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普通高等教育 十一五 规划教材 高等院校国际贸易类教材系列 国际商务英语 丁溪主编刘秀杰总校对崔磊张月滨唐峰李长胜副主编赵红燕王兰芝于滨 北京

内容简介 本书内容选材范围广泛, 词汇专业性强, 文章篇幅适宜 实用性强, 语言规范 流畅, 注释详细 全面, 是学习国际商务英语的良好工具 全书分为 12 章, 含盖了国际贸易 国际营销 国际法律和管理 国际旅游 国际运输 国际贸易协作 合同 国际招标 国际投资 国际货币体系 电子商务以及银行业务等方面内容 本书可以作为高等学校国际贸易专业的教材, 也可供相关从业人员参考 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据 国际商务英语 / 丁溪主编. 北京 : 科学出版社,2009 ( 普通高等教育 十一五 规划教材 高等院校国际贸易类教材系列 ) ISBN 978-7-03-025347-7 Ⅰ. 国 Ⅱ. 丁 Ⅲ. 国际贸易 - 英语 Ⅳ. H31 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2009) 第 148763 号责任编辑 : 田悦红 / 责任校对 : 耿耘责任印制 : 吕春珉 / 封面设计 : 东方人华平面设计部 出版北京东黄城根北街 16 号邮政编码 :100717 印刷科学出版社发行各地新华书店经销 2009 年 9 月第一版 2009 年 9 月第一次印刷印数 :1 3 000 * 开本 :787 1 092 1/16 印张 :19 1/2 字数 :450 000 定价 :29.00 元 ( 如有印装质量问题, 我社负责调换 < >) 销售部电话 010-62134988 编辑部电话 010-62135763-8007(HF02) 版权所有, 侵权必究举报电话 :010-64030229;010-64034315;13501151303 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo

序 言 近年来, 美国金融业出现波动, 进而演变成世界性金融危机 这次美 欧等发达经 济体陷入金融危机, 影响到了全球贸易的稳定运行, 而且金融危机的爆发使得一些国家和地区转而采取更为保守的贸易政策, 全球范围的贸易保护主义威胁增大, 对我国的出口 投资 消费产生了一定的影响, 这是我们必须面对的现实 然而, 我们也必须认识到国际贸易是国民经济的重要组成部分, 它对我国现代化建设和全社会发展产生了巨大而深远的影响 自改革开放以来, 我国对外贸易的快速增长已取得了举世瞩目的成就 随着我国加入 WTO 及区域性国际组织, 我国的经济活动国际化趋势日渐明显, 各企业的国际交流及贸易活动越来越多, 熟悉国际交流与贸易规则及惯例 不断加强国际间的交流与合作, 成为众多企业经营的重心, 因而对国际经济贸易或商务管理人才的需求与日俱增 中国出口产业总体竞争力仍然是比较强的, 全球金融危机和经济下滑将催生新一轮国际产业的调整, 这对于中国外贸企业来讲, 既是很大的挑战, 也是获得新发展的机遇 2009 年中国经济发展的内在动能依然充足, 国民经济和金融体系的基本面是健康的 随着调整和优化结构, 统筹城乡发展将带来巨大和长期的投资与消费需求 中国投资环境和基础设施不断改善, 增长潜力很大, 迄今为止外商对中国直接投资热情不减 所以, 从中长期看, 中国外贸发展前景依然十分光明 随着新一轮世界经济贸易的复苏, 国际贸易专业人才将是市场经济中最紧缺的人才之一, 随着我国改革开放的深入, 国际贸易人才仍然是急需人才 为了从战略的角度培养适应复杂国际经济形势的人才, 本教材系列将传统国际贸易业务与现代电子商务和世界贸易组织规则相结合, 体现了与时俱进和操作性 理论性兼备的特点 本教材系列包括国际贸易理论与政策 国际贸易实务 国际商法 国际结算 国际通关实务 外贸函电 世界市场行情分析 期货理论与实务 世界贸易组织 国际商务英语 国际货运代理 国际市场营销 国际贸易电子商务 外贸谈判技巧等, 充分体现了现代教学思想, 强调理论与实践教学并重, 突出学生素质 能力和创新思维的培养 在教学内容方面突出科学性 先进性和系统性, 并处理好理论与现代技术的关系, 提高教学水平 在实践教学中培养学生的动手能力 创新能力 解决问题的能力 ; 在教学方法上能调动学生的主动性和积极性 ; 在教学手段上充分应用现代教学技术和方法, 提高了授课效率和课堂效果 本教材系列的作者均为第一线教师, 体系与内容经数年教学实践中反复推敲, 日臻完善和成熟 本教材系列是以国际货物贸易 国际服务贸易和国际技术贸易三大部分为主体, 对各种有关的对外贸易经营方式分别加以阐述 :1. 力求在概念的阐述上详细深入, 并伴有实例参照, 使分析更加具体 透彻, 有助于读者了解和掌握传统国际货物贸易 国际服 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo

国际商务英语 务贸易和国际技术贸易的实务以及电子商务贸易的最新知识和运作方式, 以适应我国外贸事业的新发展 2. 以我国进出口贸易实践为背景, 采用最新的国际贸易法律和惯例, 全面地介绍了从事国际贸易的基本业务知识和程序 具体操作技能 主要法律惯例 3. 融知识性 实用性和可操作性为一体, 可作为国际贸易 世界经济等专业的理想教材, 也是财经专业学生 广大经济工作者了解和学习国际经济 国际贸易和国际商务的良师益友 通过本教材系列的学习, 有关专业学生不但理论知识扎实, 而且有较强的实际操作能力和用外语进行商务沟通的能力, 能够成为在跨国公司 外向型企业和外资企业等从事国际商务活动的国际商务师及国际化经营的高级管理人才, 或者成为在涉外经济贸易部门及政府机构从事对外经营管理 政策法规制定与实施以及国际化商务活动策划的综合性高级专门人才 高等院校国际贸易类教材系列编委会 2009 年 6 月 ii

