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95 12 71 103 Journal of Yuanpei University No. 13, December 2006 P. 71 P. 103 The Poems of Analyzed Theories in Journey of Yangtze Gorges that the Four Great Poets Traveled by the Time of the Tang Dynasty Yu-Fang Chang Department of Chinese Literature, General Education Center, Yuanpei University of Science and Technology (Received January 13, 2006; Revised, February 19, 2006; Accepted, February 27, 2006) Abstract: The three gorges of Yangtze River are the specific area in a space time conception. It was a good data for poems and sentiments that the men of letters and scholars had been here before. The scenery was so magnificent with strange and fairy tales, and a lot of historic ruins which under the pen of the talent formed a great civilization. The Tang s folks like to pass through here by water from somewhere to three gorges. The four poets featured roles should be inferred, they are Li Po, Tu Fu, Pai Chu-i, and Liu Yeu-Shyi. For they encountered 71

their careers and left so many important poem works to be on everybody s lips which achieved that it can never be decayed and also it affected the later people very deeply. Therefore this statement is researching the four poets circumstances with the moods having what issue to be exposed, and affect the literature with background of the men of letters, and hereafter can realize the writers which their tracks and working papers that concealed some meanings behind the back with the interesting in pretty judgment. Key words: The Three Gorges of Yangtze River, To Demote and Exile an Official, A Kind of Verse Mainly about the Life of the Common People, Originating in the Tang Dynasty 193 1 2 3 4 1 193 493 2 1994 12 14 2009 38 175 660 3 1985 296 4 25 1992 50 611 72

5 1439 6 ( ) 5 6 73

8 9 766 10 11 7 1 8 50 611 9 ( 1264 ) 1997 10 234 2582 11 74

12 13 14 15 766 16 463-464 12 13 229 2492 229 2507 14 229 2507 15 229 2508 16 84 912 75

17 45 18 19 20 21 17 2003 139-166 18 229 2505 229 2505 229 2503 222 2367 229 2497 19 229 2504 20 181 1844 21 229 2506 76

22 23 24 25 26 22 1985 10-11 23 229 2508 24 229 2505 25 1986 1152 1153 26 61-150 77

27 28 29 30 31 818 32 27 1987 27-28 598 28 181 1849 29 1981 567 30 174 1786 31 181 1843 1277 32 1982 91 78

33 34 35 818 36 37 33 439 4894 34 440 4900 35 430 4752 36 441 4915 37 434 4797 79

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 38 206--218 39 229 2505 40 1112 41 1959 62 42 163 1695 43 163 1692 44-1959 211-212 80

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 45 434 4798 46 440 4903 47 440 4900 48 1989 596 766 2000 124 49 1148-1149 50 229 2504 51 357 4016 81

52 53 40 54 55 52 595-596 53 54 1 494 40 55 1125-1127 82

56 57 58 56 16 4 57 50 611 58 87 956 83

59 60 61 15 6.4 62 63 59 186-187 60 1996 1 61 2000 1 62 1999 138 63 1993 101 112 84

64 65 爲 64 1115-1116 65 1993 1997 1983 4 1993 4 2004 41 3 2003 11 85

66 67 824 68 69 70 71 66 ( ) 1966 5 67 198 68 1997 324 69 297 70 440 4914 71 440 4914 86

72 73 74 72 1 1468 983 73 74 87

爲 75 766 76 爲 爲 爲 爲 75 181 1844 76 230 2510 88

75 77 78 725 79 758 80 77 1 494 78 50 611 79 181 1843 80 130 89

81 40 82 83 768 81 181 1844 82 1278 83 1281 90

84 85 86 818 87 84 222 2364 85 30 23 9 ( ) 40 86 87 2003 26 91

爲 爲 88 89 88 26-27 89 440 4914 92

( ) ( ) ( ) (805), 22 823 90 91 92 93 90 1986 91 365 4112 92 ( 2000 2 ) 93 1994 13 93

畲 94

( ) 94 819 820 94 440 4914 95

95 96 97 759 98 95 441 4926 96 495-496 97 1985 504-506 98 131 724 96

99 759 1991 1993 176 99 170 1753 97

100 101 102 103 104 100 232 2556 101 229 2493 102 103 229 2492 104 62-64 98

105 ( 106 ) ( 107) ( 108 ) ( ) ( 109 110 ( ) 111 105 227 2468 106 229 2497 107 230 2526 108 229 2505 109 230 2511 110 230 2510 111 227 2460 99

112 45 112 1976 269-272 100

( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) 1. 2. 101

3. 1992 4. 5. 6. 2003 7. 1985 8. 1986 9. 1987 10. 1998 11. 1981 12. 1982 13. 14. 1959 15. 1 16. 17. 18 4 2003 7 18. 1996 1 19. 2000 1 20. 21. 1993 22. 1997 23. 2004 41 3 24. 2003 11 25. ( ) 1966 26. 27. 1997 28. 1983 29. 2003 30. 2000 2 31. 1994 32. 1985 102

33. 1991 1993 34. 1976 35. 1980 36. 1980 103