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2000 12 1

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3 (E. Durkheim) 1998 Spencer, 1994 T. Parsons Acker,1995 Dreeben(1973) Lortie(1973) Acker,1995 Simpson Simpson 1969 Biklen 1995 Acker 1989 Lortie(1975) Schoolteacher

(conservatism) (individualism) (presentism) Lacey(1977) (social strategy) strategic compliance internalized adjustment strategic redefinition Sikes Measor Woods 1985 40 career history Sikes strategic compromise Ball Goodson 1985 Evetts 1990 Sikes ( ) (deskilling) (Acker 1995 Ball & Goodson 1985) 4

5 Apple 1986 Lawn & Ozga 1981 Apple(1986) Ozga Lawn(1981) 1990 1992 1989 1994 1999 1997 1995 1992 1993 1997 1997 1992 1996

6 (Grant,1989) (Biklen,1983) Lortie 1975 Lortie Lacey 1977 Sikes 1985 Apple 1986 Acker 1995 1994. 1992..

1997 1992 1997 1999 -- (Biklen,1983) Biklen 1995 Grant(1987) 7

8 Bledstein 1972 Shakeshaft 1989 (careerless) Lortie 1975 Biklen 1983 1995 Biklen 1983 Biklen Acker 1995 (teacher s voice) (Acker,1995) Casey 1993 Casey Tabin Coleman 1993 17 --

Biklen(1983,1995) (career path) Biklen Acker Acker(1994) (ethnographic) Acker (career-minded) Grant(1989) 38 Spencer(1984) Acker(1994) 9

visible 10

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Canadian Journal of Education, 18,381-397. ABSTRACT Traditionally, teachers career was defined as an individual climbing up the hierarchical ladder according to merits. However, this viewpoint was challenged when women teachers were studied as subjects. Many women teachers focus more on their professional development than administrative promotion. In addition, constrained by the stereotypic expectation of gender role and mothering, women teachers developed different career paths. Based on gender horizon, this paper aims to reconstruct the concept of teachers career. Firstly, in addition to reviewing literature in Taiwan, we analyze how functionalism, interactionism and critical theory investigate teachers career. And we argue that the aforementioned three approaches ignore how gender functions in teachers career. Secondly, the traditional concept of teachers career is deconstructed in order to highlight the biased assumption of gender. Finally, we reconceptualize teachers career using gender perspective. 13