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致 谢 本 人 自 2008 年 6 月 从 上 海 外 国 语 大 学 毕 业 之 后, 于 2010 年 3 月 再 次 进 入 上 外, 非 常 有 幸 成 为 汉 语 国 际 教 育 专 业 的 研 究 生 回 顾 三 年 以 来 的 学 习 和 生 活, 顿 时 感 觉 这 段 时 间 也



摘 要 張 捷 明 是 台 灣 當 代 重 要 的 客 語 兒 童 文 學 作 家, 他 的 作 品 記 錄 著 客 家 人 的 思 想 文 化 與 觀 念, 也 曾 榮 獲 多 項 文 學 大 獎 的 肯 定, 對 台 灣 這 塊 土 地 上 的 客 家 人 有 著 深 厚 的 情 感 張 氏 於




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(2008) 主 张 教 师 在 课 文 教 学 中 应 让 学 生 有 意 识 地 注 意 语 块, 并 指 出 语 块 教 学 对 大 学 生 的 英 语 写 作 能 力 有 着 重 要 的 意 义 于 秀 莲 (2008) 以 大 学 生 为 受 试 对 象, 在 对 不 同 学 生 分 别



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2003 1,, () 1853 (),,,,,,,,, ;,, :,,,,,,,,! 16 (16 ),, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,1979,29,, 1979,90 6

Fancis M. Deng War of Visions Conflict of Identities in the Sudan The Brookings Institution p. 422.



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要真正的認識神, 我們必須更深入的了解祂的話. 今年教會鼓勵弟兄姊妹每個月只讀一本書, 但要每一章每一節的去慢慢的讀. 的上半年, 我們會從創世記讀到約書亞記, 你可以從網站下載讀經的指引, 有中文與英文的版本 詳細的介紹每一本書的內容, 你也可以向辦公室索取手冊 ; 如果你跟隨教會慢慢研讀聖經, 三年後你將會讀完了整本聖經 願神祝福你 CHINESE - 張國強牧師 Bible reading plan adapted from The Daily Walk Bible (Tyndale House Publishers: Carol Stream, IL) 0.


創世記總論 創世記這書的名字來自希臘舊約聖經 ( 七〸士譯本 ), 意思是 起源 源頭 ; 希伯文的聖經是根據這卷書第一個字 起初 創世記是描述一切事物的來源, 如宇宙 世界 人類 家庭 國家 當然最重要是以色列人的開始 內容大綱 四件事 四人物 創世記總論 - 創世記總論 -0 作者 寫作時地 摩西摩西大約在主前 00 年的人物, 本書的內容大約是主前 000 年至 0 年, 共有 0 千左右的 - - - 創造犯罪洪水巴別塔 - - - -0 亞伯拉罕以撒雅各約瑟 歷史 摩西是如何得知以前的歷史呢? 是根據他 在西乃山上和曠野的期間, 從神那裡得到的啟示 ( 使徒行傳 :-) 主旨 本書讓我們看見神的創造與人的墜落 神創造了 宇宙, 並且造了人, 祂的目的是要人掌管全地, 彰 顯神的榮耀 ; 但人卻失敗墜落, 神卻沒有放棄祂的 目的和計劃, 在人失敗中, 神卻彰顯祂的榮耀與祂 的恩典


