( C ) 5. Mei-ling has a very close relationship with her parents. She always them before she makes important decisions. (A) impresses (B) advises (C)

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大學入學考試中心 103 學年度學科能力測驗試題 英文考科解答 翻譯與解析 第壹部分 : 單選題 ( 占 72 分 ) 一 詞彙 ( 占 15 分 ) 說明..第 1 題至第 15 題, 每題有 4 個選項, 其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選項, 請畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對者, 得 1 分 ; 答錯 未作答或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 ( C ) 1. Lost and scared, the little dog along the streets, looking for its master. (A) dismissed (B) glided (C) wandered (D) marched 翻譯 那隻迷路又害怕的小狗在街頭徘徊, 尋找牠的主人 解析 (A) 解散 (B) 滑行 (C) 徘徊, 遊蕩 (D) 行軍 ( A ) 2. On a sunny afternoon last month, we all took off our shoes and walked on the grass with feet. (A) bare (B) raw (C) tough (D) slippery 翻譯 上個月一個晴天的午後, 我們全部都把鞋子脫掉赤腳走在草地上 解析 (A) 赤裸的 (B) 未煮過的 (C) 堅韌的 (D) 滑溜的 ( A ) 3. It is both legally and wrong to spread rumors about other people on the Internet. (A) morally (B) physically (C) literarily (D) commercially 翻譯 在網路上散布他人的謠言不僅違法而且不道德 解析 (A) 道德上 (B) 物質上 (C) 字面上 (D) 商業上 ( D ) 4. These warm-up exercises are designed to help people their muscles and prevent injuries. (A) produce (B) connect (C) broaden (D) loosen 翻譯 這些暖身運動是為了幫人放鬆肌肉及避免受傷而設計的 解析 (A) 生產 (B) 連接 (C) 增廣 (D) 放鬆 1

( C ) 5. Mei-ling has a very close relationship with her parents. She always them before she makes important decisions. (A) impresses (B) advises (C) consults (D) motivates 翻譯 美玲和父母的關係非常密切 她在做重要的決定之前總是先諮詢他們的意見 解析 (A) 給予印象 (B) 建議 (C) 請教 (D) 刺激 ( B ) 6. The restaurant has a charge of NT$250 per person. So the four of us need to pay at least NT$1,000 to eat there. (A) definite (B) minimum (C) flexible (D) numerous 翻譯 這家餐廳的個人最低消費是兩百五十元 所以我們四個人在這裡用餐至少需要花一千元 解析 (A) 一定的 (B) 最小限度的 (C) 有彈性的 (D) 許多的 ( C ) 7. At the Book Fair, exhibitors from 21 countries will textbooks, novels, and comic books. (A) predict (B) require (C) display (D) target 翻譯 在書展當中, 來自二十一個國家的參展者將展示教科書 小說和漫畫書 解析 (A) 預測 (B) 需要 (C) 展示 (D) 將 定為目標 ( D ) 8. Before John got on the stage to give the speech, he took a deep to calm himself down. (A) order (B) rest (C) effort (D) breath 翻譯 約翰上台演講之前, 先深吸一口氣讓自己鎮定下來 解析 (A) 順序 (B) 休息 (C) 努力 (D) 呼吸 ( B ) 9. Most young people in Taiwan are not satisfied with a high school and continue to pursue further education in college. (A) maturity (B) diploma (C) foundation (D) guarantee 翻譯 台灣大部分的年輕人都不滿足於只有高中學歷, 而會上大學繼續深造 解析 (A) 成熟 (B) 文憑 (C) 創立 (D) 保證 ( B ) 10. Residents are told not to dump all household waste into the trash can; reusable materials should first be sorted out and recycled. (A) shortly (B) straight (C) forward (D) namely 翻譯 居民被告知不要把家裡所有的垃圾都直接倒進垃圾桶, 可重複使用的材料應該先分類出來並回收 解析 (A) 很快地 (B) 直接地 (C) 向前 (D) 也就是 ( C ) 11. Kevin had been standing on a ladder trying to reach for a book on the top shelf when 2

he lost his and fell to the ground. (A) volume (B) weight (C) balance (D) direction 翻譯 當凱文站在梯子上試著伸手去拿書架最頂層的書時, 他失去了平衡跌落到地上 解析 (A) 數量 (B) 重量 (C) 平衡 (D) 方向 ( B ) 12. If student enrollment continues to drop, some programs at the university may be to reduce the operation costs. (A) relieved (B) eliminated (C) projected (D) accounted 翻譯 如果學生入學人數持續下滑, 這所大學有些科系可能會被淘汰以減少營運費用 解析 (A) 減輕 (B) 淘汰 (C) 投射 (D) 說明 ( C ) 13. People in that remote village feed themselves by hunting and engaging in forms of agriculture. No modern agricultural methods are used. (A) universal (B) splendid (C) primitive (D) courteous 翻譯 那個偏遠村落的人民以狩獵和從事原始型態的農業自給自足 沒有使用現代化的農耕方式 解析 (A) 普遍的 (B) 華麗的 (C) 原始的 (D) 有禮貌的 ( A ) 14. The government issued a travel for Taiwanese in response to the outbreak of civil war in Syria. (A) alert (B) monument (C) exit (D) circulation 翻譯 為了因應敘利亞爆發內戰, 台灣政府發布了針對當地的旅遊警報 解析 (A) 警報 (B) 紀念碑 (C) 出口 (D) 循環 ( C ) 15. The baby panda Yuan Zai at the Taipei Zoo was separated from her mother because of a minor injury that occurred during her birth. She was by zookeepers for a while. (A) departed (B) jailed (C) tended (D) captured 翻譯 台北動物園的貓熊寶寶圓仔因為出生時受到輕傷而與母親隔離 牠被動物園飼育員照顧了一陣子 解析 (A) 離開 (B) 拘禁 (C) 照顧 (D) 擄獲 二 綜合測驗 ( 占 15 分 ) 說明..第 16 題至第 30 題, 每題一個空格, 請依文意選出最適當的一個選項, 請畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對者, 得 1 分 ; 答錯 未作答或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 第 16 至 20 題為題組 3

