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準 備 第 1~2 週 服 務 第 3~15 週 反 省 第 16~17 週 慶 賀 第 18 週 六 合 作 機 構 協 力 單 位 合 作 協 議 書 : 已 簽 及 附 影 本 乙 份 未 簽, 核 准 之 後 補 送 機 構 名 稱 / 聯 絡 人 台 中 市 青 年 志 工 中 心 財 團


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英文科 戰地記者龍騰報導 幾乎所有的老師與學生都想知道學測到底會考什麼 該怎麼準備學測 要回答這個問 題, 最好的方法就是澈底研究學測的考古題 從過去的考古題中, 應該可以推知未來的命題 趨勢 本文將精析 00 年學測的試題, 整理出今年試題的重點, 並提供重要的數據, 提供老 師們教學與命題時參考 以下, 我們邀請了七大名師來為各個大題作了精闢的解析 :. 陳坤田老師 ( 詞彙 ). 盧富世老師 匡德勳老師 ( 綜合測驗 ). 林麗慧老師 ( 文意選填 ). 梁民康老師 ( 閱讀測驗 ). 徐淑雅老師 ( 翻譯 作文解析 ). 許展嘉老師 ( 作文範文 ) 命中率分析 發行人 : 李枝昌發行所 : 龍騰文化事業股份有限公司 網址 : 電話 :02-22982933 傳真 :02-22989766 出刊日 :00 年 2 月 2 日 大考風向球 2 試題大剖析 6 000228

