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Manhattan 语法 ( 第五版 ) 中文笔记 目录 一总原则二意思与简洁三主语与谓语 ( 主谓一致 ) 四平行五代词六修饰语七动词 ( 时态, 语气, 主被动 ) 八比较九习语十简洁 + 平行 ( 高阶 ) 十一代词 + 修饰语 ( 高阶 ) 十二动词 + 比较 ( 高阶 ) 附 : 固定搭配词组

一 SC 的做题方法与原则 1. 不是找对的, 而是选最好的 2. 方法 : 排除法, 首先在稿纸上写下所有选项, 然后根据一些相似性将答案大致分组, 根据各组的不同特点划去错误的, 比较剩余选项, 针对区别进行判断, 剩下最好的 要点 : 读句子, 懂意思, 找出划线与未划线的关系 看选项, 先找出不同, 肯定多于 2 处 从最好入手的比较开始排除, 优先主谓一致, 单复数, 平行, 代词, 时态 最后代入句子检查尤其注意划线与未划线是否一致 要最快速的排除并选出答案, 而不要纠结于每个错误 3. 做改错题时, 首先应通读句子, 找出句子中能帮助做题的关键词 在很多情况下, 句子中帮助做题的关键词离划线部分会很远 4.GMC 原则 (grammar, meaning and concision): 主谓一致, 平行, 代词, 修饰, 动词时态 语态和主被动, 比较和习惯用法 二 意思与句子简洁 (GMC 原则语法, 语义, 简洁 ) GMAT 改错题关键的三个要点, 顺序依次为 : STEP 1 首先看有无语法错误( 习惯说法不一定正确 ) STEP 2 看意思表达是否准确( 不会读 2 遍以上才明白也不会产生歧义 ) STEP 3 是否简洁( 能用 6 个词不要用 10 个词 ) ( 一 ) 意思 1. 正确用词 1Economic- 经济的 ; economical- 节约的 ; 合算的 ; 有效的 2Aggravate- 加重, 恶化 ; aggravating- 令人愤怒的 3Known as 被认为是, 很著名 ; known to be- 被承认 ;known for 4Loss of 失去 ;loss in- 贬值 5Mandate- 命令 ;have a mandate- 拥有选举权 6Native of- ( 人 ) 来自 ;native to 物种起源于 7Range of 多种的 ; ranging- 变化 8 Rate of 速度或频率 ; rates for 价格 9Rise 上升, 形容无方向, 单纯上升 ; raise-( 打赌或工资 ) 上涨, 有方向 10Such as 比如 ; like- 好像 ( 举例只能用 such as, 不能用 like) ⑾Try to do 努力去完成 ; try doing 尝试去做 ⑿ impale- 刺穿 ;impel- 逼迫 2. 情态动词 (1) 当原句意思上没有问题时, 忠实原句, 不做任何修改, 即使修改过来也成立 Actual: If Chris and Jed met, they DISCUSSED mathematics. Hypothetical: If Chris and Jed met, they WOULD DISCUSS mathematics.

(2) 当原句意思上有问题时, 要替换为相对好点的那个 EG:should 在 GMAT 中表示 道德上的义务, 而不是 好像 的意思, 所以 1, 原句没有 should 不要乱加 2, 原句是 likely, 不能替换成 should 3, 法律法规只能用 must, 不能用 should 替换 3. 词在句中的位置 (1) 要关注一些重点词,all, only; 位置不同句子意思也不一样 EG: ONLY the council votes on Thursdays. The council votes ONLY on Thursdays. (2) 关注句子的整体顺序, 是否会产生歧义 ;EG: 主被动语序强调的对象不同 (3) 在英语中, 一般主语会放在谓语前面, 因此一般不会用倒装结构, 除非开头是否定词 定语从句中, 一般不用倒装 例如 :OG129 4. 搭配 句子各成分是搭配在一起才有意义 句子中, 主语, 谓语, 代词要一致 ( 二 ) 简洁 1. 简洁是 GMAT 最后考到的点, 只有在语法和意思都无误的情况, 才选择最简洁的 ; 换言之, 如果语法无问题, 即使很长也会比一个语法有问题, 很短的句子好 2.GMAT 语法题中, 如果一个词可以搞定的意思, 不要用一个短语,( 否定词除外 ) EG: differ 好于 have difference in Wordy: They HAVE DIFFERENCES over THE WAY IN WHICH the company should MAKE INVESTMENTS in new technologies. Better: They DIFFER over HOW the company should INVEST in new technologies. EG: OG12 unaccompanied 是不好的表达, 意思不如 not accompanied 清晰 ; 另外关于什么 的增长, 一般的用法是 increase in sth, 而不是 increased sth 3. 切忌冗余 : (1) 在一个句子中, 不要用两个意思一样的词 Rise-increase; sum-total; regain-again; enable- be able to; attempt-try; other than- opposite; drop-decrease; sufficient-enough; including-among; have to require 及近义词 then-later; so-in order to 注意修饰时间的词在一个句子里的重复过去 :previously; formerly; in the past; before now 现在 :now; currently; presently; at present; 每年的 :annual; each year; a year (2) 注意 being having, 虽然二者大多数情况是错的, 但 GMAT 也通常会制造一些其他的语法错误, 使得此类选项稍好一点 (being 只有 2 种情况对 )1, 介词 +being done;2, 进行时被动语态 be being done) 12th Edition: 8, 12, 16, 17, 21, 31, 37, 39, 49, 57 Verbal Review: 2, 13, 57, 76 OR 2nd Edition: 3, 18, 22, 36, 54, 72 Eg.27 页习题

三 主语与谓语 ( 主谓一致 ) 每一个句子都必须有一个主语和谓语 ( 动词 ), 且主语和谓语要一致 ( 一 ) 连词开头的句子一定要有主句, 否则是错误的 EG: Because the dog was never mine. 错误, 缺乏一个主句 ( 二 ) 主语和谓语从逻辑上一定要合理, 比如抽象名词不能行走和说话, 且主语和谓语在单复数上要一致 当不清楚主语是否应该是单数 / 复数的时候, 看宾语, 想造成这个宾语的主语是什么样的 EG: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. (development 不能够不加油就跑几百 miles) e.g. The discovery of new medicines (was/were) vital to the company's growth. 若不知道主语是否单复, 就想是什么造成公司的上涨 肯定是一件事 所以是单数 ( 三 ) 主语谓语中间 [ 插入语 ] 可以忽略的 2 种情况 插入语 : 在主语和谓语之间插入一些说明的成分 1. 介宾短语中的名词不是主语可以忽略 :(of,/for by,/in,/with/,at,/to,/on,/from + 名词为介宾短语 ) 但若介宾短语前有 量 de 修饰就另当别论, 详见下面 ( 七 ) e.g. Near Galway, the houses on the road to Spiddle is/are gorgeous. (NEAR Galway), the HOUSES (ON the road TO Spiddle )ARE gorgeous. 2. 前置短语可以忽略 : 在主语之前放一些修饰成分 EG: (when the auditors left), the executive (who had been interviewed) was glad. 说明 : 从句始终只是句子中辅助的成分, 类似大形容词, 大名词或大副词注意 A: 某些用动词 -ing/ 动词 -ed 形势做形容词 ( 有的用逗号来隔开 ) 来修饰主语的, 并不是真正谓语, 可以忽略, e.g. (Limping, )the horse (once considered one of the favorites) was/were taken away. 注意 B. 一个句子中有多个动词和主语的, 要找好对应关系, 再判断单复数 ( 四 )and 和表示 加 的词 1. and 连接几个不同的名词的时候构成复数结构, 谓语动词要用复数 2. 其他连接性的词 (along with, in addition to, as well as, together with, including) 虽然也表达 and 的意思, 但是连接不同的名词, 只是起着修饰的作用, 不会改变主语的单复数, 不影响谓语动词 e.g. Joe, as well as his friends, IS going to the beach. Mathematics, in addition to history and science, IS a required subject. 注 : 有且只有 and 可以将单数主语改编成复数主语 其他添加伴随连接词 ( 如 2 所示 ) 的单数主语, 依然是单数主语 ( 五 )either or, neither nor 1. 当 either..or /neither nor.. 同时出现的时候 就近原则 : 谓语动词得单复数取决于离

