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Chun- Chao Tseng Far East colledge Abstract This study focuses on the school administration which is closely related to whether the administrative aff

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The purpose of this study was to understand the distribution of sex industry. To establish channel of HIV education by cooperate with public health bureau and reduces the HIV-infected in sex behavior. Further, to promote the related cognition of HIV and to achieve the goal of HIV prevention. The study were work from January throughout December 2005. Study object were Sex workers. The three work counties that Taipei, Taoyuan and Chiayi were selected from screen data which was bureau public health matched with police to find out the streetwalker or eight sex-related industries. The number of participants in this study was 557 sex workers in preceding test and 381 in later test. The research design of this study was based on cooperate with sex work who being this job. Encouraging and providing the inducement as if supply a condom, lubricant and free health examination. etc. After building up the long-term relation with sex worker, Snowing ball method t was used to understand the work category, numbers and distribution. On the other hand, investigate sex-related industry distribute by field survey. Avoiding HIV virus spread from sex behavior, the study cooperate with sentinel hospital to provide the services of free venereal disease check and HIV test. In addition, to educate sex workers HIV-related knowledge by peer education, visit at home etc in the aspects of counseling. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the study and provide the referral in making policy for HIV prevention in the future, questionnaire which about HIV knowledge, condom and drug used was fill by sex worker. 7



92 93 mapping 10

(Peer Education) 11

Network of Sex Work Project Reaching Out to Sex Workers 12

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1. UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS). AIDS epidemic update, 2005. 2. amfar (American Foundation for AIDS Research). Global Initiatives Special Report: AIDS in Asia. (http://www.amfar.org/) 3. : 94 12 4. 90 5. (92 052 ) 92 12 6. 93 7. Center for Health and Gender Equity, Working with Women in Prostitution: A Critical Dimension of HIV prevention. Maryland, USA. April 2003 8. UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS). Female sex worker HIV prevention projects: Lessons learnt from Papua New Guinea, India and Bangladesh. Geneva: UNAIDS.November 2000 9. : : 82 10. : 82 11. The Network of Sex Work Projects. Reaching out to sex workers. 2003 (http://www.thestormproject.com) 12. 93 26


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4? 1. 1-3 2. 4-6 3. 7-10 4. 10 29


1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 31

( ) 32





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