出埃及記總論 七〸士希臘文譯本則以 Exodus 取名, 是 出走 或 離開 的意思 ; 意 指人原陷在罪中作奴隸, 神的救贖就是使人脫離罪惡和世界的捆綁, 完全 歸神為聖 ( 出〸九 -) 特點. 本書所記載的神蹟, 比舊約任何一卷書都多. 本書特多預表, 尤其是關乎基督和救贖的預表, 處處皆是 作者 摩西 出埃及故事在新約中的象徵 寫作時地 西乃的曠野 以色列人 新約的信徒 主旨 本書論到神對祂選民的 救贖 經過, 以及藉頒佈律法, 和在山上指示摩西製造會幕的樣式, 以顯明神救贖的計劃和目的 故此, 本書的主旨乃是 救贖, 一般解經家均稱本書為 救贖之書 是聖經中講論神的救贖最詳盡且具體的一本書 埃及法老摩西亞倫 生活的世界 世界的王魔鬼撒但 基督是我們的先知, 中保, 代求者, 君王, 元帥, 拯救者 基督是我們的大祭司 逾越節 基督是那為我們被殺的羊羔 過紅海 受浸 鑰節 亞瑪力人 肉體 出 : 我下來是要救他們脫離埃及人的手, 領他們出了那地, 嗎哪 基督是我們生命的糧 到美好寬闊流奶與蜜之地, 磐石 基督為我們被擊打而流出活水 出 : 我要以你們為我的百姓, 我也要作你們的神, 你們要知道我是耶和華你們的神, 是救你們脫離埃及人之重擔的 會幕雲柱 火柱和聖膏油皆 基督, 也預表教會聖靈 出 : 你們要歸我作祭司的國度, 為聖潔的國民 內容大綱 :-: :-: :- -0 以色列人在埃及以色列人出埃及在曠野神頒佈律法並與以色列人立約建造會幕


利未記總論 本卷書希伯來文原名的意思是 並且神呼召 表徵神親自在會幕中向以 色列人說話 希臘文的七〸士譯本則按書的內容稱它為 利未記 鑰節 作者 摩西 利 :- 耶和華從會幕中呼叫摩西, 對他說, 你曉諭以色列人說, 你們中間若有人獻供物給耶和華, 要從牛群羊群中獻 寫作時地 本書所記載的內容, 開始於以色列人出埃及後第 牲畜供物 二年正月初一日立起帳幕 ( 出 0:) 一直到二月二〸日雲彩從帳幕收上去 本書寫作的時間和地點, 應當就在那一段日子裡, 或緊接著不久, 在西 利 :- 耶和華對摩西說, 你曉諭以色列全會眾說, 你們要聖潔因為我耶和華你們的神是聖潔的 乃曠野完成的 主旨寫本書的動機獻祭的條例律法的訂立刑罰的事例 神救贖以色列人出埃及, 呼召他們從列國中分別出來, 歸與神作祭司的國度, 為聖潔的國民 ( 出 :) 故此本書的主旨要義就是 聖潔 - 你們要聖潔, 因為我耶和華你們的神是聖潔的 ( 利 :) 摩西將神對他所說的話寫下來, 用意在教導以色列人有所遵循的明文條例 這些明文條例大致可分成下列三方面 : 使他們對罪的嚴重性有深刻的認識使他們認識神對人生活和行為的要求使他們認識凡干犯律法者必要受神刑罰 內容大綱 - 獻祭的條例 - 事奉的條例 - 聖潔的子民 耶和華的節期 - 其他條例和警告


民數記總論 APRIL 譯聖經者所以名之為民數記, 因為書中二次記載數點以色列人的事, 一次在西乃的曠野 ; 一次在摩押的平原 作者摩西 性質本書直接繼續前書利未記之後, 兩書之間並沒有時間上的空隙 利未記是在西乃曠野, 本書的開端仍是在西乃的曠野 本書的內容, 一方面是歷史的記載, 一方面是立法的記載 寫作時地 鑰節 民 : 本書內容所包括的時間約有三〸九年 本書記載以色列人自西乃曠野出發, 最後抵達摩押平原, 那地是迦南地的大門口, 隔河就是耶利哥城 他們遵耶和華的吩咐安營, 也遵耶和華的吩咐起行 ; 他們守耶和華所吩咐的, 都是憑耶和華吩咐摩西的 內容大綱 -: :- - 在西乃山 自西乃山至加低斯 在摩押 民 : 但你們不可背叛耶和華, 也不要怕那地的居民, 因為 他們是我們的食物, 並且蔭庇他們的已經離開他們, 有耶和華與我們同在, 不要怕他們


申命記總論 本書是摩西五經的末一卷 七〸譯士給它起名叫作第二律法意思是第二遍申述律法 這裡並沒有新的律法, 不過將三〸九年前在西乃山上所得的律法重新申述並解釋一遍 作者摩西寫作時地本書是緊接前一卷書民數記的末了, 兩卷書的時間是相同的, 都是在出埃及後的第四〸年, 地點都在摩押平原 內容大綱 :-: 往事的追敘 :- 律法的溫習 - 警告 -0 立約 - 最後的勉勵 鑰節 申 : 惟願他們存這樣的心, 敬畏我, 常遵守我的一切誡命, 使他們和他們的子孫, 永遠得福 申 :- 以色列阿, 你要聽 : 耶和華我們神是獨一的主 你要盡心 盡性 盡力, 愛耶和華你的神


