152 Early Diagnosis for Autistic Infants and Toddlers Before 2-year-old Chwen-chyong Tsau* Abstract The Prevalence of autism increased rapidly and bec

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151172 * ( 94 3 21 94 6 30 ) ~ DSM-IV-TR ICD-10 CARS ADI-R CHAT CESIA 18 24 *

152 Early Diagnosis for Autistic Infants and Toddlers Before 2-year-old Chwen-chyong Tsau* Abstract The Prevalence of autism increased rapidly and became one of public health problems. To solve the severity of this problem, early diagnosis and intervention from the birth should be executed. Yet autistic children were usually undiagnosed until age 4 or even later, though parents actually noticed children s symptoms earlier before one-year-old. The purpose of this study was therefore to understand early symptoms of autism and the early diagnosis before 2-year-old, and to clarify what the most sensitive differentiating index within those designed diagnosis items were. Researches analysis was used and the results indicated that early diagnosis questionnaires such as CARS and ADI-R were based on parents remembering reports or family movies analysis. Their sensitivity of differentiation and data s preciseness were under suspicion. CHAT and CESIA designed through national infants and toddles health screen system were much reliable. Early symptoms such as eye contact, difficult to play with peers, pretend play, and specific language regression could be sensitive differentiating index. As to joint attention and response to name-calling needed further research to clarify their differentiating sensitivity. Key wordsautism, early diagnosis, early symptoms * Chwen-chyong Tsau: Assistant professor of Dep. of Early Child Care and Education of Fooyin University

153 Kanner 1943 (early infantile autism) 2~5 4~6( 91)7 (Painter, 2003) 1 (Humphries, 2000) 14 1 (Constantino & Todd, 2003) (Blaxill, Baskin, & Spitzer, 2003) (Bryson, Zwaigenbaum, & Roberts, 2004) DSM-IV (APA, 1994)DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) ICD-10 (WHO, 1992) (Ruble & Brown, 2003; Wolraich, 2003) 18 (Coonrod & Stone, 2004; Humphries, 2000) ( 88Blackwell & Niederhauser, 2003; Coonrod & Stone, 2004; Humphries, 2000) (Cumine, Leach, Stevenson, 2000) (Howlin & Moore, 1997) (Howlin & Moore, 1997) ( 88Attwood, 1993; Blackwell & Niederhauser, 2003; Humphries, 2000)

154 (2/3 ) (Rogers, 1998) ( 2001Coonrod & Stone, 2004; Cumine et al., 2000) Goin & Myers(2004) (Lovaas & Smith, 1989; Perry, Cohen, & DeCarlo, 1995) (Azar, 1998; Humphries, 2000; Kope, Eveas, & Ho, 2001) () 0 Wing & GouldWing (Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ASDs) Kanner(1943) ( 91Cumine et al.,

155 2000)Wing (American Psychiatric Association, APA) ( DSM-III, 1980)( 91) DSM-III(1980)DSM-III-R (1987)DSM-IV (1994) DSM-IV-TR(2000) ( PDD) (Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ASDs) ( 2001) ( 91) ( 2001) (Infants Behavioral Summarized Evaluation Scale, IBSE) Bathelemy (1990) ( ) ( Goin & Myers, 2004)Filipek(1999) 8

156 65% (Goin & Myers, 2004)79%~81%(Filipek et al., 2000) (Goin & Myers, 2004) (Childhood Autism Rating Scale, CARS) (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, ADOS) (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, ADI-R) 88 10 (3 2 2 5.2 ) (8 1 1 ) 30 Baron-Cohen (1992) 18 歩 (Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, CHAT) (2001) 18 20 (Checklist of Early Symptoms in Infants with Autism, CESIA) Skuse, Warrington, Bishop, Chowdhury, Lau, Mandy, Place(2004) ADI-R (Lord, Le Counter, & Rutter, 1989) 45

