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致 谢 本 论 文 能 得 以 完 成, 首 先 要 感 谢 我 的 导 师 胡 曙 中 教 授 正 是 他 的 悉 心 指 导 和 关 怀 下, 我 才 能 够 最 终 选 定 了 研 究 方 向, 确 定 了 论 文 题 目, 并 逐 步 深 化 了 对 研 究 课 题 的 认 识, 从 而 一

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硕 士 学 位 论 文 论 文 题 目 : 北 岛 诗 歌 创 作 的 双 重 困 境 专 业 名 称 : 中 国 现 当 代 文 学 研 究 方 向 : 中 国 新 诗 研 究 论 文 作 者 : 奚 荣 荣 指 导 老 师 : 姜 玉 琴 2014 年 12 月


Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School School Insight 24666802 24629369









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PAGE 012 The English Department has been actively promoting the use of IT in both teaching and learning. We aim to strengthen students self- directed learning, creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills in an enhanced IT environment. Students are given ample opportunities to acquire and apply the information technology skills in various pedagogical settings. A recent focus of the Department is the development of mobile learning technology. Part of the shooting the film power of mobile learning is a matter of location as it allows more choices on where learning should take place. Also the device provides opportunity in the form of apps, Word processors, social media channels, image libraries and publishing platforms, which enhances creativity, communication and collaboration. Since 2011, we have been incorporating ipad based lessons in the curriculum. Thanks to the generous donation of ipads from our school supervisor Mr Cheung Wah Keung and Wharf Project WeCan and the suppor t of the school IT presenting the work to the group Department, in 2011, we started a pilot scheme in F.1 and now have extended the ipad curriculum to F.2 and F.4. Mobile Learning on the Go

PAGE 013 presenting their favourite Hong Kong attractions planning the work As of academic year 2013, our students are no longer limited to sharing an ipad. Every student can now embark on individual and self-paced learning with an ipad each. More significantly, all students can enjoy seamless connectivity to the world-wide-web in all classrooms throughout the school. learning the skills for imovie ipad lessons in F.1 This year F.1 students were asked to write and illustrate a book about their favourite Hong Kong attractions using the Scribble Press application. The Scribble Press application is a multimedia, creativity platform for creating, sharing and publishing stories. Through various pre-tasks like research, mind-mapping and discussion, students presented their writings to the class. ipad lessons in F.2 We fur ther customize the needs of students by allowing class-based themes. Students worked in groups and made use of the imovie and Scribble Press apps to do a variety of tasks. imovie is a movie-making app which provides scaffolds for the filming experience while allowing many opportunities for customization in audio and visual effects. In one class, they created riddles on animals for the classmates to guess through the making of video clips. In another class, students were asked to produce a short horror film. They wrote and filmed their own scripts. T h e y e n j o y e d t h e shooting experience much and were thrilled to see their movies on the screen. Scribble Press was also used by a n o t h e r c l a s s to reinforce the teaching doing a catwalk of a particular theme in the scheme of work. Students turned themselves into young designers and designed outfits for a fashion show. They were asked to write scripts to illustrate their designs and presented them to the class. ipad lessons in F.4 Th e i Pa d c u r r i c u l u m i s a l s o designed to support the learning and teaching of the Elective Modules in the New Senior Secondary English Language Curriculum. This year, students worked on both an individual and group basis to try out newscast using imovie, Toontastic and Scribble Press apps. They were required to research, repor t and produce a short news clip. The news stories covered various areas like local news, international news, sports and lifestyles. They did the shooting and editing and presented the news stories to the class. The way forward Fe e d b a c k f r o m b o t h t e a c h e r s a n d s t u d e n t s was positive and we expected to fur ther a l i g n i P a d l e s s o n s w i t h t h e e x i s t i n g curriculum and allow more flexibility in the development of task requirement to match differences in abilities.

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