随着我国经济改革的不断深入, 越来越多的大型跨国公司进入中国, 国际业务不断增多, 原来的英语教学结构已经难以应对目前市场形势的变化, 因此尽快培养一大批既熟练掌握商务英语并能运用英语进行谈判, 同时又了解国际市场行情以及各国法律的复合型商务人才已成为当前的一项紧迫任务 本书便是基于教学中的此种要求而组织编写的 希望本书的出版能对我国商务英语的教学和实践起到推动作用 本书具有以下特点 : 1. 选材范围广泛 所选文章涵盖了国际贸易 国际营销 国际法律和管理 国际旅游 国际运输 国际贸易写作 合同 国际招标 国际投资 国际货币体系 电子商务以及国际银行业务等多方面的内容 2. 实用性强 所选文章涉及当前我国经济贸易的各个方面, 为了帮助学生理解相关知识内容, 一些章节还配有常识小贴士, 章后设有 多学活用 部分作为补充阅读内容, 书后还备有重要章节的相关法规 合同格式 贸易术语以及缩略语, 学生通过这些辅助材料可了解当前最新国际经贸动态和业务常识, 为未来从事经贸活动打下牢固的基础 3. 语言规范 流畅 所选文章经过多次筛选, 语境真实, 用词生动, 比喻恰当, 均是原汁原味的佳作 4. 注释详细 全面 注释既有对背景知识 组织名称等内容的解释, 又有个别难句的分析和翻译等, 这些都大大方便了学生对课文的深刻理解 5. 习题多样 难简适度 题型设计多样, 方便学生对所学知识的巩固和复习, 加强对专业英语及相关知识的把握 6. 词汇专业性强 重点突出 每篇文章后附有生词表, 并附有汉语解释 7. 文章篇幅适宜 适用于精读教学, 也可用于泛读 本书附有各章 Section A 的参考译文, 这些对商务英语的初学者来说会有很大的帮助 本书参考了众多国内外出版的著作, 并得到国际金融部门专业人士的帮助, 在此向他们致以衷心的感谢 在本书的出版过程中, 我们也得到了家人的理解和支持, 特此感谢他们, 如果没有他们的关爱, 就没有这本书的出版 参与本书编写的有哈尔滨工业大学的丁溪 黑龙江东方学院的崔磊 交通银行黑龙江省分行的张月滨 黑龙江大学的唐峰 哈尔滨工业大学的李长胜 哈尔滨市第四医院的赵红燕 哈尔滨二四二医院 ( 哈尔滨市第三医院 ) 的王兰芝 黑龙江大学的于滨 渤海大学商学院的李冬梅 哈尔滨理工大学的吕红 哈尔滨商业大学经济学院的杨慧瀛 黑龙江大学的卢岩 哈尔滨市第七十六中学的马微 黑龙江省社会科学院历史所的林琳 北京大学深圳医院的唐晖 哈尔滨电业局的张春雨 交通银行黑龙江省分行的王亦涛 丁溪 刘秀杰和张月滨负责统稿 由于作者能力有限, 书中疏漏之处在所难免, 恳请广大读者批评指正 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo

Chapter 1 International Trade 1 Section A Introduction 1 Section B Barriers to International Trade 5 Section C The World Trade Organization 7 Chapter 2 International Marketing 10 Section A Introduction 10 Section B The Product Life Cycle 14 Section C The Pricing Process 17 Chapter 3 International Law and Practices 21 Section A Introduction 21 Section B Introduction to the Law of WTO 26 Section C International Chamber of Commerce 30 Chapter 4 International Tourism 34 Section A Introduction 34 Section B Tourism Can Play a Key Role in Stimulus Programs 39 Section C The International Tourism Partnership 41 Chapter 5 International Transportation 60 Section A Introduction 60 Section B Functions of Transportation 65 Section C The International Transportation Management Association 68 Chapter 6 International Business Writing 80 Section A Introduction 80 Section B Writing Principles of the Business Letter 84 Section C Letters for Establishing Business Relations 87 Chapter 7 Contract 90 Section A Introduction 90 Section B Some Circumstances of Setting a Contract 95 Section C Contractual Theory 99 Chapter 8 International Tendering 118 Section A Introduction 118 Section B Bidding 125 Section C Legal Liability 128

国际商务英语 Chapter 9 International Investment 130 Section A Introduction 130 Section B Investment Risk 135 Section C Investment Management 137 Chapter 10 International Monetary System 152 Section A Introduction 152 Section B International Monetary Fund 160 Section C The European Monetary System 175 Chapter 11 Electronic Commerce 181 Section A Introduction 181 Section B Introduction of Credit Cards 188 Section C The Main Instruments of Electronic Commerce 206 Chapter 12 International Banking Business 214 Section A Introduction 214 Section B Risk Management 220 Section C Balance Sheet 223 附录一常用商务英语名词缩略语及其英汉对照 232 附录二常用贸易术语英汉对照 236 附录三参考译文 251 附录四习题参考答案 283 参考文献 300 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo vi

