0.777 2781.471 1,610 1.728 0.450 2784.578 4.421 4 1.105 12. 2156.558 1,610 1.339 0.825 2160.978 4.278 4 1.069 13. 2287.404 1,610 1.421 0.753 2291.682 14. 41.190 2136.937 4 10.297 1,610 1.327 7.758* 41, 2 2178.126 1.584 4 0.396 15. 2371.130 1,610 1.473 0.269 27.694 4 6.923 4.634* 16. 2405.319 1,610 1.494 3, 41 2433.013 2372.715 105

4.7 3.478 4 0.870 0.579 17. 2418.575 1,610 1.502 2422.503 18. 2193.902 4.550 4 1.138 0.835 1,610 1.363 2198.452 19. 8.797 4 2.199 1.384 2557.727 1,610 1.589 2566.524 20. 9.425 4 2.356 1.495 2538.194 1,610 1.577 2547.620 10.683 4 2.671 897.739 1,610 0.558 4.790* 4, 51 908.422 49.073 4 12.268 21. 1953.097 1,610 1.213 10.113* 41, 2 2002.170 51, 2 57.201 4 14.300 11.474 32 22. 2006.551 1,610 1.246 42 2063.752 51, 2, 3 23. 17.070 4 4.267 2.764 2486.014 1,610 1.544 2503.084 45.343 4 11.336 10.315* 32 24. 1769.231 1,610 1.099 41, 2 1814.573 52 25. 148.804 4 37.201 22.489* 31, 2 2663.243 1,610 1.654 41, 2, 3 2812.047 51, 2 26. 48.203 4 12.051 9.520* 32 2037.920 1,610 1.266 41, 2 2086.124 51, 2 27. 37.729 4 9.432 7.542 32 2013.649 1,610 1.251 41, 2 2051.378 52 14.099 4 3.525 2.941 28. 1929.633 1,610 1.199 1943.731 44.215 4 11.054 20.070* 31, 2 886.728 1,610 0.551 41, 2, 3 930.943 51, 2 29. 16.133 4 4.033 2.502 2595.549 1,610 1.612 2611.682 19.595 4 4.899 30. 2095.225 1,610 1.301 3.764* 41 2114.820 20.850 4 5.213 31. 2114.991 1,610 1.314 3.968* 41 2135.841 4.748 4 1.187 0.866 32. 2207.794 1,610 1.371 2212.542 33. 18.992 4 4.748 2244.851 1,610 1.394 3.405* 41 2263.843 34. 15.387 4 3.847 2.883 2148.250 1,610 1.334 2163.637 106

4.7 35. 61.456 4 15.364 11.188* 31 2210.965 1,610 1.373 41, 2, 3 2272.421 51, 2 36. 35.849 4 8.962 2323.188 1,610 1.443 6.211* 41, 2 2359.037 51 37. 11.408 4 2.852 1.893 2426.025 1,610 1.507 2437.433 16.963 4 4.241 6.232* 31 1095.645 1,610 0.681 41,2 1112.608 51 16.934 4 4.233 9.797* 31 695.697 1,610 0.432 41, 2 712.631 51, 2 14.872 4 3.718 2.393 1. 2501.323 1,610 1.554 2516.194 2. 28.741 4 7.185 5.217* 2217.552 1,610 1.377 4, 5 1 3. 2.848 2.066 1.379 3.513 2.424 2.171 2246.293 11.392 4 2219.805 1,610 2231.198 14.051 4 2333.301 1,610 2347.352 24.347 4 2585.631 1,610 2609.978 15.784 4 1412.384 1,610 1428.168 46.763 4 3055.154 1,610 3101.917 21.222 4 2339.636 1,610 2360.858 24.455 4 2592.228 1,610 2516.684 23.486 4 2563.325 1,610 2586.811 29.788 4 2559.326 1,610 2589.115 9.312 4 2546.814 1,610 2556.126 23.183 4 1643.950 1,610 1667.133 28.699 4 1394.934 1,610 1423.631 38.863 4 1326.818 1,610 1365.682 24.964 4 2047.847 1,610 2072.811 13.025 4 2316.502 1,610 2329.527 4 1961.418 1,610 1971.998 18.853 4 1010.116 1,610 1028.969 4. 1.449 5. 6. 6.087 1.606 3.946 0.877 11.691 1.898 3.790* 4.498* 6.161* 7. 1.453 8. 9. 5.305 6.114 1.610 5.872 1.592 10. 1.590 11. 12. 13. 7.447 2.328 1.582 5.796 1.021 7.175 0.866 3.651* 3.797 3.688* 4.685* 1.472 5.676* 8.281* 9.716 11.790* 0.824 14. 1.272 15. 16. 6.241 3.256 1.439 2.645 1.218 4.713 0.627 4.907* 2.263 7.512* 42 42 41,2 51 51 41 4, 51 4, 51 42, 3 52 42, 3 51, 2,3 51, 2,3 42 51, 2, 3 107

