MAR 李希 大灣區建設對接 港澳所需 廣東所能 Li Xi: Greater Bay Area Construction Aligns Hong Kong & Macao s Needs and Guangdong s Capabilities 5G 網絡

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MAR 2019 李希 大灣區建設對接 港澳所需 廣東所能 Li Xi: Greater Bay Area Construction Aligns Hong Kong & Macao s Needs and Guangdong s Capabilities 5G 網絡新時代 The New Age of 5G 無人商店 零售新體驗 Unmanned Stores: New Retail Experience HKD20

Contents MAR 2019 ID: CGCCHK ID: CGCCINFO Chairman s Message 4 大灣區進入新時代香港可發揮引領作用 Hong Kong Can Play A Guiding Role As Greater Bay Area Enters A New Era Spotlight 7 李希 : 大灣區建設對接 港澳所需 廣東所能 " 13 Li Xi: Greater Bay Area Construction Aligns Hong Kong & Macao s Needs and Guangdong s Capabilities 23 商界精英榮膺 外交之友 " 26 Distinguished Entrepreneur Honored as Friend of Diplomacy 5G 網絡新時代 The New Age of 5G 黃偉綸分享明日大嶼願景 Michael Wong Shared the Lantau Tomorrow Vision Voice in LegCo 29 創造機遇扶助中小企 Opportunities Are Vital Enablers in SME Support Talking Business 33 無人商店 : 零售新體驗 Unmanned Stores: New Retail Experience Something Chinese 39 武俠世界躍然紙上 Wuxia World Comes Alive on Paper new members 43 新會員介紹 Introduction of New Members

目錄 Contents 商會快拍 CGCC Snapshot 44 46 春節酒會歡欣賀歲 Spring Cocktail Reception 50 春茗團拜賀新歲 Members Activities 出版人 publisher 香港中華總商會 於香港註冊成立的擔保有限公司 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Incorporated in Hong Kong and limited by guarantee) 會長 Chairman 蔡冠深 Jonathan CHOI 劉鐵成 Brandon LIU 胡曉明 Herman HU 王惠貞 Connie WONG 陳仲尼 Rock CHEN 傳訊及出版委員會 Communication and publications Committee 主席 Chairman 范仁鶴 Philip FAN 副主席 Vice-Chairmen 黃楚基 Bonnie WONG 委員 Members 葉成慶 Simon IP 陳 耘 Cora CHAN 李惟宏 Robert LEE 吳旭洋 Paul NG 梁香盈 Sabrina LEUNG 何超蕸 Maisy HO 胡劍江 Michael WOO 羅頌宜 Bella LO 李令德 Maggie LEE Reception of Guests 52 會員活動 Lunar New Year Gatherings 副會長 Vice-Chairmen 袁 武 YUEN Mo 曾智明 Ricky TSANG 李應生 Tommy LI 楊華勇 Johnny YU 接待嘉賓 廣州代表處 Guangzhou office 廣州南沙區港前大道南 162 號中總大廈 801 室 Room 801, 162 South Gangqian Road, Nansha, Guangzhou Tel: (8620) 3991-2168 Fax: (8620) 3468-3839 E-mail: 特約供稿 Article Contributor: 香港經濟日報專輯組 Hong Kong Economic Times Supplement Team 周雯玲 Irene CHOW 李濟平 Li Jiping 黃進達 Jason WONG 陳楚冠 CHAN Chor-koon 陳建年 Kenneth CHAN 香港辦事處 Hong Kong office 香港中環干諾道中 24 至 25 號 4 字樓 港鐵中環站 A 出口或香港站 C 出口 4/F, 24-25 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (MTR Central Station Exit A / Hong Kong Station Exit C) Tel: (852) 2525-6385 Fax: (852) 2845-2610 E-mail: Website: 黃楚恒 Stanley WONG 林智彬 Lawrence LAM 廖永通 LIO Weng-tong 香港中華總商會 本會 保留本刊一切內容之版權 如欲轉載本刊文章 須經本會允准 本刊所載之廣告內容及外界文章所發表之言論及意見並 不一定反映本會的立場 而來稿一切內容及聲明所涉及之責任概由客戶及作者負責 本會雖竭力確保本刊所載的資料準確可靠 惟不對使用該等資料 所引起的任何損失或損害承擔責任 Copyright in all material in this publication is retained by the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce ( the Chamber ). Reproduction of articles in this publication is subject to the permission of the Chamber. The content of advertisement and the views expressed by outside parties in the articles of this publication do not necessarily represent the positions of the Chamber. All responsibilities and liabilities relating to the contents and statements in the contributed articles shall be held by the clients and authors. The Chamber endeavors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this publication, but accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of the information. 廣告查詢 Advertising enquiry: Link-Up Design Ltd 李先生 David Lee Tel : (852) 2151-0886 Email : 承印人 printed by: 奧華印刷設計公司 Ora Printing & Design Centre 地址 Address: 香港柴灣利眾街 40 號富誠工業大厦 15 字樓 A1 A2 室 Flat A1 A2, Block A, 15/F., Fortune Factory Building, 40 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 售價 price: HKD20

Chairman s Message 粵 dr Jonathan CHoi 港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要 ( 綱要 ) 上月正式出台, 勾劃出大灣區發展戰略定位, 為三地分工和發展目標指明方向 香港要充分發揮 一國兩制 " 獨特地位和既有產業優勢, 並抓緊 綱要 賦予的新功能定位 我在今年政協提案亦就如何發揮香港最大優勢, 推進灣區在創新科技 航運樞紐等範疇深化合作, 並就建設灣區優質生活圈提出建議 綱要 提到將大灣區發展成為具全球影響力的國際科技創新中心 事實上, 特區政府近年積極投放資源推動創科發展, 香港與深圳亦落實共同發展落馬洲河套區創新及科技園 港深兩地可在此基礎上發揮各自的創新資源優勢, 攜手共建 深圳河兩岸創新走廊 ", 充分發揮港深的地理和制度優勢, 擔當大灣區國際科創中心合作平台的驅動者角色 期望中央部委授權 深圳河兩岸創新走廊 " 的 一攬子 " 優惠政策, 包括給予區內科技人才稅後補貼 優化科研資金雙向跨境流動審批安排, 並放寬區內人流 車流往來限制等, 如參考澳門單牌車進入橫琴的做法, 容許香港單牌車輛進入深圳以至大灣區 此外, 建議可借助創新走廊平台, 加強區內科研成果轉化能力, 建立國際科學合作聚集區, 推動知識產權貿易中心和保護示範區發展, 為大灣區拓展 生產 研發 設計 銷售 " 產業鏈提供重要的建設和法律保障基礎 綱要 亦建議提升珠三角港口群的國際競爭力及建設世界級機場群 粵港澳三地可進一步完善區內主要機場及港口設施合作機制, 提升共管共營水平, 並善用香港在保險 仲裁 物流管理 貿易融資等高端專業服務優勢, 與區內其他城市打造聯運物流網絡, 對接 一帶一路 " 沿線市場 事實上, 東盟作為 21 世紀海上絲綢之路 " 關鍵節點, 與香港有着深遠的經貿和文化交融歷史 在粵港澳大灣區新政策下, 香港可強化灣區與東盟聯繫角色, 推動 中國 東盟貿易大通道 " 建設, 透過優化交通網絡, 將國家西南省份與東盟的連接進一步擴至港澳 廣東及東部地區 香港更可利用供應鏈管理服務等經驗, 整合大灣區航空航運 大灣區進入新時代香港可發揮引領作用 Hong Kong Can Play A Guiding Role As Greater Bay Area Enters A New Era 資源, 協助提供專業服務支援, 着力推動大灣區與新通道發展成為聯結東盟的重要紐帶 除積極推動經貿融合與創新發展外, 綱要 亦堅持以人民為中心的發展思想, 共同打造宜居宜業宜遊優質生活圈 粵港澳大灣區以城市群為基礎, 通過發達的交通設施連結, 一小時生活圈 " 基建佈局已接近完備, 下一步必須在便民利民配套服務加以深化, 落實區內生活要素真正互聯互通 例如可給予在灣區生活的港澳人士享有投資 就業 創業 福利等方面的國民待遇, 增加歸屬感 當局可批准以學券形式, 資助在大灣區生活的港澳居民子女接受教育, 甚至讓特區政府直接向大灣區指定學校購買學位 此外亦可在大灣區主要城市鼓勵成立港式醫院, 同時為區內內地居民和港人提供醫療服務, 並容許特區政府資助在灣區居住港人, 同樣可享受當地的社福服務與設施 綱要 提出降低甚至取消粵港澳手機長途和漫遊費, 為智慧城市建設提供基礎支撐 事實上, 內地三大電訊商已全面取消相關費用, 期望粵港澳政府也盡快透過協商及釐清分賬等細節安排, 惠及整個大灣區 當局亦可將現時火車站及機場可使用內地 第二代居民身份證 " 辦理手續的自助售票和登機等設施, 開放給持有回鄉證的港澳居民使用, 盡快實現灣區往來與通訊無障礙發展 總括而言, 大灣區建設是國家新時代改革開放的重大戰略, 也是粵港澳區域合作新嘗試, 必須以創新思維實現區內城市群強強聯合 我們亦會推動會員企業積極參與, 與社會各界一起集思廣益, 就落實 綱要 目標攜手努力, 推動 國家所需 港澳所長 廣東所能 ", 為香港和整個大灣區探索龐大發展空間和商機 T he Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Outline) unveiled last month outlines the strategic positioning for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) and provides direction for division of work and development goals. Hong Kong should fully leverage its unique status under the One Country, Two Systems principle and the strengths of its existing industries, and take advantage of the new functional position given by the 4 商 2019 年 3