Aesop, the Greek writer of fables, 1 was sitting by the roadside 2 one day when a traveler asked him what sort of people lived in Athens. Aesop replied, Tell me where you come from and what sort of people live there, and I ll tell you what sort of people you ll find in Athens. 16, the man answered, I come from Argos, and there the people are all friendly, generous, 3 and warm-hearted. 4 I love them. 17 this, Aesop answered, I m happy to tell you, my dear friend, that you ll find the people of Athens much the same. A few hours later, 18 traveler came down the road. He too stopped and asked Aesop the same question. 19, Aesop made the same request. 5 But frowning, 6 the man answered, I m from Argos and there the people are unfriendly, 20, and vicious. 7 They re thieves and murderers, 8 all of them. Well, I m afraid you ll find the people of Athens much the same, replied Aesop. 重要字彙 1. fable n. 寓言 2. roadside n. 路邊, 路旁 3. generous adj. 慷慨的, 大方的 4. warm-hearted adj. 熱心的, 有同情心的 5. request n. 要求, 請求 6. frown v. 皺眉頭 7. vicious adj. 有惡意的, 惡毒的 8. murderer n. 兇手, 殺人犯 中譯 有一天, 寫寓言故事的希臘作家伊索正坐在路邊, 一個旅人問他住在雅典的都是什麼樣的人 伊索回答 : 告訴我你打哪兒來, 住在那裡的都是什麼樣的人, 這樣我就跟你說你會在雅典遇上什麼樣的人 那個人笑著回答 : 我從阿哥斯來的, 那裡的人全部都很友善 大方而且熱心 我愛他們 伊索聽了便回答 : 我親愛的朋友, 很高興地告訴你, 你會發現雅典人差不多就是那個樣子 幾個小時之後, 路上又來了另一個旅人 他也停下來問伊索同樣的問題 伊索也又一次提出同樣的要求 但是這個人皺著眉回答 : 我來自阿哥斯, 那裡的人都很不友善 既卑鄙又邪惡 他們是小偷和殺人犯, 全部都是 這樣嘛, 恐怕你會發現雅典人差不多也是那樣, 伊索回答 ( B ) 16. (A) Amazing (B) Smiling (C) Deciding (D) Praying 解析 現在分詞可用於兩個動作同時發生, 原句可寫為 The man smiled and answered... (A) 錯誤, 應該改為過去分詞 amazed, 表示 大吃一驚的 ( A ) 17. (A) At (B) By (C) For (D) Into 解析 at this 指 聽說此事, 看見此事 ( D ) 18. (A) a (B) the (C) other (D) another 解析 指非特定的 另一個 用 another ( A ) 19. (A) Again (B) Indeed (C) Together (D) Moreover 解析 (A) 再一次 (B) 的確 (C) 一起, 一道 (D) 此外 4

( C ) 20. (A) brave (B) lonely (C) mean (D) skinny 解析 (A) 勇敢的 (B) 寂寞的 (C) 卑鄙的 (D) 很瘦的 由連接詞 and 判斷, 與 unfriendly 及 vicious 同樣屬於負面的形容詞應是 (C) mean 第 21 至 25 題為題組 Every year tens of thousands of tourists visit Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Tanzania, Africa, to witness 1 the scenes depicted 2 in Earnest Hemingway s The Snows of Kilimanjaro. They are attracted by the American writer s 21 of the millennia 3 -old glaciers. 4 However, this tourist attraction 5 will soon 22. According to the Climate Change Group, formed by environmentalists worldwide to document 6 the effects of global warming, Mount Kilimanjaro s snows and glaciers are melting and are 23 to disappear by 2020. Not only will the summit 7 lose its tourist attraction, but the disappearance 8 of the snows will also cause major damage to the ecosystem 9 on the dry African plains at its base. 24 the snow covering the peak, there will not be enough moisture 10 and water to nourish 11 the plants and animals below. Rising temperatures, an effect of global warming, 25 threaten the ecosystem of this mountain area. The loss of snows on the 5,892m peak, which have been there for about 11,700 years, could have disastrous 12 effects on Tanzania. 重要字彙 1. witness v. 目擊, 看見 2. depict v. 描述, 敘述 3. millennial adj. 千年的 4. glacier n. 冰河 5. tourist attraction 觀光勝地 6. document v. 附記文獻於 7. summit n. 峰頂 8. disappearance n. 消失 9. ecosystem n. 生態系統 10. moisture n. 濕氣 11. nourish v. 滋養 12. disastrous adj. 毀滅性的 中譯 每年都有數以萬計的遊客造訪位在非洲坦尚尼亞的第一高峰吉力馬札羅山, 親眼目睹海明威在 雪山盟 中所描繪的風光景致 他們都是受到這位美國作家筆下的千年冰河所吸引 然而, 這樣的風景名勝即將消失無蹤 全球環保人士為記錄全球暖化效應而組成的氣候變遷小組表示, 吉力馬札羅山的雪和冰河都正在融化, 而且有可能在二 二 年之前就會消失無蹤 不僅山頂的觀光景點將不復存在, 積雪消失也將對山腳下乾燥的非洲平原生態系統造成重大危害 如果山頂沒有白雪覆蓋, 就沒有足夠的濕氣和水分滋養山下的動植物 因為全球暖化而造成的氣溫上升, 會因而威脅到整個山區的生態系統 在這座五千八百九十二公尺的高峰上已經存在了一萬一千七百年的積雪若是消失, 對坦尚尼亞可能會造成非常嚴重的影響 ( B ) 21. (A) situations (B) descriptions (C) translations (D) calculations 解析 (A) 情形 (B) 敘述 (C) 翻譯 (D) 計算 ( D ) 22. (A) operate (B) expand (C) recover (D) vanish 解析 (A) 運轉 (B) 擴張 (C) 恢復 (D) 消失 5

