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屋宇裝備工程學高級文憑修讀期五個學期 ( 每學年一般修讀 2 至 3 個學期 ) 上課形式全日制開辦分校 / 上課地點 IVE( 摩理臣山 ) 入學條件持中六 ( 新高中學制 ) 學歷 : 香港中學文憑考試五科成績達第二級或以上, 包括英國語文 中國語文及數學 ; 或 VTC 中專教育文憑 ; 或同等學歷 備註 : 1. 香港中學文憑考試之應用學習科目成績取得 達標 / 達標並表現優異 的水平於申請入學時會被視為相等於香港中學文憑考試達 第二級 / 第三級 ; 最多計算兩科應用學習科目 2. 香港中學文憑考試選修科目中的丙類科目 : 其他語言科目成績取得 D 或 E 級 /C 級或以上 於申請入學時會被視為相等於香港中學文憑考試 第二級 / 第三級, 只計算一科其他語言科目 3. 持中專教育文憑學銜並完成有關升學的指定單元, 可報讀高級文憑課程 持中七學歷 : 香港高級程度會考一科高級程度科目 / 兩科高級補充程度科目達 E 級或以上及香港中學會考五科成績達 E 級 / 二級或以上, 包括英國語文 中國語文及數學 [ 在 2006 年或以前應考香港中學會考英國語文, 成績須達 E 級 ( 課程乙 )/C 級 ( 課程甲 ) 或以上 ] ; 或同等學歷 課程宗旨課程內容 備註 : 於 2010 年或以前成功修畢一科獲教育局質素認可 應用學習課程 的畢業生, 所持資歷可獲認可相當於一科香港中學會考科目及格 本課程旨在為學生提供所需的知識及技能, 以備他們日後晉身屋宇裝備工程行業 亦有助提升學生的思考 批判 創造及語言能力, 令他們可以獨立處理問題之餘, 亦有團體精神 本課程著重通識教育 語文訓練 全人發展和職場工作體驗, 為學生畢業後繼續升學或就業作更佳裝備 第一學期 : 英文傳意 : 職場對話 英文傳意 : 書信寫作 全人發展 : 自我提升 資訊科技精要 - 服務 工程科學 ( 一 ) 及 ( 二 ) 第二學期 : 工程數學 ( 一 ) 工程安全及環境關注 屋宇裝備繪圖 電器裝備基礎

英文傳意 : 推廣文書寫作 職業中文傳意 ( 一 ): 普通話對話與匯報 全人發展 : 團隊策動 電器裝置 ( 一 ) 第三學期 : 英文傳意 : 書面報告 職業中文傳意 ( 三 ): 普通話報告與紀實文書 全人發展 : 國際視野 電器裝置 ( 二 ) 第四學期 : 英文傳意 : 口頭匯報 全人發展 : 事業發展 營造管理及督導技能 選修單元 ( 四選二 ): 冷氣技術 管道及消防安全裝置 ( 一 ) 屋宇技術 屋宇裝備軟件應用 屋宇裝備設計 ( 一 ) 工程實習 ( 屋宇裝備 ) 調試及保養 室內環境及冷氣系統 屋宇裝備設計 ( 二 ) 就業 管道及消防安全裝置 ( 二 ) 電器裝備及屋宇管理系統 屋宇保養及翻新 第五學期 : 屋宇能源管理 共同選修單元 職場實習 工業專題學生習作 畢業生可投身各項的基建及建築相關工程, 包括新發展項目 舊區重建 樓宇復修及現樓維修保養 工作性質包括屋宇裝備設計及裝置, 以至設施管理 本課程多元化的訓練令畢業生較不受建造業興衰的影響, 近年屋宇裝備工程學高級文憑畢業生的就業率近 100% 畢業生可獲各類公營和私營機構聘用, 如屋宇裝備工程顧問公司及承辦商 物業發展及管理公司 總承建商 設備供應商及政府部門等等 本課程亦推出學生實習計劃, 盡量安排學生在畢業年的最後一個學期全職在業界實習, 增加就業機會, 並達至 無縫 就業的目的 銜接安排畢業生可報讀下列課程 : 1. 香港理工大學屋宇裝備工程 ( 榮譽 ) 工程學士 2. 香港城市大學建築工程學 ( 榮譽 ) 學士 ( 屋宇裝備工程 ) 3. 香港大學機械工程 ( 屋宇裝備工程 )( 榮譽 ) 工程學士 4. 香港科技大學機械工程 ( 屋宇裝備 )( 榮譽 ) 工程學士 視乎畢業生的個別情況, 在入讀上述學位課程時, 可申請不同程度的學分豁免 畢業生一般亦可報讀海外大學第二年相關學位課程, 如英國紐卡素洛森比亞大學屋宇