157 e (The Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview, 3di)3di Skuse 6 16 () 1. Schopler (CARS) CARS Schopler, Reichler, & Rochen- Renner(1988) TEACCH (The Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped CHildren) 20 30 CARS 15 CARS ( ) ( )(Cumine et al.,2000) (Blackwell & Niederhauser, 2003; Tidmarsh & Volkmar, 2003) 2. Lord (ADOS) (ADI-R) Le Counter, Rutter & Lord(1989) ADOS (point) (showing) DSM-IV ICD-10

158 Lord 18 3 5 ADOS 3 (Cumine et al., 2000) Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur(1994) ADOS ADI-R (1) (2) (3) 势 (4) (5) ; ADI-R DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) 90 ADI-R (Cumine et al., 2000; Skuse et al., 2004; Tidmarsh & Volkmar, 2003) 3. Baron-Cohen (1992) 歩 (CHAT)Fein (2001) 歩 (M-CHAT) CHAT (A ) (B B (gaze monitoring) (proto-declarative pointing) A (5 ) (4 ) 9 (1) : /

159 (2) / 9 (Baron-Cophen, Allen, & Gillberg, 1992) CHAT DSM ICD-10 Baron-Cohen (1992) CHAT 16,235 19 (12 ) (22 ) 18 A B / CHAT 18 (Baron-Cohen et al., 1992) Baron-Cohen (1996) ADI-R(Lord et al., 1994) CHAT Baird (2000)Baron-Cohen (2000) Kope (2001)CHAT 38% 75% (Medical Research Council, 2001) CHAT (ASDs) 2% Filipek (2000) CHAT (PDDNOS) 歩 Robin, Fein, Barton, & Green(2001) 1293 1999 CHAT 23 (The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, M-CHAT) 6

160 ( ) Dumont-Mathieu, Fein, & Kleinman(2005) 4200 M-CHAT M-CHAT 0.97 0.57 0.99M-CHAT CHAT (Bryson et al., 2004; Dumont-Mathieu et al., 2005) 4. (CESIA) CESIA (2001) Gillbert (1990) Baron-Cohen (1992) 18 24 ( ) (12 6 57.8, 11.06) (9 66.8 5.45) (10 1 61.6 6.67) 38 CESIA : (1) (2) (3) (4) 23 PDDNOS

161 CHAT CESIA () (Constantino & Todd, 2003) 1. (Coin & Myers, 2004; Constantino & Todd, 2003; Coonrod & Stone, 2004; Skuse et al., 2004) 2 Baron-Cohen (1992)Gillberg (1990) (2001) 18 24 PPDNOS CARS M-CHAT Werner, Dawson, Osterling,

162 & Dinno(2000) Robins (2001) M-CHAT 8 10 18 25 (2001) (Charman, Swettenham, Baron-Cohen, Cox, Baird, & Drew, 1997; Goin & Myers, 2004; Coonrod & Stone, 2004) CHATM-CHAT PLADOS 20 ( 91)Baron-Cohen (1992) (2000) 18 40 34 (91) Landry & Loveland(1988)Baron-Cohen ( 1996) (2000) (2003)Mundy (1994)

163 2. (86%) (91%) (Coonrod & Stone, 2004; Goin & Myers, 2004) (Wetherby & Woods, 2003) 0 (Goin & Myers, 2004)Wetherby & Woods(2003) Coonrod Stone(2004) (88) 2 3 (2000) 7.8 (3.0 ) (2.6 ) (0 Williams & Ozonoffs(2001)Werner & Munson(2001) ( Goin & Myers, 2004)Tidmarsh & Volkar(2003) 52%(31/61 )27%(17/64 )50%(118/473) CESIA

164 ( 2001) (Goin & Myers, 2004) (Coonrod & Stone, 2004) (Humphries, 2000) 3. 30 70 (Evers, 1986) ( 2001Baron-Cohen et al., 1992 ; Humphries, 2000) ( 2001Humphries, 2000) ( 2001) Charman (1997) (10 20.7) (19 鹷 20.3) (9 鹷 21.1) Charman (1997) CHAT Mundy, Sigman, & Kasari(1994) 2 8 Baron-Cohen (1992)16000 (theory of mind) (Goin & Myers, 2004) (Wetherby & Woods, 2003)

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