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Re-commenting the Southern West Chamber of Li, Jih-Hua Tsung-Yi Lin Abstract Since the Southern West Chamber of Li, Jih-Hua, a dramatist of Ming Dynasty, was published, there were seldom positive evaluation and studies. This text believes that the criticism of ancient people is not exactly true, and there are many parts which need to be discussed. The author lists the number of tunes of southern and northern West Chamber. According to the numbers in the list, it is supposed that the adaptation motive is to be convenient for southern Wu people to sing and perform, and the adaptation principle is to condense and simplify the tunes. Therefore, the success and failure of the Southern West Chamber were discussed with eleven examples. Some faults which couldn t be covered were found and known by ancient and modern people. However, the author thinks that some changes of the plot actually complement the deficiency or doubtful interpretation (not really faulty expression in writing) in tunes and plot of the Northern West Chamber of Wang, Shih-Fu. Li, Jih-Hua used his own opinions to make the Northern West Chamber coherent and clear. Although the merits and faults are controversial, it is too drastic or unfair to criticize the merits and faults with original standards. Via the discussion and proof of these examples, we could tell the adaptation principles and the writing style trend from elegance and complication to vulgarness and clearness that he got by these principles. Thus, his effort should not be eliminated. Southern West Chambe Li, Jih-Hu Northern West Chambe Wang, Shih-F dramatist 35