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2012 年 4 月 至 6 月 活 動 一 覽 月 份 計 劃 / 項 目 活 動 4 月 竹 園 中 心 活 動 竹 園 中 心 開 放 日 暨 沒 有 巴 掌 日 嘉 年 華 :4 月 28 日 v 迎 新 會 :4 月 21 日 童 歡 部 落 v 義 工 服 務 :5 月 27 日 v 小


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GUOTAI JUNAN INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 410,000,000 41,000, ,000, %0.004% 0.005% D % 0.004%0.005%

Background 2006 年 2 月 我 国 新 企 业 会 计 准 则 的 颁 布, 标 志 着 与 国 际 惯 例 趋 同 的 中 国 新 会 计 准 则 体 系 的 建 立, 自 2007 年 1 月 1 日 起 首 先 在 境 内 上 市 的 公 司 施 行, 自 2008 年 1 月



2004... 1... 1... 2... 5... 8... 12... 13... 14... 22... 23... 27... 73 1

2004 1 2 3 4 1 INNER MONGOLIA YITAI COAL COMPANY LIMITED IMYCC 2 3 0477-8565758 0477-8565415 E-mail 0477-8565735 0477-8565415 E-mail 4 017000 Http:// 5 Http:// B B B 900948 6 1997 9 23 2004 12 6 000511 152702626402490 10 1

2004 : : 409,253,031.09 348,667,495.24 410,837,146.80 1,795,979,085.45 17,416,399.27 491,525,008.45-1,793,726.60-80,478,250.76 651,088,416.34-117,795,156.52 : : 348,667,495 72,502,516 901,623,882 1,205,067,933 29,709,378 29,709,378 5,140,489 2,372,894-52,089,008-46,948,519 115,550 13,622,206-1,553,843-1,438,293 40,459 304,880 516,434-1,937,241-1,632,362 108,029 108,029-5,104,361-4,996,332 1,407,737-5,599,973 1,407,737 569,718-1,509,000-1,509,000-1,303,445 382,641,113 84,132,283 840,939,429 1,179,660,542 1. 2004 29,709,378 2. 62,242,608 2004 2004 5,140,489 46,948,519 3. 2004 47,086 (A) 2004 2004 68,464 (B). 2004 A+B= 115,550-1,438,293 2

2004 4. 2004 5. IAS22 2004 304,880-1,632,362 6. 6,200,000 50 2004 108,029-4,996,332 7. 7,939 (C) 1,415,676 (D) 2004 D-C= 1,407,737 8. 2003 569,718 2004 9. -1,509,000 10. -1,303,445 : : 70,273,816.03-26,869.80 2,284,434.73-10,361,729.40 62,169,651.56 : : 2003 2002 2004 (%) 2,568,898,402.08 1,679,253,538.70 1,679,253,538.70 52.98 1,147,229,961.70 1,147,229,961.70 409,253,031.09 85,574,911.54 85,574,911.54 378.24 78,078,741.32 78,078,741.32 348,667,495.24 72,502,515.86 72,502,515.86 380.9 68,328,792.87 68,328,792.87 410,837,146.80 89,639,486.30 89,639,486.30 358.32 73,659,773.55 73,659,773.55 2003 2002 2004 (%) 2,952,061,973.89 1,654,404,640.75 1,654,404,640.75 78.44 1,483,862,462.02 1,483,862,462.02 1,205,067,932.80 901,623,882.47 901,623,882.47 33.66 869,340,907.46 829,080,907.46 651,088,416.34 205,780,360.72 205,780,360.72 216.40 189,379,732.16 189,379,732.16 2004 2003 2002 3

2004 (%) 0.95 0.20 0.20 375 0.19 0.19 28.93 8.04 8.04 20.89 7.86 8.24 % 34.09 9.94 9.94 24.15 8.47 8.88 % 1.78 0.56 0.56 217.86 0.52 0.52 0.95 0.20 0.20 375 0.19 0.19 1.12 0.24 0.24 366.67 0.20 0.20 1.12 0.24 0.24 366.67 0.20 0.20 33.20 8.25 8.25 302.42 8.53 8.26 % 39.11 10.20 10.20 283.43 8.81 8.91 % 2003 2002 2004 (%) 3.29 2.46 2.46 33.74 2.38 2.27 3.18 2.37 2.37 34.18 2.27 2.15 4

2004 9 : : % 149.04 170.99 4.91 4.91 40.79 46.80 1.34 1.34 28.93 33.20 0.95 0.95 34.09 39.11 1.12 1.12 1 : : 366,000,000 412,468,660.30 26,191,586.07 13,095,793.00 83,867,843.1 901,623,882.47 34,866,749.52 17,433,374.76 348,667,495.24 400,967,619.52 96,220,124.28 96,220,124.28 366,000,000 412,468,660.30 61,058,335.59 30,529,167.76 336,315,214.06 1,205,067,932.80 2 5 3 2003 2003 4392 2004 1 : 1 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 2 3 4 200,000,000 200,000,000 1 2 166,000,000 166,000,000 5

2004 3 4 166,000,000 166,000,000 366,000,000 366,000,000 2 (1) : : 1997-07-13 0.4073 166,000,000 1997-08-08 166,000,000 (2) (3) 1 24,529 1 B 24,528 2 : ( ) (%) 0 200,000,000 54.64 HTHK-VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT 7,053,514 7,053,514 1.93 FUNDS-CHINA B SHARE FUND SKANDIA GLOBAL FUNDS PLC 243,717 3,623,682 0.99 VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT FUNDS- 3,458,499 3,458,499 0.94 CHINESE MAINLAND FOCUS FUND GUOTAL JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG 2,733,936 2,733,936 0.75 KONG) LIMITED HTHK S/A MANULIFE GLOBAL FUND-CHINA VALUE 2,310,728 2,310,728 0.63 MERRILL LYNCH FAR EAST LIMITED 2,016,956 2,229,906 0.61 TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LTD. A/C CLIENT 1,582,843 1,858,105 0.51 SCBSH A/C GOLDEN CHINA FUND 1,848,968 1,848,968 0.51 1,676,608 1,676,608 0.46 6

2004 3 1 330,430,000 1988 5 14 5% ( " ") 20,000, 54.64% 1988 33043 2 3 4 7

2004 5 A B H HTHK-VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT FUNDS-CHINA B SHARE FUND 7,053,514 B SKANDIA GLOBAL FUNDS PLC 3,623,682 B VALUE PARTNERS INTELLIGENT FUNDS-CHINESE MAINLAND FOCUS FUND 3,458,499 B GUOTAL JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG KONG) LIMITED 2,733,936 B HTHK S/A MANULIFE GLOBAL FUND-CHINA VALUE 2,310,728 B MERRILL LYNCH FAR EAST LIMITED 2,229,906 B TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LTD. A/C CLIENT 1,858,105 B SCBSH A/C GOLDEN CHINA FUND 1,848,968 B 1,676,608 B SCBHK A/C KG INVESTMENTS ASIA ASIA LIMITED 1,576,323 B 1 : 34 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 49 2004-08-16 2007-05-25 0 0 0 41 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 46 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 38 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 42 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 51 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 58 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 49 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 51 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 39 2004-08-16 2007-05-25 0 0 0 52 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 48 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 45 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 45 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 8

2004 36 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 44 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 38 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 46 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 36 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 46 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 52 2004-10-29 2007-05-25 0 0 0 40 2004-10-29 2007-05-25 0 0 0 35 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 45 2004-05-25 2007-05-25 0 0 0 (1) 1999 7 2001 3 2001 3 2003 4 2003 4 2004 6 2004 6 (2) 1998 1 2002 3 1997 8 2004 8 2002 3 2004 8 2004 8 (3) 1999 7 2001 3 2001 4 2003 4 2002 3 2004 6 2001 12 (4) 1997 8 2001 12 1999 7 2001 12 2001 12 2001 12 2004 7 (5) 1999 7 26 2002 10 2004 5 2004 10 2002 10 2004 6 2004 6 (6) 2002 1 2004 5 2003 12 2004 7 2004 7 (7) 1993 2001 (8) 1983 2000 12 2001 1 (9) 1991 7, (10) 1997 8 2002 4 1999 7 2001 12 2001 12 2004 5 2004 5 (11) 1999 4 2000 12 2000 2 2002 11 (12) 1999 7 1999 7 2002 1 2002 1 9

2004 (13) 1999 7 2002 10 2001 3 2002 10 (14) 2001 2 2002 2 2002 2 2003 6 2003 6 (15) 1998 6 2001 4 2001 4 2002 2 2002 2004 7 (16) 1999 3 1999 12 1999 12 2002 3 (17) 2000 11 2002 2 2003 2 2003 9 2003 9 2004 4 (18) 1998 3 2001 3 2001 3 2004 7 (19) 1999 7 2000 7 2001 7 2002 7 (20) 2001 2004 2004 (21) 1997 12 2002 2 2002 2 (22) 2003 5 2004 2 2004 3 2004 10 2003 4 (23) 2002 10 2004 10 2004 10 (24) 1997 7 1999 7 1999 7 2001 3 2001 (25) 1997 2002 1997 8 2 2004-06-15 2001-12-14 2001-12-14 2004-06-15 2004-09-20 2004-02-23 2002-01-31 2004-07-12 2002-11-20 10

2004 2004-07-16 1 2 * * 1+ *10000 * * 1+ *10000 50% 3 : : 9,126,548 2,580,000 1,320,000 36,000 0 1000 600 4 500,000-1,000,000 8 300,000-500,000 7 10,000-100,000 10 2004 10 28 2004 10 29 1,316 81 1 153 507 11

2004 355 162 134 2 12 135 532 642, 1 5 5 0 0 5 4 1 0 5 5 0 0 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 12

2004 5) 1) 2004 4 20 2004-002, 00 2004 5 25 00 2004 5 25 00 20 201,239,500 54.98 % 1 200,000,000 54.64 % 19 1,239,500 0.34 % 2) 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 62% 3) 2004 5 26 29 1) 1 2004 2004 8 16 8 30 2004 7 15 2004-011 B12 10 201,477,600 55.04 % 1 200,000,000 54.64 % 9 1,477,600 0.40 % 2) 13

2004 3) 2004 8 17 360 4000 713.84 16.16 653.19 2.51% 1240.72 17.47% 720.18 520.54 256,889.84 52.98% 179,597.91 49.3 % 34,866.75 38,264.11 380.9% 354.81% 54.87% 44.83% 10.04 71% 61% 143% 128% 0.72 0.67 14

2004 7.91 6.84 1.07 13.43 9.91 3.52 65,108.84 1 (1) (2) : : (%) (%) 2,501,195,730.91 97.36 1,774,708,633.00 98.82 18,402,205.85 0.72 12,679,965.79 0.71 184,137.78 0.01 158,397.44 0.01 44,657,592.45 1.74 21,446,038.01 1.19 4,458,735.09 0.17 2,534,629.27 0.14 : / / / / 2,568,898,402.08 (3) : : (%) (%) : / / / / (4) : : (%) (%) 957,907,149.60 1,064,945,386.18 120,847,619.46 413,914,831.92 11,222,814.17 60,600.75 : 15

2004 / / / / 2,568,898,402.08 (5) 98 (6) 10% : : (%) 2,501,195,730.91 726,487,097.91 70.95 (7) 2003 10 2004 5 62% 2004 12 1 (8), 2 (1) : : 85,400,000 166,843,982.74-35,499,095.48 300,000,000 924,986,242.34 30,360,436.75 8540 87.12% 3129.06 4,663,100 79.24% 14.9% 5.86% 2000 1764.8 88.24% 2003 " " 16

2004 2004 5 31 1548 84 2004 3 15 1000 900 90% 100 10% GMP 4473.95 3549.9 2004 5 62% 2004 11 30 10430 12 650.68 42.27 12,690.45 3036.04 33.94 295.2 1477 2005 5 17,639.78 (2) 10% 18000 30% 10800 2005 7200 2004 4 2005 9 2006 5 3 : : 66,731,415.86 (%) 19.84 994,186,312.65 (%) 38.70 4, 17

2004 5 2,175,746,000 2,568,898,402 2,026,339,900 2,079,241,213 2004 664 700 1185 713.84 653.19 1240.72 491,710,676.28 361,193,676.28 276.74 1 2 1) 113,000,000 2003 2004 10 2) 66,000,000 2004 10 3) 8,115,196.82 300 1200 2005 4) 14,457,388.27 360 2563 2005 2006 : : 2,952,061,973.89 1,654,404,640.75 1,297,657,333.14 78.44 1,795,979,085.45 1,202,920,313.67 593,058,771.78 49.30 348,667,495.24 72,502,515.86 276,164,979.38 380.90-117,795,156.52 239,843,333.20-357,638,489.72-149.11 1,205,067,932.80 901,623,882.47 303,444,050.33 33.66 (1) (2) (3) (4) 50354.21 26534.15 18

2004 (5) 30 12 913 25--40 10--20 10--15 5--8 2970, 8 5 2738.7 2004 1 1 2004 119 5 9.5 2004 6 1 12 31 400 2000 2760 4760 [2004]87 [2004]248 [2004]1563 BOT BOT 2004 10 1 2032 9 30 4500 4000 600 12 20 1582 BOT 2005 750 660 726 450 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1) 2004 4 16 9 7 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 19

2004 2003 2004 2004 62% 2004 OO OO 2004-002 2004 4 20 38 2) 2004 5 25 9 8 2004-008 2004 5 26 29 3) 2004 7 14 9 7 OO 2004 8 16 OO 2004-011 2004 7 15 B12 4) 2004 8 16 9 8 2004-014 2004 8 17 C 5) 2004 10 28 9 7 OO 2004-016 2004 10 29 2 (1) " (2) 2004 7 3 B 2004 7 7 2004 7 8 2004 7 12 2004 7 19 2003 36600 10 1.2 B 5 26 1 8.2769 0.014498 2004 7 19 2004 348,667,495.24 382,641,113.35 10% 34,866,749.52 5% 17,433,374.76 296,367,370.95 330,340,989.07 20

2004 83,867,843.10 104,633,411.96 2003 43,920,000.00 336,315,214.05 391,054,401.03 336,315,214.06 36600 10 7 256,200,000.00 80,115,214.06 134,854,401.03 B 2004 2004 [2003]56 2004 2004 48450.90 3958.69 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 1 2 3 4 5 : : 0 48,450.90 48,450.90 0 2004 48450.90 3958.69 2004 12 31 [2003]56 " " 2004 21

2004 2004 48,450.90 3,958.69 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 1 2 3 4 5 2004 2004 12 31 2005 4 12 1 2004 4 16 11 9 9 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004-003 38 2 2004 5 25 11 9 7 2004-009 29 3 2004 11 9 OO 6222 4,990,783.33 1.8 2000 1000 2004-012 B12 2004 22

2004 2004 62% 48,450.90 3958.69 1 ( ) 0.15 57,443,078.09 100 0.15 23

2004 8,723,186.29 309,973.20 4,093,295.43 2005 2 62% 35,873.61 2004 1004 [2004] 065 30,460.48 35,873.61, 2004 4 20 2003 62% 2004 1004 [2004] 065 2003 12 31 30,460.48 51,564.14 57,860.66 35873.61 50% 50% -- 2004 12 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 12,514,207.44 2001 2002 2,650,232.00 2003 12 31 15,164,439.44 15,164,439.44 62%=9,401,952.45 2004 1-11 358,736,026.98-9,401,952.45+29,458,661.16 62%=367,598,444.45 2004 12 31 10430 3 450 500 500 2004 12 500 450 90% 50 10% 4 : : 48,450.90 0 0 0 0 / / 24

2004 48,450.90 1 2 3 4 2003-09-26 2,000 2003-08-15 900 2004-12-28 2,000 2003-06-27 1,000 0 0 : : 2003-09-26 2008-09-12 2003-08-15 2007-08-15 2004-12-28 2005-11-21 2003-06-27 2005-06-25 2,000 5,900 5,900 4.9 50 0 70 0 50 0 5 25

2004 6 5% 5% 500,000 3 550,000 4 1,050,000 3 1,100,000 4 1998 1998 1999 2000 2003 26

2004 ( ) 2004 12 31 2004 2004 12 31 2004 2004 4 12 27

2004 2004 12 31 : : : 425,207,392.12 354,250,228.86 414,039,283.72 319,947,462.83 1,740,250.00 837,500.00 1,740,250.00 837,500.00 17,164,325.82 10,630,000.00 17,164,325.82 10,630,000.00 173,752,820.00 208,780,374.45 155,887,495.10 188,884,900.45 23,049,013.02 36,779,045.72 24,950,039.76 106,087,000.88 11,008,390.82 44,069,622.58 7,445,020.46 37,567,543.90 74,907,433.33 116,587,603.81 59,834,408.39 97,547,479.05 25,297,460.11 22,021,998.05 25,292,543.71 21,759,939.37 752,127,085.22 793,956,373.47 706,353,366.96 783,261,826.48 2,529,963.45 278,094,231.98 34,039,195.44 481,826,793.64 2,529,963.45 278,094,231.98 34,039,195.44 481,826,793.64 908,979,596.77 1,865,593,574.10 795,540,392.09 954,879,136.38 188,874,065.72 376,750,091.92 178,728,823.29 278,557,832.65 720,105,531.05 1,488,843,482.18 616,811,568.80 676,321,303.73 7,135,106.51 8,367,268.67 5,902,140.74 7,920,000.00 712,970,424.54 1,480,476,213.51 610,909,428.06 668,401,303.73 85,280,667.67 245,798,845.59 85,280,667.67 75,494,268.54 798,251,092.21 1,726,275,059.10 696,190,095.73 743,895,572.27 96,672,865.35 141,117,242.46 81,125,626.25 126,192,420.78 28