Chairman s Message 大灣區建設是國家新時代改革開放的重大戰略, 也是粵港澳區域合作新嘗試, 必須以創新思維實現區內城市群強強聯合 The construction of the Greater Bay Area is the country s key strategy for reform and opening up in the new era. It is also a new endeavour for regional cooperation in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. As such, innovative thinking is required to achieve strong alliance of the Greater Bay Area urban clusters. Outline. In my proposal submitted to the CPPCC this year, I made recommendations on how to leverage Hong Kong s biggest strengths for in-depth cooperation in areas such as innovation and technology (I&T) and shipping hub, while making proposals on how to build a high-quality living circle in the Greater Bay Area. Making joint effort to build an intercity Innovation Corridor along Shenzhen River The Outline envisions turning the Greater Bay Area into a globally influential international I&T hub. In fact, the HKSAR Government has actively allocated resources for I&T development in recent years, while Hong Kong and Shenzhen have also jointly stepped up the development of the I&T park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop. On this basis, Hong Kong and Shenzhen can leverage their respective innovation resources and bring their roles into full play to drive the cooperation platform for the Greater Bay Area s I&T hub. I look forward to the Central Government approving the package of preferential policies for the Innovation Corridor on both sides of Shenzhen River, such as drawing reference from the Macao s practice to permit Macao-registered vehicles to enter Hengqin and allow access of Hong Kong-registered vehicles to Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area. I also suggested to use the Innovation Corridor as a platform to strengthen the Greater Bay Area s capacity to transform scientific research achievements. An international scientific cooperation cluster can be built to promote the development of an intellectual property trading centre and protection demonstration zone, providing an important foundation for the Greater Bay Area s construction and legal protection. Consolidating the status as aviation and shipping hubs The Outline also proposes to enhance the international competitiveness of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) port cluster and develop a world-class airport cluster. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao can further improve the cooperation mechanisms for the Greater Bay Area s major airports and port facilities to raise the standards of co-management and co-operation, while capitalizing on Hong Kong s strengths in high-end professional services to build an integrated intermodal logistics network with other cities in the area. Indeed, ASEAN countries and Hong Kong have a long history of trade and cultural interaction. Based on the new policy for the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong can strengthen its role as a Greater Bay Area-ASEAN connector to promote the construction of the China-ASEAN trade gateway. Efforts can be made to extend the connection between China s southwestern provinces and ASEAN countries to Hong Kong, Macao, Guangdong and the eastern regions by improving the transportation network. Hong Kong can also use its experience in supply chain management services to integrate aviation and shipping resources in the Greater Bay Area and help provide professional service support. Developing a quality living circle for living, working and travelling The Outline upholds the philosophy of people-centred development to jointly develop a quality circle for living, working and travelling. The Greater Bay Area is based on urban clusters and by linking up the well-developed transportation facilities, the one-hour living circle is nearing completion. The next step must be to deepen support services for the convenience of the people and realize true interconnection of living essentials in the area. For example, Hong Kong and Macao residents living in the Greater Bay Area may be granted the same treatment as Mainland residents in investment, employment, entrepreneurship, welfare, etc., to boost their sense of belonging. The authorities can approve the use of vouchers as a form of education subsidy for children of Hong Kong and Macao residents living in the Greater Bay Area, or even allow the HKSAR Government to directly purchase places at designated schools in the Greater Bay Area. In addition, the authorities can encourage the establishment of Hong Kong-style hospitals in major cities of the Greater Bay Area and provide medical services to Mainland and Hong Kong residents living in the Greater Bay Area. It can also allow the HKSAR Government to give subsidies to Hong Kong residents living in the Greater Bay Area so that they can also enjoy the local social welfare services and facilities. The Outline proposes to reduce or even remove long-distance and roaming charges for mobile phones across Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, laying the foundation as well as providing support for the development of smart cities. In fact, the three major telecom operators on the Mainland have already removed such charges. I hope the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will follow suit and publish relevant details as soon as possible to benefit the entire Greater Bay Area. The authorities can also allow Hong Kong and Macao residents who hold a home visit permit to use the self-service ticketing and boarding facilities at railway stations and airports, which are currently available to Mainland residents with second-generation ID cards. In summary, the construction of the Greater Bay Area is the country s key strategy for reform and opening up in the new era. It is also a new endeavour for regional cooperation in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. As such, innovative thinking is required to achieve strong alliance of the Greater Bay Area urban clusters. We will also encourage member enterprises to participate actively as well as brainstorm with the public, teaming up to achieve the Outline s objectives to align the country s needs, Hong Kong & Macao s strengths and Guangdong s capabilities and explore the vast development potentials and business opportunities for Hong Kong and the entire Greater Bay Area. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 5

Spotlight 李希 : 大灣區建設對接 港澳所需 廣東所能 " Li Xi: Greater Bay Area Construction Aligns Hong Kong & Macao s Needs and Guangdong s Capabilities 向本會訪粵團表示, 大灣區建設是重大歷史發展機遇, 結合廣東 香港 澳門的實際, 對接國家所需 港澳所需 灣區所向 廣東所能 Li Xi, Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, said to the CGCC delegation to Guangdong that the Greater Bay Area s construction is a major historical development opportunity for combining the actual situations in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to align with the needs of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, the direction of the bay area and the capabilities of Guangdong. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 7

政經縱橫 Spotlight 李希 前排中 及馬興瑞 前排左六 與本會代表團合照 Li Xi (middle, front row) and Ma Xingrui (sixth from left, front row) pose with the Chambers delegates. 日 前國務院正式公佈粵港澳大 灣區規劃綱要 對大灣區的 發展方向 定位佈局勾勒全 面規劃 是新時代國家改革開放下的 重大發展戰略 並為粵港澳合作帶來 新一輪機遇 在大灣區規劃綱要出台 後 本會會長蔡冠深旋即於 2 月 20 日 率團訪問廣東 並由中聯辦副主任譚 鐵牛擔任榮譽顧問 一行拜訪中央政 治局委員 廣東省省委書記李希 省 長馬興瑞 以及廣州市市委書記張碩 輔等領導 就大灣區的發展及建設等 議題重點交流 發揮粵港澳各自優勢 李希歡迎中總在中央公佈大灣區規劃 綱要後隨即組團到訪廣東 他指出 大灣區建設發揮粵港澳各自優勢 尤 其在科技創新和增進民生福祉方面 有着重大的歷史意義和現實意義 廣 東省就大灣區建設在方向 目標 舉 措 重要平台俱有所安排 省委 省 政府成立了粵港澳大灣區建設小組 透過學習 調研建立粵港澳三地長效 工作機制 制定年度具體工作計劃等 8 商薈 2019年3月 舉措 具體推動落實大灣區建設 他 特別提及 內地與港澳合作示範區是 大灣區五大定位中尤其重要的一個 意味日後在區內各種的合作嘗試 若 效果理想則可望普及全國 大灣區建設是重大歷史機遇 李希強 調 規劃綱要需放眼全球 立足國 際 廣東正進一步研究包括科技創新 走廊 交通互聯互通 青年創新創業 等多個範疇 旨在結合廣東 香港 澳門的實際 對接國家所需 港澳所 需 灣區所向 廣東所能 他續指 香港商界熟悉國際法律及規則 投資 貿易及國際環境 期望粵港共同成為 一帶一路 的重要節點 盼望中總 繼續積極參與大灣區建設 與國家的 繁榮昌盛同步 推動穗港產業合作對接 張碩輔則向代表團介紹廣州在部署落 實大灣區發展的工作 包括在南沙建 設粵港產業深度合作園和港澳創新就 業試驗區 他強調 廣州與香港在專 業服務 生物醫藥 醫療保健 港口 航運 教育及文化等產業進一步合作 對接 並表示廣州在資源配置和產業 佈局方面 將配合大灣區規劃 與深 圳 香港等地協調合作 達到協同發 展 優勢互補 發揮廣州在粵港澳大 灣區區域發展核心引擎的作用 具體操作不斷完善 大灣區規劃綱要提出五大戰略定位 包括建設世界級城市群 國際創科創 新中心 一帶一路 重要支撐 內 地與港澳合作示範區 宜居宜業宜遊 生活圈 蔡冠深認為 這正好勾劃出 大灣區發展藍圖 但在發展藍圖之 下 有些實際操作情況尚待商討磨 合 他舉例 港商比較關注如何融合 區內的人流 物流 資金流 訊息 流 港人稅務問題 港珠澳大橋車流 量 如何建立人民幣雙向流動機制 三地共用電子支付平台 廣深港澳科 技創新走廊等 希望通過繼續交流研 究 不斷完善大灣區各個領域建設 會見期間 蔡冠深並向省市領導介紹 中總近期推動粵港澳大灣區建設的主

政經縱橫 Spotlight T he State Council recently unveiled the outline of the development plan for the Greater Bay Area, which sketches out the area s overall development direction and positioning. As the Country s key development strategy for reform and opening-up in the new era, the Greater Bay Area brings a new round of opportunities for cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Soon after the release of the outline development plan, Jonathon Choi, the Chamber s Chairman led a delegation to Guangdong on 20 February. Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People s Government in the HKSAR was the honorary adviser of the delegation, which visited Li Xi, Member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee; Ma Xingrui, Governor of Guangdong and Zhang Shuofu, Secretary of the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee to discuss the development and construction of Greater Bay Area. Leveraging the respective strengths of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao 要工作 包括 3 月 25 日將在香港舉辦 大灣區論壇 4 月將協辦粵港澳三地 政府在東京舉辦的大灣區論壇 9 月 計劃在廣州舉辦世界灣區論壇等 他 強調 要把粵港澳大灣區建設和 一 帶一路 的工作做好 期望中總與廣 Li welcomed the CGCC delegation to Guangdong, which was organized immediately after the announcement of the outline development plan. He pointed out that the Greater Bay Area has great historical and practical significance as it will leverage the respective strengths of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, especially in technological innovation and improvement of people s livelihood and well-being. Guangdong has made all arrangements regarding the direction, objectives, initiatives and important platforms for the Greater Bay Area s c o n s t r u c t i o n. T h ro u g h l e a r n i n g a n d research, the task force for construction of the Greater Bay Area set up by the C P C P ro v i n c i a l C o m m i t t e e a n d t h e Provincial Government will formulate longterm work mechanisms and annual work plans specifically for the Greater Bay Area. He specifically mentioned that the demonstration zone for cooperation among the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao is especially important among the five major positioning of the Greater Bay Area, which means that future experiments on cooperation in the area could be extended nationwide if they produce good results. The construction of the Greater Bay Area is a major historical opportunity. Li stressed that the outline plan needs to be globally oriented and internationally based. Guangdong is further exploring various areas including innovation and technology corridors, transportation interconnectivity, and youth innovation and entrepreneurship. The aim is to combine the actual situations of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to align with the needs of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, the direction of the bay area and the capabilities of Guangdong. He added that as Hong Kong s business community is familiar with international laws and regulations, investment trade and the international environment, he looks forward to Guangdong and Hong Kong 東省在新時代裏 共同抓住新機遇 為大灣區的新篇章出力 李希 右二 及馬興瑞 右一 就大灣區建設與本會成員交流意見 Li Xi (second from right) and Ma Xingrui (first from right) exchange views on Greater Bay Area with the Chambers delegates. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 9

Spotlight 張碩輔 ( 右 )Zhang Shuofu (right) jointly becoming an important node of the Belt and Road, and hopes the Chamber to continue participating in the Greater Bay Area s construction and keep pace with the country s prosperity. Promoting industrial cooperation between Guangzhou and Hong Kong Zhang Shuofu briefed the delegation on Guangzhou s preparation for the Greater Bay Area s development, including setting up an industry cooperation zone for indepth collaboration between Hong Kong and Guangdong and a Hong Kong- Macao innovation employment pilot zone in Nansha. He stressed that Guangzhou and Hong Kong will further collaborate in professional services, biomedicine, health care, port shipping, education and culture. He added that in terms of resource allocation and industrial layout, Guangzhou will coordinate and cooperate with Shenzhen and Hong Kong for synergistic development and complementarity of strengths in accordance with the Greater Bay Area plan, thus realizing Guangzhou s role as the Greater Bay Area s core development engine. Continuous improvement in specific tasks The Greater Bay Area s outline plan puts forward five strategic positioning, including building a world-class city cluster, an international innovation and technology (I&T) hub, an important support pillar for the Belt and Road Initiative (B&R), a showcase for in-depth cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, and a quality living circle for living, working and traveling, which Choi believes are precisely the blueprint for the Greater Bay Area s development. However, under the development blueprint, some practical tasks are yet to be discussed and firmed up. For example, Hong Kong businesses are more concerned about how to integrate the flow of people, materials, capital and information; taxation for Hong Kong people; traffic volume along the Hong Kong-Zhuhai- Macao Bridge; and how to establish a two-way RMB flow mechanism, a shared e-payment platform for the three places and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao innovation and technology corridor. He hopes that the various areas of the Greater Bay Area can be consistently improved through continuous discussions and research. During the meeting, Choi also briefed the provincial and municipal leaders on the Chamber s tasks to promote the Greater Bay Area s construction, including holding a Greater Bay Area-themed forum in Hong Kong on 25 March, assisting the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to hold a Greater Bay Areathemed forum in Tokyo in April, and planning to hold the World Bay Area Forum in Guangzhou in September. Stressing the need to do well in implementing the Greater Bay Area s construction and the B&R, he looks forward to the Chamber joining hands with Guangdong to capture new opportunities and make contributions to the Greater Bay Area in the new era. 10 2019 3

Spotlight 5G 網絡新時代 The New Age of 5G 5G 的應用領域廣泛 潛能無限, 各國對開發 5G 技術亦趨之若鶩, 期望從中產生龐大的經濟效益 有謂今年是 5G 發展年, 香港又是否已經準備就緒迎接 5G 網絡新時代? 5G applications and potentials are too numerous to mention, which explains why a race is on for its development around the world. The huge economic benefit is highly coveted by global players. Some say this is a year for 5G development. Is Hong Kong ready for the new age of 5G networks? CGCC Vision MAR 2019 13

