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38 張 元 素 歸 經 引 經 理 論 研 究 本 文 以 張 元 素 著 述 為 主 要 材 料, 采 用 上 海 涵 芬 樓 景 印 元 杜 思 敬 濟 生 拔 粹 刊 本 4 ; 醫 學 啟 源 為 任 應 秋 點 校 本, 任 本 以 明 成 化 八 年 刊 本 為 底 本, 旁 校 上


6 5 Vol. 6 No. 5 2015 5 Journal of Food Safety and Quality May., 2015 宁霄, 张伟清, 王钢力, 曹进 *, 张庆生 (, 100050) 摘要 : 目的, 方法,,,,,,, 结果,, 100%, 300%, 结论 关键词 : ; ; ; Detection status and screening strategy of illegally added drugs in healthy food NING Xiao, ZHANG Wei-Qing, WANG Gang-Li, CAO Jin *, ZHANG Qing-Sheng (National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To provide screening strategy and method for the discovery of illegally added drugs in healthy foods. Method Firstly, based on the drugs which could realize or help to realize the promised function of health food, the corresponding database was established, which was aimed at collecting main clinical efficacy and side effects of drugs. Secondly, through scanning of mass spectrometry single ion and product ion, the screening information of mass spectrometry was founded. Meanwhile, according to the different energy levels, database based on different signal intensities was set up. Based on the above methods, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) multi-reactions monitoring method was applied and LC-MS information was collected. By choosing health food of different dosage forms and substrates, negative data and added positive data were included in the database. Thus, the screening system and method were formed in terms of therapy information, the analysis of test signals and confirmed information. Results The information-dependent method was validated by screening function to relieve physical fatigue drugs as example. According to the screening of hundreds batches of relevant health food, the discovery rate of positive results * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: CAO Jin, Researcher, National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, No. 2, Tiantan Xili, Dongcheng District,Beijing 100050, China. E-mail:

5, : 1877 increased by 100% compared to the general methods and that of unknown substances risen by 300%. Conclusion The information-dependent strategy for illegally added drug in healthy food provided a novel path for control of the quality of healthy food. KEY WORDS: information-dependent strategy; healthy food; illegally added drug; screening strategy 1 引言,,,, [1], 2014 5, 14000, 13000, 700 1.1 保健食品中的非法添加与检测,,,,,,,, [2-7], 2002 12, ; 2005 12 21, 14 ; 2006 9 12,,,,,,, [8] [9] [10] - [11,12] - [13] [14,15] [16] [17,18] [19] 1.2 非法添加检测的不足,,, 1 7, 1,,,,,,,, :,, PDE5,,,, PDE5 ( ) ( ),, ( ),,, () Poon [20] 2007~2008,, PDE5 2011,, PDE5,,

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