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ABSTRACT Wu Garden, which was erected by Wu Family during the reign of Emperor Dao Guang ( 道 光 ) of the Qing dynasty ( 清 朝 )in downtown area of nowada


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Hsieh Lingyun s Aesthetic Accomplishment and the Artistic Beauty in His Scenery Poems Chen Yi-Liang Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Hsieh Lingyun inaugurated the writing of scenery poems, which integrate the secular world with natural scenery, thus creating a genre imbued with fresh landscapes and aesthetic exquisiteness. His representation of nature therefore enriches literary creation, cultivates a unique writing style, and develops aesthetic sensitivity. However due to different aesthetic tastes, different critical practices, and different understanding of Hsieh s employment of landscape, most criticisms on his (scenery) poetry are biased. This paper aims therefore to reevaluate Hsieh s poetry through his aesthetic accomplishment and the aesthetic beauty exhibited in his scenery poems. I would argue that Hsieh s aesthetic accomplishment is derived from his talent and his family tradition and inspired by the natural beauty of Chiangnan and the ideological trend of beauty of his contemporaries. His is then well-cultivated in aesthetics which in turn develops his ability to appraise beauty and which stimulates his poetic creation, his verbal simulacrum of nature, in a way that is distinctive of his in terms of the use of language, structure, formulation and inherent philosophy. Unusualness, sublimity, and obliqueness typical of his scenery poems are then synthesized in his representation of nature, whose virtuosity can never be surpassed by future generations. Keywords: Hsieh Lingyun, scenery poems, aesthetic accomplishment, aesthetics, philosophy 112

113 1 2 3 1 1983 9 1406 2 1987 8 1 520 3 1985 9 126

114 4 4 33 1924 9 8

115 5 6 7 8 9 5 1975 10 845 6 1970 9 125 7 5 773 8 6 126 9 4 8

10 11 12 13 14 10 1994 6 1 13 11 1957 3 7 15 7475 12 1975 6 921 13 12 13401341 14 6 477 116

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 12 1342-1345 16 12 1347 17 12 1347 18 12 1348 19 12 1352 20 12 16201621 21 5 726727 22 5 728 23 1990 12 182 24 5 845-861 25 23 182189 117

118 26 27 28 29 26 6 386387 27 6 356 28 5 756 29 1982 9 176

119 30 31 30 1976 11 9 31 1973 12 23302331

120 32 32 1978 12 70

121 33 34 35 36 33 1961 3 37 34 1970 10 606 35 32 273-283 36 1996 10 1 6

122 37 38 39 40 41 42 37 36 7 38 6 115 39 1980 5 502 40 39 41 1973 10 3848 42 1983

123 43 3 125 43 6 108-116

44 45 46 47 1. 2. 44 2 518 45 2 520 46 1994 12 1 597603 47 1985 10 1 234 124

48 49 50 1. 2. 423 51 48 1985 5 365 49 1976 10 50 50 1994 6 1 23 51 2 84 125

126 52 53 52 1993 12 8 237 53 3 146

127 423 54 55 56 57 54 2 82 55 145 1987 10 7980 56 3 145 57 1989 10 1 40

128 58 59 58 1972 11 2914 59 52 236

129 60 61 62 60 1983 9 994 61 1991 11 378 62 31 2344

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 63 2 518 64 31 1103 65 3 135 66 1 1407 67 3 138141 68 1968 2 69 68 1 130

131 70 1. 1 2 3 4 5 2. 71 3. 1 2 70 68 2122 71 1996 5 18 263264

132 3 72 72 4 1991 6 1-28

133 73 73 3 128131

74 75 74 1960 10 420 75 1968 2 150 134

135 76 1. 76 1990 2 693

136 1 77 78 2 77 33 2 78 1964 3 18

137 3

138 79 2. 80 79 1971 12 905 80 68 1

139 1

140 2 81 81 1987 10 3

141 82 3 82 1995 6 1 223

142 83 84 85 86 87 83 1991 11 913 84 1993 3 1 776 85 71 229230 86 1991 9 1 105 87 71 230

143 425

144 88 89 90 88 1990 6 1 910-912 89 2 513 90 2 520

145 91 92 93 94 91 1993 12 1 265 92 1971 12 8 93 31 23442345 94 2 501

95 95 1998 12 146