由本句句首的承轉詞 however 推知, 歷史有千年之久的冰河應該是會消失 ( C ) 23. (A) capable (B) ready (C) likely (D) horrible 解析 (A) 能夠的 (B) 準備好的 (C) 可能的 (D) 恐怖的 be likely + to V 可能會做 的 ( D ) 24. (A) Among (B) Besides (C) Inside (D) Without 解析 (A) 在 當中 (B) 除 之外 (C) 在內部 (D) 沒有, 若無 ( A ) 25. (A) thus (B) just (C) instead (D) otherwise 解析 (A) 因此 (B) 正好 (C) 代替 (D) 否則 第 26 至 30 題為題組 Most human beings actually decide before they think. When people encounter 1 a complex 2 issue and form an opinion, how thoroughly 3 have they 26 all the important factors involved before they make their decisions? The answer is: not very thoroughly, 27 they are executives, 4 specialized 5 experts, or ordinary people in the street. Very few people, no matter how intelligent or experienced, can 28 all the possibilities or outcomes 6 of a policy or a course 7 of action within just a short period of time. Those who take pride in 8 being decisive 9 often try their best to consider all the factors beforehand. 29, it is not unusual for them to come up with 10 a decision before they have the time to do so. And 30 an opinion is formed, most of their thinking then is simply trying to find support for it. 重要字彙 1. encounter v. 遇到, 碰到 2. complex adj. 複雜的 3. thoroughly adv. 徹底地, 全面地 4. executive n.( 有執行權的 ) 高階主管 5. specialize v. 專門化 6. outcome n. 結果 7. course n.( 行動的 ) 方針, 方向 8. take pride in 以 自豪 9. decisive adj. 果決的 10. come up with 想到, 想出 中譯 其實大部分的人在思考前就已經做好決定 當人們遇上複雜的問題而必須拿定主意時, 他們能夠全面檢視所有相關重要因素到什麼樣的程度, 然後才做出決定? 答案是 : 難以通盤考量, 無論是大權在握的長官 學有專精的專家, 還是街頭巷尾的平凡老百姓皆是如此 不管智商有多高 經驗多老道, 能在短時間內就將一項政策或行動方針產生的一切可能性或後果通通納入考量的人少之又少 那些以果斷自豪的人往往也都是盡可能在事前先斟酌過各種因素 然而, 他們也常常會遇上沒有時間好好考慮就得做出決定的情況 而主意一定拿定, 多數人的思維就是想辦法讓它站得住腳 ( B ) 26. (A) conveyed (B) examined (C) solved (D) implied 解析 (A) 傳遞 ; 載運 (B) 檢視 (C) 解決 (D) 暗示 6

( C ) 27. (A) whoever (B) because (C) whether (D) rather 解析 (A) 無論是誰 (B) 因為 (C) 無論 (D) 寧可 連接兩個句子要用連接詞, 再加上後面的 or ordinary people in the street, 與 executives specialized experts 呈現對比, 表示 不管是 還是, 因此 答案為 (C) ( D ) 28. (A) set out (B) turn out (C) put into practice (D) take into account 解析 (A) 出發 (B) 結果是 (C) 實行 (D) 考慮 ( A ) 29. (A) However (B) Furthermore (C) Conditionally (D) Similarly 解析 (A) 然而 (B) 再者 (C) 有條件地 (D) 同樣地 ( C ) 30. (A) though (B) unless (C) once (D) even 解析 (A) 雖然 (B) 除非 (C) 一旦 (D) 即使 opinion is formed 和 trying to find support for it 具有因果關係, 所以依照文意選 擇 (C) 三 文意選填 ( 占 10 分 ) 說明 : 第 31 題至第 40 題, 每題一個空格, 請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者, 並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對者, 得 1 分 ; 答錯 未作答或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 第 31 至 40 題為題組 In English-speaking cultures, the choice of first names for children can be prompted 1 by many factors: tradition, religion, nature, culture, and fashion, to name just a few. 2 Certain people like to give a name that has been handed down 3 in the family to show 31 for or to remember a relative whom they love or admire. Some families have a tradition of 32 the father s first name to the first born son. In other families, a surname 4 is included in the selection of a child s given name to 33 a family surname going. It may be the mother s maiden 5 name, for instance. For a long time, 34 has also played an important role in naming children. Boys names such as John, Peter, and Thomas are chosen from the Bible. Girls names such as Faith, Patience, and Sophie (wisdom) are chosen because they symbolize 6 Christian qualities. However, for people who are not necessarily 7 religious 8 but are fond of nature, names 35 things of beauty are often favored. Flower and plant names like Heather, Rosemary, and Iris 36 this category. Another factor that has had a great 37 on the choice of names is the spread of 7

culture through the media. People may choose a name because they are strongly 38 a character in a book or a television series; they may also adopt 9 names of famous people or their favorite actors and actresses. Sometimes, people pick foreign names for their children because those names are unusual and will thus make their children more 39 and distinctive. 10 Finally, some people just pick a name the sound of which they like, 40 of its meaning, its origins, or its popularity. However, even these people may look at the calendar to pick a lucky day when they make their choice. (A) drawn to (B) fall into (C) impact (D) involving (E) keep (F) passing down (G) regardless (H) religion ( I ) respect (J) unique 31. ( ) 32. ( ) 33. ( ) 34. ( ) 35. ( ) 36. ( ) 37. ( ) 38. ( ) 39. ( ) 40. ( ) 重要字彙 1. prompt v. 喚起 ( 某種想法 ) 2. to name just a few 僅列舉數例 3. hand down 傳承 ( 傳統 )(= pass down) 4. surname n. 姓 5. maiden adj. 未婚的 6. symbolize v. 象徵 7. not necessarily 未必, 不一定 8. religious adj. 虔誠的 ; 宗教的 9. adopt v. 採用 10. distinctive adj. 有特色的, 獨特的 中譯 在英語系國家, 給小孩取名字的靈感來源五花八門 : 傳統 宗教 大自然 文化和時尚等, 僅舉數例 有些人喜歡取在家族間傳承的名字, 以對某一個敬愛的親戚表示致意與感念 有些家庭習慣將父親的名字傳承給長子 還有些家庭為了確保姓氏不會消失, 也把它變成給小孩取名的選項之一 例如可能是母親娘家的姓氏 長久以來, 宗教也在小孩命名這件事上佔有舉足輕重的角色 約翰 彼得 湯瑪士之類的男孩名都是出自聖經 費絲 ( 信仰 ) 佩欣絲( 耐心 ) 蘇菲( 智慧 ) 之類的女孩名則象徵耶穌基督的人格特質 然而, 對於沒那麼宗教虔誠但卻喜愛大自然的人來說, 往往會中意跟美的事物有關的名字 像是希瑟 ( 蘇格蘭石楠 ) 蘿絲瑪麗( 迷迭香 ) 和艾芮絲 ( 鳶尾花 ) 等花草的名字則屬於此類 另一個也大大影響命名選擇的因素是經由媒體傳播的文化 民眾可能會因為很迷某一本書或電視影集裡的角色而取某一個名字, 他們也可能採用名人或是喜歡的演員名字 有時候民眾會替小孩取外國名字, 因為這種名字很少見, 會讓他們的小孩顯得比較獨特且與眾不同 最後, 有些人取名只憑對發音的喜好, 並不管其意義 來由或通俗性 不過, 就算是這樣的人在做決定時, 也是會挑個黃道吉日再來命名 解析 8