約書亞記總論 在舊約聖經中, 緊接摩西五經之後的, 就是歷史書, 共有〸二卷 約書亞記就是歷史書的第一卷 歷史書所講的是從以色列人在迦南地建國起, 一直到被擄為止 歷史書對於我們新約時代的信徒有深切的關係, 因為它是我們的鑒戒 警告 預表 功課 特點約書亞記是完成神的救贖的一卷書 神的救贖的第一步就是領祂的百姓出埃及, 脫離那為奴之家, 第二步就是領他們進迦南, 享受神所賜的產業 本書也是一卷爭戰史 作者 約書亞 內容大綱 寫作時地 本書內容所包括的時間約有二〸六年, 主前 -; 地點是在摩押平原和迦南地 - - - 進入征服分配 主旨 本書首要的信息是神有信實 祂既向祂的百姓應 - 告別 許, 祂是信實的, 終究按照祂的應許領他們進迦南 第二個信息是神有公義, 因此祂恨惡罪, 而且必定 要討伐罪 祂使以色列人在艾城失敗, 祂使迦南 七族滅亡, 都是祂的公義討伐罪的結果 鑰節 書 :- 我的僕人摩西死了, 現在你要起來, 和眾百姓過這約但 河, 往我所要賜給以色列人的地去 凡你們腳掌所踏 之地, 我都照著我所應許摩西的話賜給你們了

To truly know God, we must DIG DEEP into His word. This year, our church will be studying one book of the Bible per month reading every verse and every word intently. For the first months of, we will study the books of Genesis to Joshua. If you follow the schedule, you will finish whole bible within years. You can download the guide now in both English and Chinese editions. The guide provides insight and context to understand each book. You can also avail of printed copies of the guide for free at the church office. ENGLISH - REV. JEREMIAH CHEUNG Bible reading plan adapted from The Daily Walk Bible (Tyndale House Publishers: Carol Stream, IL) 0.

JANUARY DAY GENESIS - In The Beginning From Paradise to Pain: Adam & Eve - From Paradise to Pain: Cain & Abel Noah s Ark & God s Judgment: Building - Noah s Ark & God s Judgment: Riding Noah s Ark & God s Judgment: Promise GENESIS - Construction and Confusion Abraham s Call & God s Promise: Calling 0 0 0 - - - - - - - Abraham s Call & God s Promise: Choosing God s Covenant with Abram God s Judgement on Sodom: Saving Lot God s Judgement on Sodom: Saving Sarah Isaac God s Promise in Flesh & Blood: Childhood Isaac God s Promise in Flesh & Blood: Early Adulthood Isaac s Family Isaac s Fortune Jacob s Dream & Flight from Esau: Leaving Home Jacob s Dream & Flight from Esau: Longing For Home - Jacob s Encounter with Esau: Reconciliation - - Jacob s Encounter with Esau: Rededication Joseph s Slavery in Egypt: Life in Jacob s Family -0 Joseph s Slavery in Egypt: Life in Pharaoh s Prison - Joseph s Brothers in Egypt - Joseph s Brothers in Egypt 0 - Joseph s Family United in Egypt -0 The Last Days of Jacob and Joseph

GENESIS The title of this book, Genesis, comes from the Greek translation of the Old Testament, Septuagint, which means "origin" or "source". The Hebrew Bible is based on the first phrase in the beginning. Genesis describes how all things originated, such as the universe, the world, humanity, families, and nations. Of course the most important thing is the beginning of Israel. Author DATE & PLACE WRITTEN Moses Moses lived in about 00 B.C. The events narrated in the book happened during 000-0 B.C., spanning total of 0 years of history. How did Moses know about the events of the past? This is based on his Mt. Sinai and wilderness experience. God revealed it to him. (Acts :-) OUTLINE EVENTS CHARACTERS Genesis - Genesis -0 - - - The Creation The Fall The Flood The Tower of Babel - - - -0 Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph THEME The book lets us see God s creation and mankind s fall. God created the universe and he created man, whose purpose is to rule over the whole earth and to demonstrate the glory of God. But man failed and fell, and yet God didn t give up on his purpose and his plan. In man s failure, God manifested his glory and his grace.

