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Journal of Chinese Literature of Providence University Vol. 4, Dec 2013, pp Chinese Literature Department, Providence University The Study of L





32 2016 12 1-29 2016-03-31 2016-10-26 DOI: 10.6183/NTUJP.2016.32.1 1257

2 32 Fofa Daming Lu Jing-huei Tsau Abstract Fofa Daming Lu consists of 20 volumes advocating the thought of the three teachings harmonious, edited by Gui Tan in the end of the Southern Song Dynasty. It is widely known that Fofa Damin Lu is introduced to Japan by Enni in the Kamakura Period. It is rational and presumable that Fofa Daming Lu drew public attention in the Kamakura Period as it is said that Enni lectured to H j Tokiyori based on this book in the first year of Sh ka(1257), according to Shoichi Kokushi Nepu. Although Fofa Daming Lu has been lost in China, there are several versions conserved in Japan nowadays, including editions of the Song, Yuan Dynasties and ancient transcripts. However, Fofa Daming Lu has been rarely valued as a research object for a long time, because of the negative evaluation and critical opinions from Kokan Shiren(1278 1347), and its inaccessibleness. Fofa Daming Lu is a rare book itself and not contained in Daiz ky or any other series of books. This Study reviews various versions of Fofa Daming Lu and investigates how Fofa Daming Lu was quoted and discussed in other books, to clarify its historical position in the Kamakura and Nanbokucho Periods. Keywords Fofa Daming Lu, Enni, Kokan, Gui Tan, Consistency between Confucianism and Buddhism Associate Professor of the Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University

3 * 1257 *

4 32 1089-1163 1 2 1 2 1999 p.373

5 3 4 5 1278 1346 6 3 4 5 6 95 1982 p.129-150 1956 p.90 123 142 2011 5 p.74 89 35 2000 7 p.89 103 2016 p.303 346 1962-1964 p.422 1999 p.373

6 32 7 1339 1235 1399 1615 1644 1357 8 7 8 1229 (1235) 11 1979 p.63-68 1976 204

7 1224 1226 1226 (1235) 9 1399 1542 1482 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 1999 p.375 p.65 1937 p.694 p.66

8 32 13 1257 14 1357 15 (1235) 16 1278 1346 13 14 15 16 p.64-67 1942 p.28 24 2010 p.121 4 p.104

9 1322 17 18 19 17 18 19 2004 p.109-119 p.110 95 p.134

10 32 20 21 20 21 p.115 p.119

11 22 p.258 p.260 261 22 p.263 1992

12 32 p.267 p.268 p.276 p.276 p.277 p.277 p.278

13 p.274 275

14 32 23 24 23 24 68 2006 p.106 p.270

15 25 26 1254 1326 1281 1361 1424 27 28 1334 25 26 p.271 26 2005 2 p.30 27 95 p.148 28 p.100-109

16 32 29 30 29 p.106-107 30 p.31

17 31 31 No.2313 1983

18 32 1196-1252 1244 1246 32 33 34 35 32 33 34 35 1966 p.5 p.74 89 p.89 103 p.311 313 No.2076 1983 p.81

19 36 36 p.81

20 32 37 1285 1354 1342 38 39 40 41 42 37 38 39 40 41 No.2681 1983 1977 p.172 1973 p.185 p.214 p.214

21 42 p.185

22 32 43 1306 1362 1349 1275 1351 44 45 43 44 45 No.2450 1983 42 2 1994 p.664-666 59 2 2011 p.655-660 p.665

23 1257 46 46 p.79

24 32 47 48 1342 47 48 23 6 1977 12 2012 p.227 p.68 69

25 49 50 49 50 5 2010 p.1-16 p.236

26 32 51 52 53 51 52 53 11 1977 p.106-107 p.108 p.97 p.329 331

27 2016 2011 142 2000 35 2010 24 2005 26 2006 68 1992 1966 1973

28 32 1937 1942 2004 31 1979 11 1999 1976 1983 No.2076 1983 No.2313 1983 No.2450 1983 No.2681 1994 42 2 2011 59 2 1956 2010 5 1977 23 6 2012 1997

29 1982 95 1999 2 1977 11