( I ) 31. show respect for 向 致敬 ( F ) 32. pass down 將 傳給 of 後面應接名詞或動名詞, 依前後文意, 父親將 名字 傳 給長子, 所以答案為 (F) ( E ) 33. 從空格後的 going 可先合理懷疑是 keep + O + V-ing( 讓 持續 ) 的句 型, 再對照上下文, 便可確定 ( H ) 34. 本句欠缺的是主詞, 再由後兩句的 Bible Christian 可推測與宗教有關, 因此 答案為 (H) ( D ) 35. 由空格前面的 nature 以及後句與花草有關的名字, 即可推測這些名字與美有 關,involving 是現在分詞, 放在名詞 names 後面做修飾 ( B ) 36. fall into 屬於 範圍 ( C ) 37. have a (great) impact on 對 有 ( 重大 ) 影響 ( A ) 38. be drawn to 對 著迷 ( J ) 39. unique adj. 獨一無二的 空格後用 and 連接形容詞 distinctive, 表示空格本身 也應填入形容詞, 再根據文意, 答案為 (J) ( G ) 40. regardless of 不管 四 閱讀測驗 ( 占 32 分 ) 說明..第 41 題至第 56 題, 每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項, 請畫記在答案卡之 選擇題答案區 各題答對者, 得 2 分 ; 答錯 未作答或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算 第 41 至 44 題為題組 American writer Toni Morrison was born in 1931 in Ohio. She was raised in an African American family filled with songs and stories of Southern myths, 1 which later shaped her prose. 2 Her happy family life led to her excellent performance in school, despite the atmosphere 3 of racial discrimination 4 in the society. After graduating from college, Morrison started to work as a teacher and got married in 1958. Several years later, her marriage began to fail. For a temporary 5 escape, she joined a small writers group, in which each member was required to bring a story or poem for 9

discussion. She wrote a story based on the life of a girl she knew in childhood who had prayed to God for blue eyes. The story was well received 6 by the group, but then she put it away, thinking she was done with it. In 1964, Morrison got divorced and devoted herself to 7 writing. One day, she dusted off 8 the story she had written for the writers group and decided to make it into a novel. She drew on 9 her memories from childhood and expanded upon them using her imagination so that the characters developed a life of their own. The Bluest Eye was eventually published in 1970. From 1970 to 1992, Morrison published five more novels. In her novels, Morrison brings in 10 different elements of the African American past, their struggles, problems and cultural memory. In Song of Solomon, for example, Morrison tells the story of an African American man and his search for identity 11 in his culture. The novels and other works won her several prizes. In 1993, Morrison received the Nobel Prize in Literature. She is the eighth woman and the first African American woman to win the honor. 重要字彙 1. myth n. 神話 2. prose n. 散文 3. atmosphere n. 氛圍, 環境 4. discrimination n. 歧視, 差別待遇 5. temporary adj. 暫時的 6. receive v. 歡迎, 接納 7. devote to 致力於 8. dust off 拂去灰塵 9. draw on 利用 10. bring in 引進, 採用 11. identity n. 身分 中譯 美國作家東妮莫里森在一九三一年出生於俄亥俄州 她在一個充滿歌聲與南方神話故事的非裔家庭中長大, 這對她日後的寫作之路有很大的影響 幸福的家庭生活讓她在學校的表現也十分優異, 儘管當時社會上仍充斥著種族歧視的風氣 大學畢業後, 莫里森開始在學校任教, 並在一九五八年完成終身大事 數年之後, 她的婚姻開始走下坡 為了暫時逃離現實, 她參加了一個小型寫作會, 每一個成員都要提供故事或詩參與討論 她以童年時認識一個女孩向上帝祈求一雙藍色眼睛這件事為雛形寫了一個故事, 結果大受寫作會的好評, 不過事後她就把這個故事束之高閣, 認為自己已經圓滿達成任務 一九六四年莫里森離了婚, 於是專心投入寫作 有一天她把為寫作會創作的這個塵封已久的故事拿出來, 並決定發展成一本小說 她憑藉著童年的記憶, 加上自己的想像力予以延伸, 讓故事中的角色都擁有自己的生命 最藍的眼睛 最後在一九七 年出版 從一九七 年到一九九二年間, 莫里森又陸續出版了五本小說 莫里森在她的小說中採用了各種有關非裔美國人的過往 他們的奮鬥 困境和文化記憶的元素 例如在 所羅門之歌 中, 她講述一個非裔美國人在原生文化中尋找自我認同的故事 她的這些作品為她贏得好幾座獎項 在一九九三年莫里森榮獲諾貝爾文學獎 她是史上第八位女性得主, 也是第一位獲得這項殊榮的非裔美國女性 ( B ) 41. What is the passage mainly about? (A) The life of black people in the U.S. (B) The life of an African American writer. 10