它最近的名词的单复数 EG: Neither the coach nor the players are going to the beach. Neither the players nor the coach IS going to the beach. 2. 若仅仅只有 either or neither, 没有 or nor, 则谓语动词一定要用单数 ( 六 )1, 主语是集合性名词用单数 : 在 GMAT 中 集合性名词 一般被认为是单数名词, 看做一个整体, 跟单数谓语 ( 不过这些词中除了 citrus 大家比较混淆, 其他应该都没问题不 用重点背它 ) People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd ( 群众 )orchestra( 乐队 ), team Items: baggage, citrus( 橙类 ), equipment( 设备 ), fleet( 舰队 / 小河 ), fruit, furniture ( 家具 ) 2, 一些表示学科的词 (physics, mathematics) 一些活动 - 有氧运动 (aerobics) 和一些 疾病 - 糖尿病 (diabetes) 水果柑橘 (crtius) 虽然以 S 结尾, 仍属于单数名词, 谓语动词用单数 e.g. The CROWD in the stands IS cheering loudly as the home TEAM TAKES the field. Our ARMY of a hundred thousand soldiers IS attacking the enemy. 2, 主语是非限制性的代词, 用单数.( 你不用琢磨啥是非限定性, 就记着下面这些次都是单数就好了 ) Anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing, each, every, someone, somebody,something, everyone, everybody,everything, whatever, whoever,either or..;neither nor..( 同时出现单复与它最近的名词一致 ; 单独出现用单数 ) ( 七 ) 介宾短语前面有 量 的修饰的 2 种情况 1, 大于 1 个的用复数 Eg. Three birds of the zoo were dead. 2,. 特殊情况, SANAM :some,any,none,all,more/most,(part,half) 1).Some of, all of, more/most of, part of,half of, 谓语单复数 需要看介宾短语中的名词 EG: Some of the money was stolen from my wallet. Some of the documents were stolen from the bank. 2).Any of, none of, not one of 谓语一定是单数 e.g. Not one of my friends IS here this weekend. ( 八 )each & every 两个词如果放在复数主语之前用单数, 复数主语之后用复数 EG: every dog and cat has paws. They each are great tennis players.

( 九 ) 量词 A number of + 复数主语 + 复数谓语 (a number of 可以看成是 some/many) The number of + 复数 / 单数主语 + 单数谓语 Majority( 多数 ), minority( 少数民族 / 少数 ), and plurality( 多数 ) 这 3 个词后面 +of 就是复数, 单独做主语就是单数 ( 上面这个原则, 从语义角度讲, 当表示一个大群体的一部分时候, 用复数 ; 如果表达一个 数量本身如何, 用复数 ) The majority of the students in this class ARE hard workers. In the Senate, the majority HAS coalesced into a unified voting block. ( 十 ) 短语或者从句作主语 : 谓语用单数 1. -ing 的短语做主语, 谓语用单数 Having good friends ]S a wonderful thing. 2. 从句做主语, 谓语用单数 Whatever they want to do IS fine with me. OG 68: sth that be, 当前面的 sth 做主语的时候, that be 一般要省略, 否则不符合英文表达习惯 ; 另外, 诸如 evidence 之类的词, 后面要跟 that 从句 ( 十一 ) 倒装 : 主语的单复数向后看 1, 什么是倒装? 1) 常用的副词主要有 :here, there, now, then, out, in, down, up, away 等, 表示强调 Out rushed the boy 2)There be + 主语 + 地点 其中动词 be 也可以是其他词 There are many different kinds of mooncakes on the table 3) 在结果状语从句句型 so that 中, 如果强调 so 放在句首, 主句需要部分倒装 So excited was she at the news that she couldn t say a word. 2. 当判断倒装句的单复数, 要看谓语动词后名词 ( 主语 ) 的单复数 1.) Wrong: Near those buildings SIT a lonely house, inhabited by squatters. Right: Near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters. 2. ) 后面是 and 的复合主语, 用复数 Wrong: There IS a young man and an older woman at the bus stop. Flip it! A young man and an older woman ARE there at the bus stop. Right: There ARE a young man and an older woman at the bus stop. 3. 当判断 which 后面的单复数时, 取决于 which 指代的词的单复数 Uncertain: Pong is a classic game from which have/has descended many current computer

pastimes. Flip it! Pong is a classic game from which many current computer pastimes HAVE descended. Right: Pong is a classic game from which HAVE descended many current computer pastimes. 12th Edition: 2, 5, 13, 27, 45, 60, 66, 68, 78, 84, D41 Verbal Review: 8, 16,24,34,35,59,77 OR 2nd Edition: 10, 11, 14,20,34,35,65 ( 十二 ) 当不能确定是否是单复数时候, 大多是单数 ( 当 GMAT 迷惑我们的时候, 大都是 单数 ) 四 平行结构 ( 一 ) 平行结构的标志词最重要的三个平行连接词 :And, both and, or, either or; neither nor, not but, not only but also, rather than, from to 前后连接的 A 和 B 必须词性相同, 结构一致, 甚至 数 一致 ( 二 ) 平行元素的引导词 1. 有时候 be, can, to 会被省略掉, 2. 但是从句开头的 引导词 (where/who/whose) 不可以省略, 即使引导词一样 ; W rong: I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND I pay low taxes. Right: I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND WHERE I pav low taxes. 3. 同时引导词也可以不一样! Right: There are many people WHO speak English BUT WHOSE parents do not. 4. 但是 引导词 前面的词不可以省略!those who 连在一起不分家 中间不能插入 both Wrong: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND WHO are not. Right: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND THOSE WHO are not. 此句中 those 不能省略, 但是 popular 可以省略 ( 三 )AND: 1. 通常逗号原则

A and B A,B,and C A,B,C,and D 2. 特殊逗号原则 当连接两个元素是长 de 独立句子时候, 会用 A,and B I really like candy apples, AND I eat them often. 3. 分层并列 无论并列的元素有多少, 同一个并列连词连接的必须结构相似, 词性相同! 可以在一个句子同时用不同的并列连词, 或者单独的词和句子并列, 表示不同的层次, 但是 重要的是语义要平行 Right: She argues THAT the agency acts WITH reckless abandon AND WITH disregard for human life AND property. AND THAT it should therefore be shut down., ( 四 ) 一些常见的并列习语 ( 五 ) 句子中的动词不一定都是平行关系, 很有可能是动词的 -ing 或者 -ed 形势表示伴随 ( 六 ) 系动词两边的成分要并列 : 表达的是 主语是什么 / 主语在什么情况下 系动词都有哪些见下表 :