7 枩 7 䫔 枩ඝ ʚ ᕇ 7 2 枩 00 㷔 ണ 枩 䫔 7 枩 00 㷔 ʕ ༲ 5 ണ 7 枩ඝ ʚ ᕇ 7 2 䫔 枩 00 㷔 ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ ണʕ ༲ ඝ ʚ ᕇ5 72 枩 7 䫔 枩 Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ 00 㷔 䫔 枩༲ 00 㷔 ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ ണʕ ඝ ʚ ᕇ5 72 枩 7 䫔 7 枩 枩 00 㷔 䫔 枩 00 㷔 Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ ʕ ༲ 枩 7 枩 ണ ඝ ʚ ᕇ5 e mute 7 2. given troduce mselves whole cls. 䫔 00 㷔 枩 䫔 7 枩 00 㷔 Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ fmously grdully obviously ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ 7 枩 ണ ඝ ʚ ᕇ 7 2 ʕ ༲ 5 ണ ඝ ʚ ᕇ 7 2 7 枩. given e mute troduce mselves whole cls.. given e mute troduce mselves whole cls. 2. His drk jcket hd holes elbows hd light, but he ctued Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ 䫔 枩 00 㷔 ണ ඝ ʚ ᕇ 7 2 ʕ ༲ 5 ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ fmously grdully obviously ണ ඝ ʚ ᕇ 7 2 fmously grdully obviously ʕ ༲ 5 wer it.. given e mute troduce mselves whole cls. 7 枩 ണ ඝ ʚ jcket ᕇ5hd holes 7 2elbows 2. drk hd he ʕ ༲ Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ 2. His His drk jcket hd holes elbows hdgrdully light light,, but he ctued ctued fded but śś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ ണ ඝ ʚ ᕇ 7 2 fmously obviously ʕ ༲ 5 ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ. given e mute troduce mselves whole cls. wer it. wer it. ʕ ༲ 5 Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ 3. compny workg J. He s got ll qulities mke ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ 2. His drk jcket hd holes elbows hd light, but he ctued Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ fmously ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ ʕ ༲ ണ ඝ ʚ ᕇ5 mute 7 2 fded grdully obviously fded prtner.. given e troduce mselves whole cls. wer it. ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ 2. His Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ drk jcket hd holes elbows J. hd light, but hemke ctued 3. compny workg got ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ ȟᒞ 3. compny workg J. He s He s got ll ll qulities qulities mke desirble comtble ʕ ༲ 5 fmously grdully whole obviously fded. given e mute troduce mselves cls. Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ wer it.. Eyes given emute troduce mselves whole cls. prtner. prtner. Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ 4. sensitive light. elbows sun dmge 2. His drk hdlookg holes hdhe s light, hemke ctued 3. jcket compny workg J. got ll eyes. qulities fmously grdully obviously ᇜ ܫ Ǵ౺ᚉԶ౺5ᚉǫ ᚉ4ॸᒞໟǫ ٸ τєԍ ॸ ട፵ ވ ਙǫด૭Ӟ ਙуχ śś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ fded but. given e mute troduce mselves whole cls. ȟᒞ fmously grdully obviously desirble comtble comtble desirble whole. given e mute troduce mselves cls. hrdly specilly tlly wer it. prtner. 2. His drk jcket hd holes elbows hd light, but he ctued 3. jcket compny workg J. He s gotmselves ll eyes. qulities Ꮾᚉ ਙ Ƞǭӑᚉ ჰபϠǰѹՙ Ǭ ᒨǬ ۿ ด૭Ӥ ॸ ܤ ᒞໟ ޚ ǫ ᚉЧ fmously grdully but obviously. given e troduce whole cls. 2. Eyes His drk hd holes picnic hd light, hemke ctued 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg mute elbows sun dmge 4. sensitive light. Lookg sun dmge eyes. fmously grdully obviously 5. We ced pln cuse bd wer. fded desirble comtble. e troduce but whole wer it. prtner. 2. His drk jcket hdgiven holes mute elbows hd mselves light, he cls. ctued fmously grdully obviously wer it. hrdly specilly tlly hrdly specilly tlly 2. Eyes His drk hdlookg holes hdhe s light, hemke ctued m but cncel 3. jcket compny workg J. got ll eyes. qulities 4. sensitive light. elbows sun dmge fmously grdully obviously fded desirble comtble but wer it. 2. We His drk jcket hd holes elbows hd light, he ctued fded 5. ced pln picnic cuse bd wer.. given e mute troduce mselves whole cls. 5. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. wer it. śś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ϖ ᖅç୶ ᖅç୶ ᖅ 6. runng myor. three m cfident y will elected, but we prtner. hrdly specilly tlly but 2. Eyes His drk hdlookg holes elbows hdhe s light, hemke ctued 3. jcket compny workg J. got ll eyes. qulities 4. sensitive light. sun dmge fded wer it. 3. w t until compny workg J. got ll qulities mke m cncel fmously He s grdully obviously m cncel fded outcome electi is nnounced. desirble comtble 5. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. wer it. prtner. specilly tlly 3. compny workg J. got lllight mke but hrdly fded prtner. 6. jcket runng myor. three m cfident qulities y willbut he elected, we 2. His drk hd holes elbows hdhe s, ctued 6. runng myor. three m cfident y will elected, we 3. compny workg J. He s got ll qulities mke but prticles cides cters 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg sun dmge eyes. m cncel fded desirble comtble 5. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. prtner. 3. w t compny workg J. He s got ll qulities mke desirble comtble until outcome electi is nnounced. wer it. w t outcome electi is nnounced. prtner. 7. trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my hrdly specilly tlly 6. runng myor. m cfident y will time. elected, we 3. If until compny workg J. He s got not ll qulities mke but śś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ dmge ᖅ 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg three sun eyes. m cncel desirble comtble prtner. 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg sun dmge eyes. prticles cides cters fded prticles cides cters desirble comtble viole tck vde 5. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. w t until outcome electi is nnounced. prtner. hrdly specilly tlly 6. runng myor. m cfident y will time. elected, but we 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg three sun dmge eyes. desirble comtble hrdly specilly tlly 7. trffic lw, drkg drivg, my 3. If college compny J. He s got not ll qulities mke 7. If trffic lw, such such workg drkg drivg, my not so time. 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg sun dmge eyes. Applyg mens sendg pplicis, writg plns,. lg, m cncel prticles cides cters desirble comtble 5. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. w t until outcome electi is nnounced. hrdly specilly tlly 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg sun picnic dmge eyes. 5. We ced pln cuse bd wer. viole tck vde prtner. myor. viole tck vde hrdly specilly tlly it mkes 6. runng three m cfident y will time. elected, but we 7. If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my not 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg sun dmge eyes. m cncel prticles cides cters 5. Applyg We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. hrdly specilly tlly m cncel college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so. lg desirble comtble Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so. lg,, 5. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. err operi disply w t until outcome electi is nnounced. viole tck vde hrdly myor. specilly tlly 6. runng three m cfident y will time. elected, but we 7. If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my not m cncel 5. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. 6. runng myor. three m cfident y will elected, but weᖅ it mkes ś Ś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅè୶ ᖅè୶ 4. Eyes sensitive light. Lookg sun dmge eyes. it mkes m cncel 9. Dr. Chu s sce trcted gre from udience cference. prticles cides until college mens sendg electi pplicis, writg plns, so.cters lg, 5. Applyg We ced runng pln picnic cuse bd wer. w t outcome is nnounced. viole tck vde 6. myor. three m cfident y will elected, but we m cncel w t until outcome electi is nnounced. err operi disply hrdly specilly tlly err operi disply 6. If runng myor. three m cfident y will time. elected, but we tenti tune soluti fluence 7. trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my not so it mkes m cncel prticles cides cters Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns,. lg, w t until outcome electi is nnounced. 6. runng myor. three m cfident y willcters elected, but we prticles cides 9. Chu s sce trcted gre from udience cference. 5. Dr. We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. 9. Chu s sce trcted gre from udience cference. w t outcome electi is nnounced. 0. until fice must tend meetg morrow. llowed. viole tck vde err operi disply 6. Dr. runng myor. three m cfident y will elected, but we 7. If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my notno time. it mkes prticles cides cters w t until outcome electi is nnounced. 7. If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my not time. tenti tune soluti fluence m cncel tenti tune soluti fluence prticles cides cters exceptis dditis divisis meures Dr. Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so. lg, 9. Chu s sce trcted gre from udience cference. w t until outcome electi is nnounced. śś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ viole tck vde err operi disply 7. If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my notno time. prticles cides cters viole tck vde 0. fice must tend meetg llowed. 6. runng myor. three m cfident y will elected, but we 0. fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. 7. If trffic lw, such lem drkg drivg, my not so time.. mke lemde, hlf,morrow. bowl, n, it mkes tenti tune soluti fluence prticles cides cters Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns,. dd lg 9. Dr. Chu s sce trcted gre from udience cference. viole tck vde 7. If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my not time. Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so. lg, exceptis dditis divisis meures w t until outcome electi is nnounced. exceptis dditis divisis meures viole tck vde wer sugr lw, like.such err operi disply 0. fice must tend meetg no llowed. 7. If trffic drkg morrow. drivg, my not so time. it mkes tenti tune soluti fluence Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns,.cters dd lg, viole tck vde it mkes. mke lemde, lem hlf, bowl, n prticles cides. mke lemde, lem hlf, bowl, n, Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so. dd lg decree cee 9. Dr. Chu s sce trcted gre from udience cference. exceptis dditis divisis meures viole tck vde err operi disply 0. fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. it mkes Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so. lg, err operi disply wer sugr like. 7. If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my not time. wer sugr like. it mkes 2. Buddhism is Thil, 90% tl populi identified tenti tune soluti fluence. mke lemde, lem trcted hlf, bowl, n, Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so.disply dd lg 9. Dr. Chu s sce gre from udience cference. śchu s Ś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ from exceptis dditis divisis meures err operi it mkes 9. Dr. sce trcted gre udience cference. decree cee viole tck vde decree cee err operi disply 0. fice must tend meetg no llowed. wer sugr like. it mkes Chu s tenti tune soluti fluence. Buddhism mke lemde, lem trcted hlf,morrow. bowl, n dd, 9. Dr. sce gre udience cference. err operi disply tenti tune soluti fluence 2. iscollege Thil, 90% from tl populi identified Applyg is mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so.cee identified lg 2. Buddhism Thil, 90% tl populi 9. Dr. Chu s sce trcted gre from udience cference. rcil domnt exceptis dditis divisis meures decree err operi disply 0. fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. wer sugr like. Chu s tenti tune soluti fluence 9. Dr. sce trcted gre from udience cference. 0. fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. it mkes tenti tune soluti fluence 3. When I open book, Thil, tble get generl ide. Buddhism mke lemde, lem trcted hlf, tl bowl, n dd 2. is from populi 9. Imust sce gre udience book identified cference. exceptis dditis divisis meures decree 90% cee śchu s Ś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ 0. Dr. fice tend meetg morrow. no llowed. tenti tune soluti fluence exceptis dditis divisis meures rcil domnt err operi disply rcil domnt 0. fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. which chpters I might terested redg. wer sugr like. tenti tune soluti fluence. mke lemde, lem hlf, bowl, n dd 2. When Buddhism Thil, populi Chu s exceptis dditis 90% divisis meures 0. is fice tend notl llowed.. mke lem trcted hlf, bowl, n dd 3. open book, meetg tble morrow. get generl ide book 9. Dr. IImust sce gre from udience book identified cference. 3. When II open lemde, book, tble get generl ide exceptis dditis divisis meures ctrcts ctests ctcts decree cee rcil domnt 0. fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. wer sugr like.. which mke lemde, lem hlf, bowl, n dd mke exceptis dditis divisis meures wer sugr like. chpters II might terested redg. tenti tune soluti fluence which chpters might terested redg.. lemde, lem clown hlf, y bowl, n dd 4. The soi get stge tl lughed, scremed, 2. When Buddhism is Thil, 90% generl populi identified 3. I open book, tble pper ide book exceptis dditis divisis meures decree cee rcil domnt wer sugr like.. mke lemde, lem hlf, bowl, n dd decree cee ctrcts ctests ctcts śś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ 0. fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. ctrcts ctests ctcts wer sugr like. clpped ir hs hppily. chpters Ibook, might terested redg.. mke lemde, lem hlf, tl bowl, n dd 2. which Buddhism is Thil, populi identified 3. When I open I like. tble get ide book decree 90% cee wer sugr 2. Buddhism is Thil, generl identified 4. The so clown y lughed, scremed, exceptis dditis divisis meures 4. The so clown pper pper stge stge tl y populi lughed, scremed, decree cee dmirble ferful 90% delighted ctcts tense rcil domnt ctrcts ctests wer sugr like. which chpters I might terested redg. 2. clpped Buddhism is hs Thil, 90% tl populi identified mke decree 90% cee ir hppily.. lemde, lem clown bowl, n dd clpped ir hppily. 2. Buddhism is hs Thil, populi identified 5. Typho Mggie brought I-ln County hlf, huge mount rfll, greer thn 3. The When I open book, tble pper generl ide book 4. soi get stge tl y lughed, scremed, decree cee rcil domnt ctrcts ctests ctcts 2. Buddhism is Thil, 90% tl populi identified rcil domnt dmirble ferful delighted wer sugr like. dmirble ferful 90% delighted tense tense rfll se terested. which chpters Ibook, might redg. ir hppily. 2. Buddhism is hs Thil, generl tl populi identified 3. clpped When I open I tble pper get ide book 4. The so clown stge y lughed, scremed, rcil domnt 3. When I open book, I tble get generl ide book 5. Typho Mggie brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn decree enjoyble cee 5. Typho Mggie brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, thn rcil domnt śś අӁ Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ greer verge csidere promisg ctrcts ctests ctcts dmirble ferful delighted tense which chpters I might terested redg. clpped ir hppily. 3. rfll When I open e book, I tble gef generl ide book rcil 90% domnt which chpters Ibook, might redg.. 2. Buddhism is hs Thil, populi identified rfll se terested generl ide book 3. When I open I County tble pper 4. Typho The so clown get stge tl y lughed, scremed, 5. Mggie brought. I-ln huge mount rfll, greer thn rcil domnt ctrcts ctests ctcts dmirble ferful delighted tense which chpters I might terested redg. 3. When I open Ibook, I tble get generl ide book ctrcts ctests ctcts verge csidere promisg enjoyble verge csidere promisg enjoyble which chpters might terested redg. - - rfll clpped ir hppily. hs se. 3. When I open book, I County tble pper generl idelughed, book 4. The so clown get stge y scremed, 5. Typho Mggie brought I-ln huge mount rfll, greer thn ctrcts ctests ctcts which chpters I might terested redg. 4. The so clown pper stge y lughed, scremed, rcil domnt ctrcts ctests ctcts dmirble ferful delighted tense verge csidere promisg enjoyble which chpters I might redg. clpped ir hppily. rfll hs se terested. 4. The so clown get stge y scremed, ctrcts ctests ctcts clpped ir hs hppily. -- When 3. I open book, County pper generl idelughed, book --4. The soi tble clown stge y lughed, scremed, 5. Typho Mggie brought I-ln huge mount rfll, greer thn ś Ś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ pper ᖅ ctrcts ctests enjoyble ctcts dmirble ferful delighted tense verge csidere promisg clpped ir hs hppily. 4. which The so clown pper stge y lughed, scremed, dmirble ferful redg. delighted tense chpters I might terested clpped ir hs hppily. rfll Mggie seso. - - The 4. clown pper stge y lughed, scremed, 5. Typho I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn dmirble ferful ctests delighted ctcts tense clpped ir hsbrought hppily. 5. Typho Mggie brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn ctrcts dmirble ferful delighted tense verge csidere promisg enjoyble clpped ir hppily. rfll hs se. - - Typho 5. brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn dmirble ferful delighted tense rfll Mggie se 4. so clown pper stge y lughed, scremed, 5. The Typho Mggie brought. I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn dmirble ferful delighted tense verge csidere promisg enjoyble rfll se. 5. clpped Typho Mggie brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn verge csidere promisg enjoyble ir hppily. rfll hs se. - - Typho 5. Mggie brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, thn śś අӁ Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ greer verge csidere delighted promisg tense enjoyble rfll se. dmirble ferful verge csidere promisg enjoyble rfll se. - verge csidere promisg enjoyble - - Typho 5. Mggie brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn verge csidere promisg enjoyble - - - - rfll se. - - verge csidere promisg enjoyble --- śś Ϛēዕ೦Ϫฯ ᖅ 英文科