Chapter 1 International Trade Section A Introduction In today s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity. As a result of this trade and activity, international finance and banking have evolved. For example, the United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any of its own. Consequently, the United States must import coffee from countries (such as Brazil, Columbia and Guatemala) that grow coffee efficiently. On the other hand, the United States has large industrial plants capable of producing a variety of goods, such as chemicals and airplanes, which can be sold to nations that need them. If nations traded item for item, such as one automobile for 10,000 bags of coffee, foreign trade would be extremely cumbersome and restrictive. So instead of barter, which is the trade of goods without an exchange of money, the United States receives money in payment for what it sells. It pays for Brazilian coffee with dollars, which Brazil can then use to buy wool from Australia, which in turn can buy textiles from Great Britain, which can then buy tobacco from the United States. The Reasons of International Trade International trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first, as mentioned above, is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copper are mined in Peru and Zaire,

国际商务英语 diamonds are mined in South Africa and petroleum is recovered in the Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them. International trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Although the United States is a major producer of sugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import sugar. Third, one nation can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries. Japan has been able to export large quantities of consumer electronics because it can produce them more efficiently than other countries. It is cheaper for the United States to buy these from Japan than to produce them domestically. According to economic theory, Japan should produce and export those items from which it derives a comparative advantage. It should also buy and import what it needs from those countries that have a comparative advantage in the desired items. Finally, International trade takes place because of innovation or style. Even though the United States produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports large numbers of autos from Germany, Japan and Sweden, primarily because there is a market for them in the United States. For most nations, exports and imports are the most important international activity. When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favorable balance of trade. When they import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists. Nations try to maintain a favorable balance of trade, which assures them of the means to buy necessary imports. The Future of International Trade In spite of the difficulties of predicting future trends in international trade, we can specify factors that will be important. Some of these are: population growth, possible scarcity of commodities, the food and energy situation, relations with the Third World (developing nations), pressures to preserve the environment, and international cooperation on political, social, economic, and monetary problems. Although feeding the world s population will be a major problem, the world is probably not headed for disaster. First, the world s arable acreage can be expanded greatly. Second, the distribution of food and the yield of food per acre can be improved. Third, population growth can be controlled. Historical evidence shows that birth and death rates level off as countries move into the industrial stage. If population growth continues at its present pace, the future balance between food demand and supply may become dependent on new dietary patterns. Reduced consumption of meat, increased use of new high-protein food made from soybeans, and development of ocean 2 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo

Chapter 1 International Trade resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered. As the population grows, prices of commodities will fluctuate. As countries endeavor to increase yields on existing croplands through intensified use of water, energy, and fertilizers, the cost of commodities will rise. Growth of trade will depend greatly on availability of energy sources. There may still be a trillion barrels of recoverable oil in the Middle East. But the oil crisis of 1974 has led to a renewed interest in coal and to a search for alternative sources of energy. Solar, geothermal, and nuclear energy will play a large role in the years to come. In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations. Third World countries export their mineral deposits and tropical agricultural products, which bring them desired foreign exchange. Tourism has also been greatly responsible for the rapid development of some developing nations. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations. Western Europe has received millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries. The developing nations profit when these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills back home. Many developing nations benefit when Western nations establish manufacturing in their countries to take advantage of cheap labor. The Western World will eventually move to a period of relatively low economic growth, coupled with a high rate of unemployment. A so-called welfare society will emerge. The unemployed in the new welfare society will be taken care of by the employed through generous contributions to the social welfare system. Political questions remain as to the world s future. We can only speculate as to whether organized markets such as the Common Market and COMECON could eventually merge. In the present political climate, this would seem impossible, although some cooperation agreements are already in effect. Obviously a merger between the Western and Eastern European markets would greatly enhance international trade. International monetary cooperation will have a significant impact on future trade. If the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international monetary order in the years to come, international trade may become too risky for some companies to get involved in. If the IMF is unable to create sufficient international liquidity reserves in the future, there may not be enough liquidity to sustain growth in trade. However, growing international consultation and cooperation in economic, monetary, and political matters will certainly contribute to the flourishing of world trade for the years to come. 3

国际商务英语 New Words and Expressions evolve /i'vɔlv/ v.( 使 ) 发展,( 使 ) 进化, 逐渐形成 cumbersome /'kʌmbəsəm/ a. 复杂的, 麻烦的 scatter /'skætə(r)/ v. 分散, 散开 derive /di'raiv/ v. 吐, 从 得到, 取得 innovation / inəu'vei ən/ n. 革新, 改革, 新事物, 新方法 scarcity /'skeəsəti/ n. 缺乏, 不足 acreage /'eikərid / n. 面积 dietary /'daiətəri/ a. 饮食的 liquidity /li'kwidəti/ n.( 资金 ) 流动性, 流畅 sustain /sə'stein/ v. 支撑, 维持 NOTES 4 1. barter 易货贸易 2. comparative advantage 相对优势 3. favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差 4. unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 5. the Third World 第三世界 6. developing nations 发展中国家 7. developed nations 发达国家 8. the Common Market 共同市场, 缩写形式为 CM 9. COMECON 经济互助委员会, 全称是 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 10. international monetary cooperation 国际货币合作 11. IMF 国际货币基金组织, 全称是 International Monetary Fund 12. international liquidity reserves 国际清偿能力储备 EXERCISES I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo 1. So instead of barter, which is the trade of goods without an exchange of money, the United States receives money in payment for what it sells. 2. International trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs.

