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6 ( 1 ) 13-13228

14 2 8 26 1 12 345 6 26273-277 1 26 Joseph Bosco

15 2 3 2 26276 3 198998

16 2 8 Primitive Classification Durkheim and Mauss 1963 Purity and DangerNatural Symbols Douglas 1966, 197, 1975 Leach 1958Hallpike 1969 Arthur Wolf Wolf 1974 Durkheim and Mauss 1963: 85-86

17 4 4

18 2 8 25325 1961

19 ㈠ 5 65 6 13 1 8 21 13 2 5 6

11 1 2 8 65 23 11 13 8 3 2 5 * 9 5 1 3 * 213

111 2 1. 22 211-12 2. 26 3. 25337

112 2 8 4. 337~338 5. 263 6. 47 7. 13

113 7 8. 8 9. 1881 65 1. 9 7 8 9

114 2 8 11. 1 12. 129 13. 1

115 131 ㈡ 11 3 4 13 11

116 313 2 8

117 411*

118 2 8 5 5 5 8 1. 25334~335

119 2. 333~334 3. 219 4. 49 5. 67 6. 19

12 2 8 7. 98 8. 128 8 88 8 85 98

121 1. 2. 4 3.

122 2 8 4.

123 ㈠

124 2 8 ㈡ bargain ㈢

125 12 12

126 2 8 self identity 13 1326 27

127 Durkheim and Mauss 1963: 86

128 2 8 2 23 71-88 26 437-458 26[1997] 263-291997 91-19 26 728~31 25

129 26 27 http://db3.greatman.com.tw/twsyubianweb/content.asp? BookclsID=5&Bo okid=39&chptid=11&page=1&report=26596915 27 http://db3.greatman.com.tw/twsyubianweb/content.asp?bookclsid=5&bo okid=39&chptid=6&page=2&report=26696915 1989 39179-17 24 湾 98-112 Douglas, Mary 1966 Purity and Danger. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 197 Natural Symbols. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1975 Implicit Meanings. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Durkheim, Emile and Marcel Mauss 1963 Primitive Classification. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Hallpike, Christopher Robert 1969 Social Hair. Man n. s. 4: 256-264. Leach, Edmund 1958 Magical Hair. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 88: 147-164. Wolf, Arthur 1974 Gods, Ghosts and Ancestors. In Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society. pp. 131-182. ed. by Arthur P. Wolf. Stanford: Standford University Press.

13 2 8 1887191 1919 1924 9774 67 etlmr@gate.sinica.edu.tw 75 233 sam8356@yahoo.com.tw

131 Temples Founded for Drifting Corpses in the Mazu Islands : The Makang Mazu Temple as a Preliminary Case Study Lin Mei-rong Institute of Religion and Culture, Tzu Chi University Chen Wei-Hua Department of Cultural and Natural Resources, National University of Tainan There is a significant narrative about the origin of the Magang Tian-Hou Temple in the Mazu Islands. It says that the corpse of Lin Mo Niang (Tian Hou) drifted to the coast of Magang after she died at sea when rescuing her father, and the local people buried her and established the temple for her. We can still see the grave in the temple nowadays. In this essay, we try to figure out the social and cultural implication behind this story. First of all, we find that people burying a corpse found on the beach and establishing a temple for him (or her) is a common religious model in the Mazu Islands. Further, we argue that this kind of religious model represents a distinguishing characteristic of small island societies in southeast coastal China. These societies are relatively marginal and unstable. This religious model reflects the struggle over self-identity in these societies. Keywords: temples founded for drifting corpses, marginal society, selfidentity, collective representation, Mazu cult