(1965 1972) () Vietnam. 1965 1972,,, ;,,,,,,,,,, 1969 70,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,, 60,,,, 1968 4 29 :, 1968 4 29,, Woodrow Wilson Internation2 al Center fo

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2000 7 7 4 Contemporary China History Studies J ul., 2000 Vol. 7 No. 4 (1965 1972) () (, 100009) [] ; ; ; ; [ ] 1965 1972,,,,,,,,,,,,, [] D81 [] A [ ] 100524952 (2000) 0420044214 The Sino2Soviet Clashes and Conflicts over theaid Vietnam Resist AmericaIssue ( 1965 1972) ( Part 1) L I Dan2hui ( Contem porary China Institute, Beijing 100009, China) Key words : Aid Vietnam Resist America ; China ; Soviet Union ; Vietnam ; clashes and conflicts Abstract : During the 1965 72 period of the Vietnam War, the Soviet Union infiltrated Southeast Asia and adjusted its policies towards Vietnam, enhancing its aid for Vietnam so that Soviet2Vietnam relations grew closer. During this same period Sino2Soviet relations shifted from hostility towards confrontation. The deteri2 oration of Sino2Soviet relations to a large degree influenced Mao Zedongs ponderings about domestic and ex2 ternal perils, and in turn this shaped a readjustment in Chinas external strategy. It was in fact impossible for China and the Soviet Union to work hand2in2hand to assist Vietnam, and there were clashes of interest over winning over Vietnam. This led to clashes and conflicts between China and the Soviet Union in the course of assisting Vietnam, especially with Vietnam seeking to maximize its aid from both of them. This pa2 per examines the background and development of Sino2Soviet clashes and conflict over material assistance to [ ] 2000-04 - 12 [ ] 44 (1954 ),,,

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2000 4,,,, 3 8,,,, 8?,,,, :,,,,, 615 :,,,,,,,,,,,, :, 18 75,,,,,,,,,,, 1967 5, 17 21 12,,,,, 1965 4 1,, 77, 11, 7, 38 ;2, 266 267 1965 3 26, SD08116 1965 4 1,, 77, 11, 7 56

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