(C) The history of African American culture. (D) The history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. 翻譯 這篇文章的主旨為何? (A) 美國黑人的人生 (B) 一位非裔美國作家的人生 (C) 非裔美國文化的歷史 (D) 諾貝爾文學獎的歷史 解析 文章在敘述非裔美國作家東妮莫里森從出生到獲得諾貝爾獎的經歷, 所以很明顯答案是 (B) ( D ) 42. Why did Morrison join the writers group? (A) She wanted to publish The Bluest Eye. (B) She wanted to fight racial discrimination. (C) She wanted to be a professional writer. (D) She wanted to get away from her unhappy marriage. 翻譯 為什麼莫里森要參加寫作會? (A) 她想出版 最藍的眼睛 一書 (B) 她想對抗種族歧視 (C) 她想成為專職作家 (D) 她想暫時逃離不幸福的婚姻 解析 第二段提到, 她的婚姻逐漸走下坡, 為了暫時逃避現實, 她參加了一個小型寫作會 (For temporary escape, she joined a small writer s group...), 所以答案為 (D) ( A ) 43. According to the passage, what is one of the themes in Morrison s works? (A) A search for African American values. (B) Divorced black women in American society. (C) Songs and stories of African Americans in Ohio. (D) History of African Americans from the 1970s through the 1990s. 翻譯 根據本文, 何者為莫里森作品的主題之一? (A) 對非裔美國人價值的追尋 (B) 美國社會中離婚的黑人女性 (C) 俄亥俄州非裔美國人的歌曲與故事 (D) 從一九七 年到一九九 年代非裔美國人的歷史 解析 最後一段提到, 莫里森的作品多在探討非裔美國人的過往 奮鬥 困境和文化記憶 (... Morrison brings in different elements of the African American past, their struggles, problems and cultural memory.), 並舉講述非裔美國男性尋求認同的 所羅門之歌 為例, 故答案為 (A) 11

( D ) 44. Which of the following statements is true about Toni Morrison? (A) She has been writing a lot since her adolescent years. (B) She suffered from severe racial discrimination in her family. (C) What she wrote in her novels are true stories of African Americans. (D) No African American woman ever received a Nobel Prize in Literature before her. 翻譯 下列關於東妮莫里森的敘述何者為是? (A) 她從青少年時期即大量創作 (B) 她在家裡飽受嚴重的種族歧視 (C) 她的小說中所描述的都是非裔美國人的真實故事 (D) 在她之前沒有非裔美國女性得到過諾貝爾文學獎 解析 (A) 錯誤, 她是離婚之後才專心投入寫作 (B) 錯誤, 她的家庭生活幸福 (C) 錯誤, 她的作品雖有真實故事的成分, 但也有她自己的想像力 (D) 正確, 她是第一位獲此殊榮的非裔美國女性 第 45 至 48 題為題組 Below is an excerpt 1 from an interview with Zeke Emanuel, a health-policy expert, on his famous brothers. Interviewer: You re the older brother of Rahm, the mayor of Chicago, and Ari, an extremely successful talent 2 agent. And you re a bioethicist 3 and one of the architects 4 of Obamacare. Isn t writing a book about how great your family is a bit odd? Zeke: I don t write a book about how great my family is. There are lots of idiocies 5 and foolishness a lot to make fun of in the book. I wrote Brothers Emanuel because I had begun jotting 6 stories for my kids. And then we began getting a lot of questions: What did Mom put in the cereal? Three successful brothers, all different areas. I: To what do you attribute 7 the Emanuel brothers success? Z: I would put success in quotes. 8 We strive. 9 First, I think we got this striving from our mother to make the world a better place. A second important thing is you never rest on the last victory. There s always more to do. And maybe the third important thing is my father s admonition 10 that offense is the best defense. We don t give up. I: Do you still not have a TV? Z: I don t own a TV. I don t own a car. I don t Facebook. I don t tweet. I: But you have four cell phones. Z: I m down to two, thankfully. I: Your brothers are a national source of fascination. 11 Where do you think they ll be in five years? Z: Ari will be a superagent running the same company. Rahm would still be mayor of Chicago. I will probably continue to be my academic self. The one thing I can guarantee 12 is none of us will have taken a cruise, 13 none of us will be sitting on a beach 12

with a pina colada. 重要字彙 1. excerpt n. 節錄, 摘錄 2. talent n. 演藝圈的人 ; 有才華的人 ; 才能 3. bioethicist n. 生命倫理學者 4. architect n. 建築師 ; 創造者 5. idiocy n. 白癡 愚蠢的行為 6. jot v. 匆匆地記下 7. attribute v. 將 歸因 8. put in quotes 將 加上引號 9. strive v. 努力, 奮鬥 9. admonition n. 訓誡, 警告 10. academic adj. 學院派的, 大學的 11. fascination n. 有魅力的人 ( 物 ); 具魅力之處 12. guarantee v. 保證 13. take a cruise ( 坐船等 ) 周遊 中譯 以下是摘自健康政策專家柴克艾曼紐的專訪內容, 主題是談論他的二位名人弟弟 訪問者 : 您的弟弟是芝加哥市長拉姆, 以及非常成功的藝能經紀人艾里 而您本身是生命倫理學者, 也是歐巴馬醫療健保案的設計人之一, 因此由您執筆在書中描述自己的家庭有多麼偉大不會有點奇怪嗎? 柴克 : 我寫這本書的目的不是在歌頌我的家庭有多了不起 裡面反而描述了很多白癡和愚蠢的行為, 有很多讓人發笑的事情 我寫這本 艾曼紐兄弟 是因為我開始寫故事給自己的孩子看 接著我們開始想到一大堆的問題, 比如說媽媽以前到底在麥片裡面加了什麼, 能讓三個兄弟在不同的領域各自打出一片天? 訪問者 : 你覺得艾曼紐兄弟的成功該歸功於什麼? 柴克 : 我會把成功兩字加上引號 我們努力奮鬥 首先, 我覺得我們這種想讓世界變得更好的奮鬥精神是遺傳自母親 第二件重要的事情是, 不要將腳步停留在上一次的勝利, 因為永遠都有更多事情要做 而第三個重點或許是我父親的教誨, 他說攻擊是最好的防禦, 所以我們從不放棄 訪問者 : 你現在還是沒有電視嗎? 柴克 : 我沒有電視 我沒有車子 我不用臉書 我也不寫推文 訪問者 : 不過你有四支手機 柴克 : 感謝老天, 現在只剩下兩支了 訪問者 : 你的弟弟們都是風靡全國的人物 你認為五年以後他們會變成怎樣呢? 柴克 : 艾里還會是經營同一家公司的超級經紀人 拉姆則還在當芝加哥市長 而我可能仍繼續在學術界打拼 有一件事我可以保證的就是, 屆時我們絕對不會有任何一個人是在搭船度假, 也不會有人坐在海灘上悠閒地喝著鳳梨可樂達 ( A ) 45. What does Zeke Emanuel have in mind when saying What did Mom put in the cereal? (A) The secret to bringing up successful kids. (B) The recipe for a breakfast food. (C) The difference among the brothers. (D) The questions from his kids. 翻譯 柴克艾曼紐說 媽媽以前在麥片裡加了什麼東西 時, 心裡想的是什麼? 13