2004 4,823,634.52 12,619,066.88 101,496,499.87 153,736,309.34 81,125,626.25 126,192,420.78 1,654,404,640.75 2,952,061,973.89 1,517,708,284.38 2,135,176,613.17 282,053,400.00 202,053,000.00 232,053,400.00 44,053,000.00 12,000,000.00 90,450,000.00 12,000,000.00 90,450,000.00 63,265,113.35 138,842,085.03 46,053,709.83 123,531,427.89 32,961,737.21 14,208,027.28 32,314,027.87 11,258,443.72 13,680,395.18 18,250,140.36 13,638,782.77 14,979,173.35 1,781,741.78 3,695,229.61 27,185,416.94 61,933,229.79 27,206,420.93 59,762,546.01 69,990.04 50,214.51 62,407.08 17,587.58 48,933,254.61 377,627,079.91 37,450,175.83 339,776,565.75 17,805,195.57 21,151,949.78 17,192,732.47 21,143,680.78 27,712,745.13 184,083,020.81 27,712,745.13 114,532,810.38 527,448,989.81 1,112,343,977.08 445,684,401.91 819,505,235.46 198,000,000.00 436,424,202.49 158,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 16,240,000.00 70,990,000.00 12,400,000.00 9,300,000.00 214,240,000.00 507,414,202.49 170,400,000.00 109,300,000.00 741,688,989.81 1,619,758,179.57 616,084,401.91 928,805,235.46 11,091,768.47 127,235,861.52 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 412,468,660.30 412,468,660.30 412,468,660.30 412,468,660.30 29

2004 39,287,379.07 91,587,503.35 39,287,379.07 91,587,503.35 13,095,793.00 30,529,167.76 13,095,793.00 30,529,167.76 83,867,843.10 336,315,214.06 83,867,843.10 336,315,214.06 43,920,000.00 256,200,000.00 43,920,000.00 256,200,000.00-1,303,444.91 901,623,882.47 1,205,067,932.80 901,623,882.47 1,206,371,377.71 1,654,404,640.75 2,952,061,973.89 1,517,708,284.38 2,135,176,613.17 : : : 2004 : : : 2,568,898,402.08 1,679,253,538.70 2,520,072,085.66 1,644,880,047.98 757,370,738.57 463,769,819.68 732,812,778.90 445,892,520.75 15,548,578.06 12,563,405.35 14,656,937.82 12,223,869.61-1,795,979,085.45 1,202,920,313.67 1,772,602,368.94 1,186,763,657.62-17,416,399.27 17,918,401.41 17,766,999.38 17,996,134.10 : 1,093,464,384.68 966,844,196.84 1,082,433,842.14 950,406,804.90 203,701,697.33 122,408,664.50 166,622,121.46 94,908,061.87 24,704,394.26 25,229,153.02 16,578,276.99 22,172,583.42 - - 491,525,008.45 106,356,700.72 524,735,127.73 137,272,341.53-1,793,726.60-353,792.46-31,787,726.45-28,266,503.73 453,387.26 480,431.73 232,442.47 463,976.99 80,931,638.02 20,908,428.45 77,483,927.89 18,981,011.27-409,253,031.09 85,574,911.54 415,695,915.86 90,488,803.52 67,426,476.77 17,986,287.66 67,028,420.62 17,986,287.66-5,537,496.01-4,913,891.98 ( -1,303,444.91 30

2004 ) - 348,667,495.24 72,502,515.86 348,667,495.24 72,502,515.86 83,867,843.10 62,500,704.62 83,867,843.10 62,500,704.62 432,535,338.34 135,003,220.48 432,535,338.34 135,003,220.48 34,866,749.52 7,250,251.59 34,866,749.52 7,250,251.59 17,433,374.76 3,625,125.79 17,433,374.76 3,625,125.79 ( ) 380,235,214.06 124,127,843.10 380,235,214.06 124,127,843.10 43,920,000.00 40,260,000.00 43,920,000.00 40,260,000.00 ( - ) 336,315,214.06 83,867,843.10 336,315,214.06 83,867,843.10 1. 2. 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. 6. -70,227,174.80-7,418,448.71-70,227,174.80-7,418,448.71 : : : 31

2004 2004 : : : 2,905,863,630.68 2,848,840,770.50 3,005,279.37 1,739,737.65 2,908,868,910.05 2,850,580,508.15 860,117,698.35 830,642,600.70 75,955,151.06 65,209,543.71 268,530,839.20 262,532,088.48 763,230,639.02 766,664,221.02 152,151,720.28 152,151,720.28 137,794,445.80 141,968,150.26 2,257,780,493.71 2,219,168,324.45 651,088,416.34 631,412,183.70 599,000.00 599,000.00 26,869.80 26,869.80 2,231,920.00 2,005,120.00 2,857,789.80 2,630,989.80 300,099,874.95 291,952,783.38 206,300,000.00 210,800,000.00 506,399,874.95 502,752,783.38-503,542,085.15-500,121,793.58 500,000.00 500,000.00 309,500,000.00 207,500,000.00 310,000,000.00 207,500,000.00 502,500,000.00 369,500,000.00 71,736,717.84 62,332,211.01 1,104,769.87 1,050,000.00 32

2004 575,341,487.71 432,882,211.01-265,341,487.71-225,382,211.01-117,795,156.52-94,091,820.89 1 348,667,495.24 348,667,495.24 ( - ) -5,537,496.01-1,303,444.91 20,667,885.87 11,746,598.55 133,063,009.33 123,710,951.26 7,981,637.71 7,623,937.67 265,687.97 3,275,462.06 3,532,604.34-3,474,218.42 4,258,407.78 1,750,817.91 1,967,646.90 ( : ) 68,492,238.12 65,456,142.26 25,270,192.72 17,825,709.91 1,516,846.40 31,510,846.25-42,727,154.45-37,713,070.66 ( ) -61,192,753.20-126,851,729.30 ( ) 154,372,210.00 179,676,643.50 651,088,416.34 631,412,183.70 2 3 354,250,228.86 319,947,462.83 472,045,385.38 414,039,283.72-117,795,156.52-94,091,820.89 : : : 33

2004 2004 : : : 22,814,853.82 11,050,146.12 16,870,736.78 16,870,736.78 16,994,263.16 18,654,300.52 6,121,997.91 12,580,359.39 12,580,359.39 12,195,939.04 4,160,553.30 4,928,148.21 4,290,377.39 4,290,377.39 4,798,324.12 121,260.00 303,750.00 425,010 121,260.00 303,750.00 425,010 628,591.99 3,894,929.56 515,963.08 515,963.08 4,007,558.47 112,628.91 3,815,210.99 3,927,839.90 515,963.08 515,963.08 515,963.08 79,718.57 79,718.57 7,135,106.51 7,920,000.00 6,687,837.84 6,687,837.84 8,367,268.67 679,841.92 7,920,000.00 255,013.91 255,013.91 8,344,828.01 6,455,264.59 6,432,823.93 6,432,823.93 22,440.66 : : : 34

2004 2004 : : : 13,529,353.06 3,522,848.55 5,005,524.13 5,005,524.13 12,046,677.48 11,587,251.97 2,158,120.99 3,649,399.77 3,649,399.77 10,095,973.19 1,942,101.09 1,364,727.56 1,356,124.36 1,356,124.36 1,950,704.29 121,260 303,750 425,010 121,260 303,750 425,010 5,902,140.74 7,920,000 5,902,140.74 5,902,140.74 7,920,000 7,920,000 7,920,000 5,902,140.74 5,902,140.74 5,902,140.74 : : : 35

2004 2004 : : : 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 412,468,660.30 412,468,660.30 412,468,660.30 412,468,660.30 26,191,586.07 18,941,334.48 34,866,749.52 7,250,251.59 34,866,749.52 7,250,251.59 34,866,749.52 7,250,251.59 61,058,335.59 26,191,586.07 61,058,335.59 26,191,586.07 36

2004 13,095,793.00 9,470,667.21 17,433,374.76 3,625,125.79 17,433,374.76 3,625,125.79 30,529,167.76 13,095,793.00 83,867,843.10 62,500,704.62-348,667,495.24 72,502,515.86 96,220,124.28 51,135,377.38-336,315,214.06 83,867,843.10 : 256,200,000.00 43,920,000.00 : : : 2004 : : : 1 - -593,036.07 2 315,607,255.32 491,338.22 3 126,009,636.70 190,325,519.87 4 - -829,599.10 1-22,820,703.97 2-190,325,519.87 3 186,152,069.78 4-26,994,154.06 : : : 37

2004 49% B 1997 8 8 900948 1989 115 1992 108 1997 8 ISO9001-2000 600 1000 00 36600 20000 B 16600 1999 6 000 90% 10% 2003 62% 2 1 1 12 31 3 38

