Chapter one: Sentence Correction Basics

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Chapter one: Sentence Correction Basics 问题设置 GMAT 的 SC 有五个选项, 其中 A 是和题干一样的 而 SC 题目的问题是 : 下列句子哪个放在题干里, 在语法和语义上, 是最佳选项 最佳选项, 不代表是最理想的选项 你的任务是分析给出的 5 个选项, 选出其中最佳的, 而不是制造新的最佳选项 你必须严格比较这 5 个句子, 用合理的语法和清楚的语义去决定五个选项里的最佳选项 理解句子, 排除选项 为了给逻辑和阅读腾出时间, 每到 SC 题所用的平均时间应该不多于 90 秒, 每到 SC 最好用 75 秒甚至 60 秒的时间 如果又快又准的做 SC 呢? 请考虑如下因素 : 1) 每道题都考察多方面的知识点 ; 2) 每个错句含有多出错误 3) 每种错误可能出现在多个选项中 ; 4) 没有两个句子是一模一样的 ; 如果你重复阅读句子很浪费时间且容易混沌, 容易出现错误 以下七个步骤使你做 SC 又快又准 : 1) 细心地阅读原句, 确保理解原句 ; 阅读句子不要着急, 不仅要弄清作者想要表达的意思, 而且要注意作者表达的真实意图 如果有矛盾, 原句很有可能是错误的 毕竟, 句子会按照作者意图去表达 如果你发现了语法错误, 记住它, 然后运用在其他选项的排除上 如果你在第一遍阅读发现了错误, 不要再找其他错误了 确保你理解字面上和意指的句意 2) 垂直阅读 5 个选项, 以便排除 ; 划线句子的开端是容易出错的地方 ( 五个句子肯定是开端不同, 不然不会在那里划线 ) 划线句子的开端结尾也是容易出错的地方 最后, 用你第一遍读句子时发现的错误排除选项 注意 : 不用把不一致的部分写下来, 你甚至不用找出所有的出错点, 试着快速找出多出错误 不是每道题很能很轻易的找出 split ( 不一致的地方 ), 相同的概念可以用完全不同的字眼不同的位置的成分表达出来, 这个步骤暂时放下这些复杂的成分 3) 根据容易的 split 排除错误选项 ; 什么是容易的 split 呢? 1. 容易定位的 2. 容易比较的 3. 容易决定的有的时候根据不一致的地方你可以把 5 个句子分成 2 组,3 组, 甚至 5 组来进行排除 你需要根据两点进行判断 : A. 此句能否根据一个语法点判断一组是正确的其他组是错误的么? B. 此句能否根据句意判断某一组比其他组更佳么? 如果你没法准确决定, 选择其他 split 进行判断 如果你既不知道此句考察的语法点又无法判断句意, 那真的就没治了 ~ 事实上, 有些 split 是混淆视听的, 对选择根本不起决定性作用 4) 做出第一回合的排除 ;

5) 写下 ABCDE, 然后划掉以排除的选项 ; 6) 继续排除选项, 直到只剩下一个 ; 需要注意的是, 不要再次考虑已经排除的选项了 ( 前提是你很确定出错点是真的错了 ~) 一个致命的错误足以排除一个选项 记住, 大多数错误选项不止一个错误 考试的时候, 不需要把所有的错误都找出来, 虽然这是个很好的复习策略, 但是在考试的时候不要这么做 ( 浪费时间 ~) 7) 把你选择的正确选项放到原文中检查 ; 分析一道具体的题目说明解题步骤 : Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind", future generations remember him as the architect for the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University and the city of Irvine. A. including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind", future generations B. like that for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind", future generations will C. like those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind", future generations D. including that for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind", future generations will E. including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind", future generations will 1) 细心地阅读原句, 确保理解原句 ; 在考试中你可能会小声读出句子, 但这回让你无法集中分析句子 ; 如果你细心读文章你会发现 future generations remember 读起来不顺口, 你可以用在第一回合的排除上 2) 垂直阅读 5 个选项, 以便排除 ; 三个 split( 不一致的地方 ) 是 : Including/like- 在划线开头 Those/that- 紧跟开头的部分 Will remember/remember- 在划线结尾 3) 根据容易的 split 排除错误选项 ; Will remember/remember 这个 split 最容易判断 4) 做出第一回合的排除 ; 此句有个暗含意义,future generations 对于现在是未来的, 所以动词要用将来时 will remember., 而不是现在时 remember 正确的表达应该是 future generations will remember 5) 写下 ABCDE, 然后划掉以排除的选项 ; 在第一回合的排除中, 你可以排除掉 A 和 C, 留下 B,D,E 6) 继续排除选项, 直到只剩下一个 ; 接下来你用 Including/like 这个 split 来判断, 遗憾的是, 这个 split 不是决定性的 绝大多数情况下,GMAT 考试中,like 只意为 similar to, 但不能用于举例 然而, 官方也在减轻这个 强硬路线 所以, 理论上 Including 和 like 都适用 再看 Those/that 这个 split, 你可以只运用语法规则 : 代词一致 Those/that 都是指代 movie set designs, 但是 movie set designs 是复数, 所以代词用复数 those 而不是单数 that 现在, 你可以排除 B 和 D, 只留下 E 7) 把你选择的正确选项放到原文中检查 ; 快速阅读原句, 把 E 带入原句中代替划线部分 当你读到 split 的时候, 着重看你选的选项

Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind", future generations will remember him as the architect for the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University and the city of Irvine. 用这种方法, 你确定了 E 在语法和语义上都是正确的 如果在考试中, 在这个时候你就可以选这个选项, 点确定然后继续下一道题 当你联系 SC 习题时, 你的速度会加快 在复习的时候, 你应该复习每道题引出的所有语法和语义的知识点 然后决定最简单的方法做选择 记住, 在考试那天你只能用一种方法去选择正确答案 随着时间的推移, 你不可能考虑到所有问题 例如这道题, 在 GMAT 练习题里面,like 只用于比较, 不用于举例 所以, 你不能太依靠过去 GMAC 的习惯而觉得 like 只用于比较 你可以做出判断而不用去想一些非决定性的特殊问题 把答案带入原文中 以下划线部分正确吗? and so was unable to go to recess. 如果不看完整的句子你无法判断 : The students came to school without mittens and so was unable to go to recess. 如果你忽视未划线部分, 你无法判断出 was 指代 students 是错误的 划线部分和未划线 部分的关系是复杂而重要的 不了解这层关系, 你可能漏掉错误进而选错选项 要阅读整个句子,GMAT 总是把重要的词院里未划线部分 做完题以后, 要把答案放在 整个句子的语境里做检查

Chapter two: Grammar & Meaning SC 题型出现在 GMAT 中是因为商学院希望申请者掌握商业写作的原则 : 1. 语法 : 句子要符合标准书面英语的规则 2. 语义 : 句子要清晰地表达作者的意图 这些原则同等重要 语法规则比较机械化, 所以易于快速运用 语法 - 深入了解 每个章节代表一个主要的语法主题 : subject-verb agreement( 主谓一致 ); parallelism( 平行 ); pronouns( 代词 ); modifiers ( 修饰语 ); verb tense( 动词时态 ); voice and mood( 语态和语气 ); comparisons( 比较 ); and idioms( 习语 ). 语义 - 深入了解 注意 : 在选择答案的时候不要改变作者的语义! 有些时候, 题目的句子语意模糊, 这需要你揣测句意 但是理解句意很容易, 毕竟正确答案在 5 个选项之中 GMAT 会利用这些容易被忽略的 小的语义错误 语义错误分为以下几类 : 1. 词的选择 2. 词的位置 3. 词的搭配 词的选择 作者挑选的词是正确的吗? 如果一个词有多重语义, 作者用词正确吗? 正确表达语义吗? GMAT 很少单独考察 单词的各种意思, 但是非常偶然的会耍个花招, 在句子中变换相似的词语 My decision to drive a hybrid car was motivated by ECONOMIC considerations. ECONOMICAL considerations motivated my decision to drive a hybrid car. 第二个句子看似正确, 但是是错的 Economical 的意思是 thrifty( 节俭的 ),efficient( 收 效大的 ) 而 Economic 的意思是 monetary 经济的 虽然这两个词放在这里语义相似, 但是作者表达的意思是 monetary considerations, 所以用 economic 合适 以下词语或词组语义相近, 容易混淆 : Economic- 经济的 ; economical- 节约的 ; 合算的 ; 有效的 Aggravate- 加重, 恶化 ; aggravating- 令人愤怒的 Known as 被认为是, 很著名 ; known to be- 被承认 Loss of 失去 ;loss in- 贬值 Mandate- 命令 ;have a mandate- 拥有选举权 Native of- 一个人出生在某地 ;native to 一个人来自某地 Range of 多种的 ; ranging- 变化 Rate of 速度或频率 ; rates for 价格 Rise 单纯上升, 一般上涨 ; raise-( 打赌或工资 ) 上涨 Try to do 努力去完成 ; try doing 尝试去做