(A) 養育出成就不凡孩子的秘訣 (B) 早餐的食譜 (C) 兄弟之間的差異 (D) 他小孩所問的問題 解析 此句後面提到三兄弟在不同領域各自打出一片天, 暗示在他想到這個問題的時候, 是想要知道媽媽是不是有什麼秘訣, 才養出他們這樣的孩子, 故答案選 (A) ( C ) 46. What does Zeke Emanuel think of the modern conveniences mentioned in the interview? (A) Better late than never. (B) Practice makes perfect. (C) One can live without many of them. (D) They are great inventions. 翻譯 柴克艾曼紐對於專訪中提到的現代便利品看法如何? (A) 遲到比不到好 (B) 熟能生巧 (C) 少了其中很多也能過活 (D) 它們是偉大的發明 解析 文中提到他沒有電視 沒有車子, 也不用臉書跟推特, 只有手機, 表示他覺得這些東西, 很多都不是生活絕對必需的, 所以正確答案選 (C) ( D ) 47. According to Zeke Emanuel, which of the following is a reason for the brothers success? (A) They defend themselves by attacking others. (B) They learn a lot from great people s quotes. (C) They are committed to glorifying their parents. (D) They keep moving forward even after a big success. 翻譯 根據柴克艾曼紐, 下列何者是他們兄弟成功的原因? (A) 他們藉由攻擊別人來防守自己 (B) 他們從偉人的引言裡學到很多 (C) 他們致力於表揚父母 (D) 他們即使在功成名就之後, 仍繼續向前奮戰 解析 文中提到他所說的第二點 (A second important thing is you never rest on the last victory. There s always more to do.), 就表示即使已經成功, 仍然不會停下奮鬥的腳步 故答案選 (D) ( B ) 48. Which of the following best summarizes Zeke Emanuel s response to the last question? (A) The brothers look forward to a family trip on a cruise. 14

(B) Nothing much will change in the near future for them. (C) Higher positions and more power will be their goals. (D) None of the brothers will go to the beach. 翻譯 下列何者最能總括柴克艾曼紐對最後一個問題的回答? (A) 三兄弟期待全家一起搭船度假旅行 (B) 他們未來短期間不會有太多變化 (C) 更高職位與更大的權力是他們的目標所在 (D) 沒有任何一個兄弟會去沙灘 解析 他表示兩個弟弟, 一個應該仍是超級經紀人, 一個可能仍是市長, 而他也應該仍在學術界發展, 表示三兄弟五年後應該跟現在差不多, 不會有太大變化, 故答案選 (B) 第 49 至 52 題為題組 MOOC, a massive 1 open online course, aims at providing large-scale interactive 2 participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user forums 3 that help build a community for the students, professors, and teaching assistants. MOOCs first made waves 4 in the fall of 2011, when Professor Sebastian Thrun from Stanford University opened his graduate-level artificial intelligence 5 course up to any student anywhere, and 160,000 students in more than 190 countries signed up. 6 This new breed 7 of online classes is shaking up 8 the higher education world in many ways. Since the courses can be taken by hundreds of thousands of students at the same time, the number of universities might decrease dramatically. 9 Professor Thrun has even envisioned 10 a future in which there will only need to be 10 universities in the world. Perhaps the most striking 11 thing about MOOCs, many of which are being taught by professors at prestigious 12 universities, is that they re free. This is certainly good news for cash-strapped 13 students. There is a lot of excitement and fear surrounding MOOCs. While some say free online courses are a great way to increase the enrollment 14 of minority students, others have said they will leave many students behind. Some critics have said that MOOCs promote an unrealistic 15 one-size-fits-all model of higher education and that there is no replacement for true dialogues between professors and their students. After all, a brain is not a computer. We are not blank hard drives waiting to be filled with data. People learn from people they love and remember the things that arouse emotion. Some critics worry that online students will miss out on 16 the social aspects of college. 重要字彙 1. massive adj. 大規模的 2. interactive adj. 互動的 3. forum n. 論壇 4. make waves 引起潮流 ; 興風作浪 5. artificial intelligence 人工智慧 6. sign up 登記加入 7. breed n. 種類 ; 品種 8. shake up 大事改革 ; 搖動 9. dramatically adv. 顯著地 ; 戲劇性地 10. envision v. 想像 15

11. striking adj. 驚人的, 給人深刻印象的 12. prestigious adj. 有聲望的 13. cash-strapped adj. 身無分文的 14. enrollment n. 登記, 註冊 15. unrealistic adj. 不切實際的 16. miss out on sth. 錯失 的機會 中譯 MOOC 是一種大型的開放式網路課程, 目的是透過網路提供大規模的互動參與和開放使用 除了像影片 讀物及題組等傳統課程教材外,MOOC 還提供互動式的用戶論壇, 能協助建立社群以供學生 教授及助教使用 MOOC 最早開始掀起熱潮是在二 一一年的秋天, 當時因為史丹佛大學的賽巴斯汀索倫教授將他在研究所的人工智慧課程開放給不限任何地方的學生選修, 因而吸引了來自一百九十多個國家的十六萬名學生登記上課 這種新型態的線上課程, 在許多方面都震撼了高等教育界 由於可以讓好幾十萬名學生同時上課, 因此大學的數量可能會大幅減少 索倫教授甚至想像未來全世界將只需要十所大學就夠了 對於這種很多都是由名師指導的 MOOC 課程, 或許最引人注目的是它不收費用 這對苦哈哈的學生來說, 肯定是大好消息 對於 MOOC 有很多人覺得興奮, 也有很多人覺得擔心 雖然有些人說, 免費線上課程是增加弱勢學生就學的好方法, 但也有人說, 這樣會讓很多學生課業落後 有些評論家已經表示,MOOC 所提倡的是一種不切實際 一體通用的高等教育模式, 而且教授跟學生之間的真正對話是無可替代的 畢竟, 人腦並非電腦 我們不是空白的硬碟, 等著被填滿資料 人類從自己欣賞的人身上學習, 並記憶引發自己感情的事物 有些評論家擔心線上學生將會錯失進大學就讀在社交方面的好處 ( B ) 49. What does the word cash-strapped in the second paragraph mean? (A) Making a lot of money. (B) Being short of money. (C) Being careful with money. (D) Spending little money. 翻譯 第二段的 cash-strapped 是什麼意思? (A) 賺很多錢 (B) 缺錢 (C) 用錢很小心 (D) 不太花錢 解析 如果不知此字的意思, 可從前一句說到這種課程不收費用來推測, 由於課程是免費, 當然最有利的就是沒錢的學生了, 故答案選 (B) ( C ) 50. Which of the following is NOT one of the features of MOOCs? (A) It is free to take the courses. (B) Many courses are offered by famous universities. (C) Most courses address artificial intelligence. (D) Many students can take the course at the same time. 16

