sedentary lifestyle Blair Connelly, 1996; King Senn, Health People American College of Sports Medic

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9 203-230 2004 12 * ** *** 2251 1160 3411 1600/800 * ** ***

204 9 88 4-5 50 17.9 sedentary lifestyle Blair Connelly, 1996; King Senn, 1996 2010Health People 2010 13 2 2 4 2 5 90 American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM American Heart Association, AHA 1970 1990 moderate physical fitness Tipton1991 morbidity mortality Paffenbarger 1994 ACSM1991Wilfley & Brownell1994

205 90 3411 2251 65.9% 1160 34.0% 2-1 2-1 % 18 388 19 1477 20 301 21 85 18 246 19 789 20 102 21 23 2251 65.9% 1160 34.1% 90

9 206 1600800 90 B.M.I 1 2 5 B.M.I 6 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 25 2

207 4 1 2 25 3 4 5 1 2 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 6 7

208 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 6 1 2 3 4 1600/800 1 2 1 2

209 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 90 SPSS10.0

210 9 2-1 3411 2251 65.9% 1160 34.0% 19 1477 19 789 3-1 172.5 160.1 66.2 52.2 BMI 22.2 BMI 20.3 32.7 37.8 39.3 30.4 222.0 161.3 1600 496.8 800 284.4 3-2 18 172.6 22 171.4 18 160.8 22 159.7 89 3-1 1600/800 BMI 172.5 N=2251 66.2 22.2 32.7 39.3 222.0 496.8 5.65 11.88 3.69 9.77 7.60 25.42 72.97 160.1 N=1160 52.2 20.3 37.8 30.4 161.3 284.4 5.40 8.92 3.19 9.74 7.29 23.44 51.04

211 3-2 18 19 20 21 172.6 172.5 172.2 172.4 171.4 5.72 5.62 5.71 5.53 5.68 171 172 172 173 173 160.8 159.9 160.0 159.8 159.7 5.06 5.45 5.66 5.39 6.30 160 159 160 160 160 22 3-3 20 67.1 22 65.1 18 52.5 21 49.5 3-3 18 19 20 21 65.9 66.1 67.1 66.9 65.1 11.84 11.88 11.60 14.46 10.70 64 65 66 66 67 52.5 52.2 52.2 49.5 49.9 9.48 8.82 8.82 6.59 6.01 53 52 52 52 52 22 3-4 BMI 20 22.6 18 22.1 BMI 19 20.4 21 19.4 BMI 21 22 BMI BMI 3-5 22 492.4 18 281.8

212 9 3-4 BMI 18 19 20 21 22.1 22.2 22.6 22.5 22.1 3.66 3.69 3.59 4.75 2.79 22 22 22 22 22 20.2 20.4 20.4 19.4 19.6 3.34 3.18 3.16 2.05 1.97 21 21 21 20 20 22 3-5 18 19 20 21 496.4 495.6 502.6 502.8 492.4 69.24 74.11 71.95 81.90 59.43 483 507 508 510 508 281.8 283.2 292.1 332.2 290.1 45.30 51.36 51.23 92.94 36.50 279 286 289 286 285 22 3-6 18 19 20 21 32.4 32.8 32.6 34.3 34.6 9.55 9.72 10.01 10.22 11.96 31 32 32 32 31 36.5 38.1 38.7 37.5 31.3 9.63 9.95 8.40 8.06 6.98 34 35 35 35 35 22

213 3-6 22 34.6 20 38.7 3-7 21 41 21 32 22 3-7 18 19 20 21 39 39 39 41 34 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.8 7.9 38 38 38 38 39 31 30 30 32 22 7.5 7.1 6.8 7.4 10.6 28 28 28 28 28 22 3-8 22 224.8 21 164.2 22 3-8 18 19 20 21 221.1 222.4 221.6 219.9 224.8 28.9 24.5 22.4 37.2 24.3 227 228 229 229 230 162.9 161.3 158.3 164.2 150.0 20.6 24.3 22.6 28.3 18.3 163 161 162 163 163 22

214 9 3-9 3-14 1819 20 3-9 18 N=388 BMI 5 163.0 51.0 17.7 10 165.0 53.0 18.2 20 168.0 56.0 19.0 30 170.0 59.0 19.7 40 171.0 61.6 20.5 50 173.0 64.0 21.4 60 174.0 67.0 22.1 70 176.0 70.0 23.3 80 178.0 75.0 24.5 90 180.0 80.1 26.8 95 182.5 88.5 29.2 3-10 18 N=388 1600 5 26.0 17.0 176.8 629 10 30.0 21.0 190.0 595 20 32.0 24.0 205.0 550 30 35.0 27.2 210.0 524 40 37.0 30.0 220.0 506 50 39.0 32.0 223.0 488 60 40.0 34.0 230.0 474 70 42.0 37.0 235.0 455 80 45.0 41.0 240.0 437 90 50.0 45.0 250.0 414 95 52.0 50.0 260.0 404

215 3-11 18 N=246 BMI 5 152.3 41.3 16.5 10 155.0 43.0 16.9 20 156.5 45.0 17.6 30 158.0 47.0 18.4 40 159.0 49.0 18.9 50 161.0 50.0 19.5 60 162.0 53.0 20.1 70 163.5 55.0 20.9 80 165.0 58.0 22.3 90 168.0 63.0 24.0 95 169.0 73.6 27.5 3-12 18 N=246 800 5 20 20.0 130.0 347 10 21 24.0 137.1 323 20 25 28.0 148.0 302 30 27 32.0 152.0 285 40 29 34.0 160.0 276 50 30 37.0 162.0 271 60 32 39.0 167.6 265 70 35 41.0 170.0 258 80 38 44.0 180.0 253 90 42 49.0 190.0 246 95 43 52.6 200.0 244