小小的词汇变化会引起句意改变 注意用词的精确 一些助动词如 may,will,must and should, 让 GMAT 有了考察句意的另一种途径 这些助动词表达了确定性, 命令性, 真实性 改变这些词语可以使句意发生较大变化 注意助动词! Example 1: 确定的 :The drop in interest rates WILL create better investment opportunities. 不确定的 :The drop in interest rates MAY create better investment opportunities. 两个句子都可能是正确的 按照作者表达的意思选择 will 还是 may Example 2: 有必要 :The court ruled that the plaintiff MUST pay full damages. 道义上 :The court ruled that the plaintiff SHOULD pay full damages. 注意 : 第二句不可能正确 为什么?should 意为 道义上应该 - 指一些法庭不能强制的事情 第一句的 must 表明了对于原告, 这是法庭可以强制执行的义务 所以这里使用 must 是正确的而不是 should 在 GMAT 中,should 只表示 道义上应该 而不表示 likelihood Example 3: 现实 :If Chris and Jad met,they DISCUSSED mathematics. 虚拟 :If Chris and Jad met,they WOULD DISCUSSED mathematics. 第一句用于 如果一件事确实发生了, 这就是结果 第二句话用于 预测猜测的结果 词的位置 小心词语变换位置, 词语的位置可以改变句意 Example 1: ALL the children are covered in mud. The children are ALL covered in mud. 在此句中变换 all 的位置可以使句意发生变化, 从表达 how many children 到表达 how the children are covered in mud(all over). Example 2: ONLY the council votes on Thursdays. The council votes ONLY on Thursdays. 第一句 only 限定 the council, 即只有 the council 在周四投票 第二句 only 限定 on Tursdays, 即 the council 只在周四投票 Example 3: The council granted the right to make legal petitions TO CITY OFFICIALS. 这句有歧义 :1. city officials receive the right to make legal petitions. 2. someone else receive the right to make petitions to the officials 若使句子不歧义应该改成 : The council granted CITY OFFICIALS the right to make legal petitions. 或 The right to make legal petitions TO CITY OFFICIALS was granted by the council.

最后, 还要注意多余的倒装 通常 英语会把主语放在位于前面, 这样显得句式自然 Example 4: Awkward: A referendum is a general public vote by which PASSES OR FAILS A LAW OR OTHER PROPOSAL. Better: A referendum is a general public vote by which A LAW OR OTHER PROPOSAL PASSES OR FAILS. 虽然如此, 这两个句子在语法上都是正确的! 每一句对于 GMAT 考试都有可能是正确的 要是倒装句讲得通, 请把主语和谓语互换位置 词的搭配 一般句子含有几个需搭配得当的单词和词组 举例来说, 主语和谓语必须一致 这种 一致 是语法上的一致 ( 比如主谓单复数一致 ), 但也存在逻辑意义的一致 主语谓语必须搭配得当! 你也许觉得这个原则太容易看出来而不会去考察 但是在考场上, 当你找到主语和谓语是, 记得问自己 他们搭配得当吗? 避免冗余 1. 考察语义的另一方面就是冗余 每个词语在句子中对于表达语义都是必须存在的 如果 你发现一个词语在不改变句意的情况下可以删除, 那么这个词语应该删除 冗余使句意模糊 GMAT 正确答案的句子没有冗余的词语 举个 GMAT 爱设圈套的 2 个例子 : Wrong:The value of the stock ROSE by a 10% INCREASE. Right: The value of the stock INCREASED by a 10%. Or: The value of the stock ROSE by a 10%. Rose 和 Increased 都表示增长, 一个就够 Wrong:The three prices SUM to a TOTAL of $11.56. Right: The three prices SUM to $11.56. Or: The three prices TOTAL $11.56. Sum 和 Total 都表达一个意思, 用一个足矣 2. 注意表示时间的词组 : PAST: Previously Formerly In the past Before now PRESENT: Now Currently Presently At present YEARLY: Annual Each year A year 一个句子应该只含有一个这样表达时间的词语或词组 这不代表你不能重复使用表示时间的 词语 ; 但要确保语义的不重复 纯粹的冗余在 GMAT 考试中永远错! 关于简洁 GMAT 考试偏好简洁的句子 Wordy:They HAVE DIFFERENCES over THE WAY IN WHICH the company should MAKE INVESTMENTS in new technologies. Better: They DIFFER over HOW the company should INVEST in new technologies.

第一个句子很好理解, 但是 HAVE DIFFERENCES, THE WAY IN WHICH, MAKE INVESTMENTS 这些成分很冗余不如第二句 永远记住, 简洁只是 GMAT 考试的一个偏好, 不要单单因此而选择最短的句子 在 GMAT 考试中, 正确的句子往往不是最短的句子, 而是语法正确且清晰反映作者意图的简洁的句子 如果你利用语法和语义排除选项就剩 2 个, 那就选择更简洁的那一个 否则不要利用简洁这个 工具 作为排除选项的依据

Chapter three: Subject-Verb Agreement 每个句子一定会有一个主语和一个谓语, 主语是名词, 谓语表达动作 : The DOG with the gray ears RUNS out of the house. 在这个句子里, 主语是 DOG, 谓语是 RUNS 每个句子里, 主语和谓语必须逻辑合理 此外, 主语和谓语必须单复数一致 Subject and Verb must both exist 1. 如果一个句子缺少主语或谓语, 这个句子是片段 (fragment), 换句话说, 这句话不 是一个完整的句子! 在 GMAT 考试中, 不完整的句子是错误的 虽然这种错误出现的频率 不高, 但是只要出现你就应该认出 GMAT 会掩饰丢掉的谓语所造成的错误 Example 1: Wrong: The electron named in 1894. 此句的 named 看似是个动词 但是在此句的语境中,named 不是谓语动词 再者,electron 不可能做出 name 的动作, 这个动作肯定是某人发出的 Right: Stoney named the electron in 1894. 在这个句子里 named 是谓语动词 我们还可以这么表达这个句子 : Right:The electron was named in 1894. 在这个句子里,was named 是谓语,named 是过去分词, 过去分词自身是不能够当谓语的 2. 还有一种情况可以造成句子片段 : 开头使用连接词 (Connecting Word) 且没有主语 Example 2: Wrong:BECAUSE the dog was never mine. Wrong:WHICH will be approved tomorrow. BECAUSE 和 WHICH 都是连接词 (Connecting Word) 这些词也是主从连词, 他们的依附 于从句, 所以连接词不能单独组成句子 改正这样句子的办法有两个 :(1) 加上一个主句 ; (2) 把连接词删掉 ;( 换成主语 :The plan will be approved tomorrow.) Subject and Verb must make sense together Example 3: Wrong: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. 乍一看, 句子没什么问题 但是仔细看 :The development of will be able to travel 不合 逻辑, 是 car will travel 而不是 development will travel Right:Once developed, a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. 确保主语谓语搭配得当! Subject and Verb must agree in number 主语谓语单复数要一致 Example 4: A singular subject requires a singular verb form: The dog runs out of the house. A plural subject requires a plural verb form: The dogs run out of the house.

例子中的主谓单复数很好看出来 但 GAMT 会把主语 藏起来, 无法根据主语单复数判断谓语单复数 Example 5: The discovery of new medicines (was/were) vital to the company s growth. Eliminate the middlemen, and skip the warmup GAMT 隐藏主语的办法就是在主谓之间插入大量词语, 这些词语分三 : 1. Prepositional Phrases( 介词短语 ) Example: Near Galway, the houses on the road to Spiddle is/are gorgeous. Near Galway, the houses on the road to Spiddle are gorgeous. 2. Subordinate Clauses( 从句 ) Example: When the auditors left, the executive who had been interviewed was/were glad. When the auditors left, the executive who had been interviewed was glad. 3. Other Modifiers( 其他修饰语 ) 注意过去分词和现在分词 逗号也是分辨修饰语的标志 Example: Limping, the horse once considered one of the favorites was/were taken away. Limping, the horse once considered one of the favorites was taken away. Use structure to decide Example 1: In the waning days of the emperor s life, the conquest of new lands on the borders of the empire was/were considered vital. 这句话找主语谓语时, 问问自己 what was/were considered vital? 这个方法帮你找 到真正的主语, 排除那些 伪主语 ( 比如 new lands, 然而 new lands 是修饰 conquest 的 介词短语中的名词 ) 介词短语中的名词不能做句子的主语, 但是也有例外 Right: In the waning days of the emperor s life, the conquest of new lands on the borders of the empire was considered vital. 不要被其他名词干扰, 用句子结构分析出那个名词时句子的主语 Example 2: The tidal forces to which an object falling into a black hole is/are subjected is/are sufficient to tear the object apart. 首先, 找出句子主句主语谓语, 看看是否主谓一致 The tidal forces to which an object falling into a black hole is/are subjected are sufficient to tear the object apart. 然后, 找出从句主语谓语, 看看是否主谓一致 The tidal forces to which an object falling into a black hole is subjected are sufficient to tear the object apart. 当然, 语义指引你找找一个主语的谓语 主语和谓语摆在一起一定要合理! 同时, 你 可以依据句子结构做出决定