翻譯 下列何者不是 MOOC 的特色? (A) 上課是免費的 (B) 很多課程是由名校提供的 (C) 多數課程都是跟人工智慧有關 (D) 可以讓許多學生同時上課 解析 從第二段倒數第二句, 可知 MOOC 有許多課程都是由知名大學的教授所上, 而且是免費的 ( many of which are being taught by professors at prestigious universities, is that they re free.), 所以 (A) (B) 均正確, 而倒數第四句即提到, 這種課程可以同時許多學生一起上, 所以 (D) 也正確, 錯誤只有 (C), 人工智慧只是索倫教授所開的一堂課 ( A ) 51. What is the second paragraph mainly about? (A) The impact of MOOCs. (B) The goal of MOOCs. (C) The size of MOOC classes. (D) The cost of MOOC courses. 翻譯 第二段的主旨為何? (A) MOOC 的影響 (B) MOOC 的目標 (C) MOOC 的課程規模 (D) MOOC 的課程成本 解析 第二段提到 MOOC 開始引人注目是從索倫教授的人工智慧那堂課開始, 最後提到, 索倫教授認為這樣下去, 未來全世界可能只需要十所大學就夠了, 故可知這一段是在探討 MOOC 課程對教育的影響, 答案選 (A) ( D ) 52. Which of the following is a problem of MOOCs mentioned in the passage? (A) The disappearance of traditional course materials. (B) The limited number of courses offered around the world. (C) The overreliance on professors from prestigious universities. (D) The lack of social interaction among students and professors. 翻譯 下列何者是文中提到 MOOC 的問題? (A) 傳統上課教材的消失 (B) 提供給全世界的課程數量有限 (C) 過於仰賴名校的教授 (D) 學生與教授之間缺少社交性互動 解析 最後一段倒數幾句提到, 教授與學生之間的互動是無法取代的, 而人會向自己所欣賞的人學習, 因此進大學除了學習課程內容以外, 跟教授 同學的互動也是一種學習, 這是線上課程所無法取代的, 故答案選 (D) 17

第 53 至 56 題為題組 Today the car seems to make periodic 1 leaps 2 in progress. A variety of driver assistance technologies are appearing on new cars. A developing technology called Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication, or V2V, is being tested by automotive 3 manufacturers as a way to help reduce the number of accidents. V2V works by using wireless signals to send information back and forth between cars about their location, speed and direction, so that they keep safe distances from each other. Another new technology being tested is Vehicle-to-Infrastructure 4 communication, or V2I. V2I would allow vehicles to communicate with road signs or traffic signals and provide information to the vehicle about safety issues. V2I could also request traffic information from a traffic management system and access the best possible routes. 5 Both V2V and V2I have the potential 6 to reduce around 80 percent of vehicle crashes on the road. More and more new cars can reverse-park, 7 read traffic signs, maintain a safe distance in steady traffic and brake automatically 8 to avoid crashes. Moreover, a number of firms are creating cars that drive themselves to a chosen destination 9 without a human at the controls. It is predicted that driverless cars will be ready for sale within five years. If and when cars go completely driverless, the benefits will be enormous. Google, which already uses prototypes 10 of such cars to ferry 11 its staff along Californian freeways, once put a blind man in a prototype and filmed him being driven off to buy takeaway 12 hamburgers. If this works, huge numbers of elderly and disabled people can regain their personal mobility. 13 The young will not have to pay crippling 14 motor insurance, because their reckless 15 hands and feet will no longer touch the wheel or the accelerator. 16 People who commute 17 by car will gain hours each day to work, rest, or read a newspaper. 重要字彙 1. periodic adj. 週期性的 ; 定期的 2. leap n. 跳躍 ; 遽增 3. automotive adj. 汽車的 4. infrastructure n. 基礎設施 5. route n. 路線 6. potential n. 可能性, 潛力 7. reverse-park v. 倒退停車 8. automatically adv. 自動地 9. destination n. 目的地 10. prototype n. 原型 11. ferry v. ( 以渡船或車 ) 運送 載送 12. takeaway adj. 外帶的 13. mobility n. 可動性 14. crippling adj. 造成重大損害的 15. reckless adj. 魯莽的, 輕率的 16. accelerator n. 油門 17. commute v. 通勤上班 中譯 今日的汽車似乎每隔一段時間就會有跳躍性的進展 如今在新型車輛上出現了各種輔助駕駛的科技 有一種稱為 車間通訊 或 V2V 的研發中科技, 被汽車製造商用來做為幫助減少車禍數量的方法, 效果正在測試中 V2V 的功用是透過無線訊號, 在車與車之間來回傳送位置 速度與方向等資料, 好讓彼此保持安全距離 另外一種測試中的新科技是 車路通訊, 或者稱為 V2I V2I 可以使車輛與道路標誌或交通號誌間進行通訊, 提供車輛安全的相關事宜 V2I 也可以向交通管理系統索取道路資訊, 找出最佳的可能路線 V2V 與 V2I 這兩種新科技都有降低八成左右交通事故的可能性 越來越多新車可以自己倒退停車 辨別交通號誌 在穩定車流中維持安全距離, 並 18