大考風向球 00 學測命題特色 00 99 5 5 0 32 8 20 2 00 99 00 myor rfll Level 4 00 00 年學測命題分析及未來命題趨勢 72 5 5 4 5 4 2 5 Level 3 Level 2 9 Level 3 7 Level 4 8 Level 5 3 Level 6 0 60 2 英文科

大考風向球 Level Level 2 3 cncel tenti Level 3 5 fde desirble verge Level 4 6 cide viole excepti domnt ctent delighted Level 2 Level 3 Level 4. 4 2. cncel e, s pln 5 viole trffic lw 7 trct tenti 9 tble 3 3. 3 ctrct ctest ctct Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 5 3 5 5 00 8 6, 9, 2, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30 3 7, 25, 26 5 98 3 99 6 8 fter 6 9 2 23 24 28 wh 29 30 rem Level 3 8 mb Level 4 20 globl Level 3 22 limited Level 2 27 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 go through 7 ppel 25 lter 26 MAMMA MIA 50 thus or words 4 8, 20, 22, 27 英文科 3

5 0 Level 2 Level 4 Level 4 32 289 8 6 46, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56 4 4, 42, 45, 5 3 44, 47, 49 Level 3 Level 2 5 Level 3 2 Level 4 0 Level 5 0 Level 6 0 0 helth problems 32 come 34 respsible 35 remove...from... 39 smll mount 40 54 48 43 6 250 300 4 英文科