216 9 3-13 19 N=1477 BMI 5 163.0 50.7 17.5 10 165.0 53.0 18.2 20 168.0 57.0 19.2 30 170.0 59.2 20.0 40 171.0 62.0 20.7 50 172.0 64.0 21.4 60 174.0 66.0 22.2 70 175.0 70.0 23.1 80 177.0 74.7 24.6 90 180.0 82.0 26.9 95 182.0 90.0 29.4 3-14 19 N=1477 1600 5 28.00 17.0 180.0 627 10 30.0 20.0 190.0 585 20 33.0 25.0 202.8 544 30 35.0 27.0 210.0 519 40 37.0 30.0 219.0 502 50 40.0 33.0 222.0 485 60 41.0 35.0 230.0 470 70 43.0 38.0 235.0 457 80 46.0 41.0 242.0 441 90 49.6 45.0 250.0 417 95 52.0 48.0 260.0 400

217 3-15 19 N=789 BMI 5 151.2 41.0 16.7 10 153.0 43.0 17.2 20 155.0 45.0 18.1 30 157.0 47.8 18.6 40 159.0 49.0 19.1 50 160.0 50.5 19.6 60 161.0 52.0 20.4 70 163.0 55.0 21.0 80 164.0 57.0 22.0 90 167.0 63.0 24.1 95 168.2 68.0 26.1 3-16 19 N=789 800 5 18.0 22.0 125.0 338 10 21.0 26.0 135.0 319 20 24.0 30.0 145.0 300 30 27.0 33.0 150.0 289 40 29.0 36.0 155.0 280 50 30.0 38.0 160.0 270 60 32.0 41.0 165.0 267 70 34.0 44.0 170.0 260 80 36.0 47.0 180.0 254 90 40.0 50.0 189.0 248 95 42.0 53.0 198.6 244

218 9 3-17 20 N=301 BMI 5 163.0 52.0 17.7 10 165.0 54.0 18.5 20 168.0 57.0 19.5 30 170.0 60.0 20.3 40 171.0 63.0 21.4 50 172.0 65.0 22.1 60 173.0 68.0 23.0 70 175.0 71.0 24.0 80 176.0 76.0 24.8 90 179.0 83.0 27.4 95 182.0 90.0 29.4 3-18 20 N=301 1600 5 27.0 15.0 185.0 624 10 30.0 20.0 195.0 594 20 32.0 25.0 201.6 556 30 34.0 27.0 210.0 537 40 36.0 30.0 217.0 514 50 39.0 32.0 222.0 494 60 41.0 36.0 230.0 476 70 43.0 39.0 235.0 462 80 45.0 41.0 240.0 443 90 49.0 44.0 250.0 415 95 51.2 48.1 256.4 399

219 3-19 20 N=102 BMI 5 151.0 42.0 16.8 10 153.0 43.8 17.2 20 156.0 45.6 17.9 30 156.4 47.0 18.3 40 158.0 49.0 19.0 50 160.0 50.0 19.5 60 161.0 51.4 20.3 70 162.0 53.1 21.1 80 164.0 58.4 22.3 90 168.0 64.7 24.9 95 170.0 71.7 26.3 3-20 20 N=102 800 5 20.0 23.2 123.8 400 10 21.0 27.2 130.0 338 20 25.0 31.0 140.0 311 30 27.0 34.6 145.0 300 40 28.0 37.8 151.2 290 50 30.0 39.0 156.5 279 60 31.0 41.0 162.0 270 70 34.0 43.0 167.0 263 80 37.0 46.0 175.0 257 90 41.0 49.8 190.0 247 95 43.0 52.8 208.1 244

220 9 88 19 n=2266 3-1 3-7 BMI 3-2 3-8 3-3 3-9 3-4 3-10 3-11 3-5 1600/800 1600/800 3-6 3-12

221 3-1 19 88 3-2 19 BMI

222 9 3-3 19 3-4 19

223 3-5 19 88 3-6 19 1600

224 9 3-7 19 88 3-8 19 BMI

225 3-9 19 3-10 19

226 9 3-11 19 88 3-12 19 800

227 172.5 160.1 66.2 52.2 BMI 22.2 BMI 20.3 32.7 37.8 39.3 30.4 222.0 161.3 1600 496.8 800 284.4 BMI 1600/800 1600/800 3-6 3-12

228 9 /BMI HIP-HOP

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230 9 Feng Chia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences pp. 203-230, No.9, Dec. 2004 College of Humanities and Social Sciences Feng Chia University The Research on Physical Fitness of the Fresh Students in Feng Chia University Chien-Pin Huang * Chin-Shan Lin ** Tasi-Chu Wang *** Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical fitness of freshmen at Feng Chia University. The subjects of the study focus on fresh students of 2251 males and 1160 females. The data analysis can show the following results and establish Feng Chia University Freshmen fitness norm. It also can make the comparison with the same age group of people in Taiwan. This study concludes as follows: The Feng Chia University female students BMI is slightly lower than the one of the same age group; The Feng Chia University female students sit and reach is slightly higher than the one of the same age group. Male and female students one minute sit-ups, Feng Chia University students curves are better than the one of the same age group. The Feng Chia University students cardiopulmonary endurance comparatively surpasses the same age group in Taiwan. Keywords: university student, fitness, norm * Associate Professor, Office of Physical Education, Feng Chia University. ** Associate Professor, Office of Physical Education, Feng Chia University. *** Lecturer, Office of Physical Education, Feng Chia University.