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Victorian Certificate of Education 2008 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Figures Words CHINESE FIRST LANGUAGE Written examination Thursday 20 November 2008 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm (15 minutes) Writing time: 3.15 pm to 5.15 pm (2 hours) Section Number of questions QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK Structure of book Number of questions to be answered Number of marks Suggested times (minutes) 1 6 6 25 30 2 1 1 30 40 3 5 1 25 50 Total 80 120 Students are permitted to bring into the examination room: pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners, rulers and any printed monolingual and/or bilingual dictionary in one or two separate volumes. Dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time and also during the examination. Students are NOT permitted to bring into the examination room: blank sheets of paper and/or white out liquid/tape. No calculator is allowed in this examination. Materials supplied Question and answer book of 15 pages, including Assessment criteria on page 15. Instructions Write your student number in the space provided above on this page. Write all your answers in the spaces provided in this question and answer book. The spaces provided give you an idea of how much you should write. At the end of the examination Hand in this question and answer book at the end of the examination. Students are NOT permitted to bring mobile phones and/or any other unauthorised electronic devices into the examination room. VICTORIAN CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY 2008

2008 CHINFL EXAM 2 This page is blank

3 2008 CHINFL EXAM SECTION 1 Listening and responding Instructions for Section 1 You will hear one text. It will be played twice. There will be a pause of approximately five minutes between the first and second playings of the text. You may make notes at any time. Listen carefully to the text and then answer the questions in CHINESE. TEXT 1 Question 1 关于 国学 有哪三种说法?/ You may make notes in this space. Question 2 关于国学的要点, 有的专家是怎样建议的?/ Question 3 其中 技 包含哪些内容?/ Question 4 为什么当今中国会出现 国学 热?/ SECTION 1 continued TURN OVER

2008 CHINFL EXAM 4 Question 5 请举例说明 国学 热中, 哪些内容和做法应该被摒弃? 为什么?/ 棄 麼 You may make notes in this space. Question 6 专家认为 国学 热的积极作用是什么?/ 麼 Total 25 marks END OF SECTION 1

5 2008 CHINFL EXAM SECTION 2 Reading and responding Instructions for Section 2 Read the two texts and then answer the question in 350 400 characters in CHINESE. TEXT 2 Simplified form characters You may make notes in this space. 中国古代格言录 忧劳可以兴国, 逸豫可以忘身, 自然之理也 ---- 欧阳修德, 须谨于至微之事, 施恩勿施于不报之恩 ---- 洪应明一粥一饭, 当思来处不易 ; 半丝半缕, 恒念物力维艰 朱柏庐取之有度, 用之有节, 则常足 ----- 资治通鉴 岁不寒无以知松柏, 事不难无以知君子 荀子 千金难得一时之欢, 一饭竟至终身之感 ---- 菜根谭 Full form characters SECTION 2 continued TURN OVER

2008 CHINFL EXAM 6 TEXT 3 Simplified form characters You may make notes in this space. 古文二则今译 : 从前, 瓠巴鼓瑟时, 瑟声悠扬, 连沉入水底的游鱼也浮出水面倾听 ; 伯牙弹琴时, 琴声悦耳, 连低头吃草的马儿也仰头噘食欣赏 所以, 美好的行为无论多么细微, 都会感觉到 ; 其行为多么隐蔽, 也总会显露出来 山中如果藏有宝玉, 草木便显得润泽 ; 深渊中如果生有宝珠, 崖岸便愈发葱郁 积聚了善行, 哪有不为人所知道的呢?! 一老翁, 住在边塞, 会算命 其马无缘无故跑到胡地 人们都来安慰他, 老翁说 : 此何遽不能为福乎? 不久, 老翁的马又带回胡地的一匹骏马, 人们又都来祝贺他 老翁说 : 此何遽不能为祸乎? 一日, 其子从马上坠下, 摔断胯骨 其父说 : 此何遽不能为福乎? 第二年, 胡人进攻塞内, 青壮人战死不下十之八九 而老翁之子, 因跛脚缘故, 父子相保 Full form characters 麼 麼 Question 7 在四川抗震救灾中, 一些生活拮据的平民百姓, 捐出了他们的全部积蓄, 献出了他们的爱 这一现象深深地感动了世人 你是一位中国问题专家, 你认为这一现象源于中国的传统文化 现用以上的资料写一篇演讲稿, 赞扬这种精神, 并在一次中国问题研讨会上发言 讚 並 Total 30 marks SECTION 2 continued


2008 CHINFL EXAM 8 SECTION 2 continued


2008 CHINFL EXAM 10 SECTION 3 Writing in Chinese Instructions for Section 3 Answer one question in 400 450 characters in CHINESE. Space is provided on the following page to make notes. Question 8 你是一位年轻的记者, 你被 < 青年杂志 > 社邀请写一篇想象文, 故事的开头是这样的 : 我生活在一个万花筒的世界里 OR Question 9 中国父母对孩子无私的奉献 这一现象, 一直被海内外社会学家所关注 你是一名社会学家, 应邀为 澳洲家庭教育 杂志写一篇文章, 谈谈人们对此现象的不同看法 誌 OR Question 10 你是宇宙二号的宇航员, 你驾驶着飞船来到了月球, 在那儿你遇见了嫦娥 写一篇日记, 记下你见到嫦娥的情景 OR Question 11 对儿童动画片的内容完全取材于中国本土文化的做法, 社会上出现了截然不同的观点 你是一位文艺评论家, 应邀在 影视发展研讨会 上发言 现在你将两种不同的观点汇集在一起, 准备这篇发言搞 OR SECTION 3 continued

11 2008 CHINFL EXAM Question 12 最近地区报举办故事征文比赛 你是一位青年作家, 现在你用下面的图写一篇想象性的故事 Total 25 marks You may make notes in this space. SECTION 3 continued TURN OVER

2008 CHINFL EXAM 12 Question No. SECTION 3 continued


2008 CHINFL EXAM 14 A script book is available from the supervisor if you need extra paper to complete your answer. Please ensure you write your student number in the space provided on the front cover of the script book. At the end of the examination, place the script book inside the front cover of this question and answer book. END OF SECTION 3

15 2008 CHINFL EXAM Assessment criteria Section 1: Listening and responding the capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts the capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Section 2: Reading and responding the capacity to identify and synthesise relevant information and ideas from the texts appropriateness of structure and sequence accuracy, range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar (including punctuation and, where relevant, script) Section 3: Writing in Chinese relevance, breadth and depth of content appropriateness of structure and sequence accuracy of vocabulary and grammar (including punctuation and, where relevant, script) range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar END OF QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK