瞄准新托业 ( 全真模拟试题篇 ) [ 美 ] Jeff Santarlasci 著 北京

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瞄准新托业 ( 全真模拟试题篇 ) [ 美 ] Jeff Santarlasci 著 北京

Jeff Santarlasci 瞄準新多益 字彙文法篇 :Jeff 老師教你征服必考字彙與焦點文法 EISBN:978-986-157-719-7 Copyright 2010 by Jeff Santarlasci All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including without limitation photocopying, recording, taping, or any database, information or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. This authorized Chinese translation is jointly published by McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) and Tsinghua University Press. This edition is authorized for sale in the People s Republic of China only, excluding Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Taiwan. Copyright 2012 by McGraw-Hill Education (Asia), a division of the Singapore Branch of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and Tsinghua University Press. 版权所有 未经出版人事先书面许可, 对本出版物的任何部分不得以任何方式或途径复制或传播, 包括但不限于复印 录制 录音, 或通过任何数据库 信息或可检索的系统 本授权中文简体字翻译版由麦格劳 - 希尔 ( 亚洲 ) 教育出版公司和清华大学出版社合作出版 此版本经授权仅限在中华人民共和国境内 ( 不包括香港特别行政区 澳门特别行政区和台湾 ) 销售 版权 2012 由麦格劳 - 希尔 ( 亚洲 ) 教育出版公司与清华大学出版社所有 北京市版权局著作权合同登记号图字 :01-2012-6866 本书封面贴有 McGraw-Hill 公司防伪标签, 无标签者不得销售 版权所有, 侵权必究 侵权举报电话 :010-62782989 13701121933 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据 瞄准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 )/( 美 ) 圣塔拉斯奇 (Santarlasci, J.) 著. 北京 : 清华大学出版社,2012.11 ISBN 978-7-302-30149-3 Ⅰ. 1 瞄 Ⅱ. 1 圣 Ⅲ. 1 英语水平考试 词汇 自学参考资料 2 英语水平考试 语法 自学参考资料 Ⅳ. 1H310.41 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2012) 第 222983 号 责任编辑 : 陈莉王佳佳封面设计 : 周周设计局版式设计 : 思创景点责任校对 : 成凤进责任印制 : 出版发行 : 清华大学出版社 网 址 :http://www.tup.com.cn,http://www.wqbook.com 地 址 : 北京清华大学学研大厦 A 座 邮 编 :100084 社总机 :010-62770175 邮 购 :010-62786544 投稿与读者服务 :010-62776969,c-service@tup.tsinghua.edu.cn 质量反馈 :010-62772015,zhiliang@tup.tsinghua.edu.cn 印刷者 : 装订者 : 经 销 : 全国新华书店 开 本 :185mm 260mm 印 张 :25.75 字 数 :564 千字 版 次 :2012 年 11 月第 1 版 印 次 :2012 年 11 月第 1 次印刷 附光盘一张 印 数 :1~5000 定 价 :55.00 元 产品编号 :

简 介 Introduction 简介 After the wonderful success of Target New TOEIC: Listening, I am pleased to be back with this second guide to improve your score on the TOEIC exam. Feedback on the Target New TOEIC: Listening book has been so positive that I doubled my efforts to get this volume into your hands. I trust that you will find it as easy to use and beneficial as the first book. 在 瞄准新托业 ( 听力篇 ) 成功推出后, 很高兴能再次来帮助改善你的托业成绩 读者对听力篇的正面回馈, 也激励我加倍努力地将本书呈现给你 我相信你会发现本书和听力篇一样的简单且令你受益 001

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) A balance between knowledge and skills 知识和技巧的平衡 In this book, we will take the same basic approach as we did in the Listening guide. First, I will provide you with the knowledge that you ll need in order to get the best possible score you can get. However, knowledge is merely the foundation of a good score. On the grammar and vocabulary sections, you need more than simply knowledge of sentences patterns and parts of speech; you must be able to apply your knowledge in an organized and logical way. Further, you must be able to complete your analysis in a timely manner. The grammar and vocabulary section of the test is not only testing your knowledge of the basic building blocks of English. Because the exam is timed, it is also testing how proficient you are using those tools. Our goal is to enable you to recognize the correct answer in the shortest amount of time possible. The only way to reach that goal is to continue using the successful approach we employed in the first volume of this series: lay a solid foundation of knowledge and then build a strong set of testing skills upon that base. 在本书中, 我们采取和 瞄准新托业 ( 听力篇 ) 一样的基本模式 首先, 我 会提供一些能帮助你取得最佳成绩的知识 但是知识只是最佳成绩的基础 在语 法和词汇单元中, 你需要更进阶的句型和词性知识, 并且必须能有组织且有逻辑 性地运用你的知识 再者, 你必须能及时地完成分析 语法和词汇单元不仅是考 你对英文基本架构的知识, 因为考试的时间有限, 这两个单元也在测试你对这些 知识的熟练程度 我们的目标是让你尽可能在最短的时间内找出正确答案 而达 到这个目标的唯一方法就是继续使用我们在第一本书中的成功模式 : 搭建稳固的 知识基础, 再将坚不可摧的考试技巧搭建于基础之上 002

简 介 A focus on the questions, not just the answers 将重点放在问题上, 而不只是在答案选项上 My approach in this book will be different from many other books on the market that spend most of their time focusing on the answers to the questions. While it is necessary to recognize the answers, for example, on the vocabulary questions, simply recognizing the answers does not provide you with the knowledge of which of the four choices is the correct one. In order to know which choice is the best one, the examinee s focus needs to be on the question. 我在本书中所使用的方法, 和其他市面上花很多时间在答案选项上的书有很大的不同 以词汇问题来说, 若把注意力放在寻找正确的答案选项上, 这并不能告诉你四个选项中哪一个才是真正的正确答案 而为了要知道哪一个才是最佳选项, 考生的注意力需要放在问题上 Regardless of whether the student is attempting to answer a grammar question or a vocabulary question, the key to ascertaining the correct answer is included somewhere in the question. In order to perform well on the exam, the examinee must be able to identify the key clue within the question sentence. When I say that this is the key to a great performance on the exam, I mean it in both senses of the word. Each question will feature an important word or phrase that will allow you to either choose the correct answer or, at the very least, eliminate some of the incorrect answer choices. In this way, these key words and phrases are also the key that will unlock the correct answer for you. This balanced and thorough approach to the grammar and vocabulary sections of the TOEIC exam will allow you to face the test with confidence. 无论学生要回答的是一个语法问题还是一个词汇问题, 要确定正确答案的关键就藏在题目某处 而为了要在考试中取得好成绩, 考生必须能够找出题目中的关键线索 当我提到这是在考试中取得好成绩的关键时, 我指的是 key 这个词的双重词义 每个问题都有一个重要的单词或词组能帮助你找出正确的答案或至少消去一些错误的答案选项 因此, 这些 关键 (key) 的单词和词组同时也是为你开启正确答案之门的 钥匙 (key) 以这个全面性的方法来应对托业考试的语法和词汇单元, 将能帮助你自信地面对考试 003

C ONTENTS 目录 简介 001 读前测验 005 第一章语法 单元一 : 你要知道的事 024 基本的句型 024 词性 028 形容词 028 名词 029 动词 034 副词 043 介词和介词短语 046 连词 047 代词 056 动名词和分词 064 副词 连词和介词 070 单元二 : 你要做的事 071 语法规范 075 第一步 : 评估答案 075 第二步 : 评估语境 082 第三步 : 排除不可能的答案 ( 有必要时 ) 094 整合总结 101 范例 1 101 范例 2 102 范例 3 103 第二章词汇单元一 : 你要知道的事 114 如何运用词汇课程 114 词汇的解释 118 关键词汇 120 教程 1 120 教程 2 128

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) 教程 3 135 教程 4 142 教程 5 149 教程 6 156 教程 7 163 教程 8 168 教程 9 175 教程 10 182 教程 11 189 教程 12 196 教程 13 203 教程 14 210 教程 15 215 教程 16 222 教程 17 229 教程 18 236 教程 19 243 教程 20 250 教程 21 257 教程 22 262 教程 23 269 教程 24 276 教程 25 283 教程 26 290 教程 27 297 教程 28 304 教程 29 309 教程 30 316 教程 31 323 教程 32 330 教程 33 337 教程 34 344 教程 35 351 单元二 : 你要做的事 357 名词 357 注意空格之后的介词 358 注意动词 359 注意整个句子的上下文 360 动词 365 注意主语和宾语 365 注意整个句子的上下文 366 形容词 370 II

目 录 注意名词 370 注意上下文内容 371 副词 375 注意动词 375 注意形容词 376 注意上下文内容 376 连词 381 读后测验 387 III

Pre test 读前测验

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) PART 5 For each question in this part, a word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter A, B, C, or D. 1. ------- who have a background in experimental laboratory procedures will be given priority. A This B That C These D Those 2. The meeting was attended by several hundred company associates, including the entire management team ------- Southeast Asia and Australia. A from B with C during D in 3. Kelly Hopczech s success comes, in part, from the way that she ------- her colleagues to strive for perfection. A inspires B inspiring C inspiration D inspirationally 4. The fine wines sold by the shop were priced ------- and packaged in an attractive manner. A reasonable B reason C reasoning D reasonably 006

读前测验 5. Of all of the guides, only the young woman was ------- enough to communicate effectively. A old B fluent C technical D frequent 6. The unfortunate ------- of bad weather and a flat tire resulted in our late arrival. A lack B priority C combination D variety 7. Because Lisa Freeman was still feeling ill, she decided to ------- the rest of the week off in order to recuperate. A take B taking C took D will take 8. Unless the specifications are reproduced -------, it will be impossible to guarantee the quality of the merchandise. A typically B restlessly C unanimously D exactly 007

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) 9. Wages are generally ------- than last year due to the high rate of unemployment. A low B lower C lowering D lowly 10. The amount of beachfront property ------- by the storm exceeded the expectations of most insurance analysts. A founded B located C damaged D directed 11. The ------- of the bankrupt corporation assets will begin at 9 a.m. on Monday. A sale B saleable C sell D sold 12. It is the responsibility of each individual employee to make sure that your packet contains both your tax documents ------- your proof of insurance. A and B but C furthermore D if 13. Although she was criticized for her high level of ------- for her services, Ms. Chappelle helped increase corporate profits by 23%. A compensate B compensation C compensatory D compensated 008

读前测验 14. No movie has grossed such a large amount of money ------- the last film directed by Ari Polmeroy. A when B since C because D from 15. If young workers invest ------- during the early years of their careers, they can retire earlier. A wise B wisdom C wisely D wisest 16. According to the regulations, the person ------- is the last to leave the building is responsible for making certain that the gate is locked. A who B whom C where D when 17. The only property in the area that was still available for sale was located ------- to the city border. A prior B adjacent C approached D approximate 009

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) 18. Dr. Kenniston was given ------- to access the records of all of the patients formerly treated by Dr. Bohr. A treatment B total C permission D proposition 19. The western district turned a profit in the most recent quarter, but it was --- ---- given the losses in all of the other districts. A implemented B insignificant C imposed D instructive 20. Suspicious by nature, the security guard monitored the movements of the newcomer ------- for any signs of inappropriate behavior. A nearly B merely C closely D exceedingly 21. Mr. Hammond was asked to deliver the address only -------, and was not asked to do so again. A once B finally C ever D never 010

读前测验 22. Warmer clothing will not be necessary ------- the end of the year or for daytrips higher in the mountains. A whether B until C besides D either 23. ------- about receiving a raise, Mitchell immediately asked everyone to join him for dinner. A Excite B Excited C Excitement D Excitedly 24. The lower prices offered by Yuma Construction enabled them to ------- in the bidding for the urban renewal project. A precede B prevent C prevail D predict 25. Applicants should be self-motivated and ------- while also being capable to coordinate with other members of the staff. A independent B independently C independence D more independently 011

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) 26. The products were only sold in bulk until -------, when they were repackaged as individual units. A timely B frequently C hardly D recently 27. Many younger consumers are attracted ------- items featuring popular music groups. A for B from C than D to 28. Holly Marsden stressed that, ------- speaking, the plans could never be implemented within such a short timeframe. A practice B practical C practicing D practically 29. Francine saw ------- as an expert in customer relations because of her extensive experience and educational background. A it B her C herself D she 012

读前测验 30. The few moments of ------- by the other bidder allowed Greg Matsui to make one final offer on the auctioned painting. A hesitation B installation C derivation D information 31. Absences will not be permitted ------- a supervisor has been notified. A unless B despite C because of D in case of 32. The decision was rendered against her proposal, though Maria had argued the benefits of the plans quite ------- prior to the vote. A persuasive B persuasively C persuade D persuades 33. The regulations ------- at the beginning of the year resulted in an increase of safety in the manufacturing plant. A implement B implementing C implemented D implements 013

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) 34. It was assumed that the new secretary would be ------- enough to handle routine tasks without the input of a supervisor. A capable B improbable C useable D feasible 35. The bonus money was divided equally ------- the members of the team who worked on the project. A between B for C in order to D among 36. Despite her ------- casual dress, Selena still managed to get herself admitted to the formal dinner and interview the singing star. A interestingly B inappropriately C inevitably D incomprehensibly 37. The computer model was ------- received by the scientists, even though it was not completely accurate. A easy B most C well D worse 014

读前测验 38. Often, younger employees are favored over older ones because youngsters show greater ------- in dynamic situations. A doubt B flexibility C legibility D legality 39. While the previous department head may have ------- relaxed security protocols, Ms. Deever vows to be more vigilant. A remained B included C tolerated D impressed 40. Sales figures were lower in the current quarter, though lower costs on the manufacturing side were an ------- sign of progress. A encourage B encouragingly C encouraging D encouragement 015

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) PART 6 Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter A, B, C, or D. To: Mike Barton From: Billing Department, Transco Deliveries Date: April 24 Mr. Barton, Enclosed you will find your billing statement for the first quarter of the year. The top half of the invoice ------- the charges for pick-ups at your office. 41. A items B itemize C itemizes D itemization The bottom ------- invoices the items that you accepted from customers for 42. A exhibition B settlement C procedure D portion payment upon delivery. The total charges for the quarter are listed on the second sheet, as well as any taxes incurred. 016

读前测验 Included with your billing statement is a brief customer survey. If it is ------- to do so, please return it with your payment. 43. A most convenient B conveniently C convenience D convenient Your comments are important to us as we try to increase customer satisfaction. Thank you for doing business with Transco Deliveries. Grand Opening Announcement Westchester s is proud to announce the grand opening of our 20th store in the greater metropolitan area. To celebrate our expansion, we will ------- deep discounts in all departments, including children s clothing, 44. A to offer B be offered C be offering D have offered automotive supplies, and home electronics. ------- sale prices will be in effect all weekend long. 45. A It s B Ours C We D Our 017

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) About Westchester s Westchester s was founded in 1987. Our first store (now our flagship showroom) is located in the heart of the downtown district. We serve the community with low prices on ------- merchandise. Westchester s is an 46. A quality B rapidity C productivity D frequent equal opportunity employer. For further information, see our webpage. Email Inbox To: Stefan (stefan_fanta@goldring.com.net) Subject: Your Appraisal Recently Received I am contacting you regarding the appraisal I have just received from your jewelry shop. According to the information you sent me, the antique necklace I had you ------- is worth only $200. I was under the impression that the value 47. A examine B examination C examined D exam would be at least three times that amount. In your explanation, you state that the necklace is made of 14 carat gold. However, according to the documentation that came with the piece when 018

读前测验 I ------- it, the necklace is composed of 24 carat gold. Obviously, there is an 48. A purchased B required C recorded D decorated error somewhere and I would like to set up an appointment to speak to you personally. Please ------- with the most convenient times to schedule a meeting. I would 49. A respond B response C responsive D responding like to get to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible. Attention All Employees New security measures will be going into ------- on the first of the month. 50. A rule B effect C requirement D connection These measures will affect all personnel with offices in the Parker Building. 019

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) First, ------- only being required to show ID upon entering the building, you 51. A because of B sort of C kind of D instead of will now be required to have your ID tag visible at all times. Lanyards will be distributed so that ID cards can be worn around the neck comfortably and conveniently. Also, employees who park in the parking level will need to show their ID to the parking attendant in order to gain admittance. Further, the parking level will no longer be available for parking on weekends. It will close at 11 p.m. on every Friday and reopen at 6 a.m. on Monday. We hope these new rules will make our work environment more secure. We ------- your cooperation with these new procedures. 52. A appreciate B appreciated C are appreciating D are appreciated ANSWER 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. C 41. C 42. D 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. A 47. A 48. A 49. A 50. B 51. D 52. A 020

第一章语法 第一章 Grammar 语法 021

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Structure and Content of Parts 5 and 6 Parts 5 和 Parts 6 的结构与内容 Part 5 of the TOEIC exam features single, independent sentences with a word or short phrase missing. Part 6 features longer passages in which several sentences will feature a missing word or short phrase. Some of the questions will be testing grammar and some will be testing vocabulary. Questions featuring answers consisting of four words with similar roots but different suffixes are testing your knowledge of grammar. 托业考试中的 Part 5 着重在单一且独立的句子上, 句中只遗漏了一个单词或一个短语 而 Part 6 则着重在由好几个句子组成的短文中所遗漏的一个单词或一个短语上 有些问题考的是语法, 但有些考的则是词汇 问题的特色在于选项中包含了四个词根相似但后缀不同的单词, 以测验你在语法上的知识 As all students studying English as a second language know, basic English grammar and sentence patterns are not difficult to understand, but for almost any grammar rule, it seems there are always exceptions and special circumstances to consider. The good news is that the TOEIC exam doesn t test exceptions and special circumstances, only basic grammar rules and sentence constructions. 就像所有将英语当成第二语言来学习的学生所知道的, 基本的英文语法和句型一点都不难, 但似乎任何一条语法规则都有其例外及特别要考虑的情况 好消息是, 托业考试不会考那些例外和特别的情况, 要考的是基本的语法规则和句型结构 What You Need to Know 你要知道的事 In order to prepare for the grammar questions on parts 5 and 6, examinees need to be familiar with the basic sentence patterns of English. Also, they must understand how the basic building blocks of English function in a sentence and 022

第一章语法 the ways these basic pieces interact with each other and change in different situations. The examinee must also be able to differentiate between the different parts of speech based on the endings of the words appearing as answer choices. In this section of the book, the examinee will review these basic sentence patterns and endings and become familiar with the way nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions are tested on the TOEIC exam. 为了准备 Part 5 和 Part 6 的语法问题, 有些基本英文句型是考生应该熟悉的, 同时必须了解这些英文的基础在句子中运作的方式, 以及在不同的情况下, 这些基本概念如何互相影响与改变 考生还必须能够根据选项中的单词后缀来判断其不同的词性 在本书的此单元中, 考生将会复习到这些基本的句型和后缀, 并熟悉托业考试用来考名词 动词 形容词 副词 代词 连词和介词的方法 What You Need to Do 你要做的事 In order to identify the correct answer as quickly as possible, you must be able to analyze the question in an efficient manner. You must be able to recognize the clues that allow you differentiate the correct answers from the incorrect answers. In this section of the book, you will be taught how to evaluate the questions in a step-by-step manner in order to preserve both a high rate of accuracy and a high rate of speed. 为了尽快找出正确选项, 你必须利用高效的方法来分析题目, 抓住能让 你从错误的选项中选出正确答案的线索 本书此单元中, 将会一步一步带领 你学会一种既能提高答题正确率又能兼顾速度的分析问题的方法 023

