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Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I Fabio Yuchung Lee Tsung-jen Chen Regalado Trota José José Luis Caño Ortigosa 107 12 NT$15,000 ISBN 978-986-6116-74-2 The Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I contains two manuscripts from the 17th century: the Dictionario Hispánico Sinicum held in the archive of University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines, and the Arte de la Lengua Chio Chiu held in the Library of the University of Barcelona, Spain. Both manuscripts were joint works written by 17th century Spanish Dominican missionaries and Hokkien Chinese who lived in Manila. The Dictionario Hispánico Sinicum has more than 1,000 pages, 27,000 Hokkien vocabulary, and stores words and idioms that covered the all-inclusive details of Hokkien daily life in the Philippines 400 years ago. They presented a concrete image of Hokkien people interacting with Spanish culture in the Philippines in the Age of Discovery. The Arte de la Lengua Chio Chiu is the earliest extant Hokkien grammar book written by Europeans. From a Spanish perspective, it introduced Hokkien, the most important business language in East Asian seas at that time, to the Europeans. A proud collaboration project initiated by scholars from Taiwan, Spain, Germany, and the Philippines, the publication of these precious documents provides a vivid picture of the history of Hokkien-Spanish exchange in the Philippines in the Age of Discovery. 2

Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I Santo Tomas Dictionario Hispánico Sinicum Arte de la Lengua Chio Chiu 3

Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum This is a manuscript dictionary edited and completed by certain Chinese People in Manila together with Spanish Dominican missionaries in first half of 17th Century. The dictionary contains 270,000 words and phrases more than 1,000 pages in Spanish, Chinese character, Romanized Hokkien and Mandarin of officials. The collection of words and phrases is rich and diverse and is presented in four different ways: words, idioms, short sentences, and proverbs. It is the most comprehensive extant Hokkien Spanish dictionary in the world from the 17th Century, and it reveals the great intercultural interaction process and achievement of Age of Discovery between Hokkien and Spanish people. It is also an important and precious asset of "Memory of the World" for the mankind. Memory of the World 4

Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series I Arte de la Lengua Chio Chiu This grammar book is a manuscript edited and completed by the Chinese People in Manila together with Spanish Dominican missionaries in first half of 17th Century. The content is mainly about discourse analysis of Hokkien dialect and linguistic concept of Spanish language at that time. It introduces the pronunciation, personal pronouns, verbs, adverbs, negative sentences, questions aspects of Hokkien dialect. The usage of numbers and various quantitative classification words are also included. It is also the first grammar book of Hokkien dialect composed by Europeans. It specifically discloses the process and achievements of the intercultural communication between the Hokkien people and the Spanish-speaking world during the Age of Discovery. It is certainly an important and precious asset of "Memory of the World" for mankind. Memory of the World 5

107 12 NT$500 ISBN 978-986-6116-72-8 1925-2005 14 6

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