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J Chin Med 18(1,2): 75-88, 2007 75 1,3 2 *3,4 1 2 3 4 96 6 8 96 7 27 George Beredayarea comparative studies 333 261 886-3-3196200 2613 886-3-3298995 E-mail maofeng@adm.cgmh.org.tw

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87 J Chin Med 18(1,2): 75-88, 2007 A COPMPARISON OF CHINESE MEDICINE EDUCATION BETWEEN TAIWAN AND CHINA Tse-Hung Huang 1,3, Jaung-Geng Lin 2, Mao-Feng Sun *3,4 1 Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Graduate Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung University College of Midicine Taoyuan, Taiwan 2 Graduate School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Taichung, Taiwan 3 Department of Acupuncture, Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Taoyuan, Taiwan 4 Chang Gung Institute of Technology Taoyuan, Taiwan ( Received 8 th June 2007, accepted 27 th July 2007 ) The advanced educational systems for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in both Taiwan and China have more intact structure than those of other countries in the world. Therefore, it is worthwhile comparing the educational systems between these two since results would have significant policy implications for further development of TCM. By employing literature review analysis and Bereday's area comparative study, we compared both the similarities/differences and advantages/disadvantages for the advanced educational systems for TCM between Taiwan and China. In additions, we visited hospitals and reviewed the programs of advanced traditional medicine in China. Furthermore, individual interview and expert forum was also held to collect useful information for this research. We found that there was no significant difference with respect to the visions and developed models for educational systems between both countries. However, the advanced educational system for TCM in China is more diversified and flexible and the faculty in China is more sufficient. Furthermore, apprenticeship was also employed to amend for the insufficiency of the system. In additions, a program for master degree majored in TCM is currently advocated in China; therefore, one could connect his/her studies from undergraduate to graduate program directly for approximately 7 years. English ability, computer skills and reading for ancient TCM literature was also emphasized in this program. In contrast, the advanced educational system for TCM in Taiwan required for a complete training for western medical program. It improved background of western medicine for undergraduate students in Taiwan and could make it feasible to combine both western medical and TCM training as a whole. However, it also created a stressful learning process for students in Taiwan. Besides, it also crowded some traditional medicine courses out. Nevertheless, comparing with such program, the 5-year program for TCM in China or the 5-year post-bachelor program for TCM in Taiwan provided sufficient amount of courses in TCM training but contained relatively fewer courses in western medicine.

88 According to this paper, following recommendations were suggested. Firstly, in order to coordinate the relevant circumstances, the authority should establish a cross-department panel for the advanced TCM education. Secondly, to improve the quality of teaching, passing on the experience and wisdom of veteran practitioners was necessary to enhance the level of the profession among TCM professors. Thirdly, a solid and organized textbook for our students should be compiled by the authority. Lastly, more resources for research on TCM and for the development of TCM related-faculties should be provided by the authority. Key word: Chinese medicine education, Higher education, Comparative education. *Correspondence to: Mao-Feng Sun, M.D. PhD, No. 261, Wen-hwa 1st Rd. 333, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Chang Gung Institute of Technology, Tel: 886-3-3196200 ext. 2613, Fax: 886-3-3298995, E-mail: maofeng@adm.cgmh.org.tw