Wrong: The bouquet of flowers WAS a giving of love. Right: The bouquet of flowers WAS a gift of love. Wrong: Upon being nominated, this politician REPRESENTS a step forward in urban-rural relations in this country. Right: The nomination of this politician REPRESENTS a step forward in urbanrural relations in this country. 12th Edition: 6, 11, 14, 15,22,24,26,28,29,36,42,46,52, 53, 55, 56, 62, 65, 72, 77, 81, 83, 88, D36, D39, D46 Verbal Review: 1, 4, 6, 11, 22, 25, 27, 46, 47, 51, 52, 56, 62, 64, 66, 70 OR 2nd Edition: 1,2,4,5,7,15,17,24,26,27,45,46,49,52,53,58,60,61, 63, 67 五 代词 代词是 GMAT 中最常见的考点, 每次见到介词的时候都应检查指代是否清晰 ( 一 ) 先行词 ( 代词指代的名词 ) 必须存在注意有些名词是作为形容词 所有格在用, 这样的名词不能作为先行词 ; 名词作为先行词的条件是该名词一定要具备名词功能 EG: 错 The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to it. It 无指代对象, 因为 park 在此处是形容词, 真正的主语是 park rangers ( 二 ) 先行词和代词必须同时有意义 将代词换为先行词 ( 它所指代的名词 ), 该句子必须还是有意义, 说的通 EG: ( 错 )Although the term supercomputer may sound wonderful, it is simply and machine that can execute tril- lions of calculations every second. ( 对 ): Although the term "supercomputer" may sound fanciful or exaggerated, it simply REFERS TO an extremely fast mainframe that can execute tril- lions of calculations every second. 此处,it 指代就有问题, term 不是机器, term 指的是机器 所以要用 refer to 注意 : 通常解释一个新名词, 用的是 it refers to 而不是 it is 此乃长考考点 ( 三 ) 代词的指代必须清晰每一个代词都只能有一个清晰的先行词, 如有多个的话, 指代是模糊的 ( 注意 :1 个句子里通常只有 1 个代词, 如果有 2 个通常 1 个单数 1 个复数 ; 若一个句子里有两个单数代词, 但是指代不同对象, 一定错 ; 或者一个单数代词,2 个单数先行词, 也必错, 因为指代不清 ) ( 四 ) 代词和先行词的单复数必须一致,GMAT 为了迷惑, 会在主语和主句前面, 加上从句, 比如 :along with /by, 要找到真正的主语 ( 五 ) 格

1. 代词主格可用做主语 :I, you, she, he, it, we, they, who 2. 代词宾格用作宾语 :me, you, him, her, it, us, them, whom 3. 所有格 :my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our,ours, their( 常考 ), theirs, whose 4. 重要考点 : (1) 代词在句子主语的位置上, 通常会被认为指代与其平行句子的主语 EG: Supernovas destroy their immediate environments in vast explosions, BUT by synthesizing heavy chemical elements, THEY provide the universe with the possibility of biochemistry-based life as we know it. 此处 they 指代的是主语 supernovas 而不是前面的 elements. (2) 一般所有格代词只能指代所有格名词, 不能指代主格和宾格 EG: Wrong: The board is investigating several executives' compensation packages in order to determine how much may have been improperly awarded to THEM. 这里 them 本想指代 executives 但是这里面 executives 是以所有格 executives compensation pachages 的形势出现的, 所以不能指代 Right: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much THESE EXECUTIVES may have been improperly awarded. Right: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much THEY may have been improperly awarded. (3)which,that 只能指代物, 只有 who, whom 才能指代人 (4) 同一个句子中,it/its 指代同一个物,they/them/their 指代同一批人 ( 六 ) 几个要点 1.this, that, these, those 在句子中不能裸奔, 必须用作 this/that/those/these+n 的结构才能做代词使用, 而这个名词则是能体现先行词性质的词 (this, those, that and these are never used as a stand-alone pronoun without a noun following) EG:New nano-papers incorporate fibers that give THESE MATERIALS strength, 2.that 或 those 可以表明一个新的 copy 关于先行词的, 避免重复 EG: The money spent by her parents is more than that spent by her children. 3.that 或 those 表明新 copy 的时候一定前后完全一致 ( 包括单复数 ), 否则需要重复先行词 EG: 错 Her company is outperforming those of her competitors. those 与 company 不一致, 应将 those 替换为 companies. 12th Edition: 1, 7, 23, 47, 91, D42 Verbal Review: 12, 15, 19, 29, 41, 44, 49, 53, 65, 67 OR 2nd Edition: 16, 19,21,29,40,43,48,51,62,64 六 修饰语 ( 一 ) 形容词和副词

1. 形容词修饰名词或者代词, 副词修饰除了名词和代词外, 其余词均可修饰 2.GMAT 考试中最长出现的修饰结构 : 形容词 + 形容词 + 名词 : 在此结构中, 两个形容词均修饰名词副词 + 形容词 + 名词 : 在此结构中, 副词修饰形容词, 形容词修饰名词 EG: James is Max s supposed Irish ancestor. 在句中 Irish 是形容词,ancestor 是名词 supposed 修饰 ancestor, 表明 James 可能是, 也可能不是 MAX 的 ancestor. Max s grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancestor. 此处 supposedly 一定要用副词形式, 因为 M 的奶奶肯定是 M 的祖先, 只是不知道是不是他的 Irish 祖先而已, 因此副词再次修饰形容词了 常见的形容词 +ly 变副词的词语 : corresponding, frequent, independent, rare, recent, seeming, separate, significant, supposed, usual. 即意味着, 以上这些词, 出现在语法中, 既有 +ly, 也有不加 -ly 的时候, 既要忠于原文, 也要忠于语义 ( 二 ) 名词修饰语 : 形容词 介词短语, 过去分词, 不加逗号的现在分词, 从句, 同位语 ( 另 一个名词 ) 前置修饰 ( 同位语 ) 是 GMAT 中最常见的名词性修饰 EG: Tired from chasing mice, the cat took a nap. 1. 名词和其修饰语必须互相靠近, 就近修饰 ; 如果修饰语靠近另外一个名词, 则会产生误 解 划线部分修饰的是逗号后紧挨的 the cat EG: Jim biked along an old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods. 错 To get to his house, Jim biked along an old dirt road, which cut through the woods. 对 Gmat 语法中, 总出现 which 引导的修饰性从句, 如果不是修饰其前面最近的名词, 则错! 2. 每一个名词修饰必须对应一个修饰对象, 不能缺乏修饰对象 Wrong: Resigned to the bad news, there was no commotion in the office. Right: Resigned to the bad news, the office workers made no commotion. Gmat 中若主语前有个 ved 引导的修饰从句, 主语必须是逗号后面紧挨的主语, 若不是, 则错! 3. 避免一系列的修饰语修饰一个名词, 让两个很长的修饰语修饰一个名词不好最常见的模式就是 : 修饰语, 修饰语, 主谓宾必错 / 主语, 修饰语, 修饰语, 谓宾必错正确的 : 一种常见的情形是 : 修饰语, 主语 + 定语从句, 谓宾, 这种是对的另外一种 : 修饰语, 定语从句, 主语, 修饰语, 谓语宾语, 这种也对, 但少见 注意 : 动词修饰语不像名词修饰语, 不需要贴近其修饰的主语 Wrong: George Carlin,both shocking and entertaining audiences across the na- tion,who also struggled publicly with drug abuse,influenced and in- spired a generation of comedians. Better: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation,george Car- lin,who also struggled publicly with drug abuse,influenced and inspired a generation of comedians. BEST: Both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation,george Carlin influenced and inspired a generation of comedians, 另外, 要注意所有格形式 谁的什么, 这种形式经常会出现修饰错误, 要区分所修饰 de 内 容指的是 谁 还是 什么 若修饰的是 谁 则错! 特别注意抽象名词 EG: Wrong : Only in the past century has origami s development, a ceremonial activity