2004 4 5 6 1 2 7 8 39

2004, 9 1 2 1 5% 1 2 1 15% 2 3 2 25% 3 3 40% 3 10 1 : 2 3 4 5, 40

2004 41 11 1 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 50% 50% 50% [2003]10 ( ) 10 2003 3 17 3 :,,,,, 12 1 2 3

2004 4 1%-5% 10% 8-40 3%-4% 12.13%-2.4% 10 4% 9.6% 12-25 8.33%-4% 3% 45 3% 2.16% 10-35 3% 9.70%-2.77% 5-20 1%-10% 19.8%-4.75% 5 A B C D E 13 A 3 B C 14 42

2004 1 2 10 3 A B C D A B C 15 1 2 16 17 43

2004 18 1 2 3 2 3 19 20 1 50% 50% 50% 2 [1995]11 (3) 90% 10% 2004 12 1 2003 62% 2004 12 1 21 1 : 2 2004 30 12 2004 1 1 7,427,941.79 25-40 10-15 2004 1 1 37,270,547.89 44

2004 8 5 2004 1 1 25,528,685.12 1 :, 6% 13%, 17% 2 : 3%, 5% 20% 3 :,1-6 1.5 [2004]187 2004 7 1 2.3 / 4 : 2003 3 26 [2003]11 16 2001 1 1 15% 2010 2 3 [2003]270 2002 15% [2002]47 15% 5 1% 5% 7% 6 3% 2002 8540.00 7440.00 87.12% 30000.00 36759.84 62.00% 45

2004 500.00 450.00 90.00% % 3129.06 2529.77 80.84 240 180 75 500 500 100 100 94 94 300 300 100 : 2004 12 31 2003 12 31 1 920,501.43 1,998,010.80 423,000,891.33 331,707,218.06 : 640,316.47 1,270,906.90 8.2765 1,285,999.36 20,545,000.00 425,207,392.12 354,250,228.86 62% 2004 12 1 2004 12 1 46,837,993.26 46

2004 2 1,262,510.00 121,260.00 0.913 1,262,510.00 425,010.00 0.67 99,000.00 1.062 500,000.00 1.005 1,861,510.00 121,260.00 1,262,510.00 425,010.00 : 2004 12 31 3 17,164,325.82 10,630,000.00 4 1 165,835,800.59 86.19% 8,291,790.03 214,033,497.76 96.86% 10,701,674.88 1-2 10,804,090.02 5.62% 1,620,613.50 4,343,055.36 1.97% 651,458.30 2-3 6,206,947.80 3.22% 1,551,736.95 1,313,988.53 0.59% 328,497.13 3 9,560,282.11 4.97% 7,190,160.04 1,285,771.84 0.58% 514,308.73 192,407,120.52 100.00% 18,654,300.52 220,976,313.49 100.00% 12,195,939.04 5% 5% 27,682,190.00 2004 12.53% 22,865,479.00 2004 10.35% 21,182,490.00 2004 9.59% 15,523,490.00 2004 7.02% 14,515,254.00 2004 6.57% 101,768,903.00 46.06% 47

2004 1,597,618.03 5 741,267.00 6 40 1,310,514.74 6 4 103,591.50 5 638 8,461,870.90 6 ( 32 365,497.22 6 12,580,359.39 5 1 20,044,413.24 73.67% 980,010.74 31,934,062.04 76.81% 1,596,703.11 1-2 1,745,726.16 6.42% 261,858.93 2,392,523.87 5.75% 358,878.58 2-3 993,914.30 3.65% 248,478.58 383,807.59 0.92% 95,951.89 3 4,425,512.62 16.26% 2,670,205.05 6,866,976.34 16.52% 2,746,790.54 27,209,566.32 100.00% 4,160,553.30 41,577,369.84 100.00% 4,798,324.12 : 5% 5% 8,000,000.00 2004 19.24% 5,486,664.46 2001 13.20% 1,849,055.01 2003-2004 4.45% 1,000,000.00 2004 2.40% 716,500.00 2004 1.72% 17,052,219.47 41.01% 149,381.04 3 48

2004 100,000.00 3 100,000.00 3 83 1,006,743.32 3 500,000.00 5 300,000.00 5 110,045.34 5 13 1,693,173.90 5 12 121,923.94 5 ( 24 209,109.85 5 4,290,377.39 6 1 9,898,349.76 89.92% 39,986,594.72 90.74% 1-2 534,058.71 4.85% 3,870,611.38 8.78% 2-3 521,849.00 4.74% 3 54,133.35 0.49% 212,416.48 0.48% 11,008,390.82 100.00% 44,069,622.58 100.00% 5%( 5%) 3 7 6,939,008.36 515,963.08 13,888,059.82 1,538,532.24 1,344,577.53 79,718.57 1,986,683.47 60,830,600.27 112,628.91 102,639,070.60 3,927,839.90 49

2004 96,003.74 63,655.38 4,145,197.24 2,659,798.95 75,536,025.32 628,591.99 120,595,162.28 4,007,558.47 : GMP 8 25,247,693.34 16,789,252.96 4,785,794.75 262,058.68 25,000.01 86,333.33 24,766.76 98,558.33 25,297,460.11 22,021,998.05 9 2,529,963.45 277,081,114.93 1,516,846.40 278,094,231.98 2,529,963.45 277,081,114.93 1,516,846.40 278,094,231.98 827,860.00 5% 108,000,000.00 30% 108,827,860.00 3 1,276,301.42 10 101,170.44 800,933.01 169,881,114.93 10 1,415,675.96 168,465,438.97 171,157,416.35 1,516,846.40 169,266,371.98 50

2004 9 10 908,979,596.77 1,060,558,468.89 103,944,491.56 1,865,593,574.10 386,924,064.30 147,951,335.29 39,128,847.03 495,746,552.56 14,785,334.51 14,785,334.51 212,688,091.62 4,054,920.00 44,094,044.44 172,648,967.18 628,468,212.37 628,468,212.37 112,875,540.65 157,556,606.62 270,432,147.27 24,097,287.46 1,321,435.39 8,880.00 25,409,842.85 36,928,402.61 12,336,857.18 4,074,081.21 45,191,178.58 135,466,210.13 94,083,767.53 16,638,638.88 212,911,338.78 188,874,065.72 213,364,965.06 25,488,938.86 376,750,091.92 84,541,816.20 90,339,664.29 11,382,046.87 163,499,433.62 1,959,133.42 1,959,133.42 40,947,819.21 18,189,138.23 4,723,329.57 54,413,627.87 54,292,024.54 54,292,024.54 15,774,231.93 16,276,114.19 32,050,346.12 3,278,417.59 1,646,776.23 2,421.63 4,922,772.19 14,404,369.58 6,336,760.84 2,573,160.29 18,167,970.13 29,927,411.21 24,325,353.32 6,807,980.50 47,444,784.03 720,105,531.05 847,193,503.83 78,455,552.70 1,488,843,482.18 : 7587.98 992.08 10289.51 1061.55 3496.55 79928.35 2004 8603 6348 6222 51

2004 257,546.27 7,920,000.00 255,013.91 7,922,532.36 422,295.65 422,295.65 6,455,264.59 6,432,823.93 22,440.66 7,135,106.51 7,920,000.00 6,687,837.84 8,367,268.67 1980 40% 792 2004 590 11 5,750,814.89 8,115,196.82 347,945.02 13,518,066.69 20% 151,000.00 1,320,589.02 1,261,434.00 110,155.02 100,000.00 95% 421,536.11 4,381,619.43 2,882,061.80 120,000.00 1,801,093.74 95% 62,088,221.22 40,806,906.31 102,895,127.53 100% 1,561,015.97 14,457,388.27 442,572.36 3,588,886.80 11,986,945.08 95% 1,910,985.00 354,400.00 1,795,985.00 54,400.00 415,000.00 95% 2,464,011.07 4,629,912.30 7,062,225.21 31,698.16 100% 2,617,293.80 604,020.00 3,221,313.80 10% 1,604,689.80 784,584.05 166,298.00 2,222,975.85 100% 1,185,288.55 197,000.00 988,288.55 100% 1,080,000.00 4,411,960.00 4,636,960.00 855,000.00 100% 75,879,796.75 75,879,796.75 100% 21,076,109.40 27,810.00 21,048,299.40 65% 5,441,900.00 5,441,900.00 25% 2,148,648.59 1,521,677.00 626,971.59 100% 571,000.27 3,860,000.00 4,431,000.27 5% 235,000.00 2,239,945.70 747,845.70 1,727,100.00 5% 3,639,810.99 24,116,584.71 14,999,325.67 921,085.96 11,835,984.07 170,272,142.54 170,272,142.54 65% 85,280,667.67 384,901,703.89 213,740,463.32 10,643,062.65 245,798,845.59 52