專業認可 裝備工程 ( 榮譽 ) 工程學士 在舊學制下之屋宇裝備工程學高級文憑均獲香港工程師學會評審及認可, 畢業生會符合該會仲會員之學術要求 此五個學期之課程由現有的課程發展而成, 相信亦會被香港工程師學會認可

Higher Diploma in Building Services Engineering Duration of Study 5 semesters (Normally 2 to 3 semesters during one academic year) Mode of Study Full Time Offering Campus IVE ( Morrison Hill ) Entrance Holder of S6 (NSS) Qualification : Requirements Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English Language, Chinese Language and Mathematics; or VTC Diploma in Vocational Education; or Equivalent Remarks: 1. Applicants possessing "Attained / Attained with Distinction" performance in an HKDSE Applied Learning (ApL) subject are deemed to have attained "Level 2 / Level 3" respectively in one HKDSE subject and a maximum of two ApL subjects can be counted for admission purpose. 2. "Grade D or E / Grade C or above" in HKDSE Elective Subject Category C other language subjects will be regarded as having attained "Level 2 / Level 3" respectively in HKDSE and one category C subject can be counted for admission purpose. 3. Holders of DVE award upon successful completion of prescribed modules are eligible to apply for Higher Diploma Programmes. Holder of S7 Qualification: One HKALE A-Level subject / Two AS-Level subjects at Grade E or above and Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E / Level 2 or above, including English Language, Chinese Language and Mathematics [HKCEE English Language taken in 2006 or before should be at Grade E or above in Syllabus B / Grade C or above in Syllabus A]; or Equivalent Programme Aims Remark: Successful completion of one Education Bureau s Applied Learning (ApL) course on or before 2010 was recognised as comparable to one HKCEE subject pass. The programme aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to pursue a career in the Building Services Engineering Industry. The equally important aim is to develop students' abilities to think clearly, assess problems critically, view work creatively and communicate effectively when working independently or as members of a team. This programme is designed with an emphasis on generic and language training, whole-person development and workplace experience to better prepare students for further studies and employment after graduation. Curriculum Semester 1: Workplace Interaction Workplace Correspondence Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Safety and Environmental Awareness Building Services Drawing

Whole Person Development : Self-efficacy Enhancement Information Technology Essentials Services Engineering Science I & II Semester 2: Promotional Materials Vocational Chinese Communication I : Putonghua Conversation and Reports Whole Person Development : SMART in Action Electrical Installation I Semester 3: Reports Vocational Chinese Communication III : Putonghua Presentations, Administrative and Technical Text Writing Whole Person Development : Global Vision Electrical Installation II Semester 4: Persuasive Presentations Whole Person Development : Integrated Career Development Construction Management and Supervisory Skills 2 out of 4 Electives : Electrical Services Fundamentals HVAC Technology Piped Services and Fire Safety Installations I Building Technology BS Software Applications BS System Design I Practical Training (Building Services) Commissioning and Maintenance Indoor Environment and HVAC Systems BS System Design II Career Prospects Piped Services and Fire Safety Installations II Electrical Services and Building Management Systems Building Maintenance and Renovation Semester 5: Energy Management in Buildings Common Elective Module Industrial Attachment Industry Based Student Project Graduates can work in various areas of infrastructure development and construction related projects including new developments, urban renewal projects, maintenance and upgrading of existing services. Nature of work varies from building services design and installation to

facility management. The multi-skill training offered by the programme renders graduates less vulnerable to fluctuations in the construction industry. The average employment rate in recent years is near 100%. Graduates can be employed in both private and public organisations, e.g. building services consultants and contractors, property development and management companies, main contractors, suppliers and government departments. A student placement programme is built in the programme with students being placed as far as possible to work full-time in industry during the last semester of study. This helps to achieve the objective of "seamless employment". Articulation Graduates can apply for admission to the following courses : 1. BEng (Hons) in Building Services Engineering offered by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2. BEng (Hons) in Building Engineering (Building Services Engineering) offered by the City University of Hong Kong 3. BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering (Building Services Engineering) offered by the University of Hong Kong 4. BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering (Building Services) offered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Upon admission to the above local degree courses, graduates can apply for credit exemption. The level of exemption will be considered on individual basis. Professional Recognition Graduates can also apply for admission to oversea universities and direct entry to the second year of study is generally accepted. Example includes BEng (Hons) in Building Services Engineering offered by the University of Northumbria, UK. The former HD in BSE courses were accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) as satisfying the academic requirements for Associate Member. This 5-semester programme has been developed based on the former programmes. The Department will actively seek accreditation from HKIE and it is expected that accreditation can be granted.