invented millennia ago, into a true art form taken place. 此句中, 后句不是句子而是一个修饰结构, 由于靠近 development, 通常会被我们误认为是修饰 development. Right: Origami-a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago-has developed into a true art form only in the past century. ( 三 ) 名词修饰与从句 1.Which( 修饰物 ),that( 不能修饰人 ), who /whom( 修饰人 ) whose, where, when, Who: 一般修饰主语 ;whom: 一般修饰宾语, 且一般跟在介词 in/for 后面, 其中在 GMAT 中 whose 既可以修饰物也可以修饰人 e.g.the town whose water supply was contaminated. That/whom: 修饰的成分是宾语的时候, 是可以省略的 Who/whom 当在修饰关系从句中,who 是从句中谓语的主语 ;whom 是从句中谓语的宾语 Wrong: The security guard WHO we met was nice. (who met we) Right: The security guard WHOM we met was nice.(we met whom) Where/which: where 只能修饰具体的地点,which 可以修饰虚拟的, 如 condition, situation( 位 置 ), case, circumstance,arrangement( 布置 ) When/which: 修饰一个具体时间或者时间段时, 可以通用, 如 time, period, age, 1987, decade, 2. 修饰限制性名词修饰, 一般开头用 the; 无逗号隔开的, 用 that; 非限制性名词修饰, 一般开头用 this//these/: 有逗号隔开的, 用 which Non-essential: This mansion,which HAS BEEN RECENTLY PAINTED RED, is owned by the Lees. Essential: The mansion THAT HAS BEEN PAINTED RED is owned by the Lees. 但是当 which 前面有介词的时候, 例如 for which, 可能不需要 that, 但是依然需要逗号原则 Non-essential: This mansion, FOR WHICH I YEARN, is owned by the Lees. Essential: The mansion FOR WHICH I YEARN is owned by the Lees. 简单说就是 the 开头, 没逗号, 用 that/for which this/these 开头, 有逗号, 用 which/for which ( 四 ) 从属结构 de 修饰从属结构, 通过 because, although, if, while, so that 修饰, 有两个重要考点 : 1. 主谓语宾要全, 因为毕竟是一个句子 2. 不能单独形成一个完整的句子, 逻辑意思必须依附于一个主句 ( 五 )which 和现在分词 1.Which 必须紧跟其修饰的名词,which 不能修饰一个句子,which 只能指代它前面的一个 名词 Wrong: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood. WHICH has led to a rise in property values.( 此句中 which 指的是 neighborhood, 错 ) Right: The recent decrease in crime in our neighborhood has led to a rise in

property values. 2.ing 形式做修饰语 (1) 做形容词, 直接修饰名词 (2) 可以修饰主语和动词 (3) 可以修饰一个从句 ( 此时主句若转化为同意名词, 这个名词可作为 ing 的主语 ), 这种 形式就是常见的 ing 表示结果的结构 EG: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values. (4)ing 形式在主系表结构中, 可以修饰其前面紧跟的名词 (5)ing 形式在主谓宾结构之后, 可以表示与谓语动词同时发生, 表伴随, 此时其逻辑主 语就是主句的主语 (6)ing 形式表主动 ed 表被动 12th Edition: 10, 18, 25, 30, 38, 40, 48, 58, 61, 63, 71, 79, D40, D44 Verbal Review: 7, 18,32,38,63,73,79,91 OR 2nd Edition: 33, 42, 57, 59, 69, 71, 75, 83, 84 七 动词的时态 语气和主被动 ( 一 ) 时态 ( 先后顺序 : 过去完成时过去进行时过去时一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时一般将 来时 ) 1. 一般定义用一般现在时 2. 不能用一般现在时表示将来 3. 表示一般状态的动词不用进行时, 比如 know, signify( 意味着 ),emit( 发射 ) EG: Wrong: This inscription IS SIGNIFYING the emperor's birth. Right: This inscription SIGNIFIES the emperor's birth. 4. 现在进行时不能表示将来的动作, 但是可以表示 可能性 Wrong: Quentin IS MEETING Harvey for lunch tomorrow. Right: Quentin WILL MEET Harvey for lunch tomorrow. Sandy WILL BE PLAYING soccer tomorrow. 5. 一个句子中的不同动词时态 若在一个句子里, 两个动词的时态一样, 代表两个动作是 平行的, 同样重要的 若一个句子里两个时态不一样, 则时态近的是主句, 另一个动作通常代表一个背景介绍 Right: She WAS PLAYING with her friends when the babysitter ARRIVED. 此句要表达的是 the babysitter arrived 之前 she was playing. She PLAYED with her friends when the babysitter ARRIVED. 此句表达的是 the babysitter arrived 之后 she played. ( 二 ) 现在完成时态 1. 现在完成时表示的是一个行为发生在过去, 但状态继续到现在, 或者是仍然对现在有所 影响 现在完成时的构成 :have/has+ 过去分词 现在完成时的标志词 :since+ 过去一个时间点 ; within/over/during/in+ 时间段

EG: She WILL PAY you when you HAVE TAKEN out the garbage. (The time of will pay is LATER than the future time of have taken) 2. 而一般过去时表示的一个行为发生在过去, 已经结束且对现在没有影响 表示词 :likeihood/ possibility+ that, over+ 时间点 ( 三 ) 过去完成时 1. 两个行为都发生在过去, 而较早的那一个要用过去完成时, 若转述一个人发表的演讲或者报告, 要将现在时转化为过去时, 过去时转化为过去完成时, 将来时转化为条件状态 (will---would) EG: The man believes that the machine will be wonderful. The scientist believed that the machine would be wonderful. 错误 :The man believes that the machine would be wonderful. The man believed that the machine will be wonderful. 注 : 主句若是现在时, 则从句时态必须不能早过其时态, 即必须是 现在时间内的某个时态 ; 同样, 如果主句是过去时, 则从句必须是过去时间内的某个时态 2. 如果主句和分句主语相同, 且以 and, before, but 等连接, 如果句子逻辑上存在先后顺序的话, 主分句都用一般过去时即可 EG: Antonio DROVE to the store, and Cristina BOUGHT some ice cream. Laura LOCKED the dead bolt before she LEFT for work. 3.Trick 一枚 : 有时候我们可以在前一个分句中用一般过去时表示 过去, 在后一个分句中用过去完成时表示从 过去 一直延续下去 即一般过去时在过去完成时之前 EG: The band U2 was one of many new groups on the rock music scene in the early 1980's, but less than ten years later, U2 had fully eclipsed its early rivals in the pantheon of popular music. ( 四 ) 虚拟语气 虚拟语气常见的两种形式 : 1. 看起来不可能或者不真实的条件, 用 if, as if, as though 引导 Right: To overcome my fear of germs, I will think about disease as though it WERE harmless. 2.proposal, desire, request 等表 建议 命令 的词用 that 引导 虚拟语气中,be 一般用 were. EG: if I were a rich man 3.If then. 常见的五种句型 (then 经常会被省略掉 ) (1) 表示确定 : If + 一般现在时, then + 一般现在时 EG: if she eats pizza, (then) she becomes ill. (2) 表示某种程度的不确定 : if + 一般现在时, then can/may+v. 原型 If she eats pizza, (then) she may become ill. (3) 确定 - 用于将来时态 ( 现在发生的某些事情造成将来的影响 ): if + 一般现在时,then+ 一般将来时 If she eats pizza tomorrow, (then) she will become ill. (4) 不确定 - 将来时态 :

