William W. Stueck The Road to Confrontation American Foreign Policy toward China and Korea C

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der the process of urbanization folk belief is being excluded and even on the verge of extinction. Therefore protecting the folk belief resources becomes a crucial task. In general the following three aspects are essential to the protection of folk belief and the promotion of its healthy development in cities enhancing the understanding of the importance of the folk belief for the construction of urban culture protecting the physical space of folk belief and maintaining the community structure for those relocated residents. Keywords folk belief cultural legacy spatial protection Radical Revolution versus Conservative Alternative Reflections on Competing Paths toward Modernity in East Asia during the Cold War by CHEN Jian Abstract As two different alternatives of modernity construction radical revolution and conservative alternative were in antagonism and competition in East Asia during the early stage of the Cold War. Radical revolution seemed to gain the upper hand for a time but it could not be so dominating as to exclude all the others thoroughly. After 1970s the success of conservative alternative characterized by the rising of the Four Asian Tigers together with the self-transformation in domestic and foreign policies in nations of radical revolution has not only molded and remolded the construction of modernity in East Asia but also led to the transformation of the Cold War in East Asia. With the end of the Cold War there is a confluence of radical revolution and conservative alternative in many aspects. Keywords radical revolution conservative alternative nationalism the Cold War East Asia Safeguarding the Soviet Union s Strategic Interests in Far East On the Origins of the Korean War and Stalin s Decision-making Motive by SHEN Zhi-hua Abstract By the end of 1949 Stalin had used every conceivable stratagem in order to prevent North Korea from launching a war of unification against South Korea. But by late January 1950 he suddenly had a change of mind and decided to wholeheartedly support Kim Il-sung to achieve this goal. Whether or not the U- nited States would intervene was only a precondition not the end. To draw U. S. attention to the Far East was the end result but not the motive. To encourage and promote the Asian revolution was only the superficial phenomenon but not the shift in Soviet diplomatic strategy. The signing of the Sino-Soviet alliance treaty in 1950 meant that the Soviet Union would lose its only exit to the Pacific Ocean and warm-water port. Without doubt this would cause great loss to Soviet strategic interests. As a result the Soviet Union would lose its strategic backing in Asia. The reason why Stalin decided to support Kim Il-sung s attack on South Korea was that he hoped to regain or safeguard Soviet tradition strategic prop in the Far East through this military action. No matter what the outcome might be the military conflict in the Korean peninsula would guarantee Soviet strategic aim as designed by Stalin. Keywords the Korean War the Asian Revolution the Sino-Soviet Alliance On Compassion and Common Sense as well as Compassion in Christianity and Buddhism by HU wei-xi Abstract Religion is accepted because of its compassion. Every individual has a religious metaphysical impulse never releasing from heart which desires a union with the ultimate reality of the universe. In this process the sense of compassion appears in a deeply feeling of conflict between one's limitation and infinite 153