Chapter 1 International Trade 3. Nations try to maintain a favorable balance of trade, which assures them of the means to buy necessary imports. 4. If population growth continues at its present pace, the future balance between food demand and supply may become dependent on new dietary patterns. 5. As countries endeavor to increase yields on existing croplands through intensified use of water, energy, and fertilizers, the cost of commodities will rise. 6. The Western World will eventually move to a period of relatively low economic growth, coupled with a high rate of unemployment. II. According to the passage, answer the following questions. 1. What is the foundation of international trade and economic activity? 2. For how many reasons did international trade occur? And what are they? 3. Why the world won t be headed for disaster although there is a major problem of feeding the world s population? 4. Which sources of energy will play a large role in the years to come? 5. Why do Western nations establish manufacturing in developing nations? Section B Barriers to International Trade Trade barriers are obstacles that restrict trade among countries. They can be divided into three groups: natural barriers, tariff barriers, and non-tariff barriers. Natural barriers. Even if a product can be produced more cheaply in country A than in country B, the cost of shipping it to country B might wipe out the production cost advantage. Distance, therefore, is the major natural barrier to international trade. However, technology has helped us to reduce many of the natural barriers such as distance. The big problems are the created barriers such as tariff and non-tariff barriers. Tariff barriers. Tariffs are duties or taxes that a government puts on products imported into or exported from a country. Governments rarely impose tariffs on exports because they generally favor exporting products to other countries. Tariffs serve two main purposes: to generate tax revenue (revenue tariff) and to discourage imports (protective tariff). A revenue tariff raises money for the government that imposes it. Since the purpose is not to reduce imports of the product on which the tariff is imposed, revenue tariffs are rather low. A protective tariff is designed to discourage foreign 5

国际商务英语 business from shipping certain goods into the country. 6 Non-tariff barriers. There are many non-tariff barriers to trade. They include: Import quota. An Important quota places a limit on the amount of a product that can enter a country. It may be an absolute limit, in which case all imports stop when the quota is filled. In some cases, a quota is combined with a tariff so that a limited amount can enter the country duty free. Additional imports carry a tariff. Subsidy. A subsidy is a direct or indirect government payment or special privilege granted to transportation, agriculture, mining and other industries. In countries where protectionism continues as a part of national economic policies, subsidy is seen as a means to promote national self-sufficiency, to encourage emerging industries and to alleviate depression and unemployment. Foreign exchange control. Foreign exchange control refers to the case in which importers must apply for prior authorization from the government to obtain the foreign currency required to bring in designated amounts and types of goods. Cartels. A cartel is a group of or an association of producers operating in the same industry that attempts to develop mutual agreement on such matters as prices, output, and market allocation. A cartel is usually formed for the purpose of gaining economic strength in the marketplace by raising prices in unison, or agreeing as a group not to lower prices. Dumping. Dumping means shipping substantial quantities of a product to a foreign country at prices that are below either the home-market price of the same product or the full cost (including profit) of producing it. New Words and Expressions barrier /'bæriə(r)/ n. 壁垒, 障碍 obstacle /' bstəkl/ n. 障碍, 阻碍 revenue /'revənju:/ n. 税收, 收益, 收入 subsidy /'s bsədi/ n. 补贴, 津贴 alleviate /ə'li:vieit/ v. 减轻, 缓解 designate /'dezigneit/ v. 指定, 指名 allocation /'ælə 'kei ən/ n. 分配, 安置 unison /'ju:nisn/ n. 一致, 和谐 1. trade barriers 贸易壁垒 2. tariff barriers 关税壁垒 NOTES 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo

Chapter 1 International Trade 3. non-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒 4. natural barriers 自然壁垒 5. import quota 进口配额 6. depression ( 经济 ) 萧条, 不景气 7. foreign exchange control 外汇管制 8. dumping 倾销 EXERCISES I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Even if a product can be produced more cheaply in country A than in country B, the cost of shipping it to country B might wipe out the production cost advantage. 2. Tariffs are duties or taxes that a government puts on products imported into or exported from a country. 3. A protective tariff is designed to discourage foreign business from shipping certain goods into the country. 4. In countries where protectionism continues as a part of national economic policies, subsidy is seen as a means to promote national self-sufficiency, to encourage emerging industries and to alleviate depression and unemployment. II. Answer the following questions according to the passage. 1. What are trade barriers? 2. How can trade barriers be grouped? 3. Why do you think distance is considered to be a barrier to international trade? 4. What is the difference between revenue tariff and protective tariff? Section C The World Trade Organization On January 1, 1995, a new formal international organization was born, the World Trade Organization (WTO). It takes over the traditional functions of the informal GATT, and in addition expands and diversifies its role into new areas of activity agreed upon in the Uruguay Round (UR): service transactions, intellectual property rights, trade related investment issues, and agriculture. Its creation was also agreed upon in the Uruguay Round, and it will be 7