And vs. Additive phrases 1. 用 and 连接的两个名词组成了 compound plural 主语, 此类主语为复数, 谓语也为复数 Example 1: Joe AND his friends ARE going to the beach. Mathematics history AND science ARE mandatory high-school subjects. 2. 除了 and, 很多单词也可以 add to subject, 这些单词为 Additive Phrases 例如 : along with Polly in addition to surgery as well as the mayor accompanied by me together with a tie including salt and pepper 与 and 不同, 这些 Additive Phrases 不能组成 compound plural 主语 而且, 这些 Additive Phrases 是用来修饰主语的成分, 不能是主语变成复数 Example 2: Joe as well as his friends, IS going to the beach. Mathematics, in addition to history and science, IS a required subject. 只有 and 可以使一个单数主语变为复数主语! 单数主语后有 Additive Phrases 的主语 仍是单数! Or, Either or, & Neither nor Or, Either or, & Neither nor 后面谓语的单复数取决于离动词最近的名词 Example: Neither the coach nor the players ARE going to the beach. Neither the players nor the coach IS going to the beach. 第一个句子,players 最接近动词, 且是复数, 所以句子谓语为复数 第二个句子最接 近动词的名词时 coach, 所以谓语为单数 但是, 如果只有 either 或 neither, 没有 or 或 nor, 谓语动词用单数! Collective nouns: Almost always singular 集合名词是看似单数 ( 大部分集合名词都不是以 s 结尾 ), 实而可以代表一群人或一类 事物的名词 People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team Items: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture 在 GMAT 考试中, 集合名词永远是单数, 谓语动词也是单数 Example: The CROWD in the stands IS cheering loudly as the home TEAM TAKES the field. Our ARMY of a hundred thousand soldiers IS attacking the enemy. Indefinite pronouns: Usually singular 代词是代替名词或代词的词 不定代词不详细指代提到的事 以下不定代词看做单数, 谓语动词也是单数, 所有 -one,-body, or -thing 都属于这个范畴

Anyone, anybody, anything No one, nobody, nothing Each, every (as pronouns) Someone, somebody, something Everyone, everybody, everything Whatever, whoever Either, neither (may require a plural verb if paired with or/nor) 根据语境, 有五个代词可能是单数, 可能是复数 你可以以此记忆 :SANAM THE SANAM PRONOUNS: Some, Any, None, All, More/Most 怎样判断这五个代词的单复数呢? 1. 根据语义, 然后看 of 后面的内容决定 你可能会忽视介词短语后的成分, 但在这里 这些成分可以帮助你判断 SANAM 的单复数 Example: Some of the money WAS stolen from my wallet. (money is singular) Some of the documents WERE stolen from the bank. (documents is plural) 2. 但是不要沉迷于 看 of 结构 这个方法 也有例外,: none of + plural noun can take either a singular or a plural verb form:any of these women IS a suitable candidate for marriage to my son. Not one is always singular: Not one of my friends IS here this weekend. Each and Every: singular sensations 就像前面讲到的,Each 和 Every 是单数主语, 谓语动词也是单数 在后面跟主语的情况下也一样 : Example 1: Right: Every dog HAS paws. Right: Every dog and cat HAS paws. Right: Each of these shirts IS pretty. 在前面跟主语的情况下则不一样 : Example 2: They each ARE great tennis players. 此句主语 they 需要复数的谓语动词 are Quantity words and phrases The number of 后面要用单数谓语动词, 因为 The number 是主语 A number of 后面要用复数谓语动词, 因为 A number of 后的名词时主语 Example 1: The number of hardworking students in this class ls quite large. A number of students in this class ARE hard workers. 第一句的主语 the number, 应忽略 of 介词短语后面的成分 第二句的主语是 students,a number of 是习语, 意思相当于 some 和 many 所以 很多表示数量的表达像 A number of, 是 of 介词短语, 这些词打破了 of 介词短语不可做 主语的规律 以 SANAM 为例 : Half of the pie IS blueberry, and half of the slices ARE already gone. 像 majority,minority,plurality 这样的词, 根据语境可能是单数可能是复数 如果想表

达一个群体里面的多个个体, 用复数 如果想表达一个群体里面的一个个体, 用单数 Example 2: The majority of the students in this class ARE hard workers. In the Senate, the majority HAS coalesced into a unified voting block. 分析表示数量的表达的单复数, 用分析 SANAM 一样的方法 :of 介词短语会暗示谓语 动词的单复数 Subject phrases and clauses: Always singular 以从句组成的主语, 谓语动词用单数 Example: Having good friends IS a wonderful thing. Whatever they want to do IS fine with me. Flip it! 大多数英语句子是主语在前, 位于在后 GMAT 偶尔会运用倒装改变主语谓语的顺序来 迷惑你 如果碰到主语在谓语后面的句子, 把主语谓语的顺序变正, 这会让你分清主语 Example 1: Wrong: Near those buildings SIT a lonely house, inhabited by squatters. Flip it: A lonely house, inhabited by squatters, SITS near those buildings. Right: Near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters. Example 2: Wrong: There IS a young man and an older woman at the bus stop. Flip it: A young man and an older woman ARE there at the bus stop. Right: There ARE a young man and an older woman at the bus stop. 例二中, 把主语放到谓语前面, 我们可以很清晰地看到 A young man and an older woman 是复数, 所以谓语动词也要用复数 are 在英语中,there is 后面要接单数主语,there is 和 there are 的主语跟谓语 Example 3: Uncertain: Pong is a classic game from which have/has descended many current computer pastimes. Flip it! Pong is a classic game from which many current computer pastimes HAVE descended. Right: Pong is a classic game from which HAVE descended many current computer pastimes. When in doubt, think singular 很多令人困惑的主语大多是单数 如果在考场上对于主语的单复数不确定, 单数的可能 性大一些!

Singular Subjects Plural Subjects It Depends A singular subject linked to Subjects joined by and Subjects joined by or or nor other nouns by an additive phrase Collective nouns Most indefinite pronouns SANAM pronouns Subjects preceded by each or every Subjects preceded by the number of Subjects preceded by A number of Other numerical words and phrases Subject phrases or clauses

Chapter four: Parallelism GMAT 最喜欢考察的语法点便是平行 根据平行原则 : 可比较的句子成分 (Comparable sentence parts) 必须在结构上和逻辑上相似 Example: The employees were upset by the company's low pay, poor working conditions, and that they did not have enough outlets for their creativity. 注意此句有三个成分是 可比较的成分, 即 the company's low pay, poor working conditions, that they did not have enough outlets for their creativity. 这三个成分 使工人 不安 前两个成分是相似, 都是名词短语 然而第三个成分是不一样的结构, 即从句 为 了使这三个部分平行, 我们必须改变第三个成分使它与前两个成分相似 The employees were upset by the company's low pay, poor working conditions, and shortage of outlets for employees' creativity. 注意我们不需要使三个成分的每个单词都平行, 只要重要部分平行就可以了 在这个句 子里 pay, conditions, shortage 是重要词汇,Company s 可以修饰这三个单词 the company's low pay poor working conditions shortage of outlets for employees' creativity Parallel markers 怎样知道哪些部分应该平行呢? 通常我们可以根据 Parallel markers( 平行标志 ) 来判断 平行标志是连接或对比事物的单词, 这些单词促使这些事务平行 以下罗列了一些平行标志 : Markers Structures Examples And X and Y Apples and pears. Both/and X, Y, and Z Apples, pears AND bananas. Or Both X and Y BOTH apples AND pears. Either/or Either X or Y EITHER apples OR pears. Not/but Not X but Y Not apples but pears. Not only/but also Not only X but also Y ONLY apples BUT ALSO pears. Rather than X rather than Y Apples rather than pears From/to From X to Y From apples to pears 大多数重要的平行标志是连词 :and,but 和 or And 最为常见 但是以上平行标志都要记 住, 所有表示两 三样事物的结构都需要平行

Parallel elements Elements Nouns Adjectives Verbs Infinitives 不定式 Participles 分词 Prepositional Phrases 介词短语 Subordinate Clauses 从句 Examples Her expression reflected BOTH anger AND relief. The park was NEITHER accessible NOR affordable. We collected BOTH second- AND third-grade books. The custodian cleaned the basement AND washed the windows. We would like NOT ONLY to hear your side of the story BUT ALSO to provide a response. The actor left quickly, shunning fans AND ducking into a car. It was important to leave the money in the drawer RATHER THAN on the table. (Note: the prepositions do not always have to be the same.) They contended that the committee was biased AND that it should be disbanded. 1. 一些动词可以发出引出好几个单词, 比如 was opening, can lose, to increase. 你可以拆 分, 使第一个词可以代表所有平行元素 The division WAS opening offices, hiring staff AND investing in equipment. The railroad CAN EITHER lose more money OR solve its problems. They wanted TO increase awareness, spark interest, AND motivate purchases. 2. 为了避免歧义, 两个平行从句必须由主从连词就开始平行 Wrong: I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND I pay low taxes. Right: I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND WHERE the taxes are 若 wrong 这个句子里 and 后面没有 where, 则 I want to retire 和 I pay low taxes 变成 平行 And 后面加上 where 则避免了歧义 And 左右的两遍的句子的主从连词不需要一模一 样 3. 不要随便减少句子成分, 确保句子成分的完整 Wrong: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND WHO are not. Right: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND THOSE WHO are not. 如果第一句 and 后面没有 those, 则变成 Ralph likes WHO are not, 句子变得讲不通 应该是 : Ralph likes THOSE WHO are not ( 此句不用重复 popular, 因为在第二个平行句里暗含 popular) Lists with And 上文提到, 最常用的平行标志就是 and 在 GMAT 考试中, 看到 and 就要找对应的成份 GMAT 的句子有四种用 and 表示的举例 List Examples X and Y Apples AND pears X, Y, and Z Apples, pears, AND bananas X, Y, Z, and W Apples, pears, bananas, AND peaches