2004 12 52,843,606.00 44,604,350.92 3,375,236.00 1,772,763.80 2,181,299.41 7,045,318.49 44,025,523.71-2,143,392.00 1,799,556.20 1,772,763.80 26,792.40 370,628.20 4,125,011.00 3,462,274.13 216,341.28 879,078.15 3,245,932.85 15 2,468,321.00 1,887,539.71 145,195.32 725,976.61 1,742,344.39 12 14,384,280.00 12,559,551.53 287,685.60 2,112,414.07 12,271,865.93 43 178,199.00 123,830.20 41,566.88 95,935.68 82,263.32 3 27,621.00 22,389.45 3,091.78 8,323.33 19,297.67 9 141,101.00 111,835.51 20,351.34 49,616.83 91,484.17 7 78,883.00 61,545.27 13,128.10 30,465.83 48,417.17 6 10,076,956.00 9,334,115.08 922,572.81 1,665,413.73 8,411,542.27 8 2,203,352.00 2,203,352.00 183,612.70 183,612.70 2,019,739.30 9 1,171,884.00 1,171,884.00 4,069.04 4,069.04 1,167,814.96 24 7,800,000.00 7,358,000.00 156,000.00 598,000.00 7,202,000.00 46 8,044,606.00 7,883,713.84 160,892.16 321,784.32 7,722,821.68 48 109,042,800.00 51,253,288.81 50,817,000.00 5,612,301.28 12,584,812.47 96,457,987.53 358,500.00 231,987.67 29,045.16 155,557.49 202,942.51 7 1,604,600.00 1,270,275.11 127,059.72 461,384.61 1,143,215.39 9 4,208,900.00 2,736,314.14 684,551.04 2,157,136.90 2,051,763.10 3 32,521,900.00 27,746,955.89 1,734,391.44 6,509,335.55 26,012,564.45 15 774,000.00 509,856.00 72,928.92 337,072.92 436,927.08 6 18,757,900.00 18,757,900.00 18,757,900.00 14 50,817,000.00 50,817,000.00 2,964,325.00 2,964,325.00 47,852,675.00 9.5 866,082.00 511,700.36 271,260.00 149,229.14 232,350.78 633,731.22 387,479.00 303,525.26 264,717.38 38,807.88 122,761.62 163,139,967.00 96,672,865.35 54,463,496.00 2,037,481.18 7,981,637.71 19,985,243.36 141,117,242.46 5081.70 53

2004 13 1,945,950.60 1,783,566.56 54,047.52 216,431.56 1,729,519.04 32 3,343,468.20 3,040,067.96 101,214.12 404,614.36 2,938,853.84 32 13,251,158.00 8,061,120.33 110,426.33 5,300,464.00 7,950,694.00 7 18,540,576.80 4,823,634.52 8,061,120.33 265,687.97 5,921,509.92 12,619,066.88 14 20,000,000.00 2004.09.20-2005.09.20 4.7790% 16,553,000.00 2003.11.06-2005.05.06 4.0625% 7,500,000.00 2004.06.30-2005.06.30 5.5800% 30,000,000.00 2004.09.08-2005.03.08 5.4564% 20,000,000.00 2004.12.28-2005.11.21 6.6960% 50,000,000.00 2004.09.20-2005.09.20 4.7790% 22,000,000.00 2004.12.27-2005.12.27 6.1380% 6,000,000.00 2004.01.16-2005.01.16 5.8410% 30,000,000.00 2004.01.16-2005.01.16 5.3100% 202,053,000.00 16,553,000.00 200 2004 11 6 2005 5 6 1 2 15 90,450,000.00 : 3500 5%( 5%) 54

2004 16 1 60,604,548.88 95.79% 133,091,370.39 95.86% 1-2 2,167,621.33 3.43% 4,187,806.18 3.02% 2-3 73,544.65 0.12% 847,959.49 0.61% 3 419,398.49 0.66% 714,948.97 0.51% 63,265,113.35 100.00% 138,842,085.03 100.00% : 5%( 5%) 1,514,492.11 17 1 32,748,457.18 99.35% 14,088,027.28 99.16% 1-2 85,761.52 0.26% 2-3 127,518.51 0.39% 120,000.00 0.84% 32,961,737.21 100.00% 14,208,027.28 100.00% 5%( 5%) 1 18 13,680,395.18 18,250,140.36 55

2004 19 1,781,741.78 3,695,229.61 20 17,954,252.02 26,164,554.96 13% 17% 8,072,256.01 34,406,336.42 15% 60,068.35 279,639.08 35,568.71 32,524.34 1% 5% 7% 462,899.21 772,345.01 3% 5% 20% 600,372.64 253,375.68 1.5-2.3 / 7,208.30 17,246.00 27,185,416.94 61,933,229.79 21 2,064.98 2,589.66 67,925.06 47,624.85 3% 69,990.04 50,214.51 22 1 39,695,641.85 81.12% 358,322,930.98 94.89% 1-2 5,737,293.12 11.72% 5,974,379.43 1.58% 2-3 1,119,557.83 2.29% 2,313,811.29 0.61% 3 2,380,761.81 4.87% 11,015,958.21 2.92% 48,933,254.61 100.00% 377,627,079.91 100.00% 56

2004 : 12 62% 26333 5180.83 5% 263,329,960.89 23 971,285.73 170,091.20 400,996.30 156,665.50 129,579.78 334,760.00 1,440,000.00 2,390,000.00 24,286.41 3,354,018.81 10,459,020.00 4,513,895.09 7,089,895.09 633,000.00 2,000,000.00 8,699.74 4,065,423.76 296,996.10 518,531.84 17,805,195.57 21,151,949.78 24 1,000,000.00 2003.10.31-2005.10.24 5.76% 7,000,000.00 1999.01.05-2005.01.05 7.56% 100,000,000.00 2003.08.29-2005.08.28 4.94% 10,000,000.00 2003.06.27-2005.06.25 6.04% 20,227,024.43 2000.08.09-2005.07.15 3.80% 35,000,000.00 1998.12.10-2005.12.10 6.63% 4,655,996.38 57

2004 6,200,000.00 184,083,020.81 1 2 25 100,000,000.00 2004.03.29-2006.09.29 5.49% 20,000,000.00 2003.09.26-2008.09.12 5.58% 9,000,000.00 2003.08.15-2007.08.15 6.14% 218,424,202.49 2000.08.09-2017.01.15 3.80% 35,000,000.00 1998.12.10-2006.12.10 6.63% 40,000,000.00 2004.04.16-2006.10.16 5.76% 14,000,000.00 2004.01.16-2006.01.16 5.76% 436,424,202.49 2 26 ( ) 12,400,000.00 9,300,000.00 50,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 2,900,000.00 2,900,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 400,000.00 250,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 16,240,000.00 70,990,000.00, 58

2004 27 1 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 2 3 4 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 1 2 166,000,000.00 166,000,000.00 3 4 166,000,000.00 166,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 366,000,000.00 28 357,386,833.07 357,386,833.07 156,459.15 156,459.15 44,607,108.59 44,607,108.59 10,161,350.39 10,161,350.39 156,909.10 156,909.10 412,468,660.30 412,468,660.30 59

2004 29 26,191,586.07 34,866,749.52 61,058,335.59 13,095,793.00 17,433,374.76 30,529,167.76 39,287,379.07 52,300,124.28 91,587,503.35 2004 2004 10% 5% 30-1,303,444.91-1,303,444.91 31 83,867,843.10 348,667,495.24 96,220,124.28 336,315,214.06 (1) 2004 10% 5% 2003 2003 2003 36600 10 1.2 ( ) 32 2,501,195,730.91 1,581,424,841.13 18,402,205.85 15,106,505.50 48,211,100.55 184,137.78 92,439.68 44,657,592.45 34,418,651.84 4,458,735.09 2,568,898,402.08 1,679,253,538.70 994,186,312.65, 38.70% 60

2004 33 726,487,097.91 441,038,694.49 5,722,240.06 4,719,199.82 25,740.34 96,962.71 23,211,554.44 17,914,962.66 1,924,105.82 757,370,738.57 463,769,819.68 34 1,454,165.59 2,247,522.81 3%-20% 13,590,231.13 9,851,096.38 1.5-2.3 / 307,726.82 269,243.17 1% 5% 7% 196,454.52 195,542.99 3% 15,548,578.06 12,563,405.35 [2004]187 2004 7 1 2.3 / 35 40,335,613.08 40,479,616.80 36,523,914.94 21,840,070.48 2,462,448.20 73,873.45 445,992.33 17,061.75 63,997.99 4,944.79 79,831,966.54 62,415,567.27 36 1,093,464,384.68 966,844,196.84 61

2004 37 203,701,697.33 122,408,664.50 2700 38 25,270,192.72 25,977,760.50 : 1,790,785.54 1,064,198.25 45,209.87 26,970.63 : 400.00 8.96 375,733.21 288,629.10 804,444.00 24,704,394.26 25,229,153.02 39 26,869.80 9,647.00-1,516,846.40-454,689.46-303,750.00 91,250.00-1,793,726.60-353,792.46 40 30,760.00 13,065.00 315,578.69 402,838.35 107,048.57 64,528.38 453,387.26 480,431.73 62