大考風向球 28 8 Level 3 locl Level 2 culture Level 3 represent Level 3 trct Level 3 urist Level 3 00 99 98 Level 4 20 英文科 5

試題大剖析 單選題 ( 占 72 分 ) 5 5 4 杕 given e mute troduce mselves whole cls. 酎 酏 fmously 釕 grdully 釢 obviously 酎 杌 His drk jcket hd holes elbows hd light, but he ctued wer it. 酎 酏 fded 釕 釢 酏杈 compny workg J. He, s got ll qulities mke prtner. 酎 desirble 酏 comtble 釕 釢 酎 杝 Eyes sensitive light. Lookg sun dmge eyes. 酎 hrdly 酏 specilly 釕 tlly 釢 釢 杍 We ced pln picnic cuse bd wer. 酎 m 酏 釕 釢 cncel 釢杚 runng myor. three m cfident y will elected, but we w, t until outcome electi is nnounced. 酎 prticles 酏 釕 cides 釢 cters 釕 杋 If trffic lw, such drkg drivg, my not time. 酎 酏 viole 釕 tck 釢 vde 酏毐 Applyg college mens sendg pplicis, writg plns, so. It, s lg, it mkes 酎 err 酏 operi 釕 釢 disply 釕 6 英文科

試題大剖析 使用方法 : 試題答案 中譯 解析 單選題 ( 占 72 分 ) 5 杕 酎 酏 釕 釢 杌 酎 酏 釕 釢 杈 酎 酏 釕 釢 杝 酎 酏 釕 釢 杍 酎 酏 釕 釢 杚 酎 酏 釕 釢 杋 酎 酏 釕 釢 lw bide by observe viole 毐 酎 酏 釕 釢 英文科 7

氙 Dr. Chu, s sce trcted gre from udience cference. 酎 tenti 酏 tune 釕 soluti 釢 fluence 酎 氚 fice must tend meetg morrow. no llowed. 酎 exceptis 酏 dditis 釕 divisis 釢 meures 酎 汸 mke lemde, lem hlf, bowl, n dd wer sugr like. 酎 decree 酏 釕 釢 cee 酏 汧 Buddhism is Thil, 90% tl populi identified 酎 rcil 酏 釕 釢 domnt 釢 汫 When I open book, I tble get generl ide book which chpters I might terested redg. 酎 ctrcts 酏 釕 ctests 釢 ctcts 酏 沄 The so clown pper stge y lughed, scremed, clpped ir hs hppily. 酎 dmirble 酏 ferful 釕 delighted 釢 tense 釕 沋 Typho Mggie brought I-ln County huge mount rfll, greer thn se. 酎 verge 酏 csidere 釕 promisg 釢 enjoyble 酎 5 rfll 8 6 30 When it comes Egypt, thk pyrmids mummies, both which closely reled Egyptin religious liefs. The ncient Egyptins lieved firmly life 沏 deh. When pers died, his or her soul w thought trvel n underworld, where it 汱 series judgments e it progress tter life next world. For soul trvel smoothly, body hd 汯 unhrmed. Thus, y lerned how preserve body by dryg it out, oilg n 汩 body len, e plcg it cf. Egyptins lso built pyrmids 沚 ir kgs, or phrohs. The pyrmid housed phroh, s body ger priceless treure, which would ccompny him next world. 沏酎 酏 by 釕 fter 釢 汱酎 went through 酏 mde up 釕 chnged 釢 turned out 汯酎 rem 酏 remd 釕 repir 釢 replce 汩酎 wrpped 酏 wrppg 釕 wrp 釢 g wrpped 沚酎 glleries 酏 lmrks 釕 compnies 釢 mbs 沏釕 汱酎 汯酎 汩酏 沚釢 英文科

試題大剖析 氙 酎 酏 釕 釢 tenti py trct cch hve 氚 酎 酏 釕 釢 must 汸 酎 酏 釕 釢 汧 酎 酏 釕 釢 汫 酎 酏 釕 釢 tble ctent(s) 沄 酎 酏 釕 釢 沋 酎 酏 釕 釢 rfll verge 5 沏 When pers died... life fter,, deh life fter deh 汱 it 酎 酏 釕 釢 汯 unhrmed 酎 酎 酏 釕 釢 汩 by dryg oilg y 酏 沚 cf 酎 酏 釕 釢,, 英文科 9