if + 虚拟语气, then + 情态动词 +v. 原型 If she ate pizza tomorrow, (then) she would become ill. ( 使用虚拟语气 ) 此句中, 作者认为 S 不太可能吃披萨, 所以情态动词 would 是对一个不太可能发生的事情的 推测 (5) 从未发生 - 过去式 : if + 过去完成时, then+ 情态动词完成时 If she had eaten pizza yesterday, (then) she would have become ill. ( 使用虚拟语气 ) 注 :a. 在 GMAT 中, 如果遇到 but if.. 那么就要考虑是否是以上的五种之一 Right: IF you study diligently, [THEN] you will score highly. Right: You will score highly IF you study diligently. b. 情态动词 would/should 永远不会出现在 if 从句中 4. 命令性的虚拟语气,( 比假设性虚拟更重要 ) (1) 一般形式 : 主语 + 命令性动词 +that+ 从句主语 + 虚拟动词原型 ( 没有 S 没有 am,is,are) (2) 暴力词 - 只能用 that 从句的命令虚拟语气, 不能用不定式 :demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request, stipulate( 规定 ), suggest We demand THAT HE BE here. 其中 propose, 当句子中的两个动词发起者均是一个主语时, 可以用不定式 The attorneys proposed to meet the following day. (3) 暴力词 - 只能用不定式的 :advise, allow, forbid, persuade, want We allow HIM TO BE here. (4) 暴力词 - 既可以接 that 从句的命令虚拟语气, 又可以接不定式 :ask, beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require We require THAT HE BE here. O R We require HIM TO BE here. (5) 具有命令性的词汇的名词形式同样应用虚拟语气 Right: His demand THAT he BE paid full severance was not met. (6) 形容词性的命令词汇既可用虚拟语气, 也可用不定式 : 如 essential, advisable, crucial,desirable, fitting, imperative, important, mandatory, necessary, preferable, urgent, vital Right: It is essential THAT Gary BE ready before noon. it is essential for Gary to be ready before noon. (7) 例外暴力词 -prohibit 既不接 that 也不接 to do 常见用法 :prohibit sth;prohibit from doing;prohibit sb from doing Right: The agency PROHIBITED Gary FROM WORKING on weekends. EG: In an attempt to guarantee the security of its innovative water purification method, the company required each employee to sign a confidentiality agreement prohibiting disclosure of its water purification methods to any company using an analogous purification process. 注 :a. 在虚拟语气中, 这些词没有第三人称单数形式 that the school board DISBAND, not DISBANDS b. BE 作为虚拟语气动词的时候, 只有 Be 的形式, 没有 am,is,are

BE ready before noon, Gary! c. GMAT 中虚拟经常错的几种形式 第一句 : 缺 That 第二句 :disbands 错, 应该没有 S 第三句 : 没有 is 第四句 : 没有 will 第五句 : 没有 should 正确 :Bossy Verb + THAT+ subject + Command Subjunctive We PROPOSE THAT the school board DISBAND. d. 特例 Want., 有时候使用 want 并不是虚拟语气, 而只是一个不定式表目的 Right: The vice-president WANTS her TO GO to the retreat. Wrong: The vice-president WANTS THAT she GO to the retreat. ( 五 ) 被动语态与主动语态 BE(am,is,are/was,were)+ 过去分词 1.by 后面一般跟动作的执行者且一定是被动语态 ; through 和 because of 后面跟一些设备 手段或者方法 2.GMAT 规则, 主动优于被动 3. 完成时态可用不及物动词, 但被动语态不可以, 例如 arrive, 不能用被动语态, 因为不能 arrive something/something can`t be arrive Wrong: The aliens WERE ARRIVED on Neptune in the 20th century. Right: The aliens ARRIVED on Neptune in the 20th century. 12th Edition: 3, 19, 41, 54, 67, 69, 70, 74, 85, 86, 87 Verbal Review: 3, 21, 28, 30, 37, 39, 40, 55, 61, 78 OR 2nd Edition: 30, 37, 38, 39, 56, 74 八 GMAT 中常见的比较

( 一 ) 常见的比较词汇 like vs as 1.Like 是一个介词, 因此 like 后面只能跟名词 ( 或者动名词作名次, 如 like swimming,skating is great exercise), 代词或者名词短语 ( 不能跟从句 / 介词短语 ) 2.As 既可以跟介宾短语, 又可以跟连词 ( 后面可以跟句子 ) (1) 表示列举的时候, 只能用 as, 不能用 like (2)like+ 句子一定错! ( 二 ) 比较的两点重要规则 1. 比较的对象具有同等逻辑意思 Wrong: Frank's build, LIKE his brother, is broad and muscular. Right: Frank's build, LIKE his brother's, is broad and muscular. Right: Frank's build, LIKE that of his brother, is broad and muscular. Right: Frank, LIKE his brother, has a broad and muscular build. 2. 比较要从结构上保持平行 Wrong : I like to run through forests more than I enjoy walking through crowds. Right: I like running through forests MORE THAN walking through crowds. ( 三 ) 比较重要考点 1. 对主谓宾全的句型 (1) 主语比较 : A do sth than B do.(ab 为对等名词, 加 do 是为了显示这是一个可以发出 动作的名词, 因而确定是主语, 进而确定是主语对比 ) (2) 介宾比较 A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2.(C1C2,D1D2 对等名词 ) 注意一定要是介宾才能直接跟在 than 后面 The clothes inside the store looked more appealing than outside the racks. 错, 不是介宾比较 The clothes inside the store looked more appealing than did those outside the racks. 对 (3) 宾语比较 A do C1 than C2.(C1C2 为对等名词 ) (4) 状语比较 A do sth than usual/ever before/people expected( 直接加状语 ) 2. 一种句型只有主谓, 没有宾语的句子, 因为没有宾语, 只可能有主语比较, 因而 不需要重复 do 来确认这是一个可发出动作的主语, 所以其比较形式如下 : I eat faster than you. 注意与下句区别 I eat apple faster than you do

如果写成 I eat apple faster than you 按 ETS 的理解, 从语法上就变成我吃苹果比吃你快, 成了宾语比较 逻辑上显然不通 3.AS 族的比较大同小异,as 可单独引导比较, 也可以复合成 as many as, as hard as 等形式, 但 ETS 宗旨不变, 如 Sand road costs twice as many to build as to maintain( 类似于介宾比较 ) Sand road costs twice as many to build as stone road do( 主语比较 ) Sand road costs the government twice as many to build as the residents.( 宾语比较 ) 4. 特殊句型 AS poor as they are, they cannot afford a car. They have 800 million students, as many as have enrolled in our school. 5.There be 句型等同于一般的主谓宾俱全的句型 OG89 There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as there were four years ago( 主语比较 ) There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as DVD player( 宾语比较 ) There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as for school teachers.( 介宾比较 ) There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four time as many as in china( 介宾比较 ) 6. 比较结构的省略 (1) 所有格省略前句有明确说明所有物是什么东西, 后句的就可以省略, 用所有格表示 P.S. 所有格 / 所有物可以代表单数和复数, 只有逻辑意思合理就行 EG: My car is bigger than Brian's [car}. My toes are longer than Brian's [toes}. (2) 比较从句可以省略宾语 谓语甚至整个从句, 只要逻辑意思合理 EG: Whereas I drink 2 quarts of milk a day, my friend drinks 3 [quarts}. I walk faster than Brian [walks}. I walk as fast now as [I walked] when I was younger. (3) 有些句子为了不造成歧义, 需要添加动词和情态动词, 以保持逻辑含义鲜明 EG: Visual eats more carrots than donuts. (donuts 必须为宾语才能省略 ) Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. {Yvette could be subject or object.} Right: I like cheese more than Yvette DOES. (=than Yvette likes cheese) Right: I like cheese more than I DO Yvette. (= than I like Yvette) 总结 : 主语比较, 新的主语 + 动词 ( 或省略动词 ); 介宾比较 宾语比较, 直接放介宾和宾语即可 ( 四 ) 比较级与最高级 OG 43 1. 以 ly 结尾的副词的比较级是 more + 该副词, 不要改成 er 形式 EG: Adam runs more quickly than Jones.( 没有宾语, 所以 Jones 后面省略 does) 2. 比较级中一定要有一个 than 一个重要例子 : A cat cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as a cheetah. 错 ( 有歧义 ) A cat cannot catch a wildebeest that run as fast as a cheetah. ( 宾语的奔跑速度比较 )