2004 41 7,920,000.00 184,250.26 69,075,063.75 18,094,008.78 1,514,330.97 1,104,769.87 2,386,180.00 22,075.84 522,469.39 64,578.14 10,000.00 56,520.00 785,004.04 100,815.43 80,931,638.02 20,908,428.45 40% 2004 6222 42 67,426,476.77 17,986,287.66 43 1,702,346.60 102,932.77 1,200,000.00 3,005,279.37 44 27,954,628.17 20,988,890.13 5,762,875.62 63

2004 3,295,414.81 5,734,886.42 3,123,803.15 9,734,443.27 3,511,170.35 1,840,160.62 3,879,069.60 3,426,985.49 1,150,000.00 3,711,396.48 8,000,000.00 3,424,000.00 8,000,000.00 600,000.00 1,024,476.29 1,830,000.00 20,802,245.40 137,794,445.80 45 1,104,769.87 46 68,759,485.06 1,514,330.97-26,869.80-137,808.57 2,422,243.30 64

2004-10,361,729.40 62,169,651.56 2,501,195,730.91 1,581,424,841.13 726,487,097.91 441,038,694.49 18,402,205.85 15,106,505.50 5,722,240.06 4,719,199.82 48,211,100.55 184,137.78 92,439.68 25,740.34 96,962.71 44,657,592.45 34,418,651.84 23,211,554.44 17,914,962.66 4,458,735.09 1,924,105.82 2,568,898,402.08 1,679,253,538.70 757,370,738.57 463,769,819.68 957,907,149.60 631,736,125.86 51.63 1,064,945,386.18 688,658,094.30 54.64 120,847,619.46 108,863,294.84 11.01 413,914,831.92 249,996,023.70 65.57 11,222,814.17 100.00 60,600.75 100.00 2,568,898,402.08 1,679,253,538.70 52.98 65

2004 1 2 330,430,000.00 330,430,000.00 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 85,400,000.00 85,400,000.00 41,290,600.00 10,000,000.00 31,290,600.00 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00 18,000,000.00 13,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 66

2004 3 200,000,000.00 54.64% 200,000,000.00 54.64% 186,000,000.00 62.00% 186,000,000.00 62.00% 74,400,000.00 87.12% 74,400,000.00 87.12% 25,297,700.00 80.84% 25,297,700.00 80.84% 1,800,000.00 75.00% 1,800,000.00 75.00% 18,000,000.00 100.00% 13,000,000.00 100% 5,000,000.00 100.00% 940,000.00 94.00% 940,000.00 94.00% 6,000,000.00 100.00% 3,000,000.00 100% 3,000,000.00 100.00% 4 5 2004 2003-8,723,186.29 3,280,673.11 6 2004 1-11 2003 57,443,078.09 73,352,722.83 7 2004 2003-309,973.20 1,050,103.29 4,093,295.43 8 2004 12 31 2003 12 31 67

2004 104,819.00 199,786.36 265,998.73 339,230.92 4,673.07 111,576.79 236,449.21-1,353,763.57 433,160.16-44,094.24-384.44 35,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 263,329,960.89 5,717,746.59 4,059,147.69 1,335,000.00 9 1 00 62% [2004]1004 35871.61 50% 50% 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 12,514,207.44 2001 2002 2,650,232.00 2003 12 31 15,164,439.44 15,164,439.44 62%=9,401,952.45 2004 1-11 358,736,026.98-9,401,952.45+29,458,661.16 62%=367,598,444.45 2004 12 31 10430 68

2004 (2) 141,167.48 1 2004 4 12 130,000.00 2 3500 2005 3 11 3 2005 3 2 700 4 2005 3 8 3000 5 2005 1 7 3000 2005 1 15 36 1017.55 432.97 2005 1 17 600 6 310 7 2005 4 12 6500 8 2004 2004 36600 10 7 ( ) 9 8497 10 2005 5 3 11 8-20 3-5 40 25 1 367,598,444.45 62% 9 7 2 2003, 1000 2004 3 1 3 2004 9000 25% 3000 2004 25% 5% 69

2004 30% 2004 12 31 10800 36000 30% 2005 3 3 2005 9 1 (1) 700 1999 1 5 2005 1 5 (2) 5000 2004 9 20-2005 9 20 1500 2 2000 2003 9 26 2008 9 12 900 2003 8 15 2007 8 15 2000 2004 12 28 2005 11 21 1000 2003 6 27 2005 6 25 1 2001 2002 2003 6 2004 3 2 2002 3 2004 1# 6222 4 2004 30 12 2004 1 1 70

2004 742.79 25-40 10-15 2004 1 1 3727.05 8 5 2004 1 1 2552.87 5 2003 377.65 2003 1875.79 5081.7 6 2004 12 1 2004 12 1 31-70,957,163.26-117,795,156.52 2004 12 1 46,837,993.26 1 7 8 100% 9 600 300 49% 147 2004 7 10 2004 12 1 300 153 51% [2004]62 8 100% 49% 10 2004 11 7 1300 722.20 577.8 2004 7 10 2004 12 1 500 277.8 55.56% [2004]63 71

2004 11 2002 12 21 2003 12-1,591,647.75-1,303,444.91 13 2004 12 31 207,839.92 72

2004 1 1 154,913,557.84 92.50% 7,745,677.89 198,364,362.85 99.69% 9,856,014.71 1-2 6,395,305.20 3.82% 959,295.78 23,413.03 0.01% 3,511.95 2-3 3,617,640.88 2.16% 904,410.22 5,283.80 1,320.95 3 2,548,243.15 1.52% 1,977,868.08 587,813.96 0.30% 235,125.58 167,474,747.07 100.00% 11,587,251.97 198,980,873.64 100.00% 10,095,973.19 5% 5% 27,682,190.00 2004 13.91% 22,865,479.00 2004 11.49% 21,182,490.00 2004 10.65% 15,523,490.00 2004 7.80% 14,515,254.00 2004 7.29% 101,768,903.00 51.14% 1,597,618.03 5 741,267.00 6 40 1,310,514.74 6 3,649,399.77 2 1 23,051,360.73 85.72% 875,735.83 105,433,907.26 97.59% 1,469,782.01 1-2 1,334,844.79 4.96% 200,226.72 2,153,637.51 1.99% 323,045.63 2-3 908,237.31 3.38% 227,059.33 147,916.69 0.14% 36,979.17 73

2004 3 1,597,698.02 5.94% 639,079.21 302,243.71 0.28% 120,897.48 26,892,140.85 100.00% 1,942,101.09 108,037,705.17 100.00% 1,950,704.29 : 4004.60 3564.12 5% 5% 8,000,000.00 2004 7.40% 1,849,055.01 2003-2004 1.71% 1,000,000.00 2004 0.93% 716,500.00 2004 0.66% 500,000.00 2004 0.46% 12,065,555.01 11.16% 149,381.04 3 100,000.00 3 100,000.00 3 83 1,006,743.32 3 1,356,124.36 3 34,039,195.44 480,129,886.62 32,342,288.42 481,826,793.64 34,039,195.44 480,129,886.62 32,342,288.42 481,826,793.64 1,484,722.98 87.12% -30,926,612.46 72,915,277.02 74

2004 198,276,430.39 62.00% 559,100.87-559,100.87 4,772,341.30 90.00% 272,341.30-272,341.30 827,860.00 5.00% 108,000,000.00 30.00% 313,361,354.67-30,095,170.29 72,083,834.85 169,881,114.93 10 1,415,675.96 168,465,438.97 169,881,114.93 1,415,675.96 168,465,438.97 4 2,501,567,620.91 1,581,424,841.13 18,402,205.85 15,106,505.50 48,211,100.55 102,258.90 137,600.80 2,520,072,085.66 1,644,880,047.98, 5 727,031,166.64 441,038,694.49 5,722,240.06 4,719,199.82 59,372.20 134,626.44 732,812,778.90 445,892,520.75 6-30,095,170.29-28,367,400.73-1,415,675.96 26,869.80 9,647.00-303,750.00 91,250.00-31,787,726.45-28,266,503.73 75

2005 4 12 2004 76

2004 12 31 ( )

2004 12 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 31

R 05-037 ( ) ( ) ( ) 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2005 4 12-1 -

2004 12 31 2004 2003 12 31 12 31 5 2,604,922 1,679,254 (737,451) (467,391) 1,867,471 1,211,863 19,072 38,408 1,790 1,078 (1,093,464) (958,253) (274,991) (126,637) (43,271) (43,067) 7 476,607 123,392 (25,240) (25,992) (1,509) - 24 - - 570 449,882 97,970 8 (72,669) (17,986) 377,213 79,984 5,428 4,148 382,641 84,132 10 1.05 0.23-2 -