On Mrch 23, 999, musicl MAMMA MIA! mde its public ppernce Ld. It 汭 kd welcome it h en gettg ever sce. The udience went wild. They literlly out ir ses sgg dncg isles. MAMMA MIA! h come 沇 entertment phenomen. More thn 30 milli ll over world hve fllen love chrcters, sry music. The musicl h en permed more thn ne lnguges, more productis thn ny 沕 musicl. Its worldwide populrity is mly due its me music, which showces ABBA, s timeless sgs vitl wy 沜 ret essence both pop music good musicl er. It h 汦 so mny film versi w lso mde. no e, s surprise, it h enjoyed similr populrity. 汭酎 is given 酏 w given 釕 h given 釢 hd given 沇酎 worthy 酏 globl 釕 sticky 釢 physicl 沕酎 e 酏 thg 釕 or 釢 else 沜酎 how 酏 wh 釕 where 釢 汦酎 ppeled 酏 presented 釕 resulted 釢 brought bout 汭酏 沇酏 沕釕 沜釢 汦酎 Which is more vluble? Wer or dimds? Wer is more useful mnkd thn dimds, yet 汳 costlier. Why? Clled dimd-wer prdox, this is clsic problem posed ecomics. The nswer h do supply dem. Beg r nurl resce, dimds 汥 supply. However, ir dem is high cuse mny buy m tell world y hve mey, 汻 cspicuous csumpti ecomics. In or words, scrcity goods is 沎 cuses humns tribute vlue. If we 灴 surrounded by n unendg bundnce dimds, we probbly wouldn, t vlue m very. Hence, dimds crry higher metry vlue thn wer, even though we fd more use wer. 汳酎 bove 酏 mer 釕 followg 釢 lter 汥酎 trded 酏 wekened 釕 limited 釢 noticed 汻酎 term 酏 termed 釕 terms 釢 w termed 沎酎 wh 酏 which 釕 why 釢 how 灴酎 酏 g 釕 釢 汳釢 汥釕 汻酏 沎酎 灴釢 0 3 40 酎 (J) Popcorn is e sncks rly fil mke wchg movie more fun. However, modern wy preprg this 灺 snck my crry n unhppy secret. Reserch by U.S. government now reports microwve popcorn my ct substnces cn cuse helth 牣. Reserchers found commercil popcorn compnies ten co ir microwve popcorn bgs 犿 clled perfluorooctnoic cid (PFOA) which h en found cuse both cncer lung di lborry nimls. Mkg mters worse, rtificil butter substitute generlly 犽 microwvble popcorn ct comm food-flvorg substnce. This substnce, ccordg helth scientists, is 狃 serious lung dis. 0 英文科

試題大剖析 ABBA 汭 it 酏 沇 ll over world globl 酎 worthy 酏 釕 釢 沕 釕 沜...wy ret 汦 酎 酎 酏 釕 釢 汳 yet 酎 酏 釕 釢 汥 r 酎 酏 釕 釢 汻 ir dem is cuse ( order) tell world y hve mey which is termed... which which which is termed 沎 cuses 釕 釢 is scrcity wh = thg which thg scrcity which cuses 酎 灴 we probbly wouldn, t vlue... if 釢 0 袐 PFOA 英文科

For n ey 狆 lternive, nutritiists suggest we pop own popcorn. is 狁 is lrge, high pot, bout f tblespos vegetble oil smll hful orgnic popcorn kernels. When kernels strt 犺, shke pot let stem escpe let unpopped kernels fll botm. As so poppg slows down, 狅 pot from sve. Then p popcorn bowl se smll 玕 rel butter or olive oil nurl slt. And helthy fun snck is redy serve. 酎 chemicl 酏 mount 釕 poppg 釢 populr 釚 comes 陜 helthy 陟 needed 隼 respsible 飣 remove 髟 problems 灺釢 牣髟 犿酎 犽釚 狃隼 狆陜 狁陟 犺釕 狅飣 玕酏 3 2 4 56 4 2 4 44 is lg-held lief when meetg e, more eye ctct we hve pers, tter. The result is n untune tendency mkg itil ctct job terview, exmple st fixedly or dividul. However, this hvior is likely mke terviewer feel very uncomtble. Most us comtble eye ctct ltg few secds. But eye ctct which persists lger thn cn mke us Anor widely ccepted lief is powerful society ten men show ir domnce over ors by uchg m vriety wys. In fct, reserch shows lmost ll ces, lower-stus itie uch. Women lso itie uch more ten thn men do. The lief rpid lyg go ger is lso widespred endurg. We rect strgly suspiciously ft tlk. However, opposite is greer cuse suspici. Speech is slow, cuse it is lced puses or errors, is more relible dicr lyg thn opposite. 玗 Which followg stements is true ccordg psge? 酎 Rpid out mistkes is relible sign telligence. 酏 Women ten ply more domnt role thn men community. 釕 Spekg slowly is more ten sign lyg thn spekg quickly. 釢 uchg tends itied by higher socil positis. 玓 Wh is true bout fixg r eyes pers when meet him/her? 酎 Fixg r eyes pers will mke him/her feel ee. 酏 It is more polite fix r eyes him/her lg cn. 釕 Most feel uney hve eye ctct over few secds. 釢 It doesn, t mke difference wher fix r eyes him/her or not. 玔 Which followg is NOT discussed psge? 酎 Fcil expressis. 酏 Physicl ctct. 釕 Re. 釢 Eye ctct. 2 英文科