国际商务英语 responsible for the execution of that agreement. The WTO inherits GATT s rules, such as the principle of non-discrimination between supplying countries (MFN), the principle of equal treatment of foreign and domestic firms (national treatment), and the outlawing of import quotas and export subsidies. Although legally distinct from GATT, the WTO inherits GATT s functions as well as its staff and institutional set-up. It is to provide the framework for the conduct of trade among member states, including the new aspects of international transactions agreed upon in the UR. It is both a forum for negotiations and an instrument for implementing the results. Members of the WTO follow three most important principles: (1) The most-favored nation concept, i.e. every contracting party grants all other parties any tariff advantages that it grants to any other country. (2) Although customs duties are recognized as a legitimate instrument of protection, they should be reduced as far as possible. (3) The abolition of quantitative restrictions on imports; these are permissible, however, if necessitated by reasons relating to the balance of payments, and these exceptions are carefully supervised. In order to further facilitate the free development of cross-border trade, the WTO has added three new dimensions to its responsibilities. First, the WTO, unlike the GATT, has had a legal framework to function in, as it was created by an international conference with an accord legitimately ratified by all the contracting parties concerned. Second, since the WTO is in a position to exert powerful leverage on the trading policies of its member states, it has mightier teeth to enforce the rules and regulations of this governing global body. Third, in addition to the traditional goods trade under the GATT, the WTO also policies the technology trade and the service trade, which account for a large segment of business interflow of today. New Words and Expressions diversify /dai'və:sifaii/ v. 使 多样化, 多变化 inherit /in'herit/ v. 继承, 承袭, 沿袭 outlaw /'autl :/ v. 使 成为非法, 禁止 forum /'f :rəm/ n. 公开讨论的场所, 公开讨论会 implement /'implimənt/ v. 执行 ( 命令 ), 实施 ( 计划 ) legitimate /li'd itimit/ a. 合法的, 法律认可的 dimension /di'men n/ n. 规模, 范围 ratify /'rætifai/ v. 批准, 承认, 认可 exert /ig'zə:t/ v. 发挥, 使受 ( 影响等 ) leverage /'li:vəridʒ/ n. 手段, 影响力 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo 8

Chapter 1 International Trade NOTES 1. GATT 关税及贸易总协定, 全称是 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 2. The Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合 3. intellectual property rights 知识产权 4. the principle of non-discrimination between supplying countries 供应国之间的非歧视原则 5. MFN 最惠国待遇原则, 全称是 the most-favored nation concept 6. contracting party 缔约方, 缔约国 7. the principle of equal treatment of foreign and domestic firms 国外国内公司平等对待原则 8. national treatment 国民待遇原则 9. import quotas 进口配额 10. export subsidies 出口补贴 11. quantitative restrictions on imports 进口数量限制 12. cross-border-trade 跨境贸易 EXERCISES I. Translate the following Sentences into Chinese. 1. Its creation was also agreed upon in the Uruguay Round, and it will be responsible for the execution of that agreement. 2. Although legally distinct from GATT, the WTO inherits GATT s functions as well as its staff and institutional set up. 3. The most-favored nation concept means that every contracting party grants all other parties any tariff advantages that it grants to any other country. 4. In order to further facilitate the free development of cross-border-trade, the WTO has added three new dimensions to its responsibilities. II. According to the passage, answer the following questions. 1. When was WTO created? 2. What are the new areas of activity of WTO? 3. What are WTO s main functions? 4. What are the three new dimensions added to WTO s responsibilities? 9

Chapter 2 International Marketing Section A Introduction The terms market and marketing can have several meanings depending upon how they are used. The term stock market refers to the buying and selling of shares in corporations as well as other activities related to stock trading and pricing. The important world stock markets are in London, Geneva, New York, Tokyo, and Singapore. Another type of market is a grocery market, which is a place where people purchase food. When economists use the word market they mean a set of forces or conditions that determine the price of a product, such as the supply available for sale and the demand for it by consumers. The term marketing in business includes all of these meanings, and more. The Concept of Modern Marketing In the past,the concept of marketing emphasized sales. The producer or manufacturer made a product he wanted to sell. Marketing was the task of figuring out how to sell the product. Basically, selling the product would be accomplished by sales promotion, which included advertising and personal selling. In addition to sales promotion, marketing also involved the physical distribution of the product to the places where it was actually sold. Distribution consisted of transportation, storage, and related services such as financing, standardization and grading, and the related risks. The modern marketing concept encompasses all of the activities mentioned, but it is 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo

Chapter 2 International Marketing based on a different set of principles. It subscribes to the notion that production can be economically justified only by consumption. In other words, goods should be produced only if they can be sold. Therefore, the producer should consider who is going to buy the product or what the market for the product is before production begins. This is very different from making a product and then thinking about how to sell it. Marketing now involves first deciding what the customer wants, and designing and producing a product that satisfies these wants at a profit to the company. Instead of concentrating solely on production, the company must consider the desires of the consumer, and this is much more difficult since it involves human behavior. Production, on the other hand, is mostly an engineering problem. Thus, demand and market forces are still an important aspect of modern marketing, but they are considered prior to the production process. Because products are often marketed internationally, distribution has increased in importance. Goods must be at the place where the customer needs them and must be brought there. This is known as place utility; it adds value to a product. However, many markets are separated from the place of production, which means that often both raw materials and finished products must be transported to the points where they are needed. Raw materials requiring little or no special treatment can be transported by rail, ship or barge at low cost. Large quantities of raw materials travel as bulk freight, but finished products that often require special treatment, such as refrigeration or careful handling are usually transported by truck. This merchandise freight is usually smaller in volume and requires quicker delivery. Merchandise freight is a term for the transportation of manufactured goods. Along all points of the distribution channel various amounts of storage are required. The time and manner of such storage depends upon the type of product. Inventories of this stored merchandise often need to be financed. Modern marketing is therefore a coordinated system of many business activities, but basically it involves four things: selling the correct product at the proper place; selling it at a price determined by demand; satisfying a customer s needs and wants; producing a profit for the company. Sales Promotion Sales promotion is the aspect of marketing concerned with increasing sales. It attempts to persuade and influence the customer s attitude in various ways. It is oriented toward producing a customer for the product rather than a product for the customer. Three main promotional activities are advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion. Advertising is a non-personal presentations of goods, services, or ideas aimed at mass audience. It is particularly suited for products that are widely distributed, such as convenience goods. 11