A cat cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as it catch a cheetah. ( 同一主语抓捕速度比较 ) A cat cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as a cheetah can. ( 不同主语抓 w 速度比较, 补出情态动词 can) 12th Edition: 9, 20, 32, 43, 76, 82, 89, 97, 99, 100, D35, D37 Verbal Review: 10, 23, 31, 33, 36, 42, 45, 68, 92 OR 2nd Edition: 13,25,32,41, 44, 66, 85 九 其他一些语法 (Idioms) ( 零 ) 习语 & 固定搭配 ( 原书 129~161 打印 ) ( 一 ) 连词 1. 一个正确的句子至少有一个主句 : 有完整的主谓结构, 且不以 because or if 结尾 ; 逗号不 足以连接两个完整句子 2.and 是 GMAT 考试总最重要的连词, 它可以连接多个名词, 或多个结构相同成分或者 句子, 注意 and 连接的前后成分一定要是并列的 And 的两种用法 :1) 连接一系列的名词 (apples, grapes, and pears) 2) 连接两个主语从句 ( 意味着 2 个主语 2 个谓语, 且并列 )and 前面如果有 逗号, 则后面必有主语! 或者 and 是一个主语发出的 2 个动作, 则不需要逗号, 直接用 and 连接 Wrong: Earl walked to school, AND later ate his lunch. Right: Earl walked to school,and HE later ate his lunch. 3. 一次只能用一个连词, 如 since/because, so 不能同时用, although, yet 不能同时用 4. 并列连词 :and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so; 从属连词,although, because, before, after, since, when, if, unless, that, though, while ( 二 ) 标点符号 : 逗号, 分号, 破折号, 冒号 1. 逗号 (1) 次要内容会用逗号隔开, 但是主要内容和主句一脉相承 ( 插入语 ) (2) 一个主语发出的两个动词间的 and 不用逗号 EG: Wrong: Earl walked to school, AND later ate his lunch. Right: Earl walked to school AND later ate his lunch. (3) 逗号不能连接两个完整的句子 ( 老生常谈 ) 2. 分号 (1) 分号用以连接两个紧密相关的句子, 这两个句子又是分别相对完整的句子 ( 说是 相 对, 是因为虽然语法上都能单独成句, 但是逻辑意思上第二句单独出来的话就说不通 ) EG: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable; they do everything together. (2) 用分号连接的两句应该是独立 平衡的 如果原句有从属关系, 那么应该保留比如原句 是因果关系, 则不用分号而用 because (3) 分号后经常跟一些链接副词 ( 注意这些词不是真正的连词, 不能用逗号替代分号 ), 如 however, therefore, in addition, then.

EG: Wrong: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable, THEREFORE, we never see them apart. Right: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable; THEREFORE, we never see them apart. (4) 分号还有个主要的用法 : 用来隔开带逗号的一串名词 EG: Wrong: I listen to Earth, Wind & Fire, Wow, Owls, and Blood, Sweat & Tears. Right: I listen to Earth, Wind & Fire; Wow, Owls; and Blood, Sweat & Tears. 3. 冒号 (1) 冒号是对前面提出的信息起补充说明作用, 可以在冒号后面加 namely 或者 that is (2) 冒号前的分句必须能够单独成句, 冒号后的则不一定 (3) 紧挨着冒号前的成分与冒号后的解释成分越近越好 Worse: Three factors affect the rate of a reaction: concentration, surface area, and temperature. Right: The rate of a reaction is affected by three factors: concentration, surface area, and temperature. (4) 冒号后可以加入一个主句, 用以解释冒号前的内容 EG: On January 1, 2000, the national mood was completely different from what it would become just a few years later: at the turn of the century, given a seemingly unstoppable stock market and a seemingly peaceful world, the country was content. 4. 破折号 (1) 破折号的用法很富有弹性, 既可以作强调作用, 也能充当冒号, 分号 (2) 有时候为了突出主要内容或者解释时, 破折号更佳 EG: My three best friends-danny, Jimmy, and Joey-and I went skiing. ( 用逗号意思就变 7 个人 了 ) (3) 破折号还可以重复或者解释前半句的内容 但又和冒号不同, 破折号不一定立刻放在被 解释内容之后 EG: Post-MBA compensation for investment bankers tends to surge far ahead of that for management consultants-by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year. (4) 用的比较广泛, 破折号有双的, 也有单的 ( 三 ) 量词 1. 可数的量词 :few number numerous 2. 不可数的量词 :lesss amount great least

3. 既可跟可数名词又可跟不可数名词的量词 :more, most, enough, all 但是 less 只能不可数 4. 留意单位词 : 如 money-dollar, volume-gallons, 这些单位词可用复数, 但都是修饰不可数名词的 Right: We have LESS THAN twenty dollars. ( 这里 dollars 是复数, 但是要用不可数的 less than 来修饰 ) 5.the number of 修饰单数,a number of 修饰复数,The numbers of 一般都是错的如果 numbers 要做比较, 一般用 greater than, 而不是 more than Wrong:The rare Montauk beaked griffin is not extinct; its NUMBERS are now sus- pected to be much MORE than before. Right:The rare Montauk beaked griffin is not extinct; its NUMBERS are now sus- pected to be much GREATER than before. 6.increase 和 decrease 表达同一事物的变化 ;Greater 和 less 则是比较不同事物 Right: The price of silver INCREASED by ten dollars. Right: The price of silver is five dollars GREATER than the price of copper. 同时, 很重要的一点! 避免意思重复 :increase 不能和 rise/rising/risen/growing/grwth 一起用!decrease 不能和 fall/fell 一起用 Wrong: The price of silver FELL by a more than 35% DECREASE. Right: The price of silver DECREASED by more than 35%. Right: The price of silver FELL by more than 35%. 7.between 形容两个物品 ;among 形容三个物品 12th Edition: 4, 33, 34, 35, 44, 50, 51, 59, 64, 73, 75, 96, 106, 117, 118, 120, D38, D45 Verbal Review: 5, 9,14,17,20,26,43,48,50,54,58,69,75,89,90,109,113 OR 2nd Edition: 6, 12, 23, 28, 47, 73, 107, 113 1. 主谓一致 2. 平行 3. 代词 4. 修饰 5. 词性, 语气, 主被动 6. 比较 7. 固

定搭配 十 简洁和平行 ( 高阶 ) ( 一 ) 简洁 : 一些具体的形式 : V>adj/adv.>n 1. 动词形式优于名词 : 即动词形式优于 be/make + 名词 形式 EG: His conception of money was a goal 差. He conceived of money as a goal 好 His example was an influence on me. 差 His example influenced me. 好 They made a reference to the strike. 差 They referred to the strike. 好 2.that 从句优于一堆名词性修饰语, 常用这种结构的词包括 :hypothesis, idea, suggestion, belief, discovery, evidence, indication, and report. EG: The hypothesis about the composition of the universe as largely dark energy seems strange. The hypothesis that the universe is largely composed of dark energy seems strange. 3. 动词形式优于形容词形式 The artist was influential to the movement. 4. 形容形式优于名词形式 She has the ability to juggle. She is able to juggle. 5. 副词形式优于介词短语 The artist influenced the movement. Wordy: Oil prices have fallen, but prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen TO A COMPARABLE EXTENT. Better: Oil prices have fallen, but prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen COMPARABLY 注意 : 尽可能避免用 to be, 而用 is, am, are,been,was,were 等替代 6. 形容词大于 BE 动词的形容词从句 Marcos is a professor who is admirable. Marcos is a admirable professor. 7. 尽量少用 it is that 结构 Wordy: IT IS without fear THAT children should play. Better: Children should play without fear. 动词形容词副词名词 apply conceived cost decided influenced inspired refered weigh applicability conception cost is decision was influence inspireation reference weight 动词形容词副词名词介宾 aggravate can indicate is aggravating be able to indicative

inspired suggest extent extent inspirational suggestive abundant be able to capable convince disincline isolate comparably considerably significantly abundance ability capability conviction disinclination isolation to a comparable to a considerable to a significant degree 形容词 admirable firefighter 带 Bed 的形容词从句 who is admirable who is firefighter ( 二 ) 简洁的考点 GMAC 会利用较短的表达造成 简洁 的错觉 1.(1) 当 of 的词, 表示形容前面的名词时, 可以将 of 省略 A wall of stone=a stone wall 但是 of 是带有数量 时间 计量性质的固定搭配就不能改了, 一定用 of (2) 尤其介词不是 of 时, 更加有必要保留介词 Danube river access < access to the Danube river; Boston soldier < soldier from Boston Population changes of honeybees < changes in the population of honeybees sales increase < increase in sales 2. 在比较中,that of, those of 常常很重要 The faces I see in ads is a famous actor. < The face I see in ads is that of a famous actor 但有时候又是多余的 The fields I most enjoy are those of math and physics. <The filed I most enjoy are math and physics/