Spotlight 5G Justin Chuang: 5G Actualizes IoE 流動通訊科技持續發展,5G 的出現乃大勢所趨, 強調,5G 技術能夠支援更多連接, 以達至萬物互聯, 更重要的是 5G 能將傳統的通訊科技融入更多資訊科技架構特徵, 令應用層面變得千變萬化 作為香港最大的研究機構, 應科院一直就 5G 網絡的規劃和部署提供技術支援, 如致力研究 5G 頻譜的使用方案, 為通訊事務管理局提供多項可行措施 因此, 應科院對 5G 網絡在香港的應用和發展領域上, 扮演相當重要的角色 莊哲義特別提到,5G 技術在應用層面上將有助製造業升級為 智慧工廠 ", 將徹底改變製造業的生態, 可以預期, 製造業再毋須依賴廉價勞動力進行生產, 取而代之是各項自動化技術提高生產力, 如物流及供應鏈管理 工業物聯網 機械人科技及 AI 等應用 " 為進一步推動 5G 技術在香港更廣泛應用, 應科院亦積極與工業界合作, 開發 5G 連接的工業物聯網應用, 並與設備供應商和營運商共同推動 5G 車聯網在香港的實驗和應用 5G 已然成為當前移動通訊領域的全球研發熱點, 莊哲義指出, 未來數年 5G 技術將更深入實際應用層面 他觀察到, 全國各國正致力推動發展成為智慧城市, 其中 5G 技術可說大派用場, 可發揮連接技術支援的作用, 把城市連接一體, 如無人車 智慧燈柱 物聯網 車聯網等連繫起來, 才能發揮智慧城市的最大效能, 也是現在以至未來的發展重點 " 莊哲義 Justin Chuang 現時應科院重點推動的相關研究項目, 首重 5G 無線接入技術, 當中主要涵蓋六大層面, 包括大規模多天綫技術 集中化無線接入網絡 超密集網絡 機器到機器通訊 設備到設備通訊, 以及利用新興系統的高效 / 動態頻譜運用 5G 同時, 應科院亦致力創建開放型 5G 創新平台 (5GIP), 一方面向業界推廣和演示應科院的 5G 技術, 並推動商業化進程 ; 另一方面加強與生態鏈夥伴合作, 通過建立實際的網絡環境, 進行 5G 應用的集成和互操作性測試, 提供端到端的解決方案, 同時培育和激發香港的創新設計, 如通過香港科學園的 智能城市創新實驗室 ", 協力推展香港的科技創新與應用 作為促進應科院新一代通訊網絡計劃研發方向系列產品創新與商業化實踐的組成部分,5GIP 將透過專注軟件可配置的網絡架構, 整合應科院和第三方技術產品, 並開發新的網絡編排和切片功能, 力求提供先進的 5G 網絡 環境, 藉此支持應科院與當地社區合作, 開發創新和具競爭力的產品 As mobile technology advances in leaps and bounds, the emergence of 5G is an irresistible trend. Justin Chuang, Vice President (Next Generation Network) of Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), stressed that 5G is a technology that delivers massive connectivity to realize the Internet of Everything (IoE). More importantly, 5G is capable of incorporating more I&T framework features into conventional communications technology to achieve great diversity at the application level. 14 商 2019 年 3

Spotlight Chuang pointed out that in the next few years, 5G will move deep into the realm of practical applications. He said countries around the world are making robust efforts to build smart cities, and 5G is a trump card that provides connection to technical support. Only an integrated smart city which has technologies like autonomous vehicles, intelligent lampposts, the Internet of Things (IoT) and IoV seamlessly connected can maximize its effectiveness. This is the crux of development both for today and the future. Among the research projects actively promoted by ASTRI, 5G wireless access is a top priority. This technology covers six aspects: massive multi-input and multioutput (MIMO), centralized-radio access network (C-RAN), ultra-dense network (UDN), machine to machine (M2M), device to device (D2D), and utilization of efficient and dynamic spectrum by emerging systems. Upgrading to smart factories As the biggest research institute in Hong Kong, ASTRI has been providing technical support for 5G network planning and deployment, such as developing 5G spectrum user solutions and recommending feasible measures to the Communications Authority. As such, ASTRI plays a pivotal role in Hong Kong s application and development of 5G networks. Chuang mentioned particularly that at the application level, 5G can support manufacturers to upgrade themselves into smart factories, changing the manufacturing landscape completely as a result. It can be foreseen that the manufacturing industry will no longer need to rely on low-cost labor to produce goods. Instead, support will come from automated technologies that enhance productivity, such as logistics and supply chain management, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), robotics and AI applications. To promote even wider application of 5G in Hong Kong, ASTRI is working closely with the industrial sector to develop 5G-connected IIoT applications. It is also joining forces with equipment suppliers and operators to drive testing and utilizing a 5G Internet of Vehicles (IoV). Facilitating smart city development Today, 5G is a hot research subject in the global mobile communications arena. Building a new platform for 5G innovation At the same time, ASTRI is working on an open 5G innovation platform (5GIP). Promoting and demonstrating ASTRI s 5G technology to the industry and driving commercialization on one hand, it is strengthening collaboration with the enterprise ecological chain on the other. Integrated and interoperable tests are carried out in an ASTRI-built physical network environment to develop endto-end solutions. Effort is also made to nurture and motivate creative design in Hong Kong. One example is the Smart City Innovation Centre at Science Park, which is a joint effort to push forward technological innovation and application in Hong Kong. As an integral part of ASTRI s nextgeneration network initiative supporting sustained innovation and successful commercialization 5GIP will focus on the software-configurability of the network through integrating technologies and products from ASTRI and third parties. It will also develop network orchestration and network slicing features. This project will deliver an advanced 5G network environment to support collaboration between ASTRI and the local community for developing innovative and competitive products. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 15

Spotlight 5G Sean Lee: CMHK is Making Vigorous Effort to Embrace New Age of 5G 早前商務及經濟發展局 通訊事務管理局公佈首批 26GHz/28GHz 頻帶共 4,100MHz 的頻譜, 最快可於 4 月供營運商在熱點提供第 5 代流動 (5G) 服務, 同時公佈決定年中分批拍賣 3.5GHz 頻段 3.3GHz 頻段和 4.9GHz 頻段共 380MHz 的頻譜, 預期在 2020 年起可以陸續提供服務 香港各大流動電訊商亦開始測試 5G 相關技術, 而中國移動香港 ( 下稱中移香港 ) 的部署相當積極 早於 2018 年 3 月, 中移香港成為首家香港流動網絡營運商獲取 5G 網絡測試許可證, 使用 5G 頻譜開展 5G 網絡測試 6 月在香港開放實驗室安裝 3.5GHz 和 28GHz 的無線基站及 5G 核心網設備, 基於 NSA 5G 網絡架構, 進行技術測試 ;7 月率先完成端到端 5G 網絡實驗室測試 端到端所指的是利用 5G 無綫路由器將 5G 網絡轉換成 Wi-Fi, 令電腦或手機終端可以連接 Wi-Fi, 再通過 5G 網絡流暢瀏覽互聯網站 成功在實驗室環境完成測試後, 中移香港於 2018 年 10 月開始在香港科學園安裝 3 個 28GHz 的 5G 基站, 是全港首家網絡營運商在市區環境進行 5G 網絡商用設備測試,2018 年底已完成技術測試 現時 3 個 5G 基站可提供室外覆蓋至科學園 2 期的大部分地方, 如重要會議場地 自動駕駛測試場地等, 有助支援不同應用開發和試驗, 推動香港智慧城市的發展 同時, 中移香港積極準備測試中低頻段的 5G 網絡, 在旺角旗艦店天台安裝了 3.5GHz 的商用 5G 基站, 測試 5G 網絡在人煙稠密地區的表現 除了利用頻譜進行測試外, 中移香港率先在現行 4.5G 網絡引入網絡功能虛 擬化 (NFV) 技術, 把核心網絡雲端化 NFV 正是 5G 網絡的關鍵技術之一, 引入這技術代表着中移香港發展 5G 網絡技術踏出重要一步 4G 5G 表示, 中移香港今年會繼續推進在不同地點安裝 5G 基站試驗, 務求能在 5G 頻譜牌照發放後, 盡快推出 5G 服務給香港市民體驗 問及 5G 的到臨對商業模式和日常生活帶來哪些改變時, 李帆風認為 4G 改變生活,5G 改變社會 " 他指出, 5G 網絡能支持龐大設備連接及低時延特點, 支援物聯網的發展, 實現萬物互聯 5G 的應用覆蓋不同層面, 包括智能駕駛 智能路燈 智能家居 智慧醫療及智慧社會, 推動更多服務邁向自動化 智能化 部分現時需要大量人力操作 由人手主導的行業可以利用雲端機械人及人工智能, 令服務更有效率 更加可靠之外, 還可以重新調配人事, 善用資源 5G 的高網速及低時延特點可配合物聯網技術, 令大量裝置連接至互聯網, 推動更大規模的大數據應用 李帆風舉例指, 醫療診斷未來有機會在遠端進行, 病者可接受遠在外國的醫療團隊治療 ; 智能駕駛亦會變得普及, 為各行各業帶來新機遇 大量裝置所產生的資料會令大數據變得更具規模, 服務提供者可以從中更精確了解用戶行為, 發掘潛在商機, 提升大數據的價值之餘, 亦令用戶的體驗變得更加度身訂造 5G 網絡的特性除可造就萬物互聯外, 窄頻物聯網 (NB-IoT) 亦是另一重要技術 李帆風解釋,NB-IoT 是一種基 李帆風 Sean Lee 於蜂窩網絡的物聯網技術, 支援低功耗設備大量連接至現有流動網絡, 降低部署成本, 相比其他物聯網網絡技術,NB-loT 有着 廣覆蓋 低成本 海量連接 " 三大技術優勢 中移香港是首間發佈 NB-loT 商用技術的本地流動網絡商, 運用此技術推動香港構建智慧城市的步伐, 進一步推進香港物聯網的發展 特區政府在 香港智慧城市藍圖 中提出六個主要範疇, 包括 智慧出行 " 智慧生活 " 智慧環境 " 智慧市民 " 智慧政府 " 及 智慧經濟 ", 李帆風認為,5G 技術邁向商用正好是實踐上述智慧應用的契機 The Commerce and Economic Development Bureau and the Communications Authority announced the allocation of the first batch of spectrum (4,100 MHz) in the 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands earlier. Telecoms operators can provide the 5th generation (5G) mobile service at hotspots in April at the soonest. It was also announced that spectrum in the 3.5 GHz, 3.3 GHz and 4.9 GHz bands, totaling 380 MHz, will be auctioned batch by batch from the middle of this year. Service is estimated to commence from 2020. Major mobile service providers have also begun testing 5G-related technologies. All tests completed and ready to go In as early as March 2018, China Mobile Hong Kong (CMHK) became the first 16 商 2019 年 3