国际商务英语 Personal selling involves a salesperson trying to convince customers directly to buy a product. Personal selling is very effective when there is a concentrated market for a product in other words, the product is not for general consumption by the public. Sales promotion involves several activities. They are of two types: information and stimulation. Examples of information promotion are a pamphlets or booklet about the product, a demonstration, market research on the nature of the customers, and dealer training and managerial advice from producers. Stimulation promotion can be accomplished by the distribution of free samples, reduced price promotions, premiums, and coupons. A premium is something that the customer receives as a bonus when he purchases a product. For example, a customer purchasing a razor might receive a free package of razor blades. A coupon is a certificate which entitles the customer to purchase the product at a reduced price. Sales promotions also involve displays of the products. Displays can increase sales as well. A customer might make a decision to buy a particular product like a convenience item simply on the basis of a display that makes the item easy to see and reach. Basically there are two ways to increase sales of products: find new markets and increase market share. A company seeking new markets can expand its geographical sales area or try to sell its product to a different segment of the population. In this case promotion may involve increased advertising to spread information about the product. Personal selling at the wholesale level can encourage additional retailers to carry the product. A different market situation requires a different method of promotion. When a market is saturated, it means that there are no new customers to be found. A company then needs to lure customers from the competition and gain a greater share of the total market. To increase market share, the marketing department of a company must design a total program of promotion for a particular product. Such a program may involve increased advertising to remind customers of the name of the product. In advertising the company will also emphasize the superiority of its product by comparing it with the competitor s product. A program to increase market shares may also include convincing a retailer to allow more shelf space in the store for the product. Sales promotions may include contests, coupons, and price discounting. Increasing market share involves more stimulation of the buyer s emotions than does finding new markets where simply furnishing information about the product may increase sales. New Words and Expressions encompass /in'k mpəs/ v. 包围, 环绕 subscribe /səb'skraib/ v. 赞同, 主张 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo 12

Chapter 2 International Marketing utility /ju:'tiləti/ n. 效用 barge /ba:d / n. 驳船 coordinate / kəu' :dənət/ a. 协调的 orient /' :riənt/ v. 适应形势 pamphlet /'pæmflit/ n. 小册子 premium /'pri:miəm/ n. 赠品, 奖金 coupon /'ku:p :n/ n. 优惠券 saturate /'sæt əreit/ v. 使饱和, 使充满 lure /luə(r)/ v. 吸引 NOTES 1. sales promotion 促销, 推销 2. raw materials 原材料 3. finished products 制成品 4. bulk freight 散装运输 5. careful handling 小心轻放 6. merchandise freight 商品运输 7. manufactured goods 制成品 8. distribution channel 分销渠道 9. personal selling 人员销售 10. convenience goods 便利品 11. general consumption 一般消费 12. information promotion 信息性促销 13. stimulation promotion 鼓励性促销 14. market research 市场调查 EXERCISES I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Basically, selling the product would be accomplished by sales promotion, which included advertising and personal selling. 2. Raw materials requiring little or no special treatment can be transported by rail, ship or barge at low cost. 3. Along all points of the distribution channel various amounts of storage are required. 13

国际商务英语 4. Sales promotion is the aspect of marketing concerned with increasing sales. It attempts to persuade and influence the customer s attitude in various ways. 5. A premium is something that the customer receives as a bonus when he purchases a product. 6. To increase market share, the marketing department of a company must design a total program of promotion for a particular product. II. According to the passage, answer the following questions. 1. What did distribution consist of? 2. What does modern marketing involve basically? 3. What is the purpose of sales promotion? 4. What are three main promotional activities? 5. How do you think advertising differs from personal selling? Section B The Product Life Cycle Products, like individuals, pass through a series of stages. Whereas humans progress from infancy to childhood to adulthood to retirement to death, successful products progress through four basic stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Introductory Stage The firm s objective in the early stages of the product life cycle is to stimulate demand for the new market entry. Since the product is unknown to the public, promotional campaigns stress information about its features. They also may be directed toward marketing intermediaries in the channel to induce them to carry the product. In this phase, the public becomes acquainted with the product's merits and begins to accept it. Losses are common during the introductory stage due to heavy promotion and extensive research and development expenditures. But the groundwork is being laid for future profits. Firms expect to recover their costs and begin earning profits when the new product moves into the second phase of its life cycle the growth stage. Growth Stage 14 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo Sales volumes rise rapidly during the growth stage as new customers make initial

