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17 6 Vol.17 No.6 2010 11 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China November 2010 张 娜, 罗 国 芝, 谭 洪 新, 孙 大 川, 潘 云 峰, 郑 海 粟 (, 201306) 摘 要 : (Scortum barcoo)(107.52±0.87) g, 16 22 28 3 28 d, :, 22 28 16, 22 28 (P>0.05), (DWG)(SGR)(FCR) (FR) (P<0.05);,,,, (P>0.05); (P<0.05), 25~26, 28, [, 2010,17(6): 1236 1242] : ; ; ; ; 中 图 分 类 号 : S96 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 1005 8737 (2010)06 1236 07,, [1],, [2], [3] (Siniperca chuatsi) (Ophicephalus argus Cantor), (Esox lucius) [4] 23 ; [5-6] (Scortum barcoo), [7-10],,, 1 1.1, 1, (107.52±0.87) g ( 44.0%, 5.0%, 18.0%, 1.00%~4.00%, 1.20%, 0.50%~3.00%, 收 稿 日 期 : 2009 11 09; 修 订 日 期 : 2009 12 17. 基 金 项 目 : (S30701). 作 者 简 介 : (1986 ),,,. E-mail: 通 讯 作 者 : (1981 ),,. E-mail:

6 : 1237 2.50%, 12.0%) 1.2 ( 1), 4, 2, 1,,, 24 h, ph 6.5~7.5, 5~6 mg/l 1 Fig. 1 Construction of Recirculating aquaculture system for Scortum barcoo : Culture tan; Bio-filter; Temperature control; Pump; Sand filter. 1.3 1.3.1 10~38 [11], 3, 16 22 28 2, 32 kg/m 3 6 h 1, 3 d, 28 d 9:00 5:00 2 1.3.2, 10 (Specific growth rate) (Day weight gain) (Feed conversion ratio) (Feed ration), : (SGR) = 100(lnW 2 1nW 1 )/(t 2 t 1 ) (DWG) = (W 2 W 1 )/(t 2 t 1 ) (FCR) = F/[n(W 2 W 1 )] (FR) = 200F/[(W 2 +W 1 )n(t 2 t 1 )] = 100 ( / ), W 1 W 2 (g) (g), F (g), n 1.3.3 1d, 10, 200 mg L 1 MS-222,, 3 500 r/min 20 min,, : (ALT): ( ) : ( ) : : :,,,, 1.4,, 10~11 h 10..00 YSI(YSI Incorporated. Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA) ph,, TAN NH 3 N NO 2 N 3 ( 1), ( 0.02 mg L 1 ) ph 6.5 NaOH,, ( ), 表 1 不 同 温 度 处 理 组 中 的 水 质 情 况 Tab. 1 Water indices of different temperatures x ±SD Water Indices 16 22 28 ph 6.82±0.30 6.57±0.14 6.56±0.38 DO 6.02±0.40 5.02±0.45 5.68±0.46 Salinity 0.74±0.17 0.67±0.09 0.80±0.15 TAN/(mg L 1 ) 1.56±0.12 2.77±0.16 2.92±0.19 NH 3 -N /( g L 1 ) 4.20±0.33 3.61±0.21 7.30±0.49 NO 2 -N/(mg L 1 ) 0.12±0.01 0.10±0.01 0.13±0.01

1238 17 1.5 ±( x ±SD), SPSS 16.0 (One Way ANOVA), 0.05 0.01(LSD) 2 2.1 2.1.1 3 2 100% SGR : 16~28,, SGR,, 28 SGR 22, SGR DWG (P<0.01) (0 7 d), 28 DWG, 16 DWG, (P< 0.05) ;, 22, 22 28 DWG SGR 16 (P<0.05) FCR (P<0.05), 16 FCR ( 2 2) Treatment /g Initial BW 表 2 不 同 温 度 处 理 组 中 的 宝 石 鲈 生 长 情 况 Tab. 2 Growth of Scortum barcoo cultured at different temperatures /g Final BW n=10 ; x ±SD DWG/(g.d 1 ) SGR/% FCR FR/% 16 108.80±1.25 a 138.65±1.04 a 1.07±0.04 a 0.86±0.035 a 0.72±0.08 a 0.62±0.04 a 22 108.75±1.74 a 163.35±1.42 c 1.95±0.05 b 1.45±0.030 b 1.11±0.05 b 1.59±0.10 b 28 105.00±1.41 a 157.30±1.53 b 1.87±0.04 b 1.44±0.050 b 1.09±0.01 b 1.56±0.05 b : (P<0.05), (P>0.05). Note: The different letters on the parameters in one row mean significant differences (P<0.05); the same ones mean no significant differences (P>0.05). Fig. 2 2 Body weight of Scortum barcoo under different water temperature treatments 2.1.2 SGR (T) ( 3) : SGR= 3.6+0.041 2T+( 0.008)T 2 (R 2 = 0.980 P<0.01), 25.75 SGR, 22 28 16 Fig. 3 3 Correlation between water temperature and SGR of Scortum barcoo (P<0.05)(P 0.01)( 1), (FR) ( 4): FR= 6.793+

6 : 1239 Fig. 4 4 Correlation between water temperature and feed ration of Scortum barcoo 0.683T+( 0.014)T 2 (R 2 =0.979 P<0.01), 24.39 2.2 ( 3), : 16~28,,, (P>0.05);, (P>0.05), 表 3 不 同 温 度 处 理 组 中 的 宝 石 鲈 血 液 生 化 免 疫 指 标 Tab. 3 Biochemical and immunological parameters of Scortum barcoo under different temperatures n=10; x ±SD Treatment /(u L 1 ) ALT /(mol L 1 ) Triacylglycerol /(u L 1 ) Lysozyme /(ng L 1 ) Cortisol % Spleen weight index 16 5.00±0.18 a 5.64±0.19 a 39.58±1.84 a 8.68±2.06 a 0.061±0.002 a 22 4.61±0.33 a 5.82±0.29 a 41.73±1.30 a 14.50±1.53 a 0.072±0.004 a 28 4.28±0.35 a 6.28±0.23 a 42.86±1.35 a 33.23±2.62 b 0.060±0.006 a : (P<0.05), (P>0.05). Note: The different letters on the parameters in the same column mean significant differences (P<0.05); the same ones mean no significant differences(p 0.05). (P>0.05);, 28 16 22 (P< 0.01), 16 22 (P>0.05) 4, 16 22 0.061% 0.060%, 22 0.072%,, (P>0.05) 3 3.1,,,,,,,, [12] [13] 30, (Anguilla mossambica) 30 Tomas Arnason [14], (Scophthalmus maximus) : 1g 10 g 100 g 1 000 g 22.5 20.8 19.1 17.5, 16 28, (P<0.01), 22 28 16, 28 22,,,, [15],

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