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Section 1: What You Need to Know 单元一 : 你要知道的事 In order to be able to evaluate grammar questions on parts 5 and 6, the examinee needs to be completely familiar with the basic sentence patterns of English. For most examinees facing the TOEIC exam, the patterns will likely be familiar. However, in order to maximize your score, the examinee must be more than simply familiar; he must be confident and efficient in his evaluation. Thus, as a basis for our step-bystep analysis to be discussed in Section 2: What You Need to Do, we must first make certain that we lay a good foundation. In order to build that foundation, examinees need to remember two sentences: 为了能够分析 Part 5 和 Part 6 的语法问题, 考生需要熟悉英文的基本句型 大多数的考生在面对托业考试时, 会觉得那些句型看起来都很熟悉, 但为了尽可能地得到高分, 不只要熟悉这些句型, 还必须在分析时具有信心和效率 因此, 在第二单元中所讨论到按部就班的分析基础即为 : 你要做的事, 我们首先必须确定我们的基础打得够扎实 为了建立基础, 考生需要记住两个句子 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests basic sentence patterns. 托业考试很简单 ; 托业考试考的是基本的句型 Basic sentence patterns 基本的句型 Examinees facing the grammar section of the TOEIC exam need to be completely familiar with the basic sentence patterns of English. The two sentences above are a good place to begin: 考生在面对托业考试的语法单元时需要熟悉英文的基本句型, 上面这两个句 子是很好的起点 : The first sentence features one of the most common sentence patterns in English. It 024

第一章语法 is the pattern used to describe people, things, and events: 第一个句子是英文里最常见的句型之一, 用于描述人物 东西和事件 : noun + be-verb + description (adjective, prepositional phrase) 名词 +be 动词 + 叙述 ( 形容词 介词词组 ) The second sentence also illustrates one of the most common sentence patterns in English. It is used to indicate that one person, thing, or event has done something to a second person, thing or event (known as active voice): 第二个句子也是英文里最常见的句型之一 此句型用来指出某人 某物或某 事对另一个人 东西或事件做了某件事 ( 主动语态 ): noun + verb or noun + verb + noun 名词 + 动词或名词 + 动词 + 名词 These two sentences both illustrate our first basic principle of English grammar. Somewhere between the first word of the sentence and the final period, every sentence must have a verb (or verb phrase) or a be-verb. Further, a sentence can only have one verb or be-verb (unless the sentence also contains a conjunction, something we ll discuss later). Thus, the following examples are not correct English sentences: 这两个句子都说明了英文语法的第一个基本原则, 每一个句子在句首第一个词到最后的句点间一定会有一个动词 ( 或动词词组 ) 或一个 be 动词 而且, 一个句子只能有一个动词或 be 动词 ( 除非句中包含了连词, 我们稍后再讨论 ) 因此, 下面这些例子都不是正确的英文句子 : The TOEIC exam easy..( ) The exam is tests basic sentence patterns. ( ) By slightly altering these two sentences, we can also illustrate the other two basic 025

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) sentence patterns. Instead of saying The TOEIC exam is easy, we could say: 通过稍微改变一下上面这两个句子, 我们还可以说明另外两个基本的句型 除了 The TOEIC exam is easy, 我们还可以说 : The TOEIC exam is an easy test. The exam tests basic sentence patterns. In this case, instead of describing the subject of the sentence, we are equating that thing with another thing. Again, the be-verb is required to connect the objects together. We can also slightly alter the second sentence in the following way: 在这个例子中, 我们以另外一件事来与句中的主语画上等号, 而非直接描述该 主语 但还是需要用 be 动词来连接宾语 我们也可以把第二个句子稍微改变一下 : The TOEIC exam is an easy test. Basic sentence patterns are tested. This example illustrates the fourth basic sentence pattern with which examinees need to be familiar. Instead of the subject of the sentence doing something to the object, the subjected is acted upon (known as passive voice): 这个例子点出了考生需要熟悉的第四个基本句型 句中的主语是被动作者 ( 被 动语态 ), 而非主动对宾语做出某事 : noun + be-verb + past participle 名词 +be 动词 + 过去分词 These four patterns are the basic building blocks of almost all the sentences used to test grammar on parts 5 and 6 of the TOEIC exam. Please note that most of the sentences the examinee will face on the exam are compound or complex sentences, but these will be composed of the four sentence patterns we have just examined above. 这四个句型几乎是托业考试在 Part 5 和 Part 6 语法测验中所有句子的基础 请注意, 考生在考试中面临的大多数句子都是复合句或结构复杂的句子, 但这些 句子都是由上面分析过的这四个基本句型所组成的 026

第一章语法 Exercise This exercise uses a simplification of a type of question formerly featured on the TOEIC exam to train you to evaluate basic English sentences. Read the following sentences. Evaluate whether the sentences are correct or incorrect. 在本练习中, 我们会将句型简单化, 以托业考试中着重的单一类型考题来训练你分析基本英文句子的能力 请仔细阅读下面这些句子, 并分析句子的对与错 1. The meeting is over. correct / incorrect 2. The presentations for a long time. correct / incorrect 3. A taxi brings the CEO. correct / incorrect 4. My secretary is a student. correct / incorrect 5. The construction blocks traffic. correct / incorrect 6. Coffee available in the restaurant. correct / incorrect 7. Your résumé in the envelope. correct / incorrect 8. The interviews are occur every day. correct / incorrect 9. The goal for the next year. correct / incorrect 10. I am know the procedures. correct / incorrect ANSWER 1. correct 2. incorrect 3. correct 4. correct 5. correct 6. incorrect 7. incorrect 8. incorrect 9. incorrect 10. incorrect 027

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Parts of Speech 词性 In addition to being familiar with the basic sentence patterns of English, the examinee must also show that he understands the grammar rules that govern the elements comprising those sentences. Thus, the examinee needs to be familiar with the basic parts of speech used in English. 除了要熟悉英文的基本句型外, 考生也必须对构成句子元素的语法规则有所 了解 因此, 考生必须熟悉英文中的基本词性 Adjectives 形容词 Remaining focused on our original example sentences, you will notice four parts of speech: nouns, verbs, be-verbs, and adjectives. Let s look at the function of adjectives. 我们继续以最初的例句来说明, 你会看到名词 动词 be 动词和形容词四种 词性 我们先从形容词的功能来看 The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests basic sentence patterns. The first sentence features two adjectives. The most obvious one is the word easy, the adjective that completes our first basic sentence pattern described above: 第一个句子中包含有两个形容词 最明显的形容词即为 easy 这个词, 该 形容词完整地呈现出我们之前提过的第一个基本句型 : noun + be-verb + adj 名词 +be 动词 + 形容词 However, the subject of this example sentence, exam, is also modified by another adjective, TOEIC. This brings us to our second basic principle of English grammar. In general, the word TOEIC is considered to be a thing, a noun. However, in this case, it is not acting as a noun, but instead acting as an adjective. Note the similar situation in the second sentence. The object of that sentence is 028

第一章语法 patterns. The word just before patterns is sentence. You can pause now and look in any dictionary you may have handy; I guarantee the word sentence will be characterized as a noun. However, the role of sentence in this case is to modify the word patterns. Thus, examinees should not spend time worrying about what a word is ; the key to performing well is to focus on what the word does in the sentence. In addition to sentence, the more traditional adjective, basic, is also used to modify the word patterns. 但是, 这个例句的主语 exam 同时也被另一个形容词 TOEIC 所修饰, 而这点则将我们带入了英文语法的第二个基本原则 一般来说, TOEIC 这个词被视为一样东西, 一个名词 但在这个例子中, 它的角色并不是名词, 而是形容词 第二个句子也有类似的情况, 宾语是 patterns, 而前面的词是 sentence 你可以暂停一下去查查手边的字典, 我保证 sentence 这个词会被归类为名词 但是在这个例子中, sentence 的角色是用来修饰 patterns 这个词的, 因此, 考生不应该花时间担心单词的 本身, 要得到好成绩的关键在于要着眼于句中单词的 作用 除了 sentence 之外, 还有一个更典型的形容词 basic, 也是用来修饰 patterns 这个词的 Thus, adjectives are generally seen in two contexts, after a be-verb to describe a subject and in front of a noun anywhere in the sentence. 因此, 形容词通常会出现在文章中的两个位置, 一个是在 be 动词的后面, 用 于描述主语 ; 一个是在句中的任何位置都有可能出现的名词前面 Nouns 名词 Another key player in any basic sentence is the person, thing, or event that is being described or is doing or receiving the action. In general, these things are nouns. Most examinees have studied large number of grammar rules associated with nouns, including fairly complex and detailed concepts such as when to use an article like the or a, or which nouns are countable and which are uncountable. However, on the TOEIC exam, there are only a few grammar rules associated with nouns that are actually tested. 029

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) 在基本句型中, 另外一个关键的角色即为被描写 做动作或接受动作的人 东西或事件 一般来说, 这些都是名词 大多数的考生都读过很多有关名词的语法规则, 包括一些既复杂又详细的概念, 像是什么时候要用冠词 the 或 a, 或者是哪些名词是 可数的, 哪些又是 不可数的 但是, 在托业考试中, 只有其中一部分关于名词的语法规则会考到 Countable vs. Uncountable 可数 vs. 不可数 The nouns used in our example sentences are both countable nouns. This means that they can be either singular or plural (which we will examine below). The exam may test your knowledge of countable and uncountable nouns by forcing you choose a specific counting word to characterize a countable or uncountable noun. Let s modify our example sentences again: 用在例句中的名词都是可数名词, 这也表示这些名词不是单数就是复数 ( 这点我们稍后再讨论 ) 考试中为了要考你有关可数和不可数名词的知识, 会要求你选择一个特定的计量词以描绘出一个可数或不可数名词的特性 再稍微修饰一下先前的例句 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests many basic sentence patterns. Here, the counting word, many, is the appropriate choice to describe the countable noun, patterns. However, if we make another change, the counting word must change as well. 在这里, 计量词 many 是用来描述可数名词 patterns 的适当选择 但假 如我们再做另一个变化, 计量词也会跟着改变 The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests much grammar. In this case, the correct counting word, much, is used to characterize the uncountable noun, grammar. 的特性 在这个例子中, 正确的计量词 much 被用来阐述不可数名词 grammar 030

第一章语法 The following chart contains some commonly used counting words that may require you to pay attention to whether the noun is countable or uncountable. 下面这张表格涵盖了一些常见的计量词, 而你要注意的是该名词是可数名词 还是不可数名词 Countable 可数 Uncountable 不可数 Either 两者皆可 many much a lot of / lots of few less some most Singular vs. Plural 单数 vs. 复数 If a noun is a countable noun, the TOEIC exam may test your ability to judge whether the noun is singular or plural. One of the main ways this will be tested is through the use of counting words as we saw when testing countable vs. uncountable. As a matter of fact, we can use the same example we just used above: 假如某个名词是可数名词, 托业考试可能会考你判断该名词是单数名词或复 数名词的能力 其中一个主要会考的重点是透过计量词的使用, 就像在可数 vs. 不 可数名词中考的那样 事实上, 我们可以利用上述相同的例句来说明 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests many basic sentence patterns. The counting word, many, not only indicates that that the noun, patterns, should be countable; it simultaneously tells the examinee that the plural form is the correct form. The following chart contains counting words and phrases that can be used to test your knowledge of singular and plural usage on the TOEIC exam. 计量词 many 不只指出名词 patterns 应该是个可数名词, 同时也告诉 考生复数形式才是正确的 下面这张表格包含了托业考试中测试你关于单复数知 识的计量词或词组 031

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Singular 单数 Plural 复数 each most (of) several (of) every many (of) each (one) of a lot of every (one) of lots of Counting words are not the only way to test an examinee s ability using singular and plural nouns. In fact, the TOEIC exam has an even more subtle way of doing so, by testing the agreement between the subject and the verb. 计量词不是用来测试考生使用单复数名词能力的唯一方法 事实上, 托业考 试有另一个更好的方法来测试这项能力, 也就是利用主语和动词的一致性来测试 032

第一章语法 Exercise As above, read the following sentences and determine if the sentence is correct or not. Challenge yourself to complete this exercise without referring back to the charts on the previous pages. 如前所述, 阅读下列句子并判断句子是否正确 试着在不查看前几页的表格的情况下, 挑战自己能否完成本次练习 1. Many of the executive are not available. correct / incorrect 2. Each of the employee are present. correct / incorrect 3. Most analysts agree about the trend. correct / incorrect 4. The company pay for all of the charge. correct / incorrect 5. Rita fills out a form each day. correct / incorrect 6. A lot of calls are recorded. correct / incorrect 7. Jasper is responsible for most of the error. correct / incorrect 8. The supervisor respect every people. correct / incorrect 9. All of the performances are phenomenal. correct / incorrect 10. This year, less people is interested. correct / incorrect ANSWER 1. incorrect 2. incorrect 3. correct 4. incorrect 5. correct 6. correct 7. incorrect 8. incorrect 9. correct 10. incorrect 033

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Verbs 动词 As just mentioned above, the second way in which nouns are tested on the TOEIC exam is in relation to verbs. As all examinees are aware, the grammar of verbs can seem complicated. However, there are only three variables with which the examinee needs to be concerned: agreement, tense, and voice. Within these three variables, there are, of course, a great number of details. Nevertheless, if the examinee can learn to evaluate verbs based on these three factors, verbs will not pose a problem on the grammar questions of the TOEIC exam. 就像我们之前提过的, 托业考试中测试名词的第二种方法与动词有关 所有的考生都知道, 动词的语法可以是很复杂的, 然而, 只有三种变化是考生需要注意的 : 一致性 时态和语态 在这三种变化中, 当然还存在很多细节, 不过, 假如考生能够掌握如何根据这三个因素来分析动词, 那么动词就不会对你在托业考试的语法问题造成困扰了 Agreement 一致性 In English, there are times when the subject of the sentence has to agree with the verb. In most cases, however, agreement is not necessary. Of all the possible verb tenses in English, there are only six cases where the verb must be changed to agree with the subject: 在英文中, 句中的主语有时候得和动词保持 一致 但在大多数情况下, 一致性并不是必要的 在所有可能出现的英文动词时态中, 只有六种情况必须要 改变动词以保持和主语的一致性 : be-verb be 动词 action verb 一般动词 Past 过去式 1st person and 3rd person singular: was All others: were Present 现在式 1st person singular: am 3rd person singular: is All others: are 3rd person singular: add s or es 034

第一章语法 Thus, if we alter the noun subjects in our example sentences, the verbs must change as well: 因此, 假如我们改变了例句中的名词主语, 那么动词也要跟着改变 : The TOEIC questions are easy. The questions test basic sentence patterns. This concept is not difficult for most examinees, but you must remember to be aware the agreement issue. 这个观念对大多数的考生来说并不困难, 但你一定要注意一致性的问题 Tense 时态 For anyone who wants to communicate effectively in English, completely mastering the verb tenses in English is imperative. You must learn to master not only the grammar rules, but also completely comprehend the subtle differences between the tenses and be adept at judging when it is appropriate to use each. The good news is that you are not trying to learn to communicate effectively in English; you are only preparing to take a multiple-choice grammar exam. Thus, there is no need for you to understand the fine distinctions between these tenses. In fact, for most questions that are testing different forms of the same verb, you need only make a distinction between past, present, and future tense. In order to perform well on the TOEIC exam, you must be aware of the following points: 对任何想用英文来做有效沟通的人来说, 完全掌握英文的动词时态是很重要的一件事 你不仅要学习精通语法规则, 还要完全理解各个时态之间的细微差别且善于判断各个时态的使用时机 好消息是, 你不必尝试去学习如何以英文做有效的沟通, 你只需要准备好去考个选择题式的语法考试 因此, 你不需要了解各个时态之间的细微差异, 事实上, 大多数问题考的都是同一个动词的不同形式而已, 你只需要在过去 现在和未来时态之间做出判断就可以了 为了在托业考试中得到高分, 你得注意下面几个要点 : 035

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Present Tense 现在式 Simple present tense is used to describe an action that is habitual. In other words, the action generally occurs under normal conditions. Consider our example sentences again: 现在简单式用于描述一个习以为常的动作 换句话说, 就是指在正常情况下 经常会发生的动作 再看一次我们的例句 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The TOEIC exam tests basic sentence patterns. In both the first and the second sentence, the present tense indicates that these two situations are generally true. Thus, although both sentences use the present tense, that does not mean that a TOEIC exam is being conducted at this moment; it simply means that when TOEIC exams are conducted, they are easy and test basic sentence patterns. 在第一个和第二个句子中, 现在式指出这两种情况基本上是真的 因此, 虽然这两个句子都是使用现在式, 但并不表示此时此刻正有一个托业考试在进行 中, 这只说明了当托业考试举行时, 这些题目是简单的, 而且考的是基本句型 The use of the present progressive form of the verb, on the other hand, emphasizes that the action is occurring at the present time. Thus, if we alter our example sentences in this way: 而在另一方面, 动词的现在进行式用法则强调了该动作在此时此刻正在发 生, 因此, 假如我们将例句改成这样 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam is testing basic sentence patterns. The meaning has changed from describing what the exam generally tests to what it is testing at the present time. Present progressive tense is formed with a be-verb and the -ing form of the action word: 036

第一章语法 这个句子的意思就从描述考试基本上会考的题目变成在此刻正在考的题目 了 现在进行式是由一个 be 动词和一般动词的 ing 形式所组成的 : present tense be-verb + present participle (the ing form of the verb) 现在式 be 动词 + 现在分词 ( 动词的 ing 形式 ) Simple present tense and present progressive tense are both often tested on the TOEIC exam. 现在简单式和现在进行式两者都经常会出现在托业考试的考题中 Past 过去式 On the TOEIC exam, actions in the past are generally described using one form of the past tense or present perfect tense. Although these tenses have slightly different meanings, those subtle differences are not tested on the TOEIC exam. In other words, the examinee is never required to make the subtle choice between, say, a simple past tense answer or a present perfect tense answer. Thus, we can alter our example sentences again. Suppose everyone, like you, studied the Target New TOEIC series of guides before taking the exam and, therefore all earned very high scores. The makers of the exam might simply stop conducting the exam. In that case, we could say: 在托业考试中, 发生在过去的动作一般来说会以过去式或现在完成式来表示 虽然这些时态之间的意思有细微的不同, 但这类细微的差别并不会出现在托业考试中 换句话说, 考生永远不必在过去简单式或现在完成式的答案间做出选择 因此, 我们可以再次将我们的例句做点变化 假设每个人, 像你一样, 在考试前读了 瞄准新托业 的四本书, 因此全部都得到了高分, 那么出题者可能就会停掉这项考试 如果出现这种情况, 我们会说 : The TOEIC exam was easy. The exam tested basic sentence patterns. 037

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) In the chart below, you will find the verb forms used to express actions that have occurred in the past that may be tested on the TOEIC exam. 在下面这张表格中, 你会看到一些在托业考试中出现用来表达已经发生在过 去的动词形式 Tense 时态 Pattern 句型 Example 范例 simple past (verb + ed) or irregular tested past progressive past tense be-verb + present participle was testing past perfect had + past participle had tested present perfect have/has + past participle has tested Future 未来式 To describe events that have not occurred yet, the TOEIC exam may test either of two different forms of the future tense. Thus, if the TOEIC exam were a new exam about to be offered for the first time, we might say: 为了描述还没有发生的事件, 托业考试中会出现两种不同形式的未来式 因 此, 假如托业考试是一个第一次出现的新型测验, 我们会说 : The TOEIC exam will be easy. The exam is going to test basic sentence patterns. The example features the two future tense forms tested on the exam: 这个例子举出了两种在考试中会出现的未来式 : will + verb (present tense be-verb) going to + verb In addition to these standard future tenses, there are a variety of helping verbs that indicate the action has not yet occurred. For example, if the TOEIC exam had not yet been offered and we weren t really sure about the level of difficulty we might say: 038

第一章语法 除了这些标准的未来式, 还有一些助动词能够用来指出尚未发生的动作 举 例来说, 假如托业考试还未被举办过, 我们不确定这个考试的难度, 我们会说 : The TOEIC exam might be easy. The exam could test basic sentence patterns. In the chart below, you will find a number of ways to indicate an action has not occurred. 在下面这张表格中, 你会看到一些用来指出一个动作还未发生的说法 : Pattern 句型 Example 范例 will + verb (present tense be-verb) going to + verb may/might + verb can/could + verb hope/wish + infinitive expect + infinitive plan + infinitive want + infinitive need + infinitive have/has + infinitive will test is going to test might test could test hopes to test expects to test plans to test wants to test needs to test has to test Compound Verbs 复合动词 The last six patterns in the chart above are examples of compound verbs. In a compound verb phrase, the first verb of the phrase is the only one that changes according to agreement, tense, or voice, while the second verb remains in its infinitive form. There are a large number of verb phrases in English that can be constructed according to the same pattern. For example: 上述表格的最后六个句型即为复合动词的例子 在一个复合动词短语中, 短 语中的第一个动词是唯一会随着一致性 时态或语态改变的, 而第二动词则保持 其不定式形式 英文中有很多的动词短语都是根据相同的模式构成的, 例如 : 039

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tries to test basic sentence patterns. Voice 语态 Another critical aspect of verbs tested on the TOEIC exam is the difference between active and passive voice. At the beginning of this section, we noted that basic English sentence patterns include ways to express two basic situations. First, and most often, the subject of the sentence will be performing the action. Second, the subject may be the receiver of the action. We already compared these two situations above in the following way: 另一个会在托业考试中出现的关键动词形式即为主动语态和被动语态之间的差别 在本单元之初, 我们提过基本的英文句型包括表达两种基本情况的方法 第一种也是最常发生的是, 句子的主语会表现出动作 第二种则是主语为动作的接受者 我们已经在之前以下面这个方法来比较过这两种情况 : Active( 主动 ):The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests basic sentence patterns. Passive( 被动 ):The TOEIC exam is easy. Basic sentence patterns are tested. The examinee should note that regardless of the voice of the sentence, the other rules regarding agreement and tense still apply. Thus, if we were to discuss the TOEIC exam after it has been canceled, we could say: 考生应该注意到无论句子的语态是什么, 其他关于一致性和时态的规则仍然 适用 因此, 假如我们要讨论的是托业考试被取消后的状况, 我们可以说 : The TOEIC exam was easy. Basic sentence patterns were tested. Again, if the TOEIC were about to be offered for the first time, we might say: 但假如托业考试是第一次举行, 我们会说 : The TOEIC exam will be easy. Basic sentence patterns are going to be tested. 040

第一章语法 As with tense, the correct voice depends on the context of the sentence. The choice between active and passive voice depends almost entirely on the actual relationship between the subject and the verb rather than any consideration of grammar rules. Consider the following two examples: 在时态的帮助下, 正确的语态视句子的意思而定 主动和被动间的选择几乎 完全视主语和动词间的实际关系而定, 而不是基于任何语法规则上的考虑 看看 下面这两个例子 : The exam is tested. Basic sentence patterns are tested. The grammar of both of these sentences is correct; the be-verbs agree with the subjects and the past participle forms are correct. However, the first sentence does not make sense. An exam is not something that is tested; rather, an exam is used to test. In other words, the choice of voice is dependent on the sentence. If the examinee does not recognize the subject of the sentence or the action described by the verb, it is often not possible to make a judgment about using active or passive voice. 这两个句子的语法都是正确的 be 动词和主语一致, 且过去分词形式都正确 但是, 第一个句子没有什么意义, 一个考试本身并不是一件用来考的事, 而是用来考试的 换句话说, 语态的选择是根据句子而来的 假如考生没有辨识出句子的主语或动词所描述的动作, 通常是无法判断要用主动语态还是被动语态的 041

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Exercise As above, read the following sentences and determine if the sentence is correct or not. Challenge yourself to complete this exercise without referring back to the explanations on the previous pages. Practice reminding yourself to check three aspects of each sentence: agreement, tense, and voice. 如前所述, 阅读下列句子并判断句子是否正确 试着在不查看前几页的解释的情况下, 挑战自己是否能完成本次练习 练习提醒自己每个句子都要确认三件事 : 一致性 时态和语态 1. The movie will watch soon. correct / incorrect 2. The meeting ends ten minutes ago. correct / incorrect 3. The supervisors was notified. correct / incorrect 4. The women were told the information. correct / incorrect 5. The report is going to read tomorrow. correct / incorrect 6. Mr. Halliday was speaking now. correct / incorrect 7. My secretary checks my e-mail. correct / incorrect 8. Some news reported at 6:00. correct / incorrect 9. The executives was eaten at the restaurant. correct / incorrect 10. Every employee was given a handbook. correct / incorrect ANSWER 1. incorrect 2. incorrect 3. incorrect 4. correct 5. incorrect 6. incorrect 7. correct 8. incorrect 9. incorrect 10. correct 042

第一章语法 Adverbs 副词 Although a quick look at the verb tense and voice can tell us a lot about when and in what manner an action is completed, sometimes an adverb is used to describe the action even more fully. Consider this addition to our original example sentence: 虽然通过快速地浏览动词时态和语态可以让我们知道很多关于一个动作是何 时及如何完成的, 有时一个副词却能更精确地描述出动作的状况 让我们来看看 当把副词加入原本的例句中时会变得如何 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests basic sentence patterns. 可以变成 The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam only tests basic sentence patterns. In our original example, we were certain that the TOEIC exam tested basic sentence patterns, though there was no guarantee that it wouldn t test anything else. In this example, the use of the adverb only emphasizes that the action, tests, applies exclusively to basic sentence patterns. Adverbs that describe actions can generally be found in one of two places. First, as in the example above, they can be placed right before the verb (or between a helping verb and a verb). Second, the adverb may be placed after the action, as in the following example: 在我们原本的例子中, 我们很确定托业考试考的是基本的句型, 但并不保证不会考其他的东西 在这个例子中, 副词 only 的使用强调了动作 tests 这个词是专门用来描述 basic sentence patterns 的 描述动作的副词会在两个地方择一出现 第一个, 就像上述的例句, 会被置于动词的前面 ( 或在助动词或动词之间 ) 第二个, 副词可能会放在动作之后, 就像下面这个例子 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests only basic sentence patterns. The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests basic sentence patterns only. Although there may be a subtle difference in the meaning of the sentence based upon the placement of the adverb, that difference is not tested on the TOEIC exam. 要考的 虽然副词的位置对于句子的文意有细微的差别, 但这种差异性不是托业考试 043

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Adverbs can also be used to describe adjectives. Most often, they are used to describe the intensity of the adjective. 副词也可以用来描述形容词 通常, 副词是用来描述形容词的强度 The TOEIC exam is incredibly easy. The exam only tests basic sentence patterns. The use of the adverb, incredibly, emphasizes the lack of difficulty of the exam. An adverb describing an adjective will be located in front of the adjective that it is describing. 副词 incredibly 的使用强调了该考试缺乏难度 一个描述形容词的副词会 放在其所描述形容词的前面 Also, though it rarely occurs on the TOEIC exam, an adverb can also describe another adverb. Consider the following addition: 再者, 虽然这很少发生在托业考试中, 但一个副词也可以用来描述另一个副 词, 看看下面这个例子 : The TOEIC exam is obviously incredibly easy. The exam only tests basic sentence patterns. As is the case with adjectives, when an adverb is used to describe another adverb, it will be located in front of the adverb that it is describing. Finally, an adverb may be moved to the front of a sentence and be set off by a comma: 就和描述形容词的情况一样, 当一个副词用来描述另一个副词时, 它的位置 会在其所描述的副词的前面 最后, 一个副词可能会被移到句首并加上逗点 : Obviously, the TOEIC exam is incredibly easy. Remarkably, the exam only tests basic sentence patterns. As with the previous pattern, this pattern rarely occurs on the TOEIC exam. 和前面的句型比较起来, 这种句型很少出现在托业考试中 044