4.7 17. 2419.657 1,610 1.503 7.478 1.244 2427.136 14.943 4 3.736 3.913* 1537.246 1,610 0.955 1552.189 9.062 4 2.266 1.996 1827.462 1,610 1.135 1836.524 8.869 4 2.217 2.430 1468.933 1,610 0.912 1477.801 15.806 4 3.951 7.847* 810.746 1,610 0.504 826.552 15.939 4 3.985 653.265 1,610 0.406 669.204 18. 19. 4 1.870 52 41,2 51, 2, 3 9.820* 31 41, 2, 3 51, 2 108

4.8 MS SS df F Scheff e 1. 11.279 1997.305 2008.585 7 1,607 1.611 1.243 1.296 2. 15.003 2430.994 2445.998 7 1,607 2.143 1.513 1.417 3. 2306.594 1.435 21.100 2327.694 7 1,607 3.014 2.100 4. 10.239 1997.560 2007.799 7 1,607 1.463 1.243 1.177 5. 9.898 2120.272 2130.170 7 1,607 1.414 1.319 0.379 6. 8.269 1698.280 1706.549 7 1,607 1.181 1.057 1.118 7. 12.380 2512.379 2524.759 7 1,607 1.769 1.563 1.131 8. 25.401 2271.902 2297.303 7 1,607 3.629 1.414 2.567 9. 2469.799 7.462 2477.261 7 1,607 1.066 1.537 0.694 10. 10.559 1,607 1.508 0.919 2637.544 2648.103 7 1.641 7.325 2777.253 2784.578 7 1.728 0.606 12. 2.112 2158.866 2160.978 7 1,607 0.302 1.343 0.225 13. 7.697 2283.984 2291.682 0.774 7 1,607 1.100 1.421 16.712 2161.414 2.387 1.345 1.775 15. 4.764 2372.715 1.474 0.462 2367.951 7 1,607 0.681 12.138 2420.875 2433.013 1,607 1.734 17. 9.805 2412.248 2422.053 7 1,607 1.401 1.501 0.933 18. 10.360 2188.092 2198.452 7 1,607 1.480 1.362 1.087 19. 6.966 2559.558 2566.524 7 1,607 0.995 1.593 0.625 20. 15.135 2532.485 2547.620 7 1,607 2.162 1.576 1.372 4.540 903.882 908.422 7 1,607 0.649 0.562 1.153 11. 1,607 1.046 14. 2178.126 7 1,607 16. 7 1.506 1.151 109

4.8 21. 15.803 1986.367 2002.170 7 1,607 2.258 1.236 1.826 22. 27.198 2036.554 2063.752 7 1,607 3.885 1.267 3.066 23. 1.644 17.797 2485.286 2503.084 7 1,607 2.542 1.547 24. 33.855 1780.718 1814.573 7 1,607 4.836 1.108 4.365* 51 25. 62.594 2749.453 2812.047 7 1,607 8.942 1.711 5.226* 4, 53 6, 83 26. 18.912 2067.212 2086.124 7 1,607 2.702 1.286 2.100 27. 27.194 2024.184 2051.378 7 1,607 3.885 1.260 3.084 28. 5.822 1937.909 1943.731 7 1,607 0.832 1.206 0.690 16.666 914.277 930.943 7 1,607 2.381 0.569 4.185 29. 14.750 2596.932 2611.682 7 1.616 1.304 1,607 2.107 30. 16.245 2098.574 2114.820 7 1,607 2.321 1.306 1.777 31. 11.124 2124.717 2135.841 7 1,607 1.589 1.322 1.202 32. 21.738 2190.804 2212.542 7 1,607 3.105 1.363 2.278 33. 10.894 2252.949 2263.843 7 1,607 1.556 1.402 1.110 1.081 34. 10.138 2153.500 2163.637 7 1,607 1.448 1.340 35. 24.379 1.399 2.490 2248.042 2272.421 7 1,607 3.483 21.111 2337.926 2359.037 7 1,607 1.455 2.073 37. 8.354 2429.078 2437.433 7 1,607 1.193 8.348 1104.260 1112.608 7 1,607 1.193 0.687 1.736 5.585 707.046 712.631 7 1,607 0.798 0.440 1.813 36. 3.016 1.512 0.790 110

