桃 園 在 地 好 物 Taoyuan local specialty 和風時蔬大阪燒 Japanese Style Vegetables Okonomiyaki 材料 高麗菜 200 公克 小白菜 100 公克 紅蘿蔔 50 公克 蔥 2 支 低筋麵粉 250 公克 太白粉 30 公克 雞蛋 2

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鮮 蔬 Fresh Vegetable 蔬菜 幾乎是每個人每天餐桌上不可或缺的食材 長期吃進人類體內 安 全 更是不容忽視 為提供消費者安全 安心 健康的蔬菜 桃園市所生產的 蔬菜強調產地源頭管理 建立定期或不定期抽樣送驗等機制 並落實檢核檢驗 證明 從農場到餐桌 嚴格把關 桃園市蔬菜以網室栽培為主 主要生產短期葉菜類 根莖類 是北台灣重要產區 供 應北部都會區各大生鮮超市 量販大賣場 餐廳等 近年來 更積極推動有機蔬菜栽培 目前有機蔬菜種植面積有 176 公頃 戶數為 110 戶 一年生產將近 2 萬噸新鮮蔬菜 桃園市有充足的蔬菜菜源 為扶植在地蔬菜產業 同時將 食 用安全觀念向下紮根 市府推行學校營養午餐 天天安心食材 每週 3 天供應有機蔬菜 1 天吉園圃蔬菜 1 天非基因改造食材 天天都使用在地安全的蔬菜 進而帶動民眾飲食習慣的改變 Vegetables is the indispensable food ingredient on the table for everyone every day, food safety cannot be ignored as people consume for long term. In order to provide consumers with safe, secure and healthy vegetables, the vegetables produced from Taoyuan City has emphasized on production source management, established a regular or irregular sampling system for chemicals examination, and implemented the certificate inspection and strictly control the production process from farm to table. In recent years, City Government actively promotes the production of organic vegetables, currently the cultivation acreage is 176 hectares with 110 households, and the annual production is nearly 20,000 tons of fresh vegetables. Taoyuan City has plenty of vegetables sources, as to support the local vegetable industry and also deep-root the food safety concept, the City Government launched the "Safety vegetables every day" campaign in school nutritional lunch. While three days a week supply the organic vegetables, one day for GAP vegetables and one day for non-gmo ingredients that could consume the local safe vegetables every day. Hoping the children of the family could stimulate the change of public's eating habits. 56

桃 園 在 地 好 物 Taoyuan local specialty 和風時蔬大阪燒 Japanese Style Vegetables Okonomiyaki 材料 高麗菜 200 公克 小白菜 100 公克 紅蘿蔔 50 公克 蔥 2 支 低筋麵粉 250 公克 太白粉 30 公克 雞蛋 2 顆 水 150c.c. 食用油 1 大匙 調味料 燒肉醬 2 大匙 美奶滋 3 大匙 七味粉適量 柴魚片適量 青海苔粉適量 做法 1. 高麗菜 紅蘿蔔切絲 小白菜 青蔥切小段備用 2. 低筋麵粉 太白粉 雞蛋加水攪拌均勻 再將做法 1 的食材拌入 靜置約 15 分鐘 3. 平底鍋加熱 加入 1 大匙油 倒入調好的麵糊 以中小火煎至熟成 再淋上燒肉醬 最後加上美 奶滋 七味粉 柴魚片和青海苔粉即成營養美味的時蔬大阪燒 Ingredients: 200 g cabbage, 100 g Bok-choy, 50 g carrot, 2 Welsh onions, 250 g low-gluten flour, 30 g Tapioca flour, 2 chicken eggs, 150 c.c. water, 1 tablespoon cooking oil Seasonings: 2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce, 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, some shichimi powder, some dried bonito flakes, some seaweed powder Method: 1.Cabbage and carrot cut into thin strips, cut Bokchoy and Welsh onions into small pieces and set aside. 2.Mixed low-gluten flour, Tapioca flour, eggs and water and stir thoroughly, add the method 1 materials and let stand for 15 minutes. 3.Heat the pan, add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil and the well-mixed low-gluten flour and Tapioca flour, fry with medium-low heat until welldone, then top with teriyaki sauce, mayonnaise, shichimi powder, dried bonito flakes and seaweed powder. The nutritious and delicious of v eget ables Ok onomiy aki is ready to serve. 57

Fresh 鮮 蔬 Vegetable 葉菜類蔬菜 新鮮蔬菜全年供應 依不同季節生產各類蔬菜 主要產品為葉菜類 供應北台灣市場 批 發商及中小學營養午餐 Leafy Vegetables The various kinds of fresh vegetables can produce and supply year-round depending on the season, the major product is leafy vegetables. It supplies to northern Taiwan market, wholesalers and nutritional lunch for primary and secondary schools. 桃園區農會 Taoyuan District Farmers' Association Tel 03-3364026 58

桃 園 在 地 好 物 Taoyuan local specialty 有機葉菜類蔬菜 生產各種當季有機蔬菜 通過各項檢驗並取得有機認證 提供消費者在地新鮮安 全食材 同時也供應桃園市學童營養午餐 讓全民吃出健康 Organic Leafy Vegetables The various seasonal organic vegetables has passed the chemicals inspection and obtained organic certification. It is to supply the consumers with local fresh and safe food, and also supply the school nutritional lunch in Taoyuan City. 李日貴有機蔬菜 Li Ri-gui organic vegetables Tel 0932-656322 0932-581621 曾吾強有機蔬菜 Ceng Wu-qiang organic vegetables Tel 0917-000070 59

Fresh 鮮 蔬 Vegetable 時令有機生鮮蔬果 每天提供10種以上天然 安全有機蔬菜 絕不使用農藥及化學肥料 乾淨好清洗 產地直送 將新鮮 健康宅配到府 Fresh Organic Produce We offer more than 10 kinds of natural and safe organic vegetables every day. It is fresh and delicious, chemical-free and easily clean. It is directly deliver the fresh and healthy product from farm to your home. 御圃有機農場 Sheden Organic Farm Tel 03-3240007 0933-951178 http://zh-tw.facebook.com/pages/御圃有機農場/531578046887137 60

桃 園 在 地 好 物 Taoyuan local specialty 青綠緣有機蔬菜 從源頭開始嚴格把關 農場所生產的有 機蔬菜從肥料 苗 種植 採收到物流配 送為一條龍式垂直生產 層層控管蔬菜品 質 確保食用安全 Qingluyuan Organic Vegetables 良山有機蔬菜 專門生產短期有機葉菜類蔬菜 栽培過 程完全不使用農藥及化學肥料 提供消 費者最安全 最安心 最貼近健康的有 機蔬菜 Liangshan Organic Vegetables The farm is specialized in the production of short-term organic leafy vegetables; cultivation period does not apply pesticides and chemical fertilizers. It offers the most safe, secure and healthy organic vegetables to consumers. The production of organic vegetables adopted the streamlined vertical production that strictly controls the process from fertilizer application, seedlings transplanting and harvesting and logistics distribution. It is to ensure the quality of vegetable and food safety. 青綠緣生物科技有限公司 Qingluyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Tel 0932-107635 良山有機農場 Liangshan Organic Farm Tel 03-4710063 0921-859720 61