第一章语法 Exercise As above, read the following sentences and determine if the sentence is correct or not. Challenge yourself to complete this exercise without referring back to the charts on the previous pages. 如前所述, 阅读下列句子并判断句子是否正确 试着在不查看前几页的表格的情况下, 挑战自己是否能完成本次练习 1. The meeting was boring extremely. correct / incorrect 2. We immediately called for help. correct / incorrect 3. A truly interesting presentation was offered. correct / incorrect 4. The applicants waited in the lobby patiently. correct / incorrect 5. They are very punctually. correct / incorrect 6. Deliveries arrive often. correct / incorrect 7. The meeting was concluded rapid. correct / incorrect 8. Collin didn t frequently attend class. correct / incorrect 9. Clear, Denise is the most qualified. correct / incorrect 10. Mr. Norman promptly returned my call. correct / incorrect ANSWER 1. incorrect 2. correct 3. correct 4. correct 5. incorrect 6. correct 7. incorrect 8. correct 9. incorrect 10. correct 045

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) Prepositions and prepositional phrases 介词和介词短语 In our preceding sections, we have already seen how adjectives and adverbs can be used to provide descriptions for elements in a sentence. Another tool that is used to accomplish the same task is a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and an object (a noun). Let s add a prepositional phrase to our original example: 在之前的章节中, 我们已经看到了形容词和副词如何为句中的元素提供描 述, 而另一个有同样作用的则是介词短语 一个介词短语包含了一个介词和一个 宾语 ( 名词 ) 让我们在原本的例句中加入一个介词短语 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests basic sentence patterns in English. In this example, the prepositional phrase in English is used to describe the noun patterns. Prepositional phrases can also be used to describe verbs: 在这个例子中, 介词短语 in English 被用来描述名词 patterns 介词 短语也可被用来描述动词 : The TOEIC exam is easy. The exam tests basic sentence patterns with frequency. In this case, the action tests basic sentence patterns is being described as an action that occurs very often. Examinees need to become familiar with prepositions that are commonly tested on the TOEIC exam. Therefore, a chart will be provided for you at the end of this chapter. The reason that the chart does not appear here is that many words that can be used as prepositions in English can also be used as other things as well especially conjunctions, the topic of our next section. It is important for examinees to know not only which words can be used as prepositions, but also which can be used as BOTH prepositions and conjunctions. Thus, after a full discussion of all of our basic grammar elements, examinees can familiarize themselves with a complete set of words that tries to account for all possibilities that may occur on the exam. Examinees will also be able to practice recognizing prepositions and conjunctions at that time. 046

第一章语法 在这个例子中, 动作 tests basic sentence patterns 被描述为经常发生的动作 考生需要好好熟悉那些在托业考试中常常出现的介词 因此, 在本章的最后, 有一张表格会给你提供参考 我们不将表格放在这里是因为在英文中, 很多介词也可以用在其他方面, 特别像是连词, 因此我们准备作为下个部分的主题 对考生来说, 知道哪些词可被用作介词, 哪些词可用作介词和形容词是很重要的事 因此, 在我们将基本的语法元素都讨论完毕后, 考生再让自己好好熟悉那些尽可能涵盖所有托业考试会考的介词单词 考生到时也能够练习分辨介词和连词 Conjunctions 连词 Once the examinee is familiar with the basic sentence patterns in English and the parts of speech described above, it will be time to face more complicated sentence patterns. However, just because a sentence pattern is more complicated does not mean it is more difficult. In fact, the reason why many examinees get confused by complicated English sentences is not because they don t understand advanced English, but because they are not completely comfortable with all aspects of basic English. Complex sentence patterns in English consist of two or more of the basic patterns we just reviewed and conjunctions to link them together. Any two sentences can be linked in this way. For instance, let s say that someone wanted to list some of the characteristics of the TOEIC exam. They could employ a coordinating conjunction to link the two sentences from our original example: 考生熟悉了之前描述的基本英文句型和词性后, 接下来就要面对更复杂的句型了 但是, 一个较复杂的句型并不表示它会比较难 事实上, 很多考生会被复杂的英文句子搞糊涂不是因为他们不懂 进阶英文, 而是因为他们对于所有基本的英文不够自信 英文中复杂的句型包含两个或多个我们之前提过的基本句型, 并以连词将它们连结在一起 任两个句子都可以以这种方式连结在一起 举例来说, 假设某人想要列出一些托业考试的特性, 可以用并列连词来将我们原本例句中的两个句子连结起来 : The TOEIC exam is easy, and the exam tests basic sentence patterns. 047

准新托业 ( 词汇 语法篇 ) At this point, I ll remind you that our first basic principle of English grammar is that an English sentence can only have one verb or be-verb (see page 38) unless a conjunction is present. The coordinating conjunction, and, allows us to combine our original two sentences into a single sentence. (Note that coordinating conjunctions can connect anything, not just clauses: eg this and that.) We can do the same thing with a subordinating conjunction: 这时候, 我就要提醒你英文语法的第一个基本原则, 一个英文句子只能有一个动词或 be 动词 ( 请见第 38 页 ), 除非有连词存在 并列连词 and 可以让我们将两个句子连结成一个句子 ( 要注意的是, 并列连词可以连结任何东西, 而不只是连结两个从句而已, 例如 this and that ) 我们可以用从属连词来做到相同的事情 : The TOEIC exam is easy because the exam tests basic sentence patterns. In this case, the subordinating conjunction, because, allows us to connect our two original sentences. Notice that in both of these examples, we have done nothing to the original basic sentence patterns (except modify the punctuation and capitalization): 在这个例子中, 从属连词 because 帮我们连结了两个句子 你注意到了 吗? 在这两个例子中, 我们对原本的基本句型都没有动过任何地方 ( 除了修改了标 点符号和大小写之外 ): Original The TOEIC exam is The exam tests basic 原句型 easy. sentence patterns. Coordinate conjunction The TOEIC exam is and the exam tests basic 使用并列连词 easy, sentence patterns. Subordinate conjunction The TOEIC exam is because the exam tests basic 使用从属连词 easy. sentence patterns. 注 : 无论是并列连词或从属连词都可以如同表格上一样放在句子的中间, 但是只有从属连词能放在句首, 例如 :Because the exam tests basic sentence patterns, the TOEIC exam is easy 048