自動煞車以避免衝撞 此外, 有好幾家公司都在製造可以在無人控制之下自動開到指定目的地的車子 預計無人駕駛的車輛將可在五年內準備好上市 而如果當車子可以做到完全無人駕駛時, 將會帶來許多好處 已經利用這種車子的原型, 載送員工奔馳在加州公路上的谷歌公司, 曾經讓盲人坐進這種原型車裡, 然後拍攝他被車子載去買外帶漢堡的過程 一旦此舉可行, 很多年老及身障人士均可以重新獲得自由行動的能力 年輕人也不再需要支付汽車意外險, 因為他們魯莽的手腳再也不會碰到方向盤或油門 開車通勤上班的人每天也可以多點時間工作 休息或看報紙 ( C ) 53. Which of the following statements is true about V2V? (A) V2V communication has been very well developed. (B) Through V2V, drivers can chat with each other on the road. (C) V2V is designed to decrease crashes by keeping safe distances. (D) Through V2V, a car can warn cyclists nearby of its approach. 翻譯 關於 V2V, 下列何者為真? (A) V2V 通訊已經發展得非常完善 (B) 透過 V2V, 駕駛人可以在路上彼此聊天 (C) V2V 的設計是藉由保持安全距離來減少撞車 (D) 透過 V2V, 車子可以警告附近的腳踏車騎士有車靠近 解析 第一段提到 V2V 還在研發當中 (A developing technology called or V2V ), 故 (A) 錯 V2V 是讓車子之間彼此溝通有關車子的地點 距離及速度, 好讓彼此保持安全距離, 不是讓駕駛人聊天的, 故 (B) 錯,(C) 對 V2V 是汽車與汽車之間彼此的溝通, 但不包括腳踏車, 故 (D) 錯 ( A ) 54. What does infrastructure in Vehicle-to-Infrastructure refer to? (A) Traffic facilities and information systems. (B) The basic structure of roads and bridges. (C) Knowledge and regulations about safe driving. (D) The traffic department of the government. 翻譯 車路通訊 裡所指的基礎設施為何? (A) 交通設施與資訊系統 (B) 道路與橋樑等基本結構 (C) 有關安全駕駛的知識與規定 (D) 政府的交通部門 解析 在解釋 V2I 時, 提到這個系統可以讓車輛與道路標誌 交通號誌進行通訊 ( allow vehicles to communicate with road signs or traffic signals) 或者向交通管理系統索取資料等 ( request traffic information from a traffic management system ), 故正確答案為 (A) ( C ) 55. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of driverless cars? 19

(A) The elderly will become more mobile. (B) Drivers can sleep in cars all the way to work. (C) People can race cars to their heart s content. (D) A blind man can get into a car and travel safely. 翻譯 下列何者不是無人駕駛車輛的可能好處? (A) 老年人將會變得更行動自如 (B) 駕駛人 可以在車上一路睡到公司 (C) 人們可以盡情飆車 (D) 盲人可以安全地坐在車上到處去 解析 最後提到, 如果無人駕駛車可行, 則老人與殘障人士將可恢復行動能力 ( elderly and disabled people can regain their personal mobility.), 而開車通勤上班的人可以坐在車裡做別的事, 而不用專心駕駛 (People who commute by car will gain hours each day to work, rest, or read a newspaper.), 故知 (A) (B) (D) 均正確, 唯一錯誤的是 (C) ( B ) 56. What can be inferred from the passage? (A) Cars will refuse to start if the driver is drunk. (B) The future may be a vehicle-accident-free era. (C) Everyone, including children, can afford a car. (D) The production of driverless cars is still far away. 翻譯 從本文可以推測得知什麼? (A) 如果駕駛人喝醉了, 汽車將會拒絕發動 (B) 未來可能是零車禍事故的時代 (C) 每個人, 包括小孩, 都買得起車 (D) 生產無人駕駛的車輛還很遙遠 解析 由本文推測, 如果車輛不需人駕駛, 而且彼此之間不需要人控制, 就可以保持安全距離, 那麼因人為造成的車禍當然會大幅降低, 而邁向無車禍意外的時代, 故答案選 (B) (A) 與 (C) 均沒提 而 (D) 錯, 文中認為這種車五年內就可問世 20

第貳部分 : 非選擇題 ( 占 28 分 ) 一 中譯英 ( 占 8 分 ) 說明 :1. 請將以下中文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的英文, 並將答案寫在 答案卷 上 2. 請依序作答, 並標明子題號 每題 4 分, 共 8 分 1. 有些年輕人辭掉都市裡的高薪工作, 返回家鄉種植有機蔬菜 參考答案 Some young people have quit their highly paid jobs in the city and gone back to their hometowns to grow organic vegetables. 2. 藉由決心與努力, 很多人成功了, 不但獲利更多, 還過著更健康的生活 參考答案 With determination and efforts, a lot of people have succeeded. They have not only made good profits but also lived healthier lives. 二 英文作文 ( 占 20 分 ) 說明 :1. 依提示在 答案卷 上寫一篇英文作文 2. 文長至少 120 個單詞 (words) 提示..請仔細觀察以下三幅連環圖片的內容, 並想像第四幅圖片可能的發展, 寫一篇涵蓋所有連環圖片內容且有完整結局的故事 21

示範作文 Tamara and her classmate Eddie were walking through the park on their way to school. They weren t chatting or paying attention to one another, however. Instead, Eddie was listening to loud music through the headphones of his portable mp3 player, while Tamara s attention was focused on her smartphone. She was busy texting a friend and updating her Facebook page. She was so absorbed in what she was doing that she didn t notice the large tree standing directly across her path. She walked smack right into it, dropped her phone on the ground, and got a large painful bruise on her nose. Far from offering sympathy to his classmate, Eddie wasn t even aware of Tamara s painful encounter with the tree. Oblivious to everything but the music, he carried on along the path, through the park gates, and right into a busy road. A car screeched to a halt, its driver cursing and angrily sounding the horn at Eddie. By this time, Tamara had recovered herself and run after Eddie. She pulled him onto the sidewalk, showed him the bruise on her face, and said that they both needed to start paying more attention to where they were going. 22