灺 this + snck 釢 populr 牣 helth + n. cuse 犿 chemicl 犽 comes 狃 sth. respsible n. n. 狆 ey helthy 狁 ll needed is 犺 strt poppg 狅 remove Then p popcorn... 玕 smll 3 2 4 44 玗 酎 酏 釕 釢 玓 酎 酏 釕 釢 玔 酎 酏 釕 釢 試題大剖析 英文科 3

玒 Wh is m ide psge? 酎 People hve n stct terpretg n-verbl communici. 酏 We should not judge tenti pers by his body lnguge. 釕 A good ledge body lnguge is essentil successful communici. 釢 Comm liefs bout verbl n-verbl communici not lwys correct. 玗釕玓釕玔酎玒釢 45 48 It is ey us tell friends from enemies. But cn or nimls do sme? Elephnts cn! They cn use ir sense visi smell tell difference tween who pose thre those who do not. In Keny, reserchers found elephnts rect differently clothg worn by men Mi Kmb ethnic groups. Young Mi men sper nimls thus pose thre elephnts; Kmb men mly frmers not dnger elephnts. In n experiment cducted by niml scientists, elephnts presented clen clothg or clothg hd en worn five dys by eir Mi or Kmb mn. When elephnts detected smell clothg worn by Mi mn, y moved wy from smell fter ok lger relx thn when y detected smells eir clothg worn by Kmb men or clothg hd not en worn ll. Grment color lso plys role, though different wy. In sme, when elephnts sw red clothg not worn e, y rected ngrily, red is typiclly worn by Mi men. Rr thn runng wy y did smell, elephnts cted ggressively wrd red clothg. The reserchers lieve elephnts, emotil rectis due ir different terpretis smells sights. Smellg potentil dnger mens thre is nerby st thg do is run wy hide. Seeg potentil thre out its smell mens risk is low. e, sted showg fer runng wy, elephnts express ir nger come ggressive. 町 Accordg psge, which followg stements is true bout Kmb Mi? 酎 Mi thre elephnts. 酏 Kmb rise elephnts frmg. 釕 Both Kmb Mi elephnt hunters. 釢 Both Kmb Mi trditilly wer red clothg. 甹 How did elephnts rect smell? 酎 They tcked mn smell clothg. 酏 They needed time relx when smellg thg unfmilir. 釕 They cme nxious when y smelled Kmb-scented clothg. 釢 They frightened rn wy when y smelled ir enemies. 疔 Wh is m ide this psge? 酎 Elephnts use sight smell detect dnger. 酏 Elephnts tck who wer red clothg. 釕 Scientists now ble ctrol elephnts, emotis. 釢 Some Kenyn tris underst elephnts, emotis very well. 疕 Wh cn ferred bout elephnt, s hvior from this psge? 酎 Elephnts lern from ir experiences. 酏 Elephnts hve shrper sense smell thn sight. 釕 Elephnts more telligent thn or nimls. 釢 Elephnts tend tck rr thn escpe when dnger. 町酎甹釢疔酎疕酎 4 英文科

試題大剖析 玒 酎 酏 釕 釢 釢 45 48 町 酎 釕 酏 釢 甹 酎 酏 釕 釢 釢 疔 酎 酏 釕 釢 酎 疕 酎 釕 酏 釢 英文科 5

49 52 It w thg she hd dremed sce she w five. Flly, fter yers trg tensive workouts, Deborh Duffey w gog compete her high school bketbll gme. The gols comg n outstg plyer plyg college bll never fr from Deborh, s md. The gme w gt Mills High School. With :42 mutes left gme, Deborh, s tem led by e pot. A plyer Mills hd possessi bll, Deborh rn gurd gt her. As Deborh shuffled sidewys block plyer, her knee went out she collpsed ct burng p. Just like, Deborh, s se w over. After sufferg bd jury, Deborh found, time her life, she w situi yd her ctrol. Gme fter gme, she do nothg but sit sideles wchg ors ply gme she loved so. Injuries limited Deborh, s time ct she hurt her knees three more times next five yers. She hd spend countless hs physicl rpy clic receive trement. Her visits re gve her psi respect pressi. And Deborh gn light her life. Currently senior college, Deborh focuses pursug degree physicl rpy. After she grdues, Deborh plns use her ledge educe how st tke c ir bodies cope feelgs hopelessness she rememrs so well. 皁 Wh is st title this psge? 酎 A Pful Mistke 酏 A Gre Adventure 釕 A Lifelg Punishment 釢 A New Directi Life 礽 How did Deborh feel when she hurt her knee? 酎 Excited. 酏 Cfused. 釕 Ashmed. 釢 Disppoted. 耴 Wh is true bout Deborh Duffey? 酎 She didn, t ply ct fter itil jury. 酏 She jured her knee when she w tryg block her oppent. 釕 She k she n, t bketbll plyer when she w child. 釢 She refused k pressil sistnce help her recover from her juries. 肕 Wh w light Deborh sw her life? 酎 help tke c ir bodies. 酏 come techer Physicl Educi. 釕 come n outstg bketbll plyer. 釢 receive trement physicl rpy fice. 皁釢礽釢耴酏肕酎 53 56 Redwood trees tllest plnts erth, rechg heights up 00 meters. They lso n ir lgevity, typiclly 500 000 yers, but times more thn 2000 yers. A hundred milli yers go, ge dosurs, redwoods comm ests more moist tropicl North Americ. As clime cme drier colder, y retreed nrrow strip lg Pcific cot Norrn Clini. The trunk redwood trees is very sut usully ms sgle stright column. It is covered utiful st, spgy brk. This brk cn pretty thick, well over two feet more mure trees. It gives older trees cert kd protecti from sects, but m nefit is it keeps center tree tct from modere est fires cuse its thickness. This fire resistnt qulity expl why 6 英文科