Spotlight 位於葵涌的 5G 聯合創新中心香港開放實驗室展示各項 5G 相關的智慧城市應用 The 5G Innovation Center Hong Kong Open Lab in Kwai Chung showcases 5G-related smart city applications. mobile network service provider in Hong Kong to obtain the Trial Permit for 5G Test. 5G tests conducted in 5G spectrum have been underway since then. In June 2018, 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz base stations and a 5G core network were installed in the Hong Kong Open Lab to proceed with technical trials based on the NSA 5G network framework. In July, CMHK was the first to complete end-to-end lab testing for 5G networks. End-to-end means using a 5G wireless router to convert the 5G network to Wi-Fi, enabling a smooth and fast web browsing experience by connecting to the 5G network on a computer or mobile terminal. Following successful testing in the lab environment, CMHK began installing three 28 GHz 5G base stations in Hong Kong Science Park in October 2018, making it the first local network service provider to carry out 5G network commercial equipment tests in an urban setting. By the end of 2018, all technical tests were completed. At present, the three 5G base stations can provide outdoor coverage to most parts of Science Park Phase 2. This is instrumental in developing different applications and testing which will in turn promote Hong Kong s transformation into a smart city. Meanwhile, CMHK is making preparations in earnest for testing midband and low-band 5G networks. A 3.5 GHz commercial 5G base station has been installed on the roof of its Mongkok flagship store to test 5G network performance in a densely populated district. In addition to testing with spectrum, CMHK was also the first to cloud its core network by introducing network function virtualization (NFV) in the existing 4.5G network. NFV is a key 5G technology. Its introduction marks an important step in CMHK s development of the 5G network. 4G changes our way of life; 5G changes the way of society According to Sean Lee, Director and Chief Executive Officer of CMHK, CMHK will continue to install 5G base stations for testing in different districts. This can help ensure 5G service is available to mobile users in Hong Kong as soon as possible when the 5G spectrum licenses are awarded. When asked about what changes we can expect in business operations and everyday life in the upcoming 5G new age, Lee thinks while 4G changes our way of life, 5G changes the way of society. He pointed out that with capabilities to support massive device connectivity and featuring low latency, 5G networks can bolster the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the realization of the Internet of Everything (IoE). 5G applications cover many different aspects, including smart driving, smart street lamps, smart home, smart medicine and smart society. They will drive the automation and intelligentization of more and more services. Some industries which require heavy manpower or manual operation today can be revolutionized by cloud robots and AI. Apart from enhancing efficiency and reliability, they can also redeploy manpower and make best use of resources. Wide application and endless business opportunities Working in conjunction with IoT, high-speed and low-latency 5G networks will engender more sizeable application of big data. Lee cited an example that in the future remote medical diagnosis may be possible and smart driving may be more popular. In a nutshell, 5G will create new opportunities for all industries and sectors. Big data generated by a large number of devices leads to bigger scale, and service providers will have more exact understanding of user activities to offer more customized user experience. In addition to being a cradle for IoE, 5G networks have another important feature narrowband IoT (NB-IoT). As Lee explained, NB-IoT is a cellular-networkbased IoT technology that supports connectivity of large numbers of lowpower-consumption devices to existing mobile networks at lower deployment costs. Relative to other IoT technologies, NB-IoT has three technical advantages, namely, extensive coverage, low cost, and massive connectivity. CMHK is the first local mobile network operator to release NB-IoT for business in Hong Kong, using this technology to help Hong Kong gather pace in building a smart city and further the development of IoT in the SAR. The SAR Government has identified six key areas smart mobility, smart living, smart environment, smart people, smart government, and smart economy in Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong. Lee feels that developing 5G for business presents a great opportunity to putting these smart applications into practice. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 17

Spotlight 5G Hendrick Sin: First Year of 5G Commercialization Kicks Off 冼漢迪 Hendrick Sin 今年是 5G 發展年, 預料可相關技術 應用衍生龐大經濟效益 對此表示認同, 他指全球多個先進經濟體已於去年底陸續公佈 5G 商用時間表及頻段拍賣資訊, 配合各手機生產商計劃在年內推出 5G 手機, 將為 5G 商用元年 " 揭開序幕 在 AI 人工智能 工業互聯網及物聯網的持續發展下,5G 被視為未來新經濟增長的重要動力之一 有外國研究機構預計, 至 2035 年,5G 創造的全球效益可望高達 12.3 萬億美元, 並創造約 2,200 萬個職位 " 冼漢迪相信, 今年 5G 網絡發展會取得較大突破, 在於 5G 商用正式 落地 ", 惟受收費 基站建設及 5G 終端等多項因素影響, 預計距離大規模普及尚有一段時間 冼漢迪進一步闡釋, 現階段業界面臨的挑戰集中於多元化商業應用及投資成本高昂兩大問題, 主因是 5G 網絡將啟用 毫米波 " 作傳輸用頻段, 這 個波段兼具高速度與高頻寬的優點, 卻同時存在損耗大及傳輸距離短的弊端, 導致基站覆蓋的半徑較以往的基站小, 故 5G 網絡須依賴密度更高的小基站建設, 令投資成本大增 冼漢迪亦點出 5G 的挑戰, 雖然 5G 具備眾多突出優點, 但目前 4G 普及度高, 並在較大程度上滿足了用戶的需求 因此, 未來要激發用戶對 5G 的需求, 可能需要透過更多商業應用或移動互聯網消費體驗方式作推動 " 5G 網絡講求資料傳送快捷可靠, 現時各國都加速增建發射站 顧問公司德勤的研究報告指出, 以每 1 萬人的發射站數量比較, 中國名列第二, 僅次於日本 冼漢迪指出, 各先進經濟體均致力爭奪 5G 先機, 其中韓國於去年 12 月率先宣佈 5G 規模商用 ; 美國 日本及英國等亦紛紛表示會於今年實現 5G 商用 至於中國在 5G 建設中更一直佔據第一梯隊的位置 踏入 2019 年, 國家工信部明確表示將加快 5G 商用步伐, 預計今年上半年發放 5G 臨時牌照 ( 即預商用牌照 ), 在多個試點城市率先實現 5G 商用 ; 而下半年則推廣 5G 手機 5G 平板電腦等終端, 預計 2020 年全面實現商用 " 冼漢迪續說, 目前內地三大運營商已作好 5G 預商用的準備, 並將加快建設基站, 配合國家政策推動, 可預期內地基站的數量會隨着商用推廣, 迅速拓展 在網絡發展方面, 中國已從過去的 跟隨者 " 角色變身為全球有力的 競爭者 ", 冼漢迪強調, 綜觀 5G 賽道, 當中最亮眼的成績是華為極有機會成為全球最大的基站設備供應商 今年 1 月, 華為對外透露已獲得 30 個 5G 商用訂單 ; 另 25,000 多個 5G 基站已發往世界各地, 優勢顯著 多年來 在技術上的巨大投入, 正是推動華為在這輪競爭中突圍而出的主因 觸目所見, 華為從晶片 基站到移動終端, 都擁有極具市場競爭力的產品, 相信可憑藉超卓的技術獲得全球認可, 故此雖然目前華為正受一些風波影響, 但相信對企業未來發展的影響不會太大 " 5G 提到香港的 5G 發展現況, 冼漢迪喜見特區政府已有計劃在四個地區的 400 枝智能燈柱安裝 5G 設備 在 2018 年的 施政報告 中, 又提出主動開放合適的政府場地及天台, 方便流動服務營運商鋪設 5G 網路基站 ; 更透過資助計劃, 將光纖網路擴展至新界及離島的偏遠鄉村, 這些措施都有利推廣 5G, 但他表示, 由於 5G 網絡需要更密集的基站的建設, 故此他建議當局構思更多政策或方案, 協助營運商加快建設步伐, 例如開放更多 新華社 Xinhua 18 商 2019 年 3

Spotlight 街燈及路邊公共設施的位置供運營商建設基站等 5G 商用普及的另一關鍵是收費 冼漢迪坦言, 價格過於高昂會影響用戶使用的意欲, 當局可研究採用補貼使用者等方式, 以作支援 去年 7 月下旬, 通訊事務管理局宣佈為 5G 服務提供 4,500 MHz 新頻譜, 預計最快今年上半年開始使用, 其中部分頻譜更將免費提供, 以助降低營運商成本和用戶服務費 從目前的時間表來看, 香港推出 5G 商用的進度與先進地區的差距不會太大, 倘能配合香港人才的創新思維, 相信有助業界在 5G 商用服務的競爭中取得先機 " 冼漢迪指出,5G 的普及和商用, 對市民的日常生活將帶來更大變化, 例如更成熟的 AI 技術可帶動無人駕駛普及化 ; 低延時的優勢能帶動遠程醫療的 發展, 紓緩人口老化為醫療體系造成的壓力 ; 而開啟萬物互聯時代, 也將促使行業級物聯網擴展至消費級物聯網, 推動智慧穿戴終端及智能家居的持續發展 他強調,5G 網絡的普及將扮演重要角色, 不只能解決人與人之間的資訊傳輸問題, 更可延伸至物與物 物與人, 實現 萬物互聯 " Hendrick Sin, President of the Internet Professional Association, said that many advanced economies worldwide have announced timetables and frequency band auctions for 5G commercialisation late last year and various mobile phone manufacturers plan to launch 5G mobile phones during the year, thus kicking off the first year of 5G commercialisation. Given the continuous development of artificial intelligence (AI), industrial Internet and Internet of Things (IoT), 5G is regarded as one of the new key economic growth drivers going forward. Some foreign research institutions projected that 5G could generate USD12.3 trillion in benefits and create about 22 million jobs globally by 2035. Sin believes that the beginning of 5G commercialization will lead to a significant breakthrough in 5G network development this year, but due to various factors such as fees, base station construction and 5G terminals, it still has a long way to go before large-scale adoption. Global 5G race is on Sin further explained that at the current stage, the challenges facing the industry are mainly associated with diversified commercial applications and high investment costs. The key reason is that 5G networks will use millimetre wave, which is a band of radio frequencies for transmission. This band has the advantages of high speed and high bandwidth, but it also has the disadvantages of high loss-rate and short transmission range, resulting in 5G base stations having a smaller coverage area than base stations of the past. Therefore, 5G networks need higher density of small base stations, which greatly increases investment costs. Sin also pointed out the challenges for 5G: Although 5G has many outstanding merits, the currently widely adopted 4G meets user needs to a great extent, so user demand for 5G has to be stimulated through more commercial applications or mobile consumer experience. 5G networks emphasise fast and reliable data transmission, and various countries are currently accelerating the construction of transmitting stations. According to a study conducted by consulting firm Deloitte, China ranks second after Japan in terms of number of transmitting stations per 10,000 people. Sin said that various advanced economies are striving to take initiative in 5G development. South Korea was the first to announce large-scale 5G commercialisation last December, while the US, Japan and the UK indicated that they will begin 5G commercialisation this year. As for China, it has always been at the forefront of 5G development. China s outstanding performance In early 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology clearly stated that it will speed up 5G commercialisation and will likely issue temporary 5G licenses (i.e. pre-commercialisation licenses) in the first half of this year to first commercialise 5G in several pilot cities; it will promote terminals such as 5G mobile phones and 5G tablets in the second half of the year; and full commercialisation could be achieved by CGCC Vision MAR 2019 19

Spotlight 2020. Sin added that the three major telecom carriers in the Mainland are now ready for pre-commercialisation of 5G, and in conjunction with national policies, the number of base stations in the Mainland is expected to rapidly increase along with commercialization. In terms of network development, China has evolved from its past role as a follower to a strong global competitor. Sin stressed that Huawei has a great chance to become the world s largest supplier of base station equipment. This January, Huawei revealed that it has received 30 orders for 5G commercialisation. In addition, it has delivered more than 25,000 5G base stations worldwide. Huawei has highly competitive products ranging from chips, base stations to mobile terminals. Its superb technology will enable it to gain global recognition and the problems it is currently facing will not have a very big impact. Hong Kong keeping pace with 5G Referring to 5G development in Hong Kong, Sin is glad to see the HKSAR Government has plans to equip 400 smart lamp posts with 5G facilities in four urban locations. The Policy Address of 2018 also proposed to open up suitable government venues and rooftops for mobile service operators to deploy 5G network base stations, and through the launch of a funding scheme, the optical network will be extended to the remote rural areas of the New Territories and outlying islands. However, he suggested that the government should formulate more policies or plans to assist operators in setting up network stations, such as opening up the locations of street lights. Sin said that overly high prices would affect people s willingness to use 5G, so the government should explore subsidising users. In late last July, the Communications Authority announced that nearly 4,500 MHz of 5G spectrum will be made available to the market as soon as in the first half of this year, some of which will be provided free of charge. Based on the current schedules, Hong Kong is not too far behind the leading regions in rolling out 5G commercialisation, and injecting more innovative elements at the application level will help Hong Kong s industry seize the initiative in 5G competition. Internet of Everything coming true Sin pointed out that 5G adoption and commercialization will lead to big changes to the daily life of the public. For example, mature AI technologies can promote the adoption of unmanned driving; low latency can drive the development of telemedicine to alleviate the stress on the healthcare system caused by ageing population; and 5G can help expand industry-level IoT to consumer-level IoT and promote the sustainable development of smart wearables and smart homes. He stressed that the adoption of 5G networks will play a significant role not only for information transmission between people and people, but also between things and things and things and people, thus achieving Internet of Everything. 20 2019 3