4.8 1. 7.817 2508.378 2516.194 7 1,607 1.117 1.561 0.715 2. 16.386 2229.908 2246.293 7 1,607 2.341 1.388 1.687 3. 9.961 2221.236 2231.198 7 1,607 1.423 1.382 1.030 4. 3.419 2343.934 2347.352 7 1,607 0.488 1.459 0.335 5. 19.876 2590.102 2609.978 1,607 7 2.839 1.612 1.762 7.272 1.175 1420.896 1428.168 7 1,607 1.039 0.884 6. 15.384 3086.533 3101.917 7 1,607 2.198 1.921 1.144 7. 11.200 2349.659 2360.85 7 1,607 1.600 1.462 1.094 8. 9.095 2607.589 2616.684 7 1,607 1.299 1.623 0.801 9. 20.434 2566.377 2586.811 7 1,607 2.919 1.597 1.828 10. 27.118 2561.997 2589.115 7 1,607 3.874 1.594 2.430 11. 10.885 2545.241 2556.126 7 1,607 1.555 1.584 0.982 12.060 1655.073 1667.133 7 1,607 1.723 1.030 1.673 12. 12.672 1410.959 1423.631 7 1,607 1.810 0.878 2.062 13. 9.861 1355.821 1365.682 7 1,607 1.409 0.844 1.670 14. 13.764 2059.047 2072.811 7 1,607 1.966 1.281 1.535 15. 10.137 2319.390 2329.527 7 1,607 1.448 1.443 1.003 16. 13.759 1958.239 1971.998 7 1,607 1.966 1.219 1.613 9.825 1019.143 1028.969 7 1,607 1.404 0.634 2.213 17. 7.664 2419.472 2427.136 7 1,607 1.095 1.506 0.727 8.623 1543.566 1552.189 7 1,607 1.232 0.961 1.283 18. 111

4.8 19. 8.198 1828.326 1836.524 7 1,607 6.851 1470.950 1477.801 7 1,607 0.979 0.915 1.069 7.968 818.584 826.552 7 1,607 1.138 0.509 2.235 6.095 663.109 669.204 7 1,607 0.871 0.413 2.110 1.171 1.138 1.029 87 91 93 91 112

87 64 113

83 85 91 74 74 114

93 93 91 91 93 85 91 115






叁 91 91 93 121




叁 125

76 10 42-43 85 80 90 223-274 93 94 1 15 http://csyue.nccu.edu.tw/emba931week4.pdf 76 84 81 3-7 74 91-120 78-79 87 88 29 6-10 94 1 15 http://www.lrd.stu.edu.tw/data/%c0%b3%a5%ce%b2%ce%adp%be%c 7%28%A9%E2%BC%CB%29.2004.doc 127

87 83 12 81-94 (T. L. Good & J. E. Brophy ) 89 咏 78 12 239-264 93 -- 93.2.23 77 12 21 93 84 77 27 15-15 82 77 9 129-131 92.6.8 A2 (G. H. Bower & E. R. Hilgard ) 79 79 402 30-31 94 91 128

90 32 237-254 91 90 422 2-10 85 2 33-34 91 85 71 89 85 91 82 9-15 93 10 2 http://teach.eje.edu.tw/9cc/brief/brief7.php (87) 88 93c 129

9493 94 6 15 http://www.edu.tw/edu_web/edu_mgt/statistics/edu7220001/data/ 93/basej.htm 89 7 19-42 74 5 116-117 90 66 41 13-16 89 -- 88 101 47-48 91-432 41-48 88 71 1-13 80 85 80 19-22 91 432 10-19 60 181 8-10 90 532 63-68 130

81 93 66-72 83 93 92 91 82 92 82 11 29-48 75 6 30-31 79 15-19 93 10 11 93 77 2467 2-11 79 3 919-372 131

88 379 4-9 92 546 120-135 86 2 134-136 72 92 5 16 93 1 9 86 92 437 32-34 82 184 79-84 77 18 10-12 93a 178 59-60 93b 92 92 441 25-29 90 8-17 84 38 76-83 132

82 64 1212 7-13 84 4 411-446 74 79 261 27-34 92 83 30 88-93 82 38 374-384 93 503-521 89 71 45 23-27 92 177 30-33 93 133

92 441 25-29 77 2467 28-31 91-31 31-37 79 37 13-15 93 524-551 90 ---- 92 208 7-18 91 6 18 91 134

Bos,C.S.,& Vaughn,S.1994. Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems.boston:allyn & Bacon. Coleman, J.S.1998. Equality of educational opportunity. Salem, NH: Ayer. McCown, R, Driscoll, M. & Roop, P. G.1996. Education Psychology: A Learning-centered Approach to Classroom Practice. Boston: Allyn& Bacon. Naparstek, N.1995. The learning solution. NY: Aron Books. Nielsen, L.1996. Adolescence: A contemporary view. Fort worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 135

0923272548 1. 2. 1. 2. 1.2. 3. 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 5. 6.7.8... 137

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1. 2. 1. 2. 0923272548 1.2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2.3.4. 140

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