.6. ORTHOPAEDIC BIOMECHANICS MATERIALS AND CLINICAL STUDY % 5% PBS (Sigma ) ( Sigma ) (PMMA )..2 : 37 ( Agilent00 ) ( Alltech ELSD2000).2.2.

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205 2 2 doi:0.3969/j.issn. 672-5972.205.0.004 swgk204-09-060 ORTHOPAEDIC BIOMECHANICS MATERIALS AND CLINICAL STUDY.5. / *,2 3 [ ] /3% 5% / - HPLC-ELSD PMMA / PMMA 4 2 5% / 3% / PMMA/ / PMMA [ ] [ ] R308.08 [ ] A Elution characteristics of gentamycin from Calcium Sulfate/Getamycin delivery system [Abstract] Objective To discuss the elution characteristics of gentamycin from bone-implanted local antibiotic delivery system, Calcium Sulfate/Gentamycin. Methods To elute the gentamycin from the antibiotic delivery system, Calcium Sulfate/Gentamycin(CaS/GM)and PMMA/ Gentamycin PMMA/GM delivery system, the concentration of gentamycin in the eluted fluid in different time was determined by HPLC. The elution characteristics of different delivery system in vitro werecompared. Results ThereleasingtimeofGentamycinfromeCaS/GM andpmma/gm lastedfor4weeks and 2 weeks individually, the concentration of gentamycin in the eluted fluid during early periods was higher than that during later periods. In the same time gentamycin was released more from the 5% CaS/GM than from 3% CaS/GM. Comparing with PMMA/GM delivery system, gentamycin was also released more from CaS/GM. Conclusion CaS/GM antibiotic delivery system can be biodegraded, from CaS/GM than that from PMMA/GM individually, system on antibiotic release and biodegradation. and the releasing time is longer and the releasing amount of gentamycin is higher CaS/GM antibiotic delivery system is superior to PMMA/GM [Key words] Localantibiotic deliverysystem; Calcium sulfate; Gentamycin; Biodegradation; Highperformanceliquid chromatography (HPLC) (PMMA) [,2] * : 06MA26 : 00853 2 25709 3 25709 PMMA [3,4]... /

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