Spotlight 商界精英榮膺 外交之友 " Distinguished Entrepreneur Honored as Friend of Diplomacy 民 間外交並非新鮮概念, 上世紀 70 年代的中美乒乓外交,2008 年紐約愛樂樂團歷史性在平壤演出, 都是民間外交的著名例子 有別於官方的正規渠道, 民間有志之士巧妙運用軟實力, 另闢蹊徑促進了國與國之間關係發展 如像汽油中的潤滑成分, 有了它, 汽車得以更迅捷地駛到目的地 身為 超級聯繫人 ", 香港不少精英早在國際場合上貢獻才智, 發揮重要作用 為此, 外交部駐港特派員公署特意頒發 外交之友 " 榮銜, 以示褒獎 頒獎儀式上, 特派員謝鋒讚揚四位獲獎者皆是各自領域德高望重的領軍人物, 具有世界眼光 擅長溝通 一直致力促進區域經貿交往, 推動文化交流 早前外交部駐港特派員公署特意向他頒發 外交之友 " 稱號, 以表彰其貢獻 The Chamber s Chairman Jonathan Choi has always strived to promote regional economic and trade ties as well as cultural exchanges. Earlier, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR presented him the Friend of Diplomacy award in recognition of his contribution. 交流 其中蔡冠深更是促進區域經貿交往的領航人 推動中外民間交流的 文化大使 " 蔡冠深表示, 對於獲獎深感榮幸, 認為這是國家對他過去數十年持續參與 外交事務的肯定及認可 他強調多年來秉持 民心相通 " 的理念, 決意貢獻己力推動文化交流 他指出, 蔡冠深文化中心 " 相繼在法國 英國 日本 越南 柬埔寨多個國家落戶, 同時亦成立漢語教學基地與中國研究所 CGCC Vision MAR 2019 23

政經縱橫 Spotlight 2015 年 獲英國德蒙福特大學頒授榮譽工商管理博士 拜會時任英國首相卡梅倫 In 2015, Choi was awarded an honorary doctoral degree of MBA by De Montfort University in the UK and visited the then British Prime Minister David Cameron. 等 促進中國與世界各國藝術 教育 和文化交融發展 此外 他也在推行 環球青年領袖網絡 為世界各地精英 大學生造就交流機會 從商場經驗 悟外交之道 蔡冠深續指 自己在家族生意上一直 與東盟國家有所往來 可說是推動了 經濟發展 成為中總會長後 可以團 體的面貌與外界聯繫 有別於過往以 基金會的個人面貌出現 藉此發揮更 大的影響力 至於早前成為 內地 香港一帶一路工商專業委員會 香港 方主席 更是國家級層面的外交工作 海外投資近 50 載 蔡冠深十分了解 人脈的重要 他說 要與當地人打 好關係 互相了解 生意往來方能長 久 與眾多國家不同人物溝通 英 語 普通話 粵語流暢無疑是一個重 要條件 但他強調必須事先了解 尊 重不同國家的文化習慣 不要自傲 方能贏得對方尊重 他自言 與外國 人打交道須靠時間浸淫 積累寶貴經 驗 年輕時留學日本與長年海外投資 等經歷 都使蔡冠深在各種海外場合 應付餘裕 維繫人脈 拓展影響力 商薈 2019年3月 生意外 亦必須多主辦或參與有意義 的公益活動 與當地人物建立感情 他舉例 與越南關係友好 除了在經 貿方面的貢獻外 在當地做了不少扶 貧 支教 培育義工等工作 履行企 業家的社會責任 也是一個重要的因 素 承蒙國家今次鼓勵 蔡冠深強調 未 來將再接再厲 與中總同仁一起 推 動中日韓合作於第三方國家投資 推 動 東盟 10+3 全面對接 以毋負 外交之友 的榮譽 開拓不易 維繫更難 說到維繫與多 國政商界的關係 蔡冠深認為除了做 2015 年 獲越南政府頒發越南友誼勳章 越南副總理范平明 右 在河內出席頒贈儀 式 In 2015, Choi was awarded the Friendship Order by the Vietnamese Government, with Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh (right) attending the award ceremony in Hanoi. 24 2018 年 在巴黎捐建蔡冠深文化遺產促進中心及贊助古城虛擬旅程展覽 法國總 統馬克龍親臨祝賀 In 2018, Choi donated money to build the Jonathan K S Choi Cultural Center of Paris, as well as sponsored the exhibition Age Old Cities: A Virtual Journey from Palmyra to Mosul, with French President Emmanuel Macron gracing the opening ceremony with his presence and congratulating on the events. 2015 年 獲大韓民國產業通商資源部任命為韓國對外投資推廣榮譽大使 In 2015, Choi was appointed Honorary Ambassador of Foreign Investment Promotion for Korea by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea.

Spotlight 2017 年, 獲法國政府頒發法國藝術及文學軍官勳章 In 2017, Dr Choi was conferred Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters of France by the French Government. Non-governmental diplomacy is not a new concept. Different from formal government channels, people in the non-governmental sector skillfully use soft power to pursue another path to promote relations between countries. People-to-people ties through cultural exchanges Many members of Hong Kong s elite have long contributed their talents and played an important role in the international arena. Accordingly, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR presented them the Friends of Diplomacy award in recognition of their contribution. At the award presentation ceremony, Commissioner Xie Feng praised the four awardees, all of whom are highly respected leading figures. Among them, Choi is a leader in promoting regional economic and trade ties and a cultural ambassador who promotes nongovernmental interactions between China and foreign countries. Choi said that he is deeply honoured to receive the award, which he considered as the country s affirmation and recognition of his continued participation in diplomatic affairs over the past few decades. He stressed that he has upheld the idea of strengthening people-to-people ties for many years, and is determined to contribute to promoting cultural exchanges. According to Choi, besides the Jonathan KS Choi Cultural Centre, which now has branches in several countries, he has set up Chinese language teaching centers and Chinese research institutes to promote integrated development of art, education and culture between China and the rest of the world. In addition, his Global Young Leaders Network is creating interaction opportunities for elite university students around the world. Understand diplomacy through business experience Choi added that through his family business, he has been dealing with ASEAN countries, which in a way promotes economic development. After becoming the Chamber s Chairman, he has been able to exert greater external influence as a group. Moreover, his recent appointment as Chairman (Hong Kong) of the Mainland China-Hong Kong Belt and Road Business and Professional Services Council enables him to perform diplomatic work at the national level. With nearly 50 years of overseas investment experience, Choi is well aware of the importance of personal connections. He stressed that when communicating with people of different countries, we first have to understand and respect their different cultural practices and must not fall victim to hubris in order to gain their respect. We need to accumulate valuable experience over time to interact with foreigners. Maintain personal connections to extend influence With regard to maintaining relationships with the political and business communities of various countries, Choi believes that besides business activities, it is necessary to host or participate in meaningful public welfare events to build relationships with the local people. Citing an example, he said that his work on poverty alleviation, education support and volunteer nurturing in Vietnam has been a key factor helping him develop a friendly relationship with this country. Proud to receive this recognition from the country, Choi stressed that he will continue to work with his CGCC colleagues to encourage China-Japan-South Korea cooperation to invest in third-party countries for full participation in the ASEAN Plus Three cooperation initiative in order to uphold the honour of being a Friend of Diplomacy. 2018 年, 為蔡冠深日本文化中心開幕剪綵 In 2018, Choi conducted the opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Jonathan K S Choi Center of Japan. 2005 年, 中國香港以色列民間科技合作及促進中心成立 In 2005, the China-Hong Kong Israel Technology Cooperation and Promotion Center was established. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 25

政經縱橫 Spotlight 黃偉綸分享明日大嶼願景 Michael Wong Shared the Lantau Tomorrow Vision 黃偉綸 Michael Wong 發 展局局長黃偉綸 副局長廖 振新 常任秘書長林世雄 規劃署副署長 全港 鍾文 傑 土木工程拓展署可持續大嶼辦事 處處長李鉅標應邀蒞臨本會 就本港 土地供應及明日大嶼願景發展等政策 議題 與會員交流 講座由本會副會 長袁武主持 黃偉綸與李鉅標詳細闡 述 明日大嶼 發展規劃願景 並在 問答環節回答與會者多方面的提問 出席者尚包括副會長劉鐵成 王惠 貞 李應生及胡曉明 永遠榮譽會長 林廣兆及盧文端 以及一眾常董 會 26 商薈 2019年3月 李鉅標 Robin Lee 董及會員 與會者對 明日大嶼 表 示支持 認為有助提升本港長遠競爭 力 解決現時土地短缺的困局 他 們期望特區政府加強向公眾宣傳講 解 明日大嶼 發展概念 並加快規 劃及研究程序 及早展開相關填海工 程 11/2 M ichael Wong, Secretary for Development, and other government officials responsible for the Lantau Tomorrow Vision were invited to exchange views on the policy issues of land supply and the future development of Lantau Island with the Chamber s members. Other guests were: Liu Chunsan, Under Secretary for Development; Lam Sai-hung, Permanent Secretary for Development; Ivan Chung, Deputy Director of Planning / Territorial; and Robin Lee, Head of the Sustainable Lantau Office of Civil Engineering and Development Department. In the talk hosted by Yuen Mo, the Chamber s Vicechairman, Wong and Lee explained in detail the Lantau Tomorrow Vision plan and answered questions from participants in the Q&A session. Other attendees included Brandon Liu, Connie Wong, Tommy Li and Herman Hu, Vice-Chairmen of the Chamber, Lam Kwong-siu and Lo Mantuen, Life Honorary Chairmen, and other committee members. Participants e x p re s s e d t h e i r s u p p o r t f o r L a n t a u Tomorrow Vision and considered it a measure to enhance Hong Kong s longterm competitiveness and resolve the current shortage of land. They hope that the Government will step up publicity on the concept of Lantau Tomorrow Vision, and speed up the planning and research procedures to launch the related reclamation projects as soon as possible. (11/2)

Voice in LegCo 創造機遇扶助中小企 Opportunities Are Vital Enablers in SME Support 立法會功能界別商界 ( 第二 ) 議員廖長江 Martin Liao, Legislative Council Member, Commercial (Second) Functional Constituency 中 小型企業一直是推動本港經濟發展的中流砥柱, 遍及各行各業, 對經濟影響不容忽視 經濟好景時, 全港 34 萬間中小型企業為勞動市場創造大量就業機會, 亦對香港本地生產總值貢獻良多 然而, 當外圍環境變得不穩定, 本地經營成本又不斷上漲, 最受影響的同樣是中小型企業 過去數年, 香港經濟發展有不錯的增長, 政府亦不斷完善對中小型企業的支援, 但做法始終比較因循和被動 例如只是定期為不同類型的中小型企業支援基金注資, 年復年延長中小型企業融資計劃下特別優惠措施的申請期和調高資助上限, 又或增加撥款予香港貿易發展局, 由它協助推動香港企業開拓海外市場等 政府推行這些措施, 總算是體恤中小型企業的經營困難, 但難免予人散漫之感, 亦欠缺創意, 難以替中小型企業創造更多機遇, 更忽視業界多番提出的意見, 例如研究合併部分中小型企業資助計劃 一站式統一推廣和審批種種資助計劃等 若政府接納意見, 既可集中資源處理有關中小型企業信貸和資助計劃的申請, 亦可減少中小型企業, 尤其是欠缺實戰經驗 資源不足的初創企業的行政工作, 增加他們的申請意欲 中小型企業獨力開拓海外市場風險很高, 因此特區政府有責任施以援手, 協助企業開拓新市場 The risks are high if SMEs are opening up overseas markets on their own. As such, it is the responsibility of the HKSAR Government to assist businesses to tap into new markets. 現時, 政府正積極朝向智慧城市方向發展, 建設新一代政府雲端基礎設施和大數據分析平台, 以支援開發電子政府服務 此時, 政府應該趁機在設計和建設方面顧及中小型企業的需要, 添加相關服務, 更妥善地做好支援中小型企業的工作, 協助他們開拓市場, 緩減他們面對中美貿易衝突所受到的衝擊 CGCC Vision MAR 2019 29

