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1998 10 MTV hybrid aesthetics Bang Bang Bang heightened femininity spectacle of excess imitative structure imaginary Chineseness want-to-be-ness

cultural liminality temporal deferral partial splitting Homi Bhabha 1994:51 hybridization fetishizing gaze blackness the primitive and the sexual Franz Fanon 1967:165-75; Paul Gilroy 1994:23:33 the exotic and erotic Eve Kosofsky Sedgewick 1993:141-53; Judith Butler 1993:124-27; Diana Fuss 1994:211-32 colonial mimicry a process of disavowal representation of a difference almost the same, not quite Homi Bhabha 1984:128-129 / drag homophilia homophobia hyperbolic heterosexual gender norms Judith Butler

allegorize heterosexual melancholy masculine gender / feminine gender / grieve / Judith Butler 1993:234-35 hybridizing ambivalence context masquerade and camouflage codified stylized spectacle of exess

fantasy space heterotopia Michelle Foucault 1967:22-27 panopticon

1911 1919 Chou Katherine Hui-ling 1997:19-20 cultural ambivalence / / allegorize symbolic norms realness norms phantasmatic status George Pierce Baker 1922 1935:12;Chou Katherine Hui-ling 1997:65

/ 1926:194-96; Chou Katherine Hui-ling 1997:53 gender melancholy becoming masculine gender melancholy colonial mimicry / / 1930 1930 2 6 1991:262 J.Brooks Atkinson Stark Young George C. Warren Charles Eugene essence of woman Arthur Ruhl metonymy negative transparency (Homi Bhabha 1994:112) /

1962 1955

libido sanctioned imaginary censorship having

1974 1978 --- 1994:42-54 phallic woman straight male 68-76

1999 1994 1995 5 28 15 Bang Bang Bang codified representational apparatuses Chinese Authenticity Bang Bang Bang

/ / masquerade simulacrum gaze desire oblique passing censorship

1996 drag masquerade collective coming out selective coming out drag 1997:52-58 masquerade and camouflage Ivy I-Chu Chang 1997 245-47 drag 1995 Glad 1996 8 1997:163-68

T T 1997:71-75 representational apparatuses looking back Paris Is Burning phantasmatic structure symbolic norms realness norms disidentification Paris Is Burning phantasmatic pursuit 1991 Jennie Livingston ethnographic documentary 1987 1989 Imperial Elks Lodge

Willi Ninja passing straight Venus Xtravaganza Peggy Phelan 1993 91-95 Judith Butlar 1993 128-31 whiteness and femaleness phantasmatic promise Judith Butler 131 --- --- --- less marketable less desirable male gaze becoming woman

becoming phallus having phallus becoming phallus having abject masquerade and camonflage reiterate domestic allegory of political desire locations phantasmatic tranformation 332-35

/ T T T T T / / / T T T T 70-89 Bhabha, Homi K. 1984. Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse. October 28:125-53.. 1994. The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge. Butler, Judith 1993. Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex. New York: Rouledge. Chang, Ivy I-chu. 1998 Remapping Memories and Public Space: Taiwan s Theater of Action in the Opposition Movement and Social Movements, From 1986 to 1997. Taipei: Bookman Books LTD. Chou, Katherine Hui-ling. 1997. Staging revolution: Actresses, Realism, and the New Woman Movement in Chinese Spoken Drama and Film, 1919-1949. Doctoral Dissertation, Performance Studies Department at New York University. Chung, Mingder. 1992. The Little Theater Movement of Taiwan (1980-89): In Search of Alternative Aesthetics and Politics. Doctoral Dissertation.

Performance Studies Department at New York University. Fanon, Frantz. 1967. Black Skin, White Masks. Trans. Charles Lam Markmann. New York: Grove Weidenfeld. Foucault, Michel. 1986/1968. Text and Contexts Of Other Space. Diacritics 16:1(Spring):22-27 Fuss, Diana. 1994. Fashion and the Homospectatiorial Look. On Fashion. Eds. S. Benstock and S. Ferriss. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers UP, 211-32. Gilroy, Paul. 1994. After the Love Has Gone: Bio-politics and Etho-poetics in the Black Public Sphere. Public Culture 7.1:23-76 Peggy, Phelan. 1993. Unmarked. Routledge 1997 1 52-58 1990 1999 / 1997 1935 39 12-13 1919 6 No.3 5 March 1997 63-68 1925 1991 262-68 1994 1958 1997 71-76