3. 在一些报道性的词语后面一定跟着 that Indicate, claim, contend, report, announce, assert, believe, confess, demonstrate, doubt, expect, hold, know, mention,observe, proclaim, reason, recognize, repeat, state, think, warn, be convinced, be certain, be assured, agree, declare, find, reveal, rule,show Too Short: The study INDICATES the problem has vanished. Better: The study INDICATES THAT the problem has vanished. 有一个比较特殊的词就是 say, 之后不必跟 that, 就可以跟一个句子 Right: The water was so cold that people SAID polar bears would shiver. ( 三 ) 平行 1. 名词有两种形式 : 实体名词 ( 时间 地点 人 事件 ), 动作名词 (eruption, pollution, change, growth 等 ), 二者不能平行 2. 动名词 : 简单动名词,( 动名词 + 名词 ) Tracking satellites accurately is important for the space agency. 复杂动名词 ( 含有修饰成分, 经常是前面加一个冠词 a/an/the+of 的介宾短语 ) The accurate tracking of satellites is important for the space agency., 简单动名词不能和复杂动名词平行 且只有复杂动名词才能与动作名词平行 Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disput- ed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, raising the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon. Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disput- ed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, THE raising OF the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon. 其中 withdrawal,reductions,pardon 都是动作名词, 而 the raising of 是复杂名词 The accurate tracking of satellites - 复杂动名词 ; tracking satellites - 简单动名词 在所有的动名词中, 永远选择复杂动名词 ( 通常带 OF) 而不是简单动名词 Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND releasing certain political prisoners. Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND THE releasing OF certain political prisoners. Right:The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions AND THE RELEASE OF certain political prisoners. 3. 如果一个动词有具体的名词形式, 就不要用动名词, 如 extract 就有名词 extraction OG129: 定语从句不要倒装 ;OG133: 就近修饰, 定语从句或 ving 修饰 OG: D50 that 的指代是否模糊? 4. 不定式平行, 若有 3 个及以上元素, 是否省略 To 看前一个 It is critical to suspend activities, notify investors, AND say not 5. 总结 : 可以相互平行的词名词其他 1. 实体名词 1. 动作动词

意思与句子简洁 2. 动作名词 + 复杂动名词 2. 不定式 3. 简单动名词 3. 形容词和过去分词 4. 从句 12th Edition: 93, 98, 135 Verbal Review: 83, 87 主谓一致 12th Edition: 95, 104, 129, 133, 140, D43 Verbal Review: 104 OR 2nd Edition: 101 平行 : 12th Edition: 90, 92, 94, 109, 114, 119, 127, 130, 134, 137, D48, D50, D51 Verbal Review: 60, 81, 82, 84, 93, 97, 99, 100, 108 OR 2nd Edition: 55, 77, 78, 86, 91, 94, 95, 106, 112 十一 代词和修饰语 ( 高阶 ) ( 一 ) 代词 1. 代词 (1)there:there 如果做代词指代某个地方时, 前面一定要提到这个地方, 而且必须是介 宾短语形式, 不能是形容词成分 EG: Oil in Arctic may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug there and environmental concerns addressed. Arctic oil may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug there and environmental concerns addressed. (2)itself, themselves, one another, each other: 一般表强调其指代的名词 After the agreement surfaced, the commission dissolved it. ( 解散 Agreement) After the agreement surfaced, the commission dissolved itself. ( 解散 Commission) (3)such, other, another 以上三个代词一般在后面跟一个概括性的名词指代前面的名词 After the agreement surfaced, the commission decided to subject any such contracts to debate in the future. (4)one: 指代具有非定义性, 要么指代前面的单数名词, 或者指代前面复数名词其中的 一个 After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat one. 巧克力中一个 After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat them. 前面的巧克力 (5)do so 和 do it Do so : 可以指代整个的动作, 包含谓语动词, 宾语和修饰语 Q did not eat dinner quickly, but her brother did so. 指代 eat dinner quickly(so 可省略 ) Do it : it 必须指代一个确切的名词 Q failed to do the homework, but his brother did it. 指代前面的 homework. Quinn did not eat the soup, but her brother ate it.

2. 代词变换位置 (1) 不定式做主语时, 通常用 it 作形式主语 It is futile to resist temptation. 对 TO RESIST temptation is futile. 错 (2)that 从句做主语, 通常用 it 作形式主语 It gave us encouragement that we scored at all. 对 THAT we scored at all gave us encouragement. 错但是 it 在其他情况下都不可以指代从句 (3) 不定式或 that 从句做宾语, 用 it 作形式宾语 She made it possible for us to attend the movie. She made possible our attendance at the movie. She made our attendance at the movie possible. 都对 3. 有时候避免代词指代不清的一种方式就是用一个概括性的名词替代, 这样还可以避免直接用之前的名词造成重复 After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to hang the deer(the meat) from. Right: New "nano-papers" incorporate fibers that give THESE MATERIALS strength. 4. 代词使用的一些细微差别 (1) 单数代词指代单数名词 (2) 性别代词要一致,his/her/its (3) 重复的代词经常被认为指代的是同一个名词, 一个句子中所有的 it/they 始终指代同一个词 (4) 代词一般指代离其最近的名词, 但不能过于近了 ; EG: In the station house IT is considered taboo. it 不能指代 station house 大多数情况被指代词在代词之前, 但也有特殊的, 在其之后 EG: After he dried his tears, Jack made a smile. (5) 代词出现的平行位置 ( 主谓宾 ) 相同, 可视为相同指代 Note: 如果发现用以上代词指代的 5 原则竟然排除了所有 5 个选项, 那么只能放弃这 5 原则, 然后找找看其他的错误 ( 二 ) 修饰语 1.of 修饰短语 : of 短语修饰其前面的名词, 而代词则指代整个 of 介词短语的内容 (1)He had a way of dodging opponents that impressed the scouts. 在本句中,that 从句指代 a way of dodging opponents, 且 that 省略了更好, 而不是单指 a way Best: His way OF DODGING OPPONENTS impressed the scouts. (2)An ice sheet covers 80 percent of the surface of Greenland, an area roughly the size of Alaska. 2. 为避免主语修饰语过于冗长, 有时候会将修饰语后置 对 :A new CEO has been hired who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards. 错 :A new CEO who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards has