注意, 在举例的最后一项不可以把 and 省略掉 再者,GMAT 含有 3 4 项举例的句子, 在最后一项的前面都会加上逗号 然而, 如果你用 and 平行两个句子, 在 and 前面要加上逗号, 尤其两个句子很长 List of Clauses Example X, and Y I really like candy apples, AND I eat them often. 如果并列的是多组长句, 要分清每个句子 Example: Wrong: She argues that the agency acts with disregard for human life AND property AND reckless abandon AND it should therefore be shut down. 四个划线成分都挨着 and, 但是他们的逻辑不是一起的 我们来分析一下成分 : She argues that the agency acts AND with reckless abandon AND that it should therefore be shut down. with disregard for human life AND property Idioms with built-in parallel structure 大多数重要的习语要求平行, 像 such as 以下列举的习语都要求平行结构 X Acts As Y Distinguish X From Y X is the Same As Y As X, So Y Estimate X To Be Y X is good, and So Too is Y Between X And Y X Instead Of Y X, Such As Y (example) Compared To X, Y X is Known To Be Y Think Of X As Y Consider X Y X is Less Than Y X is Thought To Be Y In Contrast To X, Y Make X Y Declare X,Y Mistake X For Y X Develops Into Y Not Only X(,) But Also Y (the comma is optional) X Differs From Y Regard X As Y Superficial parallelism vs. actual parallelism 你需要弄清楚语法平行中的逻辑平行, 注意动词形式 Example: Sal applied himself in his new job, arriving early every day, skipping lunch regularly, AND leaving late every night. 此句, 三个 -ing 并列,arriving, skipping, leaving. 主句动词 applied 不和这三个 -ing 并 列 而这个句子是正确的 主句是动词是 applied, 三个 -ing 成分则是为主句提供 Sal applied 的具体信息 如果把这四个动词都换成一样的形式 ( 都是 -ed, 或都是 -ing), 则会扭曲原文 的语义, 因为 applied 和 arriving, skipping, leaving 是两层逻辑语义, 他们在句中的地位不 同 不要想当然地认为句子里的每个东西都要一个形式 ( 考虑逻辑意义 )!

Watch out for linking verbs 系动词是一种隐晦的平行 通常, 我们认为动词是表达动作的词汇 (walk, dance and jump), 但是另一类动词是系动词 系动词表示主语的身份和状态 (what the subject is or what condition the subject is), 而不是主语的动作 (what a subject does) 最常见的系动词是 to be 下面列出 to be 的所有形式还有常见的系动词 To Be Other Linking Verbs Is Appear Seem Are Become Smell Was Feel Sound Were Grow Stay Am Look Taste Been Remain turn Be Represent being resemble 把系动词看做平行标志, 使主语和宾语平行 Example 1: Wrong: The bouquet of flowers WAS a giving of love. Right: The bouquet of flowers WAS a gift of love. Was 是系动词, 第一句中 was 两两边的主语 The bouquet 和宾语 a giving 不平行 为了使 他们平行我们可以改写成第二个句子,the bouquet 和 a gift 是平行的 Example 2: Wrong: Upon being nominated, this politician REPRESENTS a step forward in urban-rural relations in this country. Right: The nomination of this politician REPRESENTS a step forward in urban-rural relations in this country. Represents 是系动词, 第一句两边的主语 this politician 和宾语 a step forward, 逻辑 上不搭 ( 这位政客代表着进步?) 改成第二句则逻辑合理 (The nomination 代表着 a step forward) 注意 to be, 还有进行时态 (I am watering the plants) 和被动语态 (The plants were watered last night)

Chapter five: Pronouns 代词是指代替名词的词, 在后文中就可以不必重复所替代的名词 Gasoline has become so expensive that IT now consumes as much as 16% of personal income in some rural areas. 此句的代词 it 代替 gasoline, 或者我们可以说,it 指代 gasoline Gasoline 是 it 的先行词 在 GMAT 考试中, 出现代词的句子要小心 要注意 it, its, they, them 或 their 是否指代正 确 首先你要问自己, 这个代词的先行词是什么? 一旦你找到先行词, 你要确保 (1) 代词 和先行词呼应得当, 关系清楚 (2) 先行词和代词单复数一致 The antecedent must exist 首先要做的是在句子里找到先行词 The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to IT. It 指代的是什么? 我们可能猜是 park 但是你应该注意到, 在这个句子中 park 不是 真 正的名词 Park 相当于修饰 rangers 的形容词, 所以 park 不是 it 的先行词 再者, 这个句子 没有可行的先行词 ( 主语 The park rangers 为复数,it 为单数 ) 所以, 此句在书面表达上的 错误的 改正这个句子, 只需把代词删掉, 在 it 的位置上填入想指代的名词 Right: The rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to THE PARK. 删除句首的 park 以免在句尾出现重复, 但是主语是 the park rangers 也是可行的 小心那些充当形容词的名词! 他们不可能是先行词 你想指代的先行词必须以名词出现在句子里!(antecedent=noun) The antecedent & pronoun must make sense together 下一步要考虑先行词与代词是否逻辑一致 也就是说把先行词带入代词中是否合理 Although the term "supercomputer" may sound fanciful or exaggerated, IT is simply an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second. 寻找先行词, 我们找到 the term "supercomputer", 把它带入代词中 the term "supercomputer" is simply an extremely fast mainframe 此表达在语义上是错误的, 虽然错误很隐晦, 但是不会使人会错意 Term 怎么会使 mainframe 呢?the Term 只能 refers to a mainframe. 所以, 通过换动词来修改这个句子 Right: Although the term "supercomputer" may sound fanciful or exaggerated, IT simply REFERS TO an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second. 词类问题属于语义规则 GMAT 考试总会出现圈套让你误以为 错的 是 对的 毕竟, 你知道作者想表达的意思 不要想当然 每次都要检查先行词带入代词时是否合理 The antecedent & pronoun must agree in number 找到先行词之后, 问问自己先行词和代词单复数是否一致 如果先行词是单数, 代词也 需要单数 如果先行词是复数 代词也需要时复数

Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, modern Hollywood studios are attempting various experiments in an effort to retain ITS status as the primary arbiter of movie consumption. 先行词 its 本应该是 modern Hollywood studios, 但是 its 是单数,modern Hollywood studios 是复数 如果先行词是单数, 代词也需要单数 如果先行词是复数 代词也需要时 复数 Right: Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, modern Hollywood studios are attempting various experiments in an effort to retain THEIR status as the primary arbiters of movie consumption. Right: Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, the modern Hollywood studio is attempting various experiments in an effort to retain ITS status as the primary arbiter of movie consumption. 我们可以表达 modern Hollywood studios( 表示许多个体 ), 也可以说 the modern Hollywood studio( 表达类型 ) 不管怎样, 代词的单复数要和先行词的单复数一致 在 GMAT 考试中, 出题者会考察用单复数都可以表达的概念 (studio or studios) 就像主谓一致一样, GMAT 考试可以把主语的单复数隐藏起来 ( 通过添加类似 along with 这样的短语 ) 同样, GMAT 可以把这种手段用在代词的先行词上 要确保找到正确的先行词 The deadly five: it, its, they, them, their 最容易出错的代词是第三人称代词 (The person personal pronouns) 单数:it, its 复数 :they, them, their 每当看见这五个代词时, 要问自己 先行词在语义和单复数和代词是否一致? 小心 their, 他们常常被用在指代单数的先行词 Wrong: Whenever a student calls, take down THEIR information. Right: Whenever a student calls, take down HIS or HER information. Right: Whenever students call, take down THEIR information. This, that, these, and those 指示代词 :This, that, these, and those 你可以使用这里的任意一个当做名词的形容词放在名词前面 New "nano-papers" incorporate fibers that give THESE MATERIALS strength. 1. that 和 those 是表示先行词的 New copy or copies ( 不完全指代 ) The money spent by her parents is less than THAT spent by her children. 这里 that 指代调 the money, 注意这两个 money 不一样, 一个是孩子花的, 一个是大人 花的, 大人花的这个 money 即 New copy that 和 those 指代的 New copy or copies 必须被修饰 换句话说, 你要 附上描述来说明这个 New copy 和先行词有什么不同 The money spent by her parents is less than THAT SPENT by her children. Her company is outperforming THAT OF her competitor. 在 GMAT 考试中, 任何 New copy ( that 和 those) 都要在单复数上与先行词一致 如果一定要改变代词的单复数, 那就重复所指代的名词

Wrong: Her company is outperforming THOSE OF her competitors. Right: Her company is outperforming THE COMPANIES OF her competitors. 2. 相反 it 和 they, 或人称代词是完全指代, 指代一模一样的东西 (the same actual thing) The money spent by her parents is more than IT was expected to be. 最后, 在 GMAT 考试中,this 和 these 不能单独指代名词 (this 和 these 不能裸奔 ) 类似 This is great 这样的句子是被看做 语义含糊 不被接受的 同样,that 和 those 也不能单独指代, 除非 that 和 those 有描述使它们变成 New copy 否则, 请使用 it,they, 或 them Wrong: Her products are unusual; many consider THESE unique. Right: Her products are unusual; many consider THEM unique. How about pronoun ambiguity? 1. 理论上, 在书面语中每个代词都清楚地指代一个先行词 特别是每个 it 和 its 在一个 句子中必须指代一模一样的单数先行词 不然会产生混淆 Researchers claim to have developed new "nano-papers" incorporating tiny cellulose fibers, which THEY allege give THEM the strength of cast iron. 此句中的 they 和 them 指代什么呢? 你也许会 对号入座,they 指代 researchers,them 指代 nano-papers 但是, 在 GMAT 考试中, 这样混淆的指代是不允许的! 为了避免代词混 淆, 两个代词不能同时存在 Right: Researchers claim to have developed new "nano-papers" incorporating tiny cellulose fibers, which allegedly give THESE MATERIALS the strength of cast iron,according to the researchers. 运用表示类别属性的词语是避免此类混淆的有效办法 这样 "nano-papers" 被 these material 指代,"nano-papers" 是一种材料 according to the researchers 和 they allege 意思一样 Researcher 的重复, 避免出现混淆指代的可能 确保一个每个代词都只有一个先行词 2. 如果一个句子只有一个代词, 但是有很多可能的先行词, 会产生混淆 简单来说, 英语本身允许 ambiguous pronoun reference, 所以 GMAT 也会 允许 少数这样的句子 比 如 : Right: Supernovas destroy their immediate environments in vast explosions, BUT by synthesizing heavy chemical elements, THEY provide the universe with the possibility of biochemistry-based life as we know it. 此句,they 是代词, 但是 they 前面有很多复数名词, 有可能是 they 的先行词 Supernovas 是第一句的主语,they 是第二句的主语与第一句平行 (Supernovas destroy,but they provide) 虽然有两个有可能是先行词的名词 (environments,explosions) 但是, 你知道 they 很清楚的指代 supernovas( 优先指代主语 ) 在 GMAT 考试中, 这样的句子是可以接受 的 如果你想讨论 environments 和 explosions, 你可以用 those environments 或 such explosions 来在后面说明 主语在句子里是最重要的名词 因此, 作为这个句子想展现表明 的东西, 主语是最好的先行词

3. 要理解其他窍门, 你需要知道 case( 格 ) 格作用在名词和代词上 英语有三个格 : 主 格, 宾格, 所有格 1) Subject pronouns can be the subjects of sentences. I you he she it we they who e.g. They arrived late. 2) Object pronouns can be the objects of verbs or prepositions. me you him her it us them whom 3) Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or a similar relation. my/mine your/yours his her/hers its e.g. No one saw them or talked to them. our/ours their/theirs whose e.g. Their presence went unnoticed. 在 GMAT 考试中, 不会直接让你支出代词的格, 因为太容易了 然而, 你应该知道, 所有格通常不是很好的先行词 Wrong: The board is investigating several executives' compensation packages in order to determine how much may have been improperly awarded to THEM. 此句中,them 指代 packages 还是 executives' compensation 是有争议的 GMAT 不试图 去 建立规则或打破规则 然而, 你应该把所有格改成 possessing noun(of 短语表示的名词 ) Better: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much THEY may have been improperly awarded. Best: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much THESE EXECUTIVES may have been improperly awarded. 这两个句子都对, 第二个句子完全避免了歧义 总结 : 1. it 和 its 必须必须指代一样的复数先行词 2. they, them, 和 their 必须指代一样的复数先行词 3. 特殊情况除外, 最好不要选混淆指代的选项 ( 如果遇见除了代词其他一模一样的选项, 优先考虑重复名词 (executives) 的选项而不是代词 (they) 表示的选项,because super-safe)

Chapter six: Modifiers 修饰语在一个句子中描述或修饰某人某物 虽然修饰语可以简单到一个单词, 但是在 GMAT 考试中常常出现复杂的修饰语 Tired out from playing basketball,charles decided to take a nap. Tired out from playing basketball 修饰名词 Charles 注意放在句首的修饰语 在此句中, Tired out from playing basketball 是放在句首的修饰语与其他部分用逗号隔开 许多 GMAT 的句子中含有与修饰语及其被修饰的名词隔开的现象 Adjectives and Adverbs 形容词和副词都是一个单词就可以做修饰语的词 形容词只修饰名词与代词 ; 副词修饰 除名词与代词的词 句 ; 副词可以修饰动词, 也可描述形容词, 另一个副词, 介词, 短语甚 至整个 clause The SMART student works QUICKLY. 这里 smart 修饰名词学生,quickly 修饰动词 work 许多副词都是形容词 +ly 结尾 ; 形容词和副词修饰不要搞混 注意, 系动词后跟形容词而不是副词 以下句子均正确, 只是意思不一样 : Amy is a GOOD person. (GOOD is an adjective that modifies the noun person.) Amy is feeling GOOD. (Good is an adjective that modifies the noun Amy.) Amy is feeling WELL. (Well is an adjective that modifies the noun Amy.) Amy writes WELL. (Well is an ~ that modifies the verb writes.) GMAT 考试经常出现两个形容词修饰一个名词 [Adjective + Adjective +Noun], 和一个副词修 饰一个形容词, 而此形容词修饰一个名词 [Adverb +Adjective + Noun], 这两种形式表达的 意思不一样哦 ~! Wrong: James Joyce is Max's SUPPOSEDLY Irish ancestor. Right: James Joyce is Max's SUPPOSED Irish ancestor. James 是不是 Max 的祖先不知道, 但是 James Joyce 是爱尔兰人 (James Joyce 是爱尔兰 作家, 以写意识流著称, 代表作尤利西斯 专八的东西还没忘呐 ~), 所以形容词 supposed 修饰 Irish, supposed Irish 修饰 ancestor Wrong: Max's grandmother is his SUPPOSED Irish ancestor. Right: Max's grandmother is his SUPPOSEDLY Irish ancestor. 此句表达的是 grandmother 是不是 Irish, 所以 Irish(adj) 是应该被副词 supposedly 修饰 有些形容词加 -ly 就可以变成相应的副词 在 GMAT 已出版的句子里,corresponding, frequent; independent, rare, recent, seeming, separate, significant, supposed, and usual, 这些形容词加 -ly, 可以变成相应的副词 有些选项会把 -ly 丢掉 ( 变成形容词 ), 不要忽视这 样的不同 Noun Modifiers 修饰名词的词或词组叫做名词修饰语 名词修饰语的作用像很长的名词 修饰语第一个词 或第二个决定了此修饰语的类型, 就向下面的列表 修饰语和被修饰的名词都划线 :

Type / First Words Position Example Adjective Before noun The LAZY cat took a nap. After noun The cat, LZAY from overeating, took a nap. Preposition Before noun ON the couch, the cat took a nap. After noun The cat, ON the couch took a nap. Past Participle Before noun The TIRED cat took a nap. TIRED from chasing mice, the cat took a nap. After noun The cat, TIRED from chasing mice, took a nap. Present Participle without Before noun The SLEEPING cat took a nap. commas After noun The cat SLEEPING on the rug is named "Sue." Relative Pronoun After noun The grey cat, WHICH loves tuna, took a nap. The cat THAT lives next door is noisy. The person WHO lives next door is noisy. The city WHERE I live is noisy. Another Noun Before noun A LOVER of mice, my cat hunts night and day. After noun The cat, a TABBY raised on a farm, took a nap. 一个用来修饰另一个名词的名词交同位语 在 Another Noun 里, 同位语名词 tabby 自己被过去分词 (raised on a farm) 修饰, 中等长度的修饰语包含了多种修饰 在表中, 许多修饰语与名词被逗号隔开 在一次强调, 注意放在句子开头的长修饰语 这样的句子看似不自然, 但是是书面语允许的 虽然欧美人不爱说修饰语开头的句子 ( 口语这样说很奇怪 ), 但 GMAT 考试很爱出这样开头就是修饰语的句子 Right: TIRED from chasing mice, the cat took a nap. Position of noun modifiers 当你看到名词修饰语, 务必要找出此修饰语所修饰的名词 然后确保此名词与其修饰语 相邻 Follow the touch rule: A Noun and its MODIFIER should TOUCH each other( 名词与其修饰语要相邻 ). 1. 如果修饰语与其他名词相邻 ( 而不是应该修饰的名词 ), 那此修饰语是 Misplaced Modifier Wrong: Jim biked along an old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods. 此句修饰语 which cut through 应该修饰 road 而不是 house 所以, 应该把 road 放到修饰 语旁边 Right: To get to his house, Jim biked along an old dirt road, which cut through the woods. 2. 如果想修饰的名词根本不在句子里, 那此修饰语是 Dangling Modifier Wrong: Resigned to the bad news, there was no commotion in the office. Wrong: There was no commotion in the office, resigned to the bad news. 在这两句中,resigned to the bad news 应该是修饰某人或某团体做出的动作 (resign) 然而没有表示某人的名词出现在句子中 (office 代表地点 ) 要改正这个句子, 我们要插入合 理的名词让 resigned to the bad news 来修饰 Right: Resigned to the bad news, the office worker made no commotion. 3. 现在分词形式的放在句首的修饰语, 常常会变成 Dangling Modifier

虽然现在分词形式的修饰语应该是动词修饰语 ( 修饰动词嗒 ) 但是现在分词形式的放 在句首的修饰语通常需要名词来使句子逻辑意义表达合理 Wrong: Using the latest technology, the problem was identified. Wrong: The problem was identified, using the latest technology. 像这样的错误常常发生在演讲中 修饰语 using the latest technology 用来说明某人 使 用最新的科学技术 要解决这个语病, 插入一个名词让 using the latest technology 修饰 Right: Using the latest technology, the engineer identified the problem. 你可以把修饰语置后 Right: The engineer identified the problem, using the latest technology. 与名词修饰语不同, 动词修饰语可以不用紧挨被修饰的主语 然而, 主语必须与动词 修饰语在语义上搭配合理 4. 为避免长修饰语修饰同一个名词, 把两个长的修饰语放在名词一前一后会造成 awkward 或不正确 Wrong: George Carlin, both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, who also struggled publicly with drug abuse, influenced and inspired a generation of comedians. 此句中放错位置的修饰语 (misplaced modifier)who also struggled publicly with drug abuse, 本应该修饰 George 而不是 nation 但是只是改变位置 ( 把修饰语放 GC 旁边 ), 如果 动词置后或者意图表达不清, 还是会使句子 awkward Better: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, George Carlin, who also struggled publicly with drug abuse, influenced and inspired a generation of comedians. An even better alternative may be to rephrase the sentence so that one of the modifiers is no longer a modifier. Best: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, George Carlin influenced and inspired a generation of comedians, even as he struggled publicly with drug abuse. 此句话中, 修饰语 Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation 清楚地 表达主语 GC 和解释了他怎么 影响 和 激励 的 相反的想法 (struggled) 被放在了以 even as 开头的从句中 Watch out for possessives 所有格名词和代词出现很危险, 和修饰语一同出现也很危险 misplaced modifier 常常 出现在含有所有格名词 ( 以 s 和 s 结尾的名词 ) 的句子里 Wrong: Unskilled in complex math, Bill's score on the exam was poor. 此句中, 修饰语 Unskilled in complex math 描述的是 Bill 而不是 score 此修饰语只能 修饰 Bill's score, 而不能单独修饰 Bill 所以这个句子没有表达出作者的真是意图 要解决 这个问题, 就要把 Bill's score 替换成 Bill Right: Unskilled in complex math, Bill did not score well on the exam. 不能忽略想 development 这样的抽象名词, 这样的名词也要紧挨修饰它们的修饰语

Wrong: Only in the past century has origami's development, a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago, into a true art form taken place. 我们想表达的意思不是 development is a ceremonial activity 所以我们需要改变句 型, 让修饰语修饰 origami 本身 Right: Origami-a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago-has developed into a true art form only in the past century. Noun modifiers with relative pronouns 1. 名词修饰语常常被关系代词引出 :which that who whose whom where when 2. 关系代词 (relative pronouns) 有很多限制 : 1) who 和 whom 只能修饰人 Who 在关系从句中是动词的主语,Whom 作为动词的宾语或前置词 Wrong: The security guard WHO we met was nice. Right: The security guard WHOM we met was nice. 2) which 必须修饰物 (things) 3) 在 GAMT 考试中,that 不可以修饰人 Wrong: The scientists THAT made the discovery were rewarded. Right: The scientists WHO made the discovery were rewarded. 此类错误很容易出现, 实际上,OG10 对这个错误有过评论, 算是 GMAT 官方观点了 4) whose 可以修饰人也可以修饰物 example from OG: the town whose water supply was contaminated. 5) where 可以修饰地点 ( 名词 ), 但不能修饰 隐喻性 的 地方 where 可以修饰 :area,site,country or Nevada where 不能修饰 :condition,situation,case,circumstance,or arrangement Wrong: We had an arrangement WHERE he cooked and I cleaned. Right: We had an arrangement IN WHICH he cooked and I cleaned. 6) in which 可以修饰修饰 隐喻性 的 地方 in which 可以修饰 :condition,situation,case,circumstance,or arrangement 7) when 可以修饰事件 ( 名词 ) 和时间 When 可以修饰 :period, age, 1987,or decade. 此时的 when 可以用 in which 代替 其他 : Which 和 Whom 有时跟在介词后面 :the canal through which water flows;the senator for whom we worked. That 和 whom 可以省略当被修饰的名词是从句修饰的 object 时, Right: The movie THAT we watched last Friday was scary. Right: The movie we watched last Friday was scary. Essential vs. non-essential noun modifier( 略有删减 ) 所有的名词修饰语不是 essential noun modifier 就是 non-essential noun modifier essential noun modifier: 提供必要信息 Essential: The mansion PAINTED RED is owned by the lees.

non-essential noun modifier: 提供不必要信息 This mansion, RECENTLY PAINTED RED, is owned by the lees. 使用原则 : Put COMMAS between NON-ESSENTIAL modifiers and their nouns. Put NO COMMAS between ESSENTIAL modifiers and their nouns. If you have a choice between which and that, then follow this general rule: Use WHICH (and commas) if the modifier is non-essential. Use THAT (and no commas) if the modifier is essential. Non-essential: This mansion, WHICH HAS BEEN RECENTLY PAINTED RED, is owned by the tees; Essential: The mansion THAT HAS BEEN PAINTED RED is owned by the Lees. 关于 Which 和 that 的区别是有争议的,GMAT 不会对这个问题很较真 ~ 所以有时候不用管 which 和 that, 看逗号就可以了 Non-essential: This mansion, FOR WHICH I YEARN, is owned by the Lees. Essential: The mansion FOR WHICH I YEARN is owned by the Lees. Verb modifier 动词修饰语, 顾名思义是修饰动词的修饰语 这些修饰语回答像 "how," "when," "where," "why," 的问题 最基本的动词修饰语是副词 其他修饰语的的作用相当于副词 Type / First Words Position Example Adverb Before verb FREQUENTLY, I walk to the store. I FREQUENTLY walk to the store. After verb I walk to the store FREQUENTLY. Preposition Before verb ON Mondays, I walk to the store. After verb I walk to the store ON Mondays. Subordinator Before verb WHEN my car is broken, I walk to the store. After verb I walk to the store WHEN my car is broken. 主从连词比如 :because, although, if, unless, while, so that, while 等, 引导从句, 不 能单独组成一个完整的句子, 要附着在主语上 有些动词修饰语会同时修饰动词和动词的主语, 这种情况要确保主语和修饰语放在一起逻辑意义合理 Type / First Words Position Example Present Participle with commas Before verb WHISTLING "Beat It, I lifted the weight. After verb I lifted the weight, WHISTLING "Beat It." Preposition+ Simple Gerund Before verb BY CONCENTRATING, I lifted the weight. After verb I lifted the weight, BY CONCENTRATING Infinitive of Purpose Before verb TO FREE my leg, I lifted the leg. After verb I lifted the weight TO FREE my leg.

In each case, the subject I makes sense: I was whistling "Beat It, I was concentrating, I wanted to free my leg. Make sure that these modifiers have a sensible subject in the sentence. Wrong: The weight was lifted by concentrating. Wrong: The weight was lifted to free my leg. 这两个句子都没有说清楚谁 lifted the weight, 逻辑意义要合理 ~ 不定式可以用于没有 使动者的被动句里, 但是一定要明确是冻着 (whoever does the lifting intends to free my leg) 这里有一个重要的概念 : 与名词修饰语不同, 动词修饰语可以不用紧挨被修饰的主语 但是你要随时注意动词修饰语修饰的是正确的动词, 避免模糊! Wrong: The nameless symphony was at last performed, decades after it was composed, yesterday. Right: The nameless symphony was at last performed yesterday, decades after it was composed. 第一句话的 yesterday 放置的位置不是很好 Concerto 似乎是在昨天 compose 的, 和句意不 搭配 第二句话中,yesterday 修饰 perform 句子的逻辑关系就合乎常理了 Which vs. the present participle 下面这个句子口语是正确的, 但书面语是错误的 Wrong: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, WHICH has led to arise in property values. 你想表达的意思是 : 犯罪率的下降导致房价上涨 但是, 当用 which 的时候, 肯定是指 which 前面的名词 所以导致句子的逻辑语义错误 :our neighborhood 不能给自己涨价啊 当你用 which 时, 记住 which 用来指代紧随其前的名词, 永远不会指代整个从句! 如果想改正这个句子, 把要表述说明的名词放在主语位置, 删除 which, 用谓语动词 Right: The recent decrease in crime in our neighborhood has led to a rise in property values. 如果仍想把 Crime 当做主语, 用另一种方法, 使用现在分词结构 :the Ing verb form Right: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values. 现在分词结构 (the Ing verb form) 的运用非常灵活 1. 它可以直接修饰名词 e.g., the changing seasons 2. 它可以修饰动词及其主语 e.g., llifted the weight, whistling). 3. 它还可以修饰整个从句, 只要这个从句变成名词形式可以做动词 ( 现在分词结构 ) 的主语, 既然我们可以说 The recent decrease in crime has led to a rise, 那我们就可以说 Crime has recently decreased leading to a rise. 这种用法用在当你想表达主句的结果时 时刻注意, 要确保 which 从句中的 which 指代的是紧随其前的名词

Chapter seven: Verb Tense, Mood & Voice 在 GMAT 考试中, 关于动词, 除了主谓一致, 还有三个考点 : 动词时态, 动词语气, 动词语态 动词时态 (Verb Tense): 指示动词发生的时间 如果一个句子中只有一个动作, 动词时态会很简单 出题人也知道这一点, 所以 GMAT 考试会把好几个动作放在一个句子里 动词语气 (Verb Mood): 指示作者对一动作的理解以及对策 在 GMAT 考试中有两种语气 : 陈述语气 (indicative) 和虚拟语气 (subjunctive) 绝大多数动词是陈述语气, 用来描述 knowledge 或 beliefs 的 偶尔, 考试中会用到虚拟语气来表达 suggestions,desires, 或 hypothetical events 动词语态 (Verb Voice): 指示谁或什么做了这个动作 GMAT 考试中的动词语态有两个 : 主动语态 (active voice) 和被动语态 (passive voice) Simple Tense 一般时有三个基本时态 : SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE PAST Sandy PLAYS well with her friends. Sandy PLAYED well with her friends yesterday. SIMPLE FUTURE Sandy WILL PLAY well with her friends tomorrow. 一般时通常表达 永久 的状态或频繁的事件 第一个句子的意思不是 Sandy 正在玩 球, 而是一个 general rule GMAT 考试偏爱一般时, 除了句子里需要其他时态 Progressive Tense 我们可以用进行时强调正在发生的动作, 进行时的形式是 :be 动词 +-ing PRESENT PROGRESSIVE PAST PROGRESSIVE Sandy IS PLAYING soccer. Sandy WAS PLAYING soccer yesterday. FUTURE PROGRESSIVE Sandy WILL BEPLAYING soccer tomorrow. 1. 现在进行时 (Present Progressive) 指示现在发生的事, 不管句子里有没有 right now 这个词 第一个句子意味着, 如果你现在去找 Sandy, 她就是在玩球 相反, 一般现 在时,Sandy plays soccer, 意味着 Sandy 经常玩球, 或她知道怎么玩 2. 不要用现在进行时表示一般定义 用一般现在时 Wrong: Cherenkov radiation is light that particles ARE EMITTING when they ARE TRAVELING faster than the effective speed of light in any medium. Right: Cherenkov radiation is light that particles EMIT when they TRAVEL faster than the effective speed of light in any medium. 2. 在 GMAT 考试中, 不要用现在进行时表示未来的动作 这样的表达在口语中是可以的 这种情况用一般将来时 Wrong: Quentin IS MEETING Harvey for lunch tomorrow. Right: Quentin WILL MEET Harvey for lunch tomorrow. 4. 表示一般状态 (general states) 的动词不能用进行时态 这样的状态动词 (state verbs) 包括 know 或 signify Wrong: This inscription IS SIGNIFYING the emperor's birth. Right: This inscription SIGNIFIES the emperor's birth.

Make Tense Reflect Meaning 1. 有时, 一个句子里的所有动作的时态都一样, 因为左右动作都发生在一个时间点上 Right: She WALKED to school in the morning and RAN home in the afternoon. Right: She WALKS to school in the morning and RUNS home in the afternoon. Right: She WILL WALK to school in the morning and RUN home in the afternoon. 这三个句子都是一个时态 : 依次是一般过去时, 一般现在时, 一般将来时 这三个句子 如果改变时态会造成混乱和错误 2. 然而, 在一些句子里, 作者很清楚的谈论不一样的时间段 进而需要改变时态 Right: He IS thinner now because he SPENT the last six months on a strict diet. 这里第一个 is 是一般现在时, 第二个 spent 是一般过去时 这样的变化明显而有逻辑, 与时间点对应 4. 在一些句子里, 你可以用过去进行时描述北京时间, 用一般过去时描述更重要的事情 Right: She WAS PLAYING with her friends when the babysitter ARRIVED. 在这个句子里,was playing( 过去进行时 ) 表示背景 Arrived( 一般过去时 ) 表示事 件 注意, 下面这个句子也正确, 但是意思不一样 Right: She PLAYED with her friends when the babysitter ARRIVED. 要 在这个句子,played 发生在 arrived 的后面 这两个动作都发生在一般现在时, 且同等重 既然所有列举的例子都是正确的, 出错点在哪? 在考试的战场上, 你很可能忘了时态这回事儿 你知道作者的意思, 所以你很容易忽略 he goes on a diet six months ago 在你最后选择的时候, 确保每个动词时态都代表作者的意思 The Perfect Tense: An Introduction 有些句子里的动作包含更复杂的时序, 不是一般过去时或一般进行时能表达的 这些动作的表达可以用完成时 : 现在完成时和过去完成时 Present Perfect: Still In Effect 1. 现在完成时 (present perfect) 表达一个动作始于过去, 但是持续到现在或到现在一直是这样的 现在完成时相当于 一只脚在过去, 一只脚在现在 THE ACTION or its EFFECT --- -------------------------------------- ----- A moment in the past NOW Right: We HAVE LIVED in a hut for three days.

这个句子的意思是, 我们在三天前开始住在小屋里, 现在仍住在这个小屋里 相反, 如 果用一般过去时意思会不一样 Right: We LIVED in a hut for three days 这句话的意思是, 我们不再住这小屋了 这三天已经过去了 现在完成时的形式 : Present Perfect = HAVE/HAS + Past Participle 动词的过去分词 (Past Participle), 一般就是在动词后面加 -ed 也有不规则的动词过去分词, 如 see(seen),go(goes) 不规则过去分词请参阅书后的 Glossary 两个现在完成时的句子 : Right: This country HAS ENFORCED strict immigration laws for thirty years. Right: They HAVE KNOWN each other since 1987. 这两个句子都是动作发生在过去而延续到现在 这个国家实行严格的移民制度, 现在也 是 他们两 1987 年就认识了, 到现在也是 这两个句子 到现在也是 的信息是时间短语 加强的 2. 有些时候, 现在完成时表示一些动作已经完成, 但是它的影响到现在还有 Right: The child HAS DRAWN a square in the sand. 这句话孩子不再用沙子砌方块了, 砌的动作已经完成 然而, 方块还在那 如果方块消失了, 那用一般现在时 Right: The child DREW a square in the sand, but the ocean ERASED it. Right: The child DREW a square in the sand, but the ocean HAS ERASED it. Awkward: The child HAS DRAWN a square in the sand, but the ocean HAS ERASED it. 第一个句子, 沙子现在的状态不知道 第二句话, 方块已经没了, 因为 has erased 证明 erase 的动作已经完成现在还有效 第三句话,GMAT 会算作错句 现在完成时要么表示一个完成的动作继续的动作, 要么表示一个完成的动作持续的影响 3. 现在完成时与 since 连用表示一个动作或影响持续到现在 Wrong: Since 1986 no one BROKE(S) that world record. Right: Since 1986 no one HAS BROKEN that world record. 含有 within the past 或 in the last 的时间短语的句子要用现在完成时 相反, 不含 有 现在时间 意义的时间短语 (last month,in 2007) 的句子不要使用现在完成时, 用一般 过去时 Wrong: Veronica HAS TRAVELED all over the world in 2007. Right: Veronica TRAVELED all over the world in 2007. 如果写 :Veronica has traveled all over the world 不加任何时间短语也是可以的, 这种 情况是你在表达 Veronica 的一种状态 ( 她的个性她的经历等 ) 最后, 现在完成时可以用 -ing 形式, 不定式, 从句来弄清时间顺序 比如 when 表示 at the same time 或 after 现在完成时的使用代表了时间

Right: She WILL PAY you when you ASK her. (the time of will pay = the time of [will) ask; note that the future will is often dropped in subordinate clauses) Right: She WILL PAY you when you HAVE TAKEN out the garbage. (the time of will pay is LATER than the future time of have taken) Past Perfect: The Earlier Action 如果两个动作发生在过去不同的时间, 我们可以用过去完成时 (Past Perfect) 表示那个更早的动作, 用一般过去式表示之后的动作 过去完成时是 过去的过去, 或从现在把 时间向后推两次 Past Perfect Simple Past ------------------- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- EARLIER past moment LATER past moment NOW 过去完成时的形式 : Past Perfect = HAD + Past Participle Right: The film HAD STARTED by the time we ARRIVED at the theater. Right: The teacher THOUGHT that Jimmy HAD CHEATED on the exam. 较早的动作 (had started,had cheated) 用过去完成时, 之后的动作 (arrived,thought) 用一般过去时 不要把过去完成时用在 很久远的动作 而缺少之后的动作的情况下 即使 很久远的时间也可以用一般过去时表示 :An asteroid STRUCK the earth millions o/years ago. 不要总是用过去完成时表示较早的动作 一般来讲, 只有在强调和分明过去事件发生的 时间顺序的情况下才用过去完成时 较早的事件是之后事件的背景 然而, 如果顺序已经很 明显, 就不要用过去完成时了 Right: Antonio DROVE to the store and BOUGHT some ice cream. 我们知道,drove 在 bought 之前发生 两个不同时间的动词都附着在一个主语上不需要 用过去完成时 用一般过去时表示两个动词 Right: Antonio DROVE to the store, and Cristina BOUGHT some ice cream. 在这个句子中, 两个动词用 and 并列, 而且也没在强调事件先后 两个从句用 and 和 but 连接不用过去完成时, 这是个一般规则 Right: Laura LOCKED the dead bolt before she LEFT for work. 同样, 我们已经知道 locked 在 left 之前发生, 因为 before before 和 after 已经清楚明显地表示时间的顺序, 就不需要过去完成时了 断 还要注意, 过去 之后 的动作不一定用一般过去时的动词形式表示 用时间信息来判 Right: By 1945: the United States HAD BEEN at war for several years. 用这个结构, 你可以造一个 tricky 的句子, 第一句用一般过去时表示 之后 的事 情, 第二句用过去完成时表示 之前 的事情, 表示持续的影响 Right: The band U2 WAS just one of many new groups on the rock music scene in the early 1980's, but less than ten years later, U2 HAD fully ECLIPSED its early rivals in the

pantheon of popular music. Perfect Tenses: Only When Necessary 可以用一般过去时的时候就不用过去完成时 GMAT 偏好简洁 Wrong: Joe LEARNED about an epoch in which dinosaurs HAD WALKED the earth. Right: Joe LEARNED about an epoch in which dinosaurs WALKED the earth. 第一个句子里的过去完成时 had walked 不必要 虽然 had walked 这个动作确实发生在 learn 之前, 之前 的动作与 较后 动作的语境无关 这里没有强调时间的顺序 所以, 过去完成时在这个语境里是错误的 过去完成时所用到的情况在这个章节里都介绍到了 如果一个动作发生在过去且现在 仍在继续 ( 或仍有影响 ), 用现在完成时 如果一个动作发生在过去且在另一个过去的动 作之前发生, 而且你需要澄清强调这样的时间顺序, 那就用过去完成时 Tense Sequence Scientist: The supercollider IS ready, it DID not COST too much, and it WILL PROVIDE new insights into the workings of the universe." 如果我们用 announced 这样的过去式, 你怎样写这句话? 通常, 我们一次性把时态往 后推 Report: The scientist ANNOUNCED that the supercollider WAS ready, that it HAD not COST too much, and that it WOULD PROVIDE new insights into the workings of the universe. Compare the corresponding underlined clauses in the quotation and the report. (1) The supercollider IS ready becomes that the supercollider WAS ready. 一般现在是 is, 变成一般过去时 was (2) It DID not COST too much becomes that it HAD not COST too much. 一般过去时 did cost, 变成过去完成时 had cost, 动作从现在往后推了一步 (3) It WILL PROVIDE insights becomes...that it WOULD PROVIDE insights. 最后, 一般将来时 will provide, 变成 Conditional Tense,which is formed by combining would with the base form of the verb: would provide 助动词 would 表达对未来的推测 不要把现在时态与 Conditional tense 搞混了, 同样不要把过去时态与将来时搞混 通 常的顺序是 : EITHER Present + Future OR Past + Conditional Right: The scientist BELIEVES that the machine Will BE wonderful. Present Future Right: The scientist BELIEVED that the machine WOULD BE wonderful. Past Conditional Wrong: The scientist BELIEVES that the machine WOULD BE wonderful. Present Conditional

Wrong: The scientist BELIEVED that the machine WILL BE wonderful. Past Future The Subjunctive Mood 动词语气表达作者对某一动作的观点 (believe about), 或者对策 在英语中, 大部分句子用该陈述语气表达, 或用祈使语气命令 虚拟语气只出现在两种情况中 : 1. 不可能或不真实的情况 ( 通常用 if 或类似的单词 ) 2. 建议, 愿望和要求 ( 用动词和 that) 这两种情况相对应的虚拟是 :the Hypothetical Subjunctive and the Command Subjunctive.( 虚拟语气和命令语气 ) The Hypothetical Subjunctive 假设虚拟语气很少出现, 表达不可能或不真实的情况 原则上假设语气出现在 if, as if, or as though 之后 Right: To overcome my fear of germs, I will think about disease as though it WERE harmless. 此句, 作者不相信这个疾病是有害的 通过使用假设语气 were, 作者表达了他对 disease 的真实想法 这个疾病无害 假设语气的形式与一般过去时的动词一样, 除了 to be 要用 were (of be is both were and was: I was, you were, he/she/it was, we/you/they were.) GMAT 很少考到这个知识 点 因为它的形式像一般过去时, 这种语气常被称作 过去语气 然而, 它用在不可能或 不真实的情况的情况, 而不是过去的时间点 If Then Constructions 的模式 If 后面不是总是虚拟语气 包含条件 if 和结果 then 可以跟随几种时态, 语气 Right: IF you study diligently, [THEN] you will score highly. Right: You will score highly IF you study diligently. 注意, 实际上 then 常常被省略 还有 if 从句不必出现在句子的开头 这里有五个 if then (1) General Rule with no uncertainty IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she BECOMES ill. IF Present, THEN Present. 这个模式相当于 whenever: WHENEVER Sophie EATS pizza, she BECOMES ill (2) General Rule with some uncertainty IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she MAY BECOME ill. IF Present, THEN Can or May. 在这里, 助动词可以或可能粉碎不确定的结果 (3) Particular Case (in the future) with no uncertainty IF Sophie EATS pizza tomorrow, THEN she WILL BECOME ill. IF Present, THEN Future.

特殊情况的另一种结果是现在完成时 :If Sophie HAS EATEN pizza, then she WILL BECOME ill. (4) Unlikely Case (in the future) IF Sophie ATE pizza tomorrow, THEN she WOULD BECOME ill. IF Hypothetical Subjunctive, THEN Conditional. 在这句话中, 作者认为 Sophie 明天不会吃 eat 条件时态 would 表明一种推测的结果 ( 不可能 或不真实的情况 ) 除了 Would,could 也可以用在表明推测 (5) Case that Never Happened (in the past) IF Sophie HAD EATEN pizza yesterday, THEN she WOULD HAVE BECOME ill. IF Past Perfect, THEN Conditional Perfect. 其他的模式, 如 but if...then 句子, 在 GMAT 考试中与以上五个模式是一致的 在 GMAT 考试 中, 助动词 would 和 should 永远不用在 if 那个从句里! The Command Subjunctive 在 GMAT 考试中, 命令语气比假设语气重要 命令语气有一定的 Bossy word, 比如 require,propose,bossy word 命令人做事 The agency REQUIRED that Gary BE ready before noon. We PROPOSE that the school board DISBAND. 这两个句子中,be 和 disband 是命令语气 命令语气的形式是你用来直接命令 Gary 和 school board 做事的 BE ready before noon, Gary! DISBAND, school board! 命令语气 be 和 disband 是 Bare from Bare from 与一般过去时一样, 除了两点 : 1. 第三人称的动词不以 S 结尾 2. To be 必须是 be, 不能是 is,are,am 有 Bossy word 的命令语气的形式是这样的 : Bossy Verb + THAT + subject + Command Subjunctive We PROPOSE THAT the school board DISBAND. 以下句子是 GMAT 出现的错句子 : Wrong: We PROPOSE the school board DISBAND. (That is not optional.) Wrong: We PROPOSE THAT the school board DISBANDS. Wrong: We PROPOSE THAT the school board IS TO DISBAND. Wrong: We PROPOSE THAT the school board WILL DISBAND. Wrong: We PROPOSE THAT the school board SHOULD DISBAND. 在 GMAT 考试中, 命令虚拟 should 代替! 命令语气不含 Bossy word 会使命令语气变得复杂 事实上, 有些 Bossy word 不能用命 令语气, 比如 want, 不能用命令语气, 要用不定式