literati can not give up the official imagery. This paper from the "Shi-Jin" boat symbols to analysis its official imagery, and from the cultural netw

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Journal of China Institute of Technology Vol.38-2008.6 Official-Boat Imagery in "Shi-Jin" Yu-Jen Li China Institute of Technology (Ernst Cassirer) (symbols) 1 Abstract In "Shi-Jin", the little boat is not only a target object, but also a symbol of cultural symbols. Ernst Cassirer considers that the "symbols", through common or through similar, commonality of another entity recognized to represent the entities, is used to the specific physical characterization of something. Every symbols we have joined as a cultural significance of the network, the contrary, the culture is also a symbol network. The importance doesn t lies in symbols itself, and in its body outside the metaphorical significance, and the resulting sense of an interrelated system, culture precisely because of the significance of symbols represent posed by. "Shi-Jin" as the Chinese culture of the earliest poetry collection, the cultural symbols comes from it, and especially the 1 35-39 Ernst Cassirer 1997 393

literati can not give up the official imagery. This paper from the "Shi-Jin" boat symbols to analysis its official imagery, and from the cultural networks to explore "Shi-Jin" on the impact of future generations of scholars. Keywords: imagery, analogy imagery, cultural symbols, no tied-boat imagery, different grades of boat-bridge. 5 6 2 Northrop Frye 1987 151 3 1985 1040 4 1 1041 5 1960 13 429 4727 6 2003 101 394

Journal of China Institute of Technology Vol.38-2008.6 钜 羣 7 2 2-1 74 8 1986 270 395

396 9 1986 584 10 1981 167 11 12 2 10-1 353 13 1992 578

Journal of China Institute of Technology Vol.38-2008.6 16 17 14 2 15-1 502 15 5 16 1 10 139-140 17 1989 8 227 18 1960 21 728 8350 397

398 羣 19 25 71

Journal of China Institute of Technology Vol.38-2008.6 25 27 羣 檝 28 20 1960 4 132 1344 21 1988 529 22 1989 2-3 23 1960 5 160 1633 24 1983 24 339 25 1983 386 992 446 26 27 1994 309 28 1972 2131 29 399

30 30 1991 1 32 31 2 16-2 541 32 1987 917 33 2 16-2 542 34 31 35 1963 126 36 1985 40 609 400

Journal of China Institute of Technology Vol.38-2008.6 37 1998.4 47-48 38 1960 22 756 8597 39 1992 8 188 40 1960 22 761 8638 41 1960 5 160 1669 42 1960 20 702 8085 401

43 ) 45 ( ) 46 ( ) ) 48 ( 43 1960 9 297 3363 44 1960 16 548 6332 45 1960 23 819 9234 46 1960 8 239 2683 47 1960 6 190 1943 48 1960 5 148 1519 402

Journal of China Institute of Technology Vol.38-2008.6 1989 1989 1972 1983 1985 1983 1991 1999 1986 1981 1983 1985 1987 1994 1960 1963 1986 403

1987 1988 1992 1992 19984 2003 (Ernst Cassirer) 1997 404