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193232 * () () () () *

() () () (, 1988) (, 1997) (McClure, 1991, cited in Schwarz, 2001) (Pinnegar, 1995)

(, 1997:, 1997:, 1995:, 1994) (life-cycle) / (mental/structure) (Kremer-Hayon & Zuzovsky, 1995) (entry & exploration) (stabilization) (diversification & stock-taking) (mid-career phase) (disengagement & exit)( Kremer-Hayon & Zuzovsky, 1995) (1995) (1997) (1997) (Weartherby, 1981, cited in Kremer-Hayon & Zuzovsky, 1995, p.156) Diamond (1988) Kelly (1955) (pre-conjectural) (dogmatism) (decision-making) (inventive or conjectural) (emancipatory)

(cited in Kremer-Hayon & Zuzovsky, 1995, p.157) Fuller Bown (1975) ( 1997cited in Evertson & Smithey, 2000) (cycle theory) ( 1997) Fessler (, 1994, pp.42-43) Hargreaves Fullan (1992) (cited in Beattie, 1997) Skovolt Ronnestad (1995, cited in Page, 1999, pp.32-33)

() (conventional) () (transition to professional training) ( ) (imitation of expert) ( ) (conditional autonomy) ( () (exploration) () (integration) () (individuation) () (integrity) ( ) ) (1993) ( )

(, 1997) (2000) Soodak Podell (1996) (outcome efficacy) (teaching efficacy) (personal efficacy) ( ) ( ) ( (1993, 1996) (1994) 123

(1995) (2001) (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990) (Bickman & Rog, 1998) (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000) (Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998) (Conle, 2000)

(Langley, 1995) (Grumet, 1990) (Cortazzi, 1993) ( pre-service teacher) (Conle, 2000) (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988, cited in Cortazzi, 1993) (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988) Woods (1987) ( 89) (Measor, 1985,, 2000) ( )( 2000) Kremer-Hayon Zuzovsky (1995)Diamond (1988)

Evertson Smithey (2000) Bradley (2000) Gratch (2001) Allexsaht-Snider (1996) (90) Cole Knowles (1995) (self-study) Meyer (1995) Landay (2001) Schwarz (2001)

Langley (1995) (empowerment)

( ) (Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998) ( )

( ) ( )


open book

input output

Cole Knowles (1995) (p.130) Cole Knowles (1995) () ) () ( ) () (

) () ( ) () ( ) ( ) Skovolt Ronnestad (1995) ( ) () () () () () () () ()

Kremer-Hayon Zuzovsky (1995) (85) (88) ( 89) ( 90) Connelly Clandinin (1985) (cited in Conle, 2000) Conle (1996) (resonance) Proefriedt (1994) (p.9)

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(1996)(cited in Beattie, 1997) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (agent)

() () () () () () () ( ) ( ) ( )

( )

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A Teacher s Growth a Narrative Study Jane Chiu* Abstract A full-fledged professional teacher never comes out easily. Although there are varieties of avenues to train teachers nowadays, a good teacher is a product of combination of teacher education programs, experiences, reflection, advanced study and continuing growth. These invaluable practical experiences which shape teachers career development are getting increasing attention in current research field. Teaching experiences need to pass on, and they can be recorded via studies. A teacher s professional growth is a hidden, internalized process, it cannot be totally comprehended through quantitative measures alone. This study used narrative research to investigate an experienced teacher s professional growth process. Her teaching career development can be classified as : (1)training and enlightenment, (2)verification and retrospection, (3)despair and restarting, (4)realization and commitment, and (5)looking-forward and preparation. Her teaching ideology and value system is consistent, and the crucial element of professional development is her never-ending self-awareness and reflection. Those factors such as previous life and learning experiences, positive attitude toward life, creative personality, and strong sense of responsibility are playing major parts in her professional growth and have positive impact on her teaching career. Key words: Teaching career (professional) development, teaching philosophy, teaching style *Jane Chiu: Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Guidance, National Pingtung Teachers College.