Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin December 2011 Vol. 19. No. 6 spectively. There was no myocardial infarction and the survival rate was 100% in t

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吴根良 等 不同前作对设施草莓土壤环境动态变化和经济效益的影响 4 土传病害也因此日趋严重 严重影响草莓的产 量和品质 轮作尤其是水旱轮作是克服连作障 棚揭开大棚膜 其他大棚不揭膜 都按常规进行 水肥 农药的管理 8 月初前作结束后用产品名 碍的有效技术措施之一 其中有关水稻 草 7



资源 环境 生态 土壤 气象

1421 历 360 份, 局 部 使 用 抗 菌 药 物 不 进 行 统 计 1.2 方 法 统 计 分 析 2013 年 住 院 患 者 抗 菌 药 物 的 使 用 情 况 统 计 内 容 包 括 使 用 科 室 年 龄 体 质 量 住 院 时 间 诊 断 抗 菌 药 物 品 种 抗 菌 药 物

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2011 12 19 6 ACTA LABORATORIUM ANIMALIS SCIENTIA SINICA December 2011 Vol. 19 No. 6 檵 檵檵檵檵檵檵檵檵檵 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 5 1. 400054 2. 400010 3. 400080 4. 721000 5. 400010 SD 2 mm 3 mm 4 55. 5% 13. 3% 36. 2% 66. 7% 100% QRS - T M R T ST 4 3 mm 2 mm ST SD Q95-33 R542. 22 A 1005-4847 2011 06-0525-05 Doi 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1005-4847. 2011. 06. 015 Method selection for the establishment of myocardial infarction model and the electrocardiographic presentation in the rats WANG Yong 1 GAO Da-zhong 2 YIN Yue-hui 2 SHE Qiang 2 GAO Cui-ju 3 ZhAO Jiang-long 4 TAN Yong 1 TANG Yong-gang 1 CHEN Yun-qing 2* LI Pan 5 1. Department of Cardiovascular DiseasesThe Seventh People s Hospital of ChongqingChongqing 400054China 2. the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical UniversityChongqing 400010 3. General Hospital of Chongqing Iron and Steel CompanyChongqing 400080 4. People s Hospital of Baoji CityBaoji 721000 5. Ultrasonic Imaging Institute of Chongqing Medical UniversityChongqing 400010 Abstract Objective To explore the site of left coronary artery ligation on establishing myocardial infarction model and the electrocardiographic features in those rat models. Methods After the Sprague-Dawley SD rats were anaesthetized and put on chine-assisted respirationan occluding suture was placed at one of two distinct sites along the left coronary artery. The suture was placed about 3 mm distal to the aortic root high and about 2 mm distal to the horizontal line of left atrial appendage tip low respectivelyand underwent the same procedure as the low suture group except left coronary artery ligation sham monitored by electrocardiography ECG before and after operationrespectively. At 4 weeks after operation they were sacrificed for histopathological analysis and measurement of the infarct area. Results The infarct area was about 55. 5% and 36. 2% and the total survival rate was 13. 3% and 66. 7% in the high and low suture groupsre- 2006 - B - 25 1973 - E-mail foot1972@ sohu. com E-mail chenyunqing. 88@ 163. com

526 2011 12 19 6 Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin December 2011 Vol. 19. No. 6 spectively. There was no myocardial infarction and the survival rate was 100% in the sham operation group. ECG QRS-T wave displayed an intersection M shape in the sham group and before left coronary artery ligation. The R wave and T wave fused into one large tent-like single wave after the left coronary artery ligationand without visible ST segment. Histopathological changes of myocardial infarction were seen at 4 weeks after operation. Conclusions It is a novel method to establish myocardial infarct model that the suture is placed about 2 mm distal to the horizontal line of left atrial appendage tipand all ECG showed no visible ST segment in the rats. Key words Rat Modelmyocardial infarction Electrocardiogram 1. 2. 2 70 / / 1 3 3 ml /100 g 1. 2. 3 10% 0. 3 ml /100 g 2 ~ 3 mm 1. 2. 4 1 ~ 5 50 mm / s 2 mv 10 min 20 min 6 ~ 8 1 1. 2. 5 SD 3 ~ 4 1 1. 1 1. 1. 1 SPF SD 45 2 ~ 3 259 ± 21 g SCXK 2007-0001 SYXK 2007-0001 3R 1. 1. 2 7-0 0. 5 ~ 1. 0 mm ALC-V 8 3 mm ECG- 6511 Canon-IXUS 850IS 2 mm RM2235 1. 2 1. 5 cm 1. 2. 6 1 9 3 4 3 4 1 1. 2. 1 45 SD 1. 2. 7 15 15 0 15 5 ml

2011 12 19 6 Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin December 2011 Vol. 19. No. 6 527 1. 4 Junya Takagawa 10 5 min 4 μmhe % = / /2 + 7-0 / /2 0 100% IPP 6. 0 1. 5 1. 2. 8 SPSS11. 5 30 P < 0. 05 7 d 2 1. 3 2. 1 4 492 ± 21 / P PR R 4% T R T M HE R T ST 1 A B P PR R T M ST C D P PR R T ST A B C D 20 min 1 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ avr avl avf Note A B Apparent P wave and PR intervalr and T wave intersection M without visible ST segment C D Apparent P wave and PR interval manifestr and T wave composition high tent wavewithout visible ST segment A the preoperative ECGB C D represent the ECG in sham operation low suture and high suture groups at 20 min after operationrespectively. Fig. 1 The ECG changes in different groups before and after the left coronary artery ligation ⅠⅡⅢavRavLavF

528 2011 12 19 6 Acta Lab Anim Sci Sin December 2011 Vol. 19. No. 6 20 min 521 ± 36 / 55. 5% P PR I II III AVF II III AVL AVF I II AVL AVF I II III AVL AVF II III AVF R T 7 24 h 11 2 13. 3% P PR R T R T M R T ST 1 P < 0. 05 1 100% 2. 2 1 Tab. 1 n = 15 Comparison of the mortalitysurvival rate and infarct area in the rats Group 1 h Within 1 h 24 h Within 2 h 36. 2% P < 0. 05 1 h 1 h 1 24 h 4 1 66. 7% 24 h After 24 h / % Total survival rate / % Infarct area High ligation group 7 11 2 13. 3 55. 5 Low ligation group 1 4 1 66. 7 36. 2 Sham operation group 0 0 0 100 0 P < 0. 05 Note Compared with the high suture groupp < 0. 05 a significant difference. 2. 3 11 12 HE 2 4 HE 3 4 13 3 2 ~ 3 mm 80% ~ 90% 2 ~ 5 73. 3% 4 66. 7% 1 5 3 mm 24 h 26. 7% 4 13. 3% 11 2 mm 24 h

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