Voice in LegCo SMEs have always been the pillar in Hong Kong s economic growth. They are present in every sector and their impact on the economy is not to be overlooked. In times of economic prosperity, Hong Kong s 340,000 SMEs generate ample job opportunities for the employment market and contribute significantly to our GDP. Yet, when the external environment turns unstable while operation costs continue to escalate at home, SMEs bear the brunt. 最近, 有兩個數據敲響了對香港經濟發展和中小型企業經營情況的警號 先有國際貨幣基金組織在一個季度內第二次下調經濟增長預測, 反映經濟下行風險正在增加 特區政府千萬不要待問題浮現, 即中小型企業倒閉潮開始, 才採取行動, 必須未雨綢繆 另外, 由香港生產力促進局發佈有關 渣打香港中小企領先營商指數 " 的首季度調查 結果顯示, 綜合營商指數進一步下跌 2.6 至 40.4, 跌至三年低位 調查又發現, 近半受訪的中小型企業認為,2019 年首季的營商環境將會穩定 然而, 有高達 81% 受訪者表示對中美貿易談判結果不樂觀, 而有約 38% 受訪中小型企業指中美貿易衝突對其公司生意會構成影響, 這個數字較 2018 年第四季高出一成四 按行業分類而言, 製造業佔 50%, 零售業佔 42%, 兩個行業的數字均較上一個季度高出一倍 為應對中美貿易衝突帶來的影響, 調查結果顯示, 有 23% 受訪中小型企業表示, 會因國際貿易摩擦而考慮開拓東南亞市場 事實上, 中小型企業需 要積極考慮開拓新市場, 以應對中美貿易衝突的持續效應 拓展海外市場包括在海外設廠和銷售, 目標市場主要是 一帶一路 " 國家, 它們有着龐大的市場, 是中小型企業向外發展的最好出路 然而, 若要中小型企業獨力開拓海外市場, 它們面對的風險很高 因此, 特區政府有責任施以援手, 協助它們開拓新市場, 可以考慮的措施包括通過簽訂新的自由貿易和全面性避免雙重課稅協定 擴大港府的全球經濟貿易辦事處網絡 另一方面, 香港受惠於粵港澳大灣區的發展機遇, 中小型企業到大灣區發展應該抱着共同建設的心態參與發展, 互補和分工更是成功關鍵, 而推進大灣區建設, 關鍵是通過制度和體制機制的創新 香港的角色是必須鞏固和提升國際金融 航運 貿易中心和國際航空樞紐的地位, 推動金融 商貿 物流 專業服務等, 向高端高增值方向發展, 大力發展創新科技產業, 建設亞太區國際法律及爭議解決服務中心 While the Hong Kong economy grew quite favorably and the Government has continued to step up support for SMEs over the past few years, initiatives have been rather conformant and passive. For example, the Government has done very little aside from regularly injecting money into various SME development funds, extending the application periods for the special incentives under SME financing schemes and raising the funding ceiling per project year after year, and allocating additional funding to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council as a means to enable Hong Kong companies to expand business overseas. Compassionate but uncreative Although these Government initiatives are somewhat compassionate for SMEs facing operation difficulties, they are lax, uncreative and ineffective in creating more opportunities for SMEs. They have also ignored the input raised on many occasions by the industry. Some of the suggestions include looking into merging some of the SME funding schemes, and providing one-stop integrated promotion and approval of various funding schemes, etc. If the Government had accepted these opinions, it could centralize resources for processing the relevant SME credit and funding applications, and at the same time reduce administrative work. This would be particularly helpful for startups lacking real-world experience or resources. The incentives, in turn, become more attractive for applicants. Currently, the Government is making vigorous effort to forge a smart city it aspires to construct a new generation of government cloud-based infrastructure and big data analysis platforms to support the development of digitized government services. Seizing this opportunity, the Government shall consider the needs of SMEs in the master design and construction. It should add relevant services and develop more appropriate 30 商 2019 年 3

Voice in LegCo support for SMEs to help them expand into new markets so as to mitigate the impact they face amidst trade conflicts between China and the US. Increasing downside risk for the economy Two sets of recently published figures have set off alarms for Hong Kong s economic growth and the business environment of SMEs. The first set comes from the International Monetary Fund, which revised down its forecast for Hong Kong s economic growth twice in the same quarter, indicating there are increasing downside risks for the economy. The HKSAR Government must not wait for problems to surface when the wave of SMEs closure sets in before taking any action. It must make hay while the sun shines. The second set of figures comes from the first quarter survey of the Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Leading Business Index published by the Hong Kong Productivity Council. Survey findings show that the Overall Index dropped by 2.6, reading at 40.4 to mark a three-year low. The survey also found that more than half of the SME respondents believed that local business environment will be stable in the first quarter of 2019. Nonetheless, as many as 81% of the respondents were not optimistic about the outcomes from the trade negotiations between China and the US About 38% of SME respondents expressed that the trade conflicts between China and the US may affect their business, a percentage 14% higher than that recorded in Q4 2018. By sector, 50% of these respondents came from Manufacturing and 42% were from Retail, both percentages doubled that of the previous quarter. Assistance for expanding overseas markets The survey shows that to address impacts from the trade conflicts between China and the US, 23% of responding SMEs said that they would consider tapping into new Southeast Asian markets in the wake of international trade conflicts. In fact, SMEs have to actively consider opening up new markets to respond to the lasting effect of trade conflicts between China and the US By opening up overseas markets, it also means setting up factories and sales functions in target markets in Belt and Road countries. The sizeable markets in these countries are good options for SMEs looking to develop externally. However, SMEs opening up new overseas markets on their own will face significant risks. It is the responsibility of the HKSAR Government to help them exploit new markets. Initiatives that can be considered include approving the signing of new Free Trade Agreements and comprehensive agreements to avoid double taxation. The global Economic and Trade Office network of the Hong Kong government should also be expanded. Complementary strengths and division of roles are the key to success On the other hand, Hong Kong is benefiting from development opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. SMEs developing a presence in the Greater Bay Area should embrace the idea of building together. Complementing each other s strengths and division of roles are essential for success. The key to driving the construction of the Greater Bay Area is to innovate systems and mechanisms. Hong Kong should fortify and enhance its position as an international financial center and a hub for shipping, trade and international aviation, so as to propel the growth of various sectors, including finance, trade and commerce, logistics and professional services. It should also advance in the direction of high-end and high value-added sectors, striving to develop innovation and technology industries, as well as to construct an international legal and dispute resolution service center for the Asia-Pacific region. This is a free translation. For the exact meaning of the article, please refer to the Chinese version. 如對上文內容有任何意見, 歡迎向廖長江議員反映 Should you have any comments on the article, please feel free to contact Mr Martin Liao. Address: 香港中區立法會道 1 號立法會綜合大樓 703 室 Rm 703, Legislative Council Complex, 1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong tel: 2576-7121 fax: 2798-8802 email: CGCC Vision MAR 2019 31

Talking Business 無人商店 : 零售新體驗 Unmanned Stores: New Retail Experience 無人商店顛覆傳統零售業的經營模式及顧客購物體驗, 帶動零售新商機, 是全球當前最火熱的 無人經濟 " 議題 Unmanned stores, which disrupt the traditional retail business model and customer shopping experience to drive new retail business opportunities, are currently the most widely discussed unmanned economy topic around the world. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 33

商海導航 Talking Business 盧思遠 左二 團隊自行開發的系統突破了現時的無人商店技術 The system developed by Ernest Lo (second from left) team has broken through the current unmanned store technology. 由盧思遠團隊自行開發的系統突破了 以上兩種模式 它結合 AI 及鏡頭 不 但能離綫運作 亦能提供數據收集與 分析 而且成本較低 由於這系統毋 須大型運算 亦不用連結至互聯網 即使在訊號接收欠佳的傳統商場也可 應用 事實上 盧思遠團隊也花了不 少時間完善系統 在展示期間 系統 認貨的準確率高達九成 甚至有顧客 反映比阿里巴巴的系統快 令他們大 感鼓舞 盧思遠又透露 不少用家對 顧客互動參與及忠誠顧客深感興趣 亦有從事活動策劃的用家表示有意採 用該套系統 這些意見都對他們團隊 在未來開發進程帶來不少啟發 安全 私隱不容忽視 盧思遠 累積經驗和和數據打穩無人商店根基 Ernest Lo: Accumulate Experience and Data to Lay a Solid Foundation of Unmanned Stores 亞馬遜於 2016 年推出的無人便利店 Amazon Go 一舉震撼市場 阿里巴 巴於 2017 年亦推出了無人超市 陶咖 啡 及後全球電商紛紛競逐市場 無人商店遍地開花 然而 並非科技 巨擘才有能力研發相關技術 本地初 創公司 Future Impact Lab 早前應星展 銀行的邀請 在以新零售為主題的活 動 DBS Business Class Retailers Disrupt 展出自家研發的系統 啟發更 多無人商店應用的想像空間 個極端 Amazon Go 設有大量鏡頭 全程追蹤顧客的選貨過程 能精準認 出各種貨物 同時協助商店完善購物 流程 但 Amazon Go 對技術的要求很 高且成本高昂 而使用 RFID 標籤亦 能正確辨識貨品 成本就相對較低 但他強調 新零售概念講求顧客的整 個購物體驗 不只是付款步驟 還有 後續的顧客忠誠計劃 建立會員庫 等 這些 RFID 就未能支援 無人商店的風潮席捲全球 雖然香港 也有不少 快閃 無人商店揭幕 但步伐似乎較其他地區緩慢 這種零 售新模式能否在香港盛行起來呢 盧 思遠坦言 的確不少人對無人商店卻 步 主要擔憂保安 安全等問題 店 內裝置那麼多鏡頭 顧客憂慮個人資 料或數據的安全性 如將個人資料與 內地供應商的系統掛鈎是否安全呢 再下來甚至影響如倉存 物流 送遞 等流程 盧思遠認為 香港缺乏無人商店方案 供應商 相關業者通常集中研究系統 及技術問題 往往忽略用家體驗 但 future impact Lab 創辦人盧思遠期 望透過相關方案 收集用家意見 了 解無人商店在現實應用上值得關注的 問題 他提到 其展示的系統抽取了 零售過程中的體驗部分 顧客只要將 商品逐一放在收銀台 兩旁的鏡頭透 過影像分析自動輸入至付費清單 確 認資料無誤後 在鏡頭前舉起拇指便 可完成結算 新技術支援零售新概念 盧思遠指出 目前無人商店以兩大技 術為主 Amazon Go 採用視像鏡頭輔 以 AI 分析 而阿里巴巴及本港屈臣氏 集團的無人商店則在每件商品加上無 綫射頻識別 RFID 標籤 它們是兩 36 商薈 2019年3月 只要將商品逐一放在收銀台 兩旁的鏡頭就會透過影像分析自動輸入到付費清單 The customer simply places the items one by one at the checkout counter and the cameras on both sides automatically input those items into the payment list through image analysis.