2004 12 31 2004 2003 11 1,789,240 798,251 12 527 4,126 13 5,080 91 14 (1,190) (1,413) 16 106,491-17 305,906 45,765 18 828 1,628 2,206,882 848,448 19 116,060 70,781 20, 33 25,500 910 20 286,151 227,869 20 10,630 17,164 21 838 1,740 20 354,250 425,207 793,429 743,671 3,000,311 1,592,119-3 -

2004 2003 22 366,000 366,000 813,660 474,939 1,179,660 840,939 227,132 9,821-1 23 436,424 198,000 24 16,952 17,101 25 5,735 5,859 26 5,243-464,354 220,960 24, 33 261,995 6,928 24, 33 5,083 16,604 24 357,372 182,179 24 55,450-34,329 8,022-1 23 414,936 306,666 1,129,165 520,399 3,000,311 1,592,119-4 -

2004 12 31 ( 1) ( 2) ( 2) 2003 1 1 366,000 357,387 (26,368) 18,941 9,471 71,636 797,067 - - - - - 84,132 84,132 - - - 7,250 - (7,250) - - - - - 3,625 (3,625) - ( 8) - - - - - (40,260) (40,260) 2003 12 31 2004 1 1 366,000 357,387 (26,368) 26,191 13,096 104,633 840,939 - - - - - 382,641 382,641 - - - 34,867 - (34,867) - - - - - 17,433 (17,433) - ( 8) - - - - - (43,920) (43,920) 2004 12 31 366,000 357,387 (26,368) 61,058 30,529 391,054 1,179,660 (1) (2) 10% 50% 5% 10% - 5 -

2004 12 31 2004 2003 12 31 12 31 476,607 123,392 114,978 63,590 27,862 184-4,952 9 648 4,715 1,138 (223) (222) (124) (124) (1,790) (1,078) 78,289 20,116 3,854-644 - ( ) 304 (99) (24) - ( )/ (4,550) 2,319 700,551 214,816 (44,670) (13,692) ( )/ (24,590) 440 ( )/ (41,926) 20,829 /( ) 6,534 (15,864) ( )/ (11,521) 13,518 44,973 4,241 55,450-684,801 224,288 (41,119) (17,317) (25,240) (25,992) 618,442 180,979-6 -

2004 2003 12 31 12 31 1,790 1,078-189,592 (107,200) (800) (266,698) (183,672) (54,463) (12,093) (255) (599) 646 105 - (502) - (599) 27 (57,462) - (483,642) (7,490) 500 60 (43,920) (40,260) (494,217) (460,048) 340,260 562,379 (149) (25) ( )/ (8,231) 2,348-900 ( )/ (205,757) 65,354 ( )/ (70,957) 238,843 425,207 186,364 354,250 425,207-7 -

2004 12 31 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) 200,000,000 1.00 B ( ) 15 2,101 (2003 1,325 ) 2. B 3. 2004 ( ) 3 36 2004 3 31 2004 3 31 2004 3 31 3 36 2004 12 31 2004 3 31 3 36 2004 12 31-8 -

4. ( ) 12 31 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2004 3 31 2004 3 31 2004 3 31-9 -

4. - - 2004 3 31 2004 3 31 2004 3 31 2004 3 31 2004 3 31 ( ) - 10 -

4. - - ( ) - 11 -

4. - - 2004 2003 12-20 20-30 5-40 8-40 3-20 3-20 45 5-33 20-33 2004 1 1 70,227,000 - - - - 12 -

4. - - ( 2004 3 31 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2-13 -

4. - ( ) 5. 2004 2003 2,546,709 1,617,030 40,482 48,211 17,731 14,013 2,604,922 1,679,254 6. - 14 -

6. - - 2004 2,270,733 230,278 17,731 1,596 43,144 40,482 958-2,604,922 372 81,156-96 - 8,523 - (90,147) - 2,271,105 311,434 17,731 1,692 43,144 49,005 958 (90,147) 2,604,922 ( ) 409,136 100,616 41 (33,269) (2,212) 2,218 77-476,607 (25,240) (1,509) 24 449,882 (72,669) 377,213 48,769 6,340 6,606 4,024 28,210 172,029 5,973-271,951 38,638 21,265 34,536 4,824 2,980 12,047 697-114,987 27,862 - - 3,854 - - - - 31,716 20,832 52,094-1,100 1,374 2,889 - - 78,289 - - - - 644 - - - 644 - - - - - - 304-304 1,172,405 326,822 103,241 40,899 120,884 1,234,563 1,497-3,000,311 515,240 13,338 1,728 12,058 26,032 131,236 2,955-702,587 890,932 1,593,519-15 -

6. - - 2003 1,469,680 112,553 14,013 2,114 31,777 48,221 896-1,679,254 74,701 - - - - - (74,701) - 1,469,680 187,254 14,013 2,114 31,777 48,221 896 (74,701) 1,679,254 91,829 47,361 (1,770) (27,302) (3,469) 16,446 297-123,392 (25,992) 570 - - - - - - - 570 97,970 (17,986) 79,984 53,109 14,743 331 30,095 26,106 45,002 6,064-175,450 29,613 25,219 2,053 1,812 1,144 3,704 693-64,238 4,952 - - - 184 - - - 5,136 6,090 - - 6 2,372 11,648 - - 20,116 2,525 - - (6) (200) - - - 2,319 909,780 282,932 95,985 59,314 98,610 144,601 897-1,592,119 167,895 13,015 1,326 13,467 32,902-66 - 228,671 512,688 741,359-16 -

7. 2004 2003 114,978 63,590 ( ) - 9 648-4,715 1,138 ( ) (124) (124) ( ) (223) (222) 81,785 64,835 1,372 3,089 45 27 (24) - 3,854-644 - 78,289 20,116 27,862 184-4,952 ( )/ (4,550) 2,319 /( ) 304 (99) 8. 2004 2003 67,426 17,986 ( 26) 5,243-72,669 17,986 2001 2010 15% 33% 15% - 17 -

8. - 2004 2003 449,882 97,970 33% 148,461 32,330 1,174 1,912 (253) (1,194) (2,240) (4,690) 12,638 11,212 (87,111) (21,584) 72,669 17,986 2004 2003 2006 2009 97,107 58,810 12,046 13,529 1,391 1,555 492 5,632 111,036 79,526 2005-2006 6,559 2007 18,970 2008 33,281 2009 38,297 97,107-18 -

9. 2004 4 16 2003 0.12 (2003 0.11 ) 43,920,000 (2003 40,260,000 ) 2004 5 25 2005 4 12 0.70 32 10. 382,641,000 (2003 84,132,000 ) 366,000,000 (2003 366,000,000 ) 2004 2003 11. 2004 1 1 206,688 113,261 285,658-174,273 81,739 120,355 981,974 6,341 10,616 187-26,037 10,916 212,601 266,698 - - 168,631 575,306 38,297-163,186 945,420 4,688 104,832 99,240-41,607 - (250,367) - (44,094) (1,407) (38,628) - (21,305) - - (105,434) 2004 12 31 173,623 227,302 515,088 575,306 258,909 92,655 245,775 2,088,658 2004 1 1 34,908 16,279 80,346-45,584 6,606-183,723 24,229 10,386 22,148 1,130 22,549 34,536-114,978 - - 27,862 - - - - 27,862 (4,723) (54) (11,328) - (11,040) - - (27,145) 2004 12 31 54,414 26,611 119,028 1,130 57,093 41,142-299,418 2004 12 31 119,209 200,691 396,060 574,176 201,816 51,513 245,775 1,789,240 2003 12 31 171,780 96,982 205,312-128,689 75,133 120,355 798,251 25,013,000 2003 2,849,000 (2003 ) - 19 -

12. 2004 1 1 4,126 255 (3,854) 2004 12 31 527 3,854,000 13. 2004 1 1 6,575 ( 27) 4,998 2004 12 31 11,573 2004 1 1 6,484 9 2004 12 31 6,493 2004 12 31 5,080 2003 12 31 91 2004 3 31 10 2004 11 367,598,000 ( )62% 4,998,000-20 -

14. 2004 1 1 12 31 2,223 2004 1 1 810 223 2004 12 31 1,033 2004 12 31 1,190 2003 12 31 1,413 10 15. 2004 12 31 ( ) % % 87.12 - ( ) 90-62 - - 74.48 ( ) - 55.86-80.04 ( ) - 74.48-81.90-89.91-21 -

16. 2004 2003 106,491-2004 12 31 ( )30% 2004 12 31 2006 17. 2004 1 1 26,446 3,688 16,519 1,435 48,088 3,375-50,817 271 54,463 211,037 - - - 211,037 - - - (767) (767) 2004 12 31 240,858 3,688 67,336 939 312,821 2004 1 1 1,435 648-240 2,323 1,462 101 2,964 188 4,715 - - - (123) (123) 2004 12 31 2,897 749 2,964 305 6,915 2004 12 31 237,961 2,939 64,372 634 305,906 2003 12 31 25,011 3,040 16,519 1,195 45,765 5 50 20 40 18. 2004 2003 828 1,628-22 -

