2012. 8 2 Aristotle 3 Pythagoras I. Kant 19 W. Wagner 4 5 classic art popular art 188

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Abstracts gyin. A total is more than six hundred songs. The He - Huang Poetry arose from the fight between Tang and Tubo from the 8th century to the 9th century not only record the peace contact between Tang and Tubo the national form of bilateral relations which was located as Uncle and Nephew but also reflected the contradiction and struggle between the two sides. These poetry also have high reference value for the study of Tang Dynasty s political history military history national history even for the study of cultural history and history of religion. As literature work He - Huang Poetry with its rich content and vigorous style also played an important role in supporting the development of Tang Poetry. Key words He - Huang Poetry relationship between Tang and Tubo historical and literature significance of poem Yu Shucheng & Wang Shusen Chinese Poetry Research Center Anhui Normal University Xin an Painting School s Well - organized Inheritance and Clear - headed Creation Taking Jian Jiang and Huang Binhong as Examples Abstract Inheriting the tradition in a well - organized way is one of excellent traditions of Chinese painting. Xin an painting school features well - organized inheritance and clear - headed creation in which the painter Jian Jiang and Huang Binhong are considered typical representatives. Jian Jiang firstly imitated NI and HUANG of Yuan dynasty and then DONG and JU of the Northern Song dynasty. He developed his own unique style and blazed a new path by following Yuan painters spirit and the Northern Song painters powerful strokes and drawing the Xin an landscapes. Keen to study the representative techniques and styles of previous painters he showed broad perspective profound understanding ability of assimilating and integrating the best of the traditions strong sense of self - discipline and his enthusiasm to painting. Huang Binhong took a similar path to Jian Jiang whom he mainly learned when continuing Xin an school s traditions. By carrying on the traditions of Yuan and the Northern Song painting schools he enriched his creation through the inheritance of previous dynasty to reform abuses in his time. Combining the Song and Yuan painting styles with the scenery of Xin an he developed his knowledge personality painting techniques and ability of creation and finally achieved unparalleled accomplishments. Key words Jian Jiang Huang Binhong well - organized inheritance clear - headed creation creation through inheritance Chen Xiangming Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College Social Culture and Aesthetic Modernity in Film Music Analysis on the Music of Korean Movies Chunhyang and Resurrection of the Little Match Girl Abstract Korean movies Chunhyang and Resurrection of the Little Match Girl respectively take an ancient Korean folk story and a modern Korean social allegory for main content create two kinds of traditional and postmodern film music formations and art styles showing the aesthetic music form of traditional culture and the mixed music game form of postmodern culture. These two kinds of culture make aesthetic fusion and aesthetic exploration with contemporary society respectively reflect the features of aesthetic modernity such as aesthetic salvation tolerance of difference and refusal to mediocrity. Key words film music korean social culture aesthetic modernity Li Shuo 1 & Zhang Ruolin 2 1. Anhui Art College Communication University of China 2. Xiamen University To be continued on page 263