Talking Business 用家體驗正正是新零售模式成功與否最重要的一環 雖然現時香港在無人商店發展上較缺乏實際應用經驗, 但他相信, 香港正逐步向前, 現階段應聚焦收集實際的應用經驗 用家意見及數據等, 才能為往後無人商店的發展打下根基 在開發無人商店系統的過程中, 啟發盧思遠 無人商店有很多可能性 : 除了免卻收銀員, 是否可讓退休會計師擔當一些簡單數據分析的工作? 無人概念推而廣之, 在其他行業又是否可以應用? 如公共醫護人手長期不足, 醫生診症是否都可套用無人店概念呢? 但換個角度, 有些人喜歡互動, 無人又是否最理想的選擇?" 盧思遠坦言, 在無人經濟當道的時代, 更應好好思考和研究如何回應不同人的需要和訴求 Amazon Go, Amazon s checkout-free store, shook the market when it was launched in 2016; Tao Cafe, Alibaba s staff-less store, was unveiled in 2017, indicating that unmanned stores are blooming. However, technology giants are not the only ones capable of developing relevant technologies. The local startup Future Impact Lab, at the invitation of DBS Bank, earlier showcased its self-developed system at DBS Business Class Retailers Disrupt, a new retail-themed event. Ernest Lo, Founder of Future Impact Lab, looks forward to collecting user opinions through relevant programmes to understand the practical application issues associated with unmanned stores. He mentioned that the system he presented takes out the experience part of the retail process. The customer simply places the items one by one at the checkout counter and the cameras on both sides automatically enter the payment list after image analysis. After confirming that the data are correct, the customer raises a thumb at the camera to complete the transaction. New technologies support new retail concepts Lo pointed out that there are currently two main technologies for unmanned stores: Amazon Go uses video cameras supplemented by AI analysis, while the unmanned stores of Alibaba and Hong Kong s Watson put radio frequency identification (RFID) tags on each item. They are two extremes. Amazon Go has a lot of cameras to keep track of the customer s selection process and are able to accurately identify a variety of goods, while helping the store improve the shopping process, but it is technically demanding and costly. On the other hand, the use of RFID tags can also correctly identify the items and is relatively low cost. However, he stressed that the new retail concept emphasises the customer s entire shopping experience, not just the payment process, but also the subsequent loyalty programme, membership database, etc., which RFIDs cannot support. The system developed by Lo s team has broken through the above two models. It combines AI and cameras to enable not only offline operation, but also provide data collection and analysis at a low cost. Since this system neither requires largescale computing nor connection to the Internet, it can even be used in traditional shopping malls where signal reception is poor. In fact, Lo s team has spent a lot of time perfecting the system. During the exhibition, the system showed 90% accuracy in identifying the items. Some customers even said that it was faster than Alibaba s system, which gave the team a great sense of encouragement. Security and privacy cannot be overlooked Lo admitted that many people are indeed not keen in shopping at unmanned stores, as they are mainly concerned about security and safety issues, with so many cameras in the store, customers are worried about the security of personal data, e.g. whether it is safe to link personal data to the systems of Mainland suppliers. This will even affect processes such as warehousing, logistics and delivery. In Lo s view, there is a dearth of an unmanned store solution providers in Hong Kong. Relevant operators usually focus on system and technical issues, often ignoring user experience, but user experience is precisely the most important part determining the success of the new retail model. However, he believes that although Hong Kong currently lacks practical application experience in the development of unmanned stores, it is making progress gradually. At the current stage, it should acquire practical application experience and gather user opinions and data. 盧思遠冀透過相關方案收集用家意見, 了解無人商店在真實應用上值得關注的問題 Lo hopes to gather user opinions through relevant programmes to understand the practical application issues associated with unmanned stores. Unmanned economy is not all Lo was inspired while developing the unmanned store system; he said unmanned stores offer many possibilities. Is the unmanned concept applicable in other industries? If there is a chronic shortage of public health care staff, can the concept of unmanned stores be applied to doctor consultation? But from another perspective, as some people prefer interaction, is the unmanned concept the best solution? Lo said that in the era of unmanned economy, it is better to think about and study how to respond to the needs and demands of different people. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 37

Something Chinese 武俠世界躍然紙上 Wuxia World Comes Alive on Paper 在鬧市一隅的畫室 青山水閣 " 是 平日工作的地方 李志清, 一位在日本打響名堂的本地漫畫家, 最為人津津樂道是其主筆的金庸小說封面和漫畫 Nested in a corner of the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong, the art studio Castle Peak Water Chamber is where Lee Chi-ching works every day. Lee is a local comics artist who made his name in Japan. Jin Yong s novel covers and graphic novels, for which Lee was the chief illustrator, are the most fondly discussed works of the artist. 13 歲那年, 魏斯的懷鄉寫實主義畫集為李志清打開那扇立志當畫家的窗 在二哥的鼓勵下, 他面試漫畫助理, 自此投身漫畫行業 然而, 天賦才華不甘被定型, 李志清國畫 油畫 水彩畫樣樣皆能 畫了近 40 年的漫畫, 李志清對漫畫有一套自知之明 他認為漫畫家要自知, 懂得取捨 : 漫畫是一種商品, 要考慮市場, 不是想畫甚麼就畫甚麼 " 入行兩年後, 李志清已經擔任主筆 後來機緣之下, 獲日本編輯聘請繪畫 三國志 漫畫 日本編輯別具慧眼, 將李志清定位為中國歷史題材的漫畫家 果然, 其後李志清的 三國志 孫子兵法 等創作大受歡迎, 從而確定了未來的發展路向, 亦為他打開日本市場 後來為金庸小說繪畫封面, 也是由日本出版社穿針引綫 有讀者或質疑歷史漫畫未能忠於史實, 李志清說來難掩無奈 他坦言, 月刊漫畫的工作量大, 交稿有壓力, CGCC Vision MAR 2019 39

Something Chinese 若要在有限時間內出版, 漫畫的全面觀感如情節 畫面 節奏更為重要 然而, 李志清亦非常重視事前的資料搜集, 他和助手曾親身到訪長江三峽 赤壁 西安等地, 為籌備創作 三國志 考察 漫畫創作以外, 李志清對於美充滿執着和追求, 驅使他學習素描 油畫 中國書法和國畫, 為現時主要投入的藝術和視覺藝術創作打下基礎 李志清 30 多歲時開始習國畫, 起初師從關應良 浸淫國畫 20 多年, 多畫淺絳山水, 筆力渾厚, 揮灑而就 李志清平日尤喜書法, 謂之 氣功 ", 可以內定 他認為, 繪畫需要構圖, 書法則可讓心靈完全沉澱其中, 達至內觀的境界 作畫貴在立意, 傳統文人山水畫凝聚了文人對理想世界的追求, 而李志清則托山水畫表達武俠精神 武俠的俠是一種墨家精神, 見義勇為 俠義心腸 ; 而武則是一種技能 如畫作僅僅只是表現出官感刺激, 算不上是一 李志清身後的山水畫便是依着木紋作構圖, 懸浮在半空的小舟載着四種不同動物, 靈感來自挪亞方舟 The Chinese ink painting behind Lee Chi-ching was composed with the natural wood grains; the small boat suspended in mid-air carries four types of animals an inspiration from Noah s Ark. 個很好的高度, 要表達出俠的精神方算佳作 " 有時, 李志清會將金庸筆下故事化作一幅立軸 : 遠景是苗人鳳和胡斐在懸崖對峙, 近景是苗若蘭手抱嬰兒小衣小鞋, 雪山飛狐 的結局躍然於紙 上 或雪山肅殺, 或大漠孤煙, 或草原無垠, 配上人物後, 李志清的畫帶領觀畫者走進金庸的武俠世界, 意蘊悠長深遠 李志清擅長水墨畫, 並融會到不同的主題上 他曾將 80 年代的香港生活結集成畫冊 人散後一鈎新月天如水, 透過速寫 漫畫 水墨畫等, 屋邨 圍村 水上人家 鬧市街景躍然紙上 李志清亦熱衷於不同媒介上創作, 按着木紋繪畫山川河流 ; 順着宣紙的纖維, 勾勒雪山風景, 渾然天成, 別具意趣 金庸武之俠小說的場景是李志清的重要創作主題之一 The scenes in the wuxia novels of Jin Yong are the main subject of Lee Chi-ching s creative works. 注目, 觀察入微 ; 繪畫, 抒寫聯想 李志清的生活離不開畫簿和畫筆, 偶然也會旅行寫生 : 繪畫歐洲的風景, 用水彩表達輕靈的感覺 ; 繪畫中國的山川, 便用水墨畫表現氣度和意蘊 " 他曾將旅行時的速寫, 配上自己的感悟, 出版速寫散文集 深刻的注目, 生活匆匆而過, 許多人總是低下頭而忽略身邊的人與事 若我們靜心觀察, 一個細節都會為生活帶來感動 " 40 商 2019 年 3

Something Chinese 人散後一鉤新月天如水 那年代的香港歲月 After they left, the crescent moon hanged in the water-like sky - Hong Kong stories from that era. 李志清編繪金庸 射鵰英雄傳 ( 圖 ) 和 笑傲江湖 的漫畫版 The comic version of Jin Yong s novels The Legend of the Condor Heroes (pictured) and The Smiling, Proud Wanderer, adapted and illustrated by Lee Chi-ching. Lee was 13 when he read a book with the collected works of the homesick realist painter Andrew Wyeth. The encounter opened a window for Lee, who determined to become a painter. Encouraged by his second elder brother, Lee applied for the position of comics assistant and has since been part of the industry. However, the naturally talented Lee was unwilling to settle with only one genre. He is also very skilled in Chinese painting, oils, and watercolor. Specializing in Chinese history Having spent close to 40 years in creating comics, Lee knows his own strengths and limits with the genre. He reckons that comics artists must know themselves well, what to retain and what to abandon. Comics are a product. There are market considerations. You cannot simply draw whatever you want to. Lee became chief illustrator only two years after joining the industry. By chance, he was commissioned by a Japanese editor to draw the comics of Three Kingdoms. The Japanese editor had a discerning eye and positioned Lee as a comics artist specializing in Chinese history. Indeed, Three Kingdoms and Sun Zi s Tactics illustrated by Lee were both widely popular, which confirmed the path for his future development and opened up the Japanese market for him. Thanks to the connections of the Japanese publisher, Lee later drew the covers for Jin Yong s novels. Readers may be skeptical about the faithfulness of historical comics. Lee had nothing to hide with this discussion. He candidly commented that the workload of monthly comics gave him much time pressure to submit his work. With limited lead time prior to publication, the big picture of the work, such as the plot, the composition, the rhythm would be even more important. However, Lee has always attached much importance to his research. He and his assistants had personally visited the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Red Cliffs, Xi an, etc to observe and prepare for the creative work of Three Kingdoms. Painting landscapes to convey wuxia spirit Besides creating comics, Lee is very particular about his pursuit of beauty, which drove him to learn about sketching, oils, Chinese calligraphy, and Chinese painting. The training in these areas helped lay a solid foundation for his fine art and visual art works, which are now the areas he is committed in. Lee began learning Chinese painting in his 30s, studying under the tutelage of Kwan Ying-leung. Immersed in Chinese painting for nearly twenty years, Lee often paints pale red landscapes and demonstrates unbounded, powerful brushwork. He is 李志清為畫室 青山水閣 " 所作的謎語詩繪畫扇面 Painted fan with a poem riddle written for his art studio Qingshan Shuige. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 41