EXODUS 0 0 FEBRUARY DAY EXODUS - - - - - - - - -0 - - -0 Birth of Moses: People Prepared For Deliverance Birth of Moses: Deliverer Prepared For People Confrontation with Moses Confrontation of Pharaoh First Nine Plagues in Egypt: Blood First Nine Plagues in Egypt: Frogs, Gnats, Flies First Nine Plagues in Egypt: Dead Livestock, Boils, Hail First Nine Plagues in Egypt: Locusts, Darkness Tenth Plague Passover and Exodus Crossing the Red Sea Israel s Journey to Mount Sinai: Israel s Complaints Israel s Journey to Mount Sinai: Moses Coworkers The Ten Commandments Civil Laws Ceremonial Laws & Compulsory Laws Design of the Tabernacle: Interior Design of the Tabernacle: Structure & Exterior Special Instructions for Priests: Ministry Special Instructions for Priests: Craftsmen Incident of the Golden Calf: Israel s Rebellion Incident of the Golden Calf: God s Restoration Tabernacle Erected Tabernacle Occupied

EXODUS The Septuagint refers to the Exodus as depart or leave, depicting how men are originally enslaved by sin and God s salvation delivered them from their bondage to sin and the world, made holy unto God. (Exodus :-) Author DATE & PLACE WRITTEN THEME KEY VERSES Exodus : Moses Desert of Mt. Sinai This book records God s deliverance of His chosen people, as well as the institution of the Law, His instruction to Moses as to the design of the tabernacle, revealing His plan and purpose for redemption. Therefore, the main thrust of this book is salvation. Thus, this book is commonly referred to as the Book of Redemption. This is the most detailed and specific book in the Bible about God s redemption. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey CHARACTERISTICS. The miracles recorded in this book are more numerous than any of the Old Testament books.. This book particularly contains many typology (symbolism), especially regarding Christ and salvation. These can be found in the entire book. New Testament Symbols in the Exodus Story Israelites Egypt Pharaoh Moses Aaron Passover Lamb Crossing of the Red Sea Amalekites Manna Rock Tabernacle Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of Fire The Anointing Oil New Testament Believers World Devil, Satan Christ as our prophet, mediator, intercessor, king, commander and savior Christ as our high priest Christ as the lamb that was slain for us Baptism Flesh Bread of Life Christ as the one struck and gave forth living water Christ, and also the Church Holy Spirit Exodus : Exodus : I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation... OUTLINE :-: :-: :- -0 The Israelites in Egypt The Israelites depart Egypt for the desert God institutes the Law and confirms the covenant with the Israelites Building of the Tabernacle

MARCH LEVITICUS DAY 0 LEVITICUS Worship Offerings: Burnt Offering Worship Offerings: Grain Offering Worship Offerings: Fellowship Offering Compulsory Offerings: Sin Offering Compulsory Offerings: Guilt Offering Law of the Offerings Law of the Offerings Priestly Orders & Offense: Consecration of the Priests Priestly Orders & Offense: Ministry of the Priests Priestly Orders & Offense: Restrictions on the Priests Rules on Food Rules on Childbirth Rules on Skin Diseases Rules on Skin Diseases Rules on Discharges Atonement by Blood Abstaining From Blood Abstaining From Sexual Sins Abstaining From Social Sins Avoiding the Penalty For Sins Priestly Purity: Defliments & Defects Priestly Duties Important Days Blasphemy to the Lord Rest for the Land Blessing in the Land Vows to the Lord

LEVITICUS The Hebrew name of this book means "and God calls" signifying that God Himself spoke to the Israelites in the Tent of Meeting. The Septuagint calls it Leviticus in accordance with its contents. Author DATE & PLACE WRITTEN THEME PURPOSE IN WRITING Moses The book s chronicles began on the first day of the first month of the second year, after the sons of Israel left Egypt when the Tabernacle was set up, until the twentieth day of the second month when the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle (