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2012 1 162 CREDIT REFERENCE No. 1 2012 Serial NO. 162 欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟欟 100054 F832. 4 A 1674-747X 2012 01-0001 - 12 30 1 1999 1999 10 1 10 2012-01 - 10 1958-1

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2007 5 2007 9 2008 11 2009 10 2009 2 2004 2000 4 2005 2005 2005 8 2009 21 2006 3 2006 10 ACOM 2010 2008 11 CEI 2008 12 CEI AHP 2010 284 10 34 240 2005 5 2010 11 2010 CEI 2007 YMCI 1 2 1 2008 1 3 1 2009 10 2 3 SIC DUNS Metro2 4

9 2008 6 30 1 1 GB /T22116-2008 Expression of enterprise's credit grade 2008-11 - 01 GB /T22117-2008 Credit-General vocabulary 2008-11 - 01 GB /T22118-2008 Rules for enterprises credit information collecting processing and 2008-11 - 01 providing GB /T22119-2008 Evaluation service specification for credit agency organization-credit rating agency 2008-11 - 01 GB /T22120-2008 Data item specification for enterprise credit 2008-11 - 01 GB /T23791-2009 Standard for grading enterprise quality credit 2009-11 - 01 GB /T23792-2009 Guidelines for standardization of credit 2009-11 - 01 GB /T23793-2009 Credit evaluation norms for qualified suppliers 2009-11 - 01 GB /T23794-2009 Classifying and coding of enterprise credit evaluation index 2009-11 - 01 system 2003 20 8 2003 10 2010 1 18 12 2006 11 2 2007 6 27 2007 ISO ISO /PC235 DIN 2007 ISO /PC235 2010 9 5

20 19 Bruno Hildbrand 1812 ~ 1878 1 Knut Wicksell 1851 ~ 1926 1904 ~ 1989 1989 1898 John R. Hicks 6

20 70 Monocentric Poly-centric 1970 2010 CEI 20 90 2000 4 2006 2002 8 2008 2002 11 2009 20 70 1996 2001 7

2001 7 3 + 1 10 5 2002 9 20 90 2003 7 Consumer and Business Credit Management 1960 10 2004 1 2004 11 2004 8 Credit Management Handbook 1998 10 2005 6 Credit and Financial Analysis 2004 1 2005 6 5 2005 5 2002 8 2001 5 8

16 2002 2008 6 2005 1 6 2009 12 4 1996 1998 2005 3 1999 2006 2007 2-07 - 03-06 2005 9 2005 17 2006 1 1 20 50 20 90 1 9

1987 1 20 90 1991 1996 4 5 2001 1 2002 4 2003 1 2011 10 2003 2003 2006 4 2006 10 2009 1 1987 1 1987 2 10

An Introduction to Credit Scoring 2005 11 Fair & Isaac 20 90 1 20 80 1995 5 Equifax 1996 10 TRW 2003 2004 9 2004 2006 1 2007 8 2010 1 2003 2 2006 1 Fair & Isaac 2003 1 11

10 P2P The Heritage Evolution of the Social Credit System Theory and Innovation LIN Jun - yue Academic Committee China Marketing Association Beijing 100054 China Abstract In order to ensure the expansion of the credit transaction size and regulate market economic order a market penalizing mechanism for defaults is built in China in a unique manner of social credit system as well as a grand credit reference system and government credit monitoring system. Construction practice of china's social credit system is carried out under the guidance of theories. Theory precedes practice in China which has effectively guided the construction of social credit system. The paper Introduces the major achievements of theoretical research on social credit system explaining the formation process of the social credit system framework design and operating theory including the core philosophy the guiding ideology design considerations influencing factors as well as the theory of the gradual improvement process. It is held that at the technical level formation of the theory of social credit system is based on three basic theories i. e. information economics business credit management theory and credit reference technology in a broader sense. Meanwhile the paper explains the theory of corporate credit management credit rating techniques the origins of the business credit reference and individual credit technology and their development and innovation in China. On the basis of introduction of the research results an analysis is made on the pros and cons for the above - mentioned theories and techniques trying to sort out the heritage evolution of the theories related to social credit system and innovation so as to explore the paths and methods for theoretical and technological innovation. Key words social credit system credit rating business credit personal credit enterprise credit management 12