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91 47(1)17-38 1988 1999 2000 Guba Lincoln(1989) (generation) 1910 (stakeholder) (empowerment evaluation) Empowerment 2000

18 (Fetterman,1994) ( ) -- (Smith,1998) 21 --

19 (Smith,1998) Fetterman(1994) (training) (facilitation) (advocacy) (illumination) (liberation) / Fetterman1996 Fetterman1996

20 Mills 1959 (Parlett & Hamilton, 1976) (Smith,1998) Fetterman Fetterman,1994/1997 (Fetterman,1996)

21 89 1997 1999 4 6 2000 11 2001 6 2001 88 88

22 11 272829 2000 12 18 2000 10 2000 11 22 11 50-60

23 2000.11.27-29 24 2000.12.18 3-4 2001.1.15 3-4 2001.3.5 3-4 2001.3.19 3-4 2001.3.26 3-4 2001.4.13 3-4 2001.4.23 3-4 2001.4.30 3-4 2001.5.14 3-4 2001.6.4 3-4 2001.6.11 3-4 2001 6 4 6 11

24 2000 11 90 2001 7 2 90 Gadamer 2001 5 14 6 4 6 11

25 -- --



28 19 2001.5.7 2001.4.30 5

29 2001.6.46.11


31 2001





36 2000 Mills,C.W.(1959).The sociological imagination. New York:Oxford University Press. 2001 Parlett,M., & Hamilton,D.(1976).Evaluation as illumination:a 89 NCS 89-2413-H-081B-003 new approach to the study of innovatory programmes.in D. Hamilton(Ed.),Beyong the numbers game.london:macmillan. 2000 Smith,M.K.(1998).Empowerment evaluation:theoretical and method consideration. Evaluation and Programming Planning,21,255-261. 1999 12197-224 Fetterman,D.M.(1994).Steps of Empowerment evaluation:from California to Cape town. Evaluation and Programming Planning,17(3),305-313. Fetterman,D.M.(1996). Empowerment evaluation :an instruction to theory and practice.in D.M..Fetterman, S.J.Kaftarian and A.Wanderaman (Eds.), Empowerment evaluation: selfassessment & accountability.(pp.3-48) U.S.A.:SAGE Fetterman,D.M.(1997).Empowerment evaluation and accreditation in higher education.in E.Chelimsky & W.Shadish(Eds.), Evaluation for the 21st century:a handbook.pp.381-395 Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE Guba,E.,&Lincoln,Y.(1989).Fourth generation evaluation, California: Sage. 90 8 27 90 11 5 90 11 21

37 When Teachers Encounter Curriculum Evaluation : The change and development Mei-Ju Chen Taiwan Provincial Institute for Elementary School Teachers Inservice Education Ministry of Education Associate Researcher Summary When the fourth generation evaluation appeared and attempted to change the scientific, objective, expert-oriented tradition, there were more and more evaluation methods focusing on real-life practice and participation. As a result, empowerment evaluation showed up. The recent curriculum reform in Taiwan demonstrates the spirit of empowerment: schools must be responsible for curriculum development and evaluate their own curriculum and effectiveness. However, school administrators and teachers, who still view evaluation as supervision, grading, judgment, and comparison, are afraid of traditional evaluation. Thus, we fail to make use of evaluation as a tool to help educators and teachers to reflect and solve their curriculum problems. This article tries to combine the concept of empowerment evaluation and the spirits of the curriculum reform.we propose that teachers are the subjects of curriculum evaluation in schoos.the school-base curriculum development need the curriculum evaluation to accelerate the curriculum change. Thus, teachers are the best curriculum evaluators. This research has been conducted in a school for eight months..we inquiry the change,the professional development and the difficulties of teachers after practicing curriculum evaluation.the last,we propose the suggestions for teachers to implicate curriculum evaluation. Key words: teacher professional developmentcurriculum evaluationempowerment evaluation