Chapter 2 International Marketing purchases and early buyers repurchase the product. Word-of-mouth and mass advertising induce hesitant buyers to make trial purchases. As the firm begins to realize substantial profits from its investment during the growth stage, the product attracts competitors. Success breeds imitation, and other firms inevitably rush into the market with competitive products. In fact, the majority of firms in a particular industry enter the market during the growth stage. Maturity Stage Industry sales continue to grow during the early part of the maturity stage, but eventually they reach a plateau as the backlog of potential customers dwindles. By this time, a large number of competitors have entered the market, and the firm s profits decline as competition intensifies. In the maturity stage, differences among competing products diminish as competitors discover the product and promotional characteristics most desired by the market. Heavy promotional outlays emphasize differences among competing products, and brand competition intensifies. Same firms differentiate their products by focusing on attributes such as quality, reliability, and service. For example, in the mature airline industry, American Airlines has differentiated itself from competitors by providing reliable, on-time service. It promoted this distinction of reliability in its On-time Machine advertising campaign. At this stage in the product life cycle, available products exceed industry demand for the first time. Companies attempting to increase their sales and market share must do so at the expense of competitors. As competition intensifies, competitors tend to cut prices in an attempt to attract new buyers. Although a price reduction may be the easiest method of inducing additional purchases, it is also one of the simplest moves for competitors to duplicate. Reduced prices result in decreased revenues for all firms in the industry unless the price cuts produce enough increased purchases to offset the loss in revenue on each item sold. Decline Stage In the final stage of the product's life, innovations or shifting consumer preferences bring about an absolute decline in industry sales. The safety razor and electric shaver replaced the straight razor years ago. More recently, universal life insurance policies have replaced many whole life insurance policies because of a shift in consumer preferences. The decline stage of an old product is also the growth stage for a new market entry. Industry profits decline and in some cases actually become negative as sales fall and firms cut prices in a bid for the dwindling market. Manufacturers gradually begin to leave the industry in search of more profitable products. The traditional product life cycle needs to be distinguished from fad cycles. Fashions and fads have a profound influence on marketing strategy. Fashions are currently popular products 15

国际商务英语 that tend to follow recurring life cycles. Women's apparel and accessories provide the best examples. After being out of fashion for over a decade, the miniskirt was reintroduced in the early 1980s and again in the late 1980s. In contrast, fads are fashions with abbreviated life cycles. Most fads, such as Pet Rocks and variations of the yellow Baby on Board car window stickers, experience short-lived popularity and then quickly fade. However, there are some fads that maintain a residual market among certain market segments. New Words and Expressions infancy /'infənsi/ n. 婴儿期, 幼年时代 merit /'merit/ n. 优点, 价值 hesitant /'hezitənt/ a. 犹豫的, 吞吞吐吐的, 犹豫不决 imitation / imi'tei ən/ n. 模仿, 仿效 plateau /'plætəu/ n. 平稳状态 ( 时期 ), 停滞时期 differentiate / difə'ren ieit/ v. 区分, 区别, 分辨 accessory /æk'sesəri/ n. 附件, 零件, 附加物 NOTES 1. product life cycle 产品生命周期 2. introductory stage 介绍期 3. growth stage 成长期 4. maturity stage 成熟期 5. decline stage 衰退期 EXERCISES I. Translate the following English into Chinese. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo The traditional product life cycle needs to be distinguished from fad cycles. Fashions and fads have a profound influence on marketing strategy. Fashions are currently popular products that tend to follow recurring life cycles. Women s apparel and accessories provide the best examples. After being out of fashion for over a decade, the miniskirt was reintroduced in the early 1980s and again in the late 1980s. 16

Chapter 2 International Marketing II. According to the passage, answer the following questions. 1. What are the four basic stages in the product life cycle? 2. What is the firm s objective in the early stages of the product life cycle? 3. What do you think is the importance of the decline stage of a product? Section C The Pricing Process Of course, many organizations may not follow a thoughtful, analytical approach to setting prices. They may price products simply based on intuition or on what competitors are doing. However, to achieve marketing objectives, the organization should follow a logical pricing process. Set Pricing Objectives The pricing process begins when marketers define the objectives of the pricing strategy. These objectives are the ultimate guide for the pricing strategy chosen. They should support the effort to create value for the target markets identified. In doing so, they should help achieve overall marketing objectives. Because pricing strategy has a direct bearing on the amount of product sold and the amount of money flowing into the organization, efforts to set pricing objectives must be coordinated with other functions in the organization. For example, those who are responsible for production will have to ensure that the organization can meet the demand expected for the product at a given price. Those responsible for finance will have to be able to manage the funds flowing in and out at the predicted levels of sales and production. At carpet maker Shaw Industries, the realization that consumers would increasingly buy on the basis of low prices led the firm to cut costs in all areas of business so that it could profit with a low-price strategy. The link between pricing and other functions means pricing is another area of marketing that can benefit from the use of cross-functional teams. Evaluate Customer Response and Other Pricing Constraints Whatever the marketer s objectives, there are limits on what price the organization can charge. To take an extreme example, marketers might want to achieve a high profit level in the sale of compact discs, but the company can t do it by charging $ 100 for each CD; customers won t buy at that price. Thus, the marketer s next step is to identify and evaluate the characteristics of demand and other pricing constraints. 17

国际商务英语 18 In evaluating customer s response, marketers consider how much of a particular product members of the target market will buy at a given price. Marketers consider demand for the product class, the category of product, and the particular brand. They look at the overall level of demand and the degree to which changes in price affect demand. Other constraints are characteristics of the product itself. For example, the produc s stage in the life cycle influences the price customers are willing to pay. One reason is that stage in the life cycle is related to another constraint, the availability of substitutes. When there are few substitutes, as in the case of a truly new product, customers may be willing to pay a premium price. Marketers must also consider the cost to produce and market the product. In general, they want to charge enough to at least cover these costs. However, there may be reasons why this is impossible or not the most profitable way to set price. Sometimes a more profitable approach is to look for ways to cut costs enough to make the product profitable at a given price. A team approach to product development that includes consideration of both profit objectives and customer value is often helpful in achieving the proper balance. In setting prices, marketers must also take into account such legal issues as the price discrimination and the laws that limit pricing practices. Organizations that sell to the government may also have to follow specific guidelines for how to set prices. In addition, governments sometimes limit price changes. Historically, utilities, such as electric companies, had to get government approval for any rate increase, and governments sometimes impose general wage and price controls. At the other end of the spectrum, government action may keep prices from falling below a certain level. The U.S. government has propped up the prices of citrus products by limiting the amounts that may be sold in California and Arizona. In 1993, when the Agriculture Department suspended the quotas in response to complaints of cheating, that year s record-breaking harvest drove prices to their lowest level in seven years. Finally, marketers are limited by the prices competitors are charging. To charge a higher price than competitors, the organization will have to convince the target market that the product is superior in some way. W.W Grainger can charge relatively high prices for maintenance, repair, and operating supplies because its efficient ordering systems can lower the organizational buyer s total cost of placing an order. In the United Kingdom, in spite of its higher price, Procter & Gamble has made its Fairy dishwashing soap a success by developing a formula in which more dishes can be washed with per drop of soap and a milder treatment can be given to the hands. If differentiating the product is impossible, it is usually priced at the same or a lower price than the competition. Analyze Profit Potential 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo Based on the pricing objectives and constraints, marketers decide what range of prices

