ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among attraction, visitor satisfaction and loyalty, and visitor s willingness to

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The relationship among attraction, satisfaction and loyalty, and visitor s willingness to pay of the Chiayi International Band Festival Chung-Ling Chen Liang-Fan Wu 2006/5/1 2006/6/5 塲 (Email: jlchen@mail.nhu.eud.tw)

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among attraction, visitor satisfaction and loyalty, and visitor s willingness to pay (WTP) of Chiayi International Band Festival. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the empirical data from the visitors of the 14th Chiayi International Band Festival and a total number of 1,187 valid samples were obtained. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test and LISREL. The results are as follows. Most respondents are college students, live in Chiayi City/County, have classmates/friends coming with them, acquire festival information via friends or relatives, and do not visit other scenic sites en route. As far as the WTP is concerned, the largest percentage of the respondents have the WTP of 200 dollars for each performance, of 300 dollars for the set ticket for the whole indoor performance, and of 301-500 dollars spent on the festival. The linear structure relation model (LISREL) of attraction, satisfaction and loyalty is found to be acceptable. In addition, the results of the study indicate that: (1) participation motivation and pre-trip expectation, respectively, positively affect attraction, (2) attraction positively affects satisfaction and loyalty, (3) pre-trip expectation does not affect visitor satisfaction, (4) on-site experience positively affects satisfaction, (5) satisfaction positively affects loyalty. Keywords festival, attraction, satisfaction, loyalty, willingness to pay, LISREL 勠 102





H1 H4 H2 H3 H5 H7 H6 1 107

塲 1 56.4% 20 31.3% 21~30 27.4% 31~40 22.4% 40 18.9% 56.6% ( ) 36.7% 38.2% 16.8% 16.1% 34% 30,001~50,000 20.7% 20,001~30,000 17.9% / 48.8 / 19.5% 108

1 n=1187 518 43.6 20 371 31.3 669 56.4 21-30 325 27.4 ( ) 436 36.7 31-40 266 22.4 672 56.6 41-50 156 13.1 79 6.7 51 69 5.8 6 0.5 403 34 92 7.8 20,000 201 16.9 124 10.4 20,001-30,000 213 17.9 191 16.1 30,001-50,000 246 20.7 200 16.8 50,000 124 10.4 50 4.2 / 579 48.8 454 38.2 ( ) 151 12.7 ( 70 5.9 ( ) 213 17.9 ) ( ) 232 19.5 ( ) 12 1.0 1187 100 1187 100 109

2 n=1187 277 23.3 84 7.1 1 314 26.5 475 40 1 169 14.2 610 51.4 2 427 36 18 1.5 1 472 39.8 49 4.1 2 243 20.5 69 5.8 3 199 16.7 359 30.2 4 92 7.8 410 34.5 5 181 15.2 259 22 151 12.7 35 2.9 115 9.7 6 0.5 311 26.2 856 72.1 97 8.2 331 27.9 211 17.8 302 25.4 1187 100 1187 100 塲 110

歩 3 n=1187 0 138 11.6 100 198 16.7 100 328 27.6 200 246 20.7 塲 200 353 29.7 300 278 23.4 300 251 21.1 400 94 7.9 400 53 4.5 500 238 20.1 500 64 5.4 600 65 5.5 100 155 13.1 700 17 1.4 101~300 333 28.1 301~500 357 30.1 501~700 132 11.1 701~900 74 6.2 901 136 11.4 800 51 4.3 1187 100 1187 100 1 111

4 1 4.06 0.82 2 3.91 0.89 3 3.79 0.95 3 3.79 0.93 4 3.77 1.00 5 3.76 1.05 6 3.74 0.89 7 3.63 1.06 8 3.50 1.05 9 3.38 1.00 10 3.32 1.07 11 3.29 1.13 12 3.25 1.11 13 2.49 1.21 1 3.82 0.82 2 3.78 0.84 3 3.55 0.87 1 3.85 0.71 2 3.79 0.71 3 3.66 0.80 1 4.03 0.83 2 4.01 0.82 3 3.94 0.85 112

5 t A B AB p 1. 3.74 3.66 0.08 2.930 0.003 * 2. 3.74 3.62 0.12 4.670 0.000 ** 3. 3.82 3.84-0.02-0.779 0.436 1. 3.76 3.73 0.03 1.113 0.266 2. 3.66 3.72-0.06-1.821 0.069 3. 3.58 3.61-0.03-0.898 0.370 1. 3.49 3.64-0.15-4.878 0.000 ** 2. 3.50 3.58-0.08-2.867 0.004 * 3. 3.47 3.61-0.14-4.583 0.000 ** 4. 3.36 3.59-0.23-6.470 0.000 ** 5. 3.40 3.66-0.26-7.888 0.000 ** P 0.05 P 0.01 113

0.819 0.781 0.767 0.825 6 % Cronbach sα 2.551 21.254 0.7950 0.824 2.035 16.960 0.7490 0.621 0.773 0.740 0.703 0.800 0.638 0.597 68.19% KMO=0.842, p=0.000 1.920 16.000 0.7079 1.677 13.977 0.6432 114

7 t t λ1 0.65* 21.40 0.031 0.58 18.54 λ2 0.57* 18.42 0.033 0.68 20.71 λ3 0.51* 15.72 0.035 0.74 20.98 λ4 0.37* 11.20 0.037 0.85 22.78 λ5 0.91* 29.27 0.040 0.18 4.49 λ6 0.82* 26.54 0.035 0.33 9.45 λ7 0.71* 23.06 0.033 0.50 15.17 λ8 0.86* 33.20 0.023 0.26 11.55 λ9 0.83* 32.70 0.021 0.30 14.58 λ10 0.70* 25.24 0.027 0.05 18.13 λ11 0.84-0.019 0.29 15.09 λ12 0.83* 30.70 0.020 0.31 15.97 λ13 0.67* 24.36 0.026 0.55 21.33 λ14 0.84-0.022 0.29 13.34 λ15 0.81* 27.40 0.023 0.35 15.07 λ16 0.71* 23.76 0.026 0.49 18.72 λ17 0.89-0.022 0.20 8.33 λ18 0.87* 30.23 0.022 0.23 10.43 λ19 0.77* 25.87 0.025 0.41 16.44 P 0.05 115

8 χ2 P 0.05 380.27 p=0.000 χ2 1~3 2.99 GFI 0.9 0.97 RMR RMSEA AGFI NFI CFI PNFI PGFI 0.1 0.033 0.05 0.05~0.08 0.041 0.9 0.95 0.9 0.99 0.9 0.99 0.5 0.73 0.5 0.65 116

9 0.65* 0.42 0.57* 0.32 0.51* 0.26 0.37* 0.14 0.91* 0.82 0.82* 0.67 0.71* 0.51 0.86* 0.74 0.83* 0.70 0.70* 0.50 0.84 0.71 0.83* 0.69 0.67* 0.45 0.84 0.71 0.81* 0.65 0.71* 0.51 0.89 0.80 0.87* 0.77 0.77* 0.59 P 0.05 0.795 0.749 0.746 0.747 0.749 0.748 117

10 DE IE TE 0.80-0.80* 0.08-0.08* 0.35-0.35* 0.36 0.14 0.5* 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.49-0.49* 0.39 0.39* P 0.05 塲 118


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