Liao Mei-Yu Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Yao Ying was a government official in Taiwan for more

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2006 12 137-178 The Various Viewpoints of Yao Ying s Jail-period Poems 137

Liao Mei-Yu Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Yao Ying was a government official in Taiwan for more than 10 years. That time was the year when western countries expanded their markets towards other parts of the world. This made Taiwan from an isolated island to important area by ambitious politicians. As a local official, Yao Ying made several plans and devices which clarified the oceans surrounding Taiwan and the characters of the island. At the same time, he was the first poet sentenced to jail. In order to read Yao Ying s jail-period poems as detailed as possible, this article is separated into two parts. The first part discusses how Yao Ying raised his voice on behalf of Taiwan. Because of him, Taiwan s land and people were recognized. In the age of redefining the World Map, the position of Taiwan was improved. A goal where the protection of land and people was considered as the most important was set. In the middle of a stormy and chaotic situation, he still wholeheartedly defended his position as a local government official. From this moment on we can read Yao Ying s poem from various viewpoints on the protection of Taiwan against England, on which he was sentenced to jail. The second part focuses on the poems and articles from the period when he lost his official position and was arrested, and the difference between these two kinds of literature texts. We will discuss it at three different parts. Firstly, The distinguishing between selecting talent and stopping jail by a government official and, Secondly, Public and private parts of jails in Taiwan. The last part is From the common fate of officials and the people to the appearance of Taiwan s point of view. Keywords: Yao Ying, Taiwan's jail, Taiwan's point of view, Reading viewpoint, Poet's writings 138

1785 1853 1731-1815 1 1808 2 1819 1821 3 1 61 55 1992.11 2 1962 1960 231-262 2004.11 3 KAVALAN 1796 139

4 1823 1825 5 1838 6 7 8 9 1812 4 242 1991.7 114 5 243 6 1791 7 1840 7 16 1841 7 10 19 1842 3 11 153 8 1989.1 185 9 2004.2 68-90 140

10 11 12 13 10 157 11 83-88 12 1965.3 1975 2005 2004.11 13 1991.1 2263 141

14 15 16 14 9686 15 1990 4 94 16 1962 771 142

17 17 126 143

18 3481 200 2460 520 19 18 412-415 19 240 144

4 20 20 119 145

21 22 23 24 25 21 102-104 22 39 23 37 24 1993.10 156 25 85 146

26 10 27 28 29 26 129-130 27 2 273 28 143 29 229 75 147

30 31 廰 32 33 30 36 31 87 32 101-102 33 101-104 148

34 35 36 19 34 72 35 36 85 41 149

37 38 39 37 83-84 38 84 39 1839 Hugh Murray 1836 1841 1842 1843 150

40 41 42 43 40 124 83 41 26 42 31 87 43 275-310 151

44 45 85 44 2006.9 45 83-88 152

85-88 88 46 46 11417 153

120 47 122 84 47 84 154

48 49 50 48 131-132 49 50 2485 155

51 1843 52 53 51 90-91 52 53 97 156

54 55 56 54 1969.7 15 8 55 2004.2 80 56 153 157

57 58 綳 59 57 249 58 131-132 11670 59 15 158

82 缷 蒓 84 159

60 61 62 63 60 11670 61 231-262 62 253 63 152-153 160

161 64 1836 65 64 1808-1862 1971 456 1835 1987 2002.10 823-845 65

66 1836 67 82 68 66 1786-1856 -1850 1801-1844 1815-1876 1799-1873 1795-1858 1800-1878 1803-1861) 1799-1843 67 248 68 朞 162

69 鼂 83 70 69 70 163

71 垡 垡 71 252 164

72 83 73 72 1987.2 9853 73 59 1987.2 9444 165

躭 74 忼 75 76 74 1529 416-417 75 忼 1991.8 285-333 76 1992.3 174 166

83 90-91 83-84 167

忼 77 78 1843 77 1561 2533 忼 2534 1984 78 3 168

84 79 80 81 79 80 1990.10 1387-1389 81 169

84 缷 82 1975.3 329 128 82 31 170

85 83 84 83 256 84 171


85 86 87 85 139 86 83-88 87 174-176 173

91 88 89 88 147 149 89 83-88 174

85 1851 90 91 90 277 91 151 175

犠 176