19. 2004 2003 92,609 56,150 9,579 4,596 12,100 6,563 1,772 3,472 116,060 70,781 704,000,000 (2003 404,000,000 ) 20. (i) 227,000,000 (2003 187,000,000 ) 11,000,000 (2003 26,000,000 ) 44,000,000 (2003 10,000,000 ) 22,000,000 (2003 28,000,000 ) 29 (2003 39 ) 18,000,000 (2003 23,000,000 ) (ii) (iii) (iv) - 23 -

20. - 21. 2004 2003 838 1,740 22. 2004 2003 200,000,000 1 200,000 166,000,000 1 B 166,000 366,000 B B 2004 2003-24 -

23. 2004 2003 1 414,936 306,666 1 2 114,000 168,000 3 5 322,424 30,000 851,360 504,666 ( ) (414,936) (306,666) 436,424 198,000 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 591,833 488,111 16,553 16,555 242,974-4.1% 7.6% (2003 2.9% 6.7%) 2004 12 31 497,500,000 (2003 ) 2003 12 31 36,553,000 2004 24. (i) 2004 12 31 13,261,000 (2003 13,261,000 ) 3,691,000 (2003 3,840,000 ) 3,691,000-25 -

24. - (ii) 46 (2003 41 ) 58,000,000 2004 (iii) (iv) 261,995,000 2005 11 30 25. 2002 2001 6,200,000 20 (1994 ) 50 2004 2004 1 1 12 31 6,200 2004 1 1 341 124 2004 12 31 465 2004 12 31 5,735 2003 1 1 5,859-26 -

26. 2004 1 1 2003 12 31-5,243 2004 12 31 5,243 27. 2004 11 30 367,598,000 62% 882,455 62,965 945,420-211,037 211,037 609-609 11,806-11,806 46,838-46,838 (130,220) - (130,220) (500,651) - (500,651) (118,118) (104,121) (222,239) 192,719 169,881 362,600 4,998 367,598-27 -

27. - 2004 104,300 263,298 367,598 (104,300) 46,838 (57,462) 4,087,000 758,000 2004 1 1 2004 12 31 57,017,000 18,823,000 2004 1 1 28. 2004 12 31 800,000 108,000,000 30% 800,000 2004 12 31 367,598,000 62% 104,300,000 263,298,000 2003-28 -

29. 2004 2003 107,908 28,785 72,000 54,000 820 2,040 180,728 84,825 2004 12 31 34,592,000 2003 30. 2004 2003 3,748 4,588 2004 2003 1 572-2 5 669-1,241-31. 17% 12 31 2004 2,805,000 (2003 2,670,000 ) 1999 12 31 2004 1,185,000 (2003 989,000 ) - 29 -

31. - 12 31 2004 801,000 (2003 955,000 ) 32. 2005 4 12 2004 12 31 0.70 256,200,000 33. 2004 2003 2004 2003 - - 261,995 6,928 25,500 910 5,083 16,604 2004 2003 2004 2003 - - 8,723 3,281 - - 4,403 1,050 62%367,598 - - - 24,647 22,088-2,470 2,470 3,777 - - - - 57,443 73,353-30 -

33. - 2004 12 31 497,500,000 (2003 295,500,000 ) 2003 12 31 36,553,000 (2004 ) 34. 2 31 2005 4 12-31 -

2004 2003 2004 2003 348,668 72,503 1,205,069 901,624 29,709-29,709-5,140 2,374 (46,949) (52,089) 116 13,621 (1,439) (1,555) - 40 - - 304 516 (1,633) (1,937) 108 108 (4,996) (5,104) 1,408 (5,600) 1,408 - - 570 - - (1,509) - (1,509) - (1,303) - - - 382,641 84,132 1,179,660 840,939

INNER MONGOLIA YITAI COAL CO., LTD. Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2004


R 05-037 REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF INNER MONGOLIA YITAI COAL CO., LTD. (Established in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co., Ltd. (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (hereafter collectively referred to as the "Group") as of 31 December 2004 and the related consolidated statements of income, cash flows and changes in equity for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Group's management. It is our responsibility to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit and to report solely to you, as a body, in accordance with our agreed terms of engagement, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other persons for the contents of this report. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Group's financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Group as of 31 December 2004 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. 12 April 2005-1 -

INNER MONGOLIA YITAI COAL CO., LTD. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004 NOTES 2004 2003 RMB'000 RMB'000 Turnover 5 2,604,922 1,679,254 Cost of sales (737,451) (467,391) Gross profit 1,867,471 1,211,863 Other operating income 19,072 38,408 Interest on bank balances 1,790 1,078 Distribution costs (1,093,464) (958,253) Administrative expenses (274,991) (126,637) Other operating expenses (43,271) (43,067) Profit from operations 7 476,607 123,392 Interest on bank borrowings wholly repayable within five years (25,240) (25,992) Share of result of an associate (1,509) - Income from investments 24 - Gain on dilution of interest in a subsidiary - 570 Profit before income tax 449,882 97,970 Income tax expense 8 (72,669) (17,986) Profit after income tax 377,213 79,984 Minority interest 5,428 4,148 Net profit for the year 382,641 84,132 Earnings per share 10 - basic RMB1.05 RMB0.23 - diluted N/A N/A - 2 -

INNER MONGOLIA YITAI COAL CO., LTD. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 31 DECEMBER 2004 ASSETS NOTES 2004 2003 RMB'000 RMB'000 Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 11 1,789,240 798,251 Agriculture assets 12 527 4,126 Goodwill 13 5,080 91 Negative goodwill 14 (1,190) (1,413) Interest in an associate 16 106,491 - Other assets 17 305,906 45,765 Unlisted investments 18 828 1,628 2,206,882 848,448 Current assets Inventories 19 116,060 70,781 Amounts due from related parties 20 & 33 25,500 910 Trade and other receivables 20 286,151 227,869 Notes receivable 20 10,630 17,164 Investments held for trading 21 838 1,740 Bank balances and cash 20 354,250 425,207 793,429 743,671 Total assets 3,000,311 1,592,119 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Capital and reserves Share capital 22 366,000 366,000 Reserves 813,660 474,939 1,179,660 840,939 Minority interest 227,132 9,821 Non-current liabilities Unsecured bank loans - due after one year 23 436,424 198,000 Other long-term liabilities 24 16,952 17,101 Deferred income 25 5,735 5,859 Deferred tax liability 26 5,243-464,354 220,960 Current liabilities Amount due to immediate holding company 24 & 33 261,995 6,928 Amounts due to related parties 24 & 33 5,083 16,604 Trade and other payables 24 357,372 182,179 Notes payable 24 55,450 - Tax liabilities 34,329 8,022 Unsecured bank loans - due within one year 23 414,936 306,666 1,129,165 520,399 Total equity and liabilities 3,000,311 1,592,119-3 -

INNER MONGOLIA YITAI COAL CO., LTD. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004 Reserves Statutory Statutory Share Share Capital surplus welfare Accumulated capital premium reserve reserve reserve profits Total RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 2) Balance at 1 January 2003 366,000 357,387 (26,368) 18,941 9,471 71,636 797,067 Net profit for the year - - - - - 84,132 84,132 Transfer to statutory surplus reserve - - - 7,250 - (7,250) - Transfer to statutory welfare reserve - - - - 3,625 (3,625) - Dividends (note 8) - - - - - (40,260) (40,260) Balance at 31 December 2003 and 1 January 2004 366,000 357,387 (26,368) 26,191 13,096 104,633 840,939 Net profit for the year - - - - - 382,641 382,641 Transfer to statutory surplus reserve - - - 34,867 - (34,867) - Transfer to statutory welfare reserve - - - - 17,433 (17,433) - Dividends (note 8) - - - - - (43,920) (43,920) Balance at 31 December 2004 366,000 357,387 (26,368) 61,058 30,529 391,054 1,179,660 Notes: (1) The reserve represents the difference between the value of assets and liabilities included in the net assets injected into the Company pursuant to the group restructuring, which was approved by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Government on 26 March 1997 determined in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the value confirmed by the State Assets Administration Bureau at the time of the formation of the Company. (2) The reserves consist of appropriations from the profit after taxation and form part of the shareholders' equity. The Company and the subsidiaries are required by law in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") to maintain a statutory surplus reserve and a statutory welfare reserve. The directors have the discretion to appropriate the amount set aside for the discretionary surplus reserve. Appropriation to the statutory surplus reserve is fixed at 10% of the profit after-tax based on the PRC statutory financial statements, until the total balance of the statutory and discretionary surplus reserve reaches 50% of the registered capital. These reserves are not distributable other than in liquidation. Appropriation to the statutory welfare reserve is required to be at 5-10% of the profit after-tax based on the PRC statutory financial statements. The reserve is used for the collective welfare of the Group's employees. Title to these capital items will remain with the Group. This reserve is non-distributable other than in liquidation. - 4 -