試題大剖析 49 52 皁 酎 酏 釕 釢 釢 礽 酎 酏 釕 釢 耴 酎 酏 釕 釢 酏 肕 酎 釕 酏 釢 53 56 英文科 7

gint redwood grows live lg. While most or types trees ed by est fires, gint redwood ctully prospers cuse m. Modere fires will cler ground competg plnt life, risg he dries opens ripe ces redwood, releg mny thouss ds ground low. New trees ten produced from sprouts, little bby trees, which m trunk. These sprouts grow slowly, nished by root system mor,, tree. When m tree dies, sprouts n free grow full trees, mg firy rg,, trees round itil tree. These trees, turn, my give rise more sprouts, cycle ctues. 肙 Why redwood trees more proment ests North Americ millis yers go? 酎 The trees tller strger. 酏 The soil w ster ds sprout. 釕 The clime w wrmer more humid. 釢 The temperure w lower lg Pcific cot. 肐 Wh does firy rg,, lt prgrph refer? 酎 Circled tree trunks. 酏 Cnected root systems. 釕 Insect holes round n old tree. 釢 Young trees surroundg mure tree. 肒 Which followg is functi tree brk mentied psge? 酎 It llows redwood trees r ds. 酏 It prevents redwood trees from tck by sects. 釕 It helps redwood trees bsorb moisture ir. 釢 It mkes redwood trees more utiful ppelg. 肜 Why do redwood trees grow live lg ccordg psge? 酎 They hve hevy stright tree trunks. 酏 They properly wered nished. 釕 They more resistnt fire dmge thn or trees. 釢 They produce mny ng trees sust ir life cycle. 肙釕肐釢肒酏肜釕,,,,,, 非選擇題 ( 占 2 8 分 ) 8 杕 杌 4 8 杕 杌 杕 Night mrkets Tiwn hve lg en csidered enough represent/st locl culture. 杌 Every yer y trct tens thouss urists from different countries. 8 英文科

試題大剖析 肙 酎 酏 釕 釢 肐 酎 酏 釕 釢 釢 酎 肒 酎 酏 釕 釢 酏 肜 酎 酏 釕 釢 釕 非選擇題 ( 占 2 8 分 ) 8 杕 night mrkets hve lg en csidered enough + VR represent/st locl culture 杌 every yer tens thouss urists from different countries locl culture tens thouss 英文科 9

2 0 杕 杌 00 20 words Jeff tended costume prty lt mth, he met utiful girl re. The girl, s nme w Lily. Dressed prcess, Lily cught everye, s tenti. When she gve Jeff brod smile, he n, t help but fll love this grcefully dressed prcess. Jeff plucked up his cge k Lily dnce him, y hd wderful time. After prty, Jeff lerned from e his clsmes where Lily lived. Hunted by Lily, s smile, Jeff ssed turned not fll leep night. He decided compose sg Lily. Jeff not wit show Lily how he loved her, so he went Lily, s plce midnight. He w very excited when he sw lights Lily, s plce still. He plyed guitr sng his sg ffectiely, lievg Lily, s hert would melt when she herd his sg. Jeff, s disppotment, however, it w Lily, s fr who opened wdow. He yelled Jeff, n more more neighbors opened ir wdows wh w gog. Eventully, Jeff pologized his irril hvior went wy embrrsed. Jeff, s crzy love Lily med hve blded him. 20 英文科

2 0 杕 grcefully 杌 compose 杈 ffectiely 杝 disppotment 杍 eventully 杚 irril 杋 embrrsed 毐 bld (vt.) 杕 cch e, s tenti 杌 cn, t help but + VR 杈 fll love 杝 pluck up e, s cge 杍 ss turn 杚 fll leep 杋 cn, t wit + VR 毐 e, s disppotment 氙 yell 氚 pologize ( + ) + 試題大剖析 英文科 2