Chapter 2 International Marketing makes sense. Marketers then must analyze the potential profits associated with the range of prices being considered. To do this, marketers gather information about the pattern of demand. Then such techniques as marginal analysis can give marketers information about the links between price, demand, and profits. Set Initial Price Level To set an initial price, marketers should use pricing methods based on some combination of cost, competition, and customer value. In addition, marketers take into account the way the price fits with the other elements of the marketing mix. Thus, if the product is intended to be sold to discount stores, marketers will have to keep the price low. If the marketer is planning a promotional strategy emphasizing how the product is superior to its competitors, the marketer may be able to set a relatively high price. The term used to refer to the initial price level varies from industry to industry. Often it is referred to as the list price. A list price is the selling price for an item before any discounts or reductions in price. Make Price Adjustments as Needed There are many reasons for adjusting the list or quoted price. Marketers may want to provide a temporary price promotion to attract buyers to the product. Alternatively, marketers may want the price charged to various groups of customers to reflect the costs of serving them, as in the case of a lower unit price for large orders. Deciding when and how to offer the various types of price adjustments is the last step in the pricing process. New Words and Expressions intuition / intju: 'i ən/ n. 直觉, 直觉的知识 ultimate /' ltimit/ a. 最后的, 最终的, 根本的 constraint /kən'streint/ n. 约束, 限制 NOTES 1. pricing strategy 定价策略 2. bottom line ( 利润 ) 底线 3. low-price strategy 低价策略 4. Procter & Gamble 保洁公司 19

国际商务英语 EXERCISES I. Translate the following English into Chinese. To set an initial price, marketers should use pricing methods based on some combination of cost, competition, and customer value. In addition, marketers take into account the way the price fits with the other elements of the marketing mix. Thus, if the product is intended to be sold to discount stores, marketers will have to keep the price low. If the marketer is planning a promotional strategy emphasizing how the product is superior to its competitors, the marketer may be able to set a relatively high price. II. Please introduce the pricing process briefly in your own word. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo 20

Chapter 3 International Law and Practices Section A Introduction The Definition and Features of International Law International law plays an important role in the conduct of international business. Although no enforceable body of international law exists, certain treaties and agreements are respected by a number of countries and profoundly influence international business operations. International law is commonly defined as a body of rules that states and other agents accept as binding obligations in the world community. This definition calls attention to three important features of international law. First, international law is a body of rules comprising an integrated and logically related set of imperative norms. These norms cluster around key topics of international concern, such as the rights and duties of states, jurisdiction over nationals and aliens, the law of the sea, and the law of international organizations. Second, international law applies chiefly to states. Historically, the major aim of international law has been to provide norms for guiding and judging the behavior of states. Since states have been the primary subjects of international law, corporations, transnational associations, and individuals have been viewed as secondary subjects that could receive legal protection only through their respective states. In the latter part of the twentieth century, however, individuals and other nonstate actors have increasingly been recognized as subjects of international law themselves.

国际商务英语 22 Third, international law depends on a higher degree of voluntary compliance than national law. Since there is no central political authority in the international community to make, interpret, and enforce international law, compliance with international law is dependent ultimately on the voluntary actions of states. Indeed, international law is paradoxical in that states are both subject to its norms but also, as sovereign, independent political communities, above the law. The Nature and Sources of International Law In essence, international law is the result of centuries old attempts to reconcile the traditional need of each nation to be the final authority over its own affairs with the desire of nations to benefit economically from trade and harmonious relations with one another. Sovereign nations can, and do, voluntarily agree to be governed in certain respects by international law for the purpose of facilitating international trade and commerce, as well as civilized discourse. As a result, a body of international law has evolved. Article 38(1) of the I.C.J.Statute is generally considered to be the most authoritative enumeration of the sources of international law. It reads as follows: The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with international law such disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply: a. international conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting states; b. international custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law; c. the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations; d. subject to the provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law. Article 38(1) indicates that international law consists of international conventions (or treaties), international custom, and general principles of law. It follows that a rule cannot be deemed to be international law unless it is derived from one of these three sources. Judicial decisions and the teachings of the publicists are not sources of law as such; they are subsidiary means for finding what the law is. International lawyers look to these authorities as evidence to determine whether a given norm can be deemed to have been accepted as a rule of international law. International Conventions 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 www.aboo An international convention (or treaty) is a formal written agreement between states, creating binding legal obligations for the signatories. Conventions include specific agreements between two or more states as well as general treaties and charters for universal, regional, and specialized organizations. Most scholars now regard conventions as the major source of