been hired. 3. 插入语, 在主语和谓语之间, 插入一个成分对主语进行进一步说明, 用逗号隔开 Our system of Presidential elections favors states, such as Delaware, that bv population are over-represented in the Electoral College. (that 修饰的是 states) 4. 平行修饰的时候, 其中一组修饰词一定紧跟着他们所修饰的名词 In heraldry, the term "tincture" refers to a color emblazoned on a coat of arms and labeled with a special French word. 总之, 名词修饰语一定要紧跟其修饰的对象, 少数情况例外 ( 三 ) 所有格 (1) 不要选择 Y of X s 这样的结构, 永远是错的 ; 要么 of X, 要么 X s (2) GMAT 在 80%~90% 情况下认为复数不能用所有格, 如 humans EG: : Certain humans' parasites have been shown to provide bacterial resistance and protection : Certain parasites in humans have been shown to provide bacterial resistance and protection 大部分名词用 of X 结构可以清晰替代所有格, 少部分如 sales, 要用 in 所有格, 不等同于普通名词, 不能简单修饰 ( 四 ) 当修饰一个集合名词的时候, 有三种常见修饰 (1) This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of which were only recently discovered. 错 : This model explains all known subatomic particles, of which some were only recently discovered. (2) This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them only recently discovered. 错 :This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them which were only recently discovered. (3) This model explains all known subatomic particles, some only recently discovered. 错 :This model explains all known subatomic particles, SOME OF WHICH only recently discovered. 其中的 some, 可能被替换成 any, none, all, more/most,many, each, either, neither, half, one ( 五 ) 从句与现在分词修饰 (1) 从句和分词都可以修饰主语或者谓语, 一般情况下可以通用, 但遇到一些有明显时态变 化的句子, 要根据具体情况而定 1 The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency ultimately culminating in the survival of just a few languages, according to some. 2 The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency that will ultimately culminate in the survival of just a few languages, according to some.( 这种句式又叫独立词 组 )

第二句好一些, 因为根据 ultimately 用将来时要好些 而第一句表明是现在时 在一道题里, 如果只有分词 ing 的形式不同, 那么通常从句 + 动词的形式 > 分词 ing 形式, 因为可以更清晰的表达时态的变化 (2) 实际上有两种修饰前句的方法 1 独立词组 : 如上述形式, 一般是一句结束后, 一个概括性名词 +that 从句 2 V-ing 形式 :V-ing 形式跟在主句后面, 有四个情况可用 :a. 做伴随状语 ;b. 表结果 ;c. 修饰其前面紧跟的名词 ( 在主系表结构中 )d. 修饰前面整句话, 例如 bring to 34 只海鸟那道题 Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world, suggesting the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.(suggesting 修饰 de 是前面整句话, 那个发现结果 ) 代词 : 12th Edition: 101, 113, 124, 132 Verbal Review: 71, 72, 74, 85, 102, 107 OR 2nd Edition: 50,68, 70, 80, 98, 105 修饰语 : 12th Edition: 102,103, 105, 107, 110, 111, 112, 115, 121, 126, D49 Verbal Review: 96, 110, 111, 112 OR 2nd Edition: 88, 90, 92, 96, 100, 108, 109, 110, 111 十二 动词和比较 ( 高阶 ) ( 一 ) 助动词 :be /do /have 1. 若出现时态变化, 则句子中助动词不能单独的使用 对 I have never seen an aardvark, but my father has. 错 I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father did. 对 I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one. 此处就不能用 has 替代 2. 助动词后省略的词一定要是原文之前出现过的 错 Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they are. 对 Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they do. They do 指代的是 they do inspire are, have 都只能代表主动时态 3. 情态动词 (1)Can, could, may,might, must, shall, should, will and would, 这些词在使用过程中不能 相互替换 有时候情态动词会与一些具有类似含义的动词发生重复, 要避免 比如在有 ensure 等 强调必须 义务的句子, 再用 have to/must 显得啰嗦 Wrong: This plan ensures that action must be taken. Right: This plan ensures that action will be taken. (2)Be to 在 GMAT 中永远是错误的, 用 will, 或者 should 替代 Wrong: We ARE TO receive an invitation. Right: We WILL receive an invitation. OR We SHOULD receive an invitation. (3)if 引导的条件句中, 不能用情态动词, 例如 should Awkward: SHOULD he PASS the test,he will graduate.

Right: IF he PASSES the test, he will graduate. ( 二 ) 动词的形式 1. 不定式 : 可以做名词, 形容词或副词 (1) 不定式的使用要符合逻辑意思 : The building was demolished to avoid falling down accidentally. 错 (avoid 的主语变成 building 是错的 ) The building was demolished to keep it from falling down accidentally. 对 (it 指代的是 building) (2) 不定式虽然可以做名词, 但跟普通名词还是有差别, 在前置短语里, 最好别用不定式, 而用 it 代替 且不定式也不能被形容词修饰 ( 但动名词可以 ) Awkward: TO ERR is human. Right: IT is human TO ERR. 2. 动名词 ( 可作主语, 宾语 ) (1) 经验 : 动名词做主语比不定式做主语更为常见, 但不绝对! (2) 一个名词放于动名词之前, 如果该名词是动名词的发起者, 那么要用所有格 Mike s swimming is the product of new coaching techniques. (3) 尽量避免用动名词所有格, 动词的名词形式要好一些, 如 her action>her acting 3. 分词 ( 可以用来修是一个词, 或者整个句子 ) 一个特殊的句型 : Having broken the lamp, she has been worrying all night. Having 的逻辑主语是 she 4. 根据语义, 使用现在分词, 不定式和其他形式不定式一般表目的, 不是出于某种目的去做某事, 一般不用不定式 A plan conquering the world is in his files. 正在 是 A plan that will conquer the world is his files. 将要 是.. A plan to conquer the world is in his files. 目的是. ( 三 )like & as 1.like 可以修饰名词和动词 (I danced LIKE you last night.), 但 like 后只能跟名词或代词 2.as 可以作为连词和介词也可以做对比 (1)as 作为连词 As I strolled to the store, I smelled the air. (while, during) 当 时候 I will not tell you, as you already know. (since, because) 因为 You should walk as she wants you to. (in the same way) 正如 (2) 做 象 / 相似于 讲 de 时候, 通常和 just,so,so too 一起, 连接 2 个句子, 或者连接一个 短语 + 句子 Right: JUST AS the trains were late yesterday, SO TOO are they late today. Right: AS in the previous case, the judge took an early break. (3)AS 作为介词, 表 作为, 当 而不是 象 As your leader, I am in charge. I think you as my friend. AS a child, I thought I could fly. (4)as as 结构 第一个 As 后面跟形容词或副词, 第二个 as 后面跟名词

They are as hungry as they were last night. (5) 举例只能用 As( 或 such as), 不能用 like Wrong :I enjoy fast food LIKE hamburgers.(=fast food SIMILAR TO hamburgers) Right: I enjoy fast food SUCH AS hamburgers. ( 四 ) 数字比较 1. 对 : 3 times as old as 错 :3 times older than ( 怎么能拿是 3 倍更老呢 ) 对 : 3 years older than 错 :3 years as old as 2. 有时候用 times, 不要 as 或 than, 表示直接修饰 The cost of a ticket is $12, six times the cost ten years ago. The concert was attended by 300 people, twice the previous attendance. 3.more, less 很灵活, 可作名词, 形容词或副词 I own more than I should. 名词 I own more shirts than I should. 形容词 I sleep more than I should. 副词但是 higher, greater, lower 等只能用作形容词 I spend lower than I did last year. My bills are lower than they were last year. 4. 比较双方一定要对等, 且一定要清晰 (1) We have even more efficient engines than before. 此句意思模糊, 应改为 : We have even more engines that are efficient than before. 或者 We have engines even more efficient than before. (2) 一些表示比较词,exceed, surpass, 前后比较对象也要对等 The incidence of the disease among men exceeds the incidence among women. (3) In addition to, 通常放在句首, 表示另外的一个例子 IN ADDITION TO taxes, death is inevitable. ( 同类 ) IN ADDITION TO Munster cheese, I like Swiss. ( 不同类事物 ) 动词时态 语态和主被动 : 12th Edition: 122, 128, 139 Verbal Review: 80, 86, 95, 103 OR 2nd Edition: 76, 79, 81, 89, 99, 104 比较 : 12th Edition: 108, 123, 125, 131, 136, 138,047,052 Verbal Review: 94, 98, 101, 105, 106 OR 2nd Edition: 87, 93, 97, 102, 103