Something Chinese especially fond of calligraphy and calls it qigong, believing it could calm one s inner self. He believes that while composition is essential in painting, calligraphy can fully settle the mind to bring one to the mindful state. The subject of a painting is the most precious element of the art form. Traditionally, the literati expressed their pursuit of an ideal world through landscape paintings. Lee, however, seeks to convey the spirit of wuxia through landscape paintings. Wuxia means martial arts and chivalry. It reflects the ethos of the Mohist school of philosophy, which advocates righteousness, courage, and chivalry. Martial arts are a skill to achieve these values. If paintings are only created for sensory stimulation, then they are not quite there. A good painting should show the wuxia spirit. Lee would sometimes transform the stories written by Jin Yong into hanging scrolls. The background is Miao Renfeng and Hu Fei confronting each other at a cliff. The foreground sees Miao Ruolan holding baby clothes and shoes the ending of Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain comes alive on the paper. Lee s paintings could be a portrayal of the detached solitude on a snowy mountain, the isolated fumes in an expansive desert, or the vast grassland that sees no boundary. Matched with characters, the art works of Lee bring viewers into the wuxia world of Jin Yong, where they can savor the profound meanings within. Inherent talent of mindful observation Lee is a proficient Chinese ink painter and his skills are often infused with different subject matters. Inspired by life in Hong Kong during the 1980s, he compiled the illustrated title After they left, the crescent moon hanged in the water-like sky. Scenes from public housing estates, walled villages, fishing communities, cityscapes and the like were portrayed vivaciously with sketches, comics, Chinese ink, etc. Lee is also passionate with creating on different media mountains and rivers are created according to wood grains; the fibrous patterns of xuan paper inspire Lee to sketch the landscapes of a snowy mountain. His works resemble nature and are highly intriguing. With keen eyes for attention to details and skillful hands for expressive drawing, Lee s life is always associated with sketchbooks and paintbrushes. He occasionally travels to create still life drawings. For scenic views of Europe, watercolors can convey a light and spiritual feeling. To draw the mountains and rivers of China, ink painting is suitable to present the grandeur and inherent meaning. Sketches made from his journeys and his thoughts were collected in the sketch and prose compilation Observing in Depth. He said, Life is short. Many people always lower their heads and do not see the people and happenings around them. If we observe quietly, each detail could create touching moments for our lives. 42 2019 3

NEW MEMBERS 新會員介紹 Introduction of New Members natur-tech pharmacal Co Ltd Ms Lily LAi director 經本港大學生物科實證, 研製天然草本覆方 Develop Professional Supplements by Biochemistry Test through Renowned University in Hong Kong. 2527-8668 spark nation Ltd Mr Lee wing-chun General Manager 提供創意的活動統籌及專業藝術表演方案 Provide Holistic Event and Professional Performance Solutions 2530-0530 Mastermind Mr Andy Li Chief operating officer 協助客戶處理起 ( 起飛 ) 承( 傳承 ) 轉( 轉型 ) 合( 磨合 ) Assists Client through their 4 stages : Takeover, Succession, Turnaround, Integration 6332-6227 pak Group Ltd Mr eddy CHAn Chief Actuary 投資組合管理咨詢 Consultancy (Portfolio Management) 8173-6138 Chung s Carpet development Ltd Mr CHunG Chi-fai director 設計 地毡織造 批發 工程項目 Design, Carpet Weaving, Wholesale and Project 5100-1018 fulldiamond Group Ltd Mr Richard Lo Chief executive officer 投資及顧問的工作, 包括房地產 金融 證券 融資 項目 Investment and Consulting Works, including Real Estate, Financial Instrument, Securities, Fund Raising and Project 2525-6123 Je feng Group Ltd Mr yiu Hang Managing director 商業房地產綜合性投資 開發, 包括酒店 寫字樓及自置物業的出租和管理 Comprehensive Property Development and Investment, including Hotels, Office Buildings and Running & Managing Selfowned Properties. 2808-0590 CGCC Vision MAR 2019 43

商會快拍 CGCC Snapshot 春節酒會歡欣賀歲 Spring Cocktail Reception 本 會假香港君悅酒店宴會大禮堂舉行 己亥年春節酒會 全國政協副主 席董建華 梁振英 行政長官林鄭 月娥 外交部駐港特派員公署特派員謝鋒 中 聯辦副主任譚鐵牛 解放軍駐香港部隊副司令 員鄭國躍 政務司司長張建宗 財政司司長陳 茂波 律政司司長鄭若驊 立法會主席梁君彥 及行政會議召集人陳智思 人大常委譚耀宗蒞 臨擔任主禮嘉賓 聯同本會各首長向場內約 600 位來賓祝酒 共賀新歲 12/2 44 商薈 2019年3月

CGCC Snapshot The Chamber s Spring Cocktail Reception was held at Grand Ballroom of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong this year. Officiating at the event were Tung Chee-hwa and CY Leung, Vice-chairmen of the CPPCC National Committee; Carrie Lam, Chief Executive; Xie Feng, Commissioner of the Commissioner s Office of the Foreign Ministry in the HKSAR; Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in the HKSAR; Zheng Guoyue, Deputy Commander of the People s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison; Matthew Cheung, Chief Secretary for Administration; Paul Chan, Financial Secretary; Teresa Cheng, Secretary for Justice; Andrew Leung, Chairman of Legistative Council; Bernard Chan, Non-official Covenor of the Executive Council and Tam Yiu-chung, Member of the Standing Committee of the NPC. They joined the Chamber s Chairmen to propose a toast to nearly 600 guests to wish everyone a happy new year. (12/2) CGCC Vision MAR 2019 45

CGCC Snapshot ( 左 ) 認為, 大灣區建設對香港是非常大的機遇, 國家已確定政策方向, 往後是如何落實的問題, 需要配套方案和明細政策去落實 國務院港澳辦將加強與香港各界交流, 廣泛聽取意見, 以更符合香港實際情況與訴求 但他強調在大灣區建設中, 必須堅持 一國兩制 " 的原則, 善用香港 兩制 " 優勢, 融入國家發展 (22/2) Huang Liuquan (left), Deputy Director of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, believed that Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) is a huge opportunity for Hong Kong. China has already determined the policy direction, implementation will then be the next problem. Supporting plans and policies in detail are essential in the process. The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council will have more communications with all sectors in Hong Kong and listen to their opinions for satisfying the needs of Hong Kong in a better way. However, he emphasized that during the progress of developing the Greater Bay Area, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of One Country, Two Systems for integrating into the country s development by utilizing its own advantage in Two Systems. ( 前排左八 ) 指出, 目前中日關係變暖, 正是探討如何加強兩地交流, 共同發展的好時機 事實上雙方可合作的領域不少, 包括金融服務 醫療護理 銀髮市場 環保技術 人工智能及聯合開發第三方國家投資基礎建設等 ( 前排右七 ) 表示, 該會會員以國有企業為主, 涵蓋貿易 製造業 金融等多個領域, 對日本經濟貢獻越來越多, 影響力亦日益加強, 於當地獲高度重視 對於東京灣區和粵港澳大灣區合作帶來的機遇, 他深感鼓舞, 期望和中總加強聯繫, 尋求合作 ( 26/3) Song Yaoming (eighth from left, first row), Minister for Economic and Commercial Affairs of Embassy of the PRC in Japan, said with the harmonious Sino-Japanese relations, it is appropriate time to discuss about cooperation and development. Actually, there are plenty rooms for cooperation. Wang Jiaxun (seventh from right, first row), President of China Enterprises Association in Japan, said that their members are mainly from state-owned enterprises. Their contributions to the Japanese economy are increasing. He is deeply encouraged by the opportunities brought by the cooperation between the Tokyo Bay Area and the Greater Bay Area. Therefore he hopes to have better communication and cooperation with the Chamber. 1. 中央統戰部副部長 國務院僑辦主任許又聲 ( 前排中 ) (18/2) Xu Yousheng (middle, first row), Vice Minister of the United Front Working Department of the CPC and Director of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council 2. 重慶市政府港澳事務辦公室主任李謙 ( 右三 )(19/2) Li Qian (third from right), Director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government 3. 中國國際進口博覽局副局長孫成海 ( 中 )(27/2) Sun Chenghai (middle), Deputy Director-General of the China International Import Expo Bureau 46 商 2019 年 3

CGCC Snapshot 接待嘉賓 Reception of Guests 1 2 3 ( 左 ) 表示, 廣交會已成功舉辦 124 屆, 港澳商界在其發展中舉足輕重 他認為, 在新時代裏, 廣交會在國際化 專業化 市場化 信息化等建設上不斷提升, 已非早期純粹的產品出口, 而是要發展為世界的舞台, 努力打造綜合平台及商務模式, 在國際經濟格局中發揮更大作用 廣交會計劃通過會展論壇, 對貿易趨勢 潮流新品等發揮引導作用, 實現以論壇提升展會品質 (25/2) Li Jinqi (left), Director General of China Foreign Trade Centre, said there were 124 editions of Canton Fair has been successfully held, Hong Kong and Macao business community played an important role in its development. In new era, He believed that the Canton Fair will continue to improve in terms of internationalization, specialization, marketization, and informationization. Functions of the Canton Fair are no longer merely exporting products, but also a global and integrated with increasing influence. Through the forum, the Canton Fair is going to play a guiding role in trading trends and new products, and hoping to enhance the quality of exhibitions. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 47

CGCC Snapshot 4 5 6 7 4. 鹽城市鹽都區委副書記 區長王娟 ( 右二 )(27/2) Wang Juan (second from right), Secretary of the CPC Yandou District Committee and Chief of Yandou District of Yancheng. 5. 創新科技署署長蔡淑嫻 ( 左四 )(26/2) Annie Choi (fourth from left), Commissioner for Innovation and Technology 6. 馬來西亞國際貿易及工業部副部長王建民 ( 左五 ) (26/2) Ong Kian Ming (fifth from left), Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia 7. 孟加拉駐港總領事 Mehdi Hasan( 右二 )(18/2) Mehdi Hasan (second from right), Consul General of Bangladesh 48 商 2019 年 3

商會快拍 CGCC Snapshot 一眾資深會員於元老春茗上聚首一堂 偕同本會首長向會員拜年 14/2 Accompanied by the Chamber s Chairmen, senior members express New Year greetings at the spring gathering for veterans. 春茗團拜 賀新歲 Lunar New Year Gatherings 豬年伊始 本會舉行多場春 茗 團拜活動 新舊會員同賀 新禧 喜氣洋洋 At the beginning of the Year of the Pig, the Chamber held a number of spring gatherings to celebrate it together. 50 商薈 2019年3月 青委會團拜晚宴活力十足 除抽獎以外 更設有遊戲環節 一眾會員不亦樂乎 18/2 The Young Executives Committee celebrates the new year in a more energetic way, arranged mini-games and lucky draw during the gathering.

CGCC Snapshot 婦委會團拜上, 一眾與會成員笑意盈盈, 期間更有抽獎環節助興 (19/2) Members had a jolly time at the gathering hosted by the Ladies Committee, which included entertaining programmes like lucky draw. 地區事務委員會春節聯歡晚宴上, 各區委員雲集, 互道祝賀 (22/2) Members of the District Affairs Committee gathered at the Lunar New Year Gala Dinner, sending good wishes to each other. CGCC Vision MAR 2019 51

商會快拍 CGCC Snapshot 1 2 1. 會員活動 Members Activities 九龍東區聯絡處舉辦 中美貿易風波之下的香港樓市展望 晚餐講座 邀 請該處副主任 資深測量師陳東岳分享樓市前瞻 27/2 Kowloon East District Liaison Committee invited Tony Chan, Deputy Director of the Committee and Surveyor, to talk about his foresight on the property market during the time of Sino-American trade tensions. 2. 港島西區及港島東區聯絡處合辦新春團拜 並邀請天湖學會會長麥榮耀演 講 分析流年運程 13/2 Fengshui Master Mak Wing-yiu was invited to share his views on the prospect of the Year of the Pig in a new year gathering co-organized by the Western District and Island East Liaison Committees. 3. 新界區聯絡處舉辦新春團拜 席間設遊戲及抽獎環節 於歡快氣氛中喜迎 新春 18/2 New Territories District Liaison Committee organized a Chinese New Year dinner gala. As a highlight, there were party game and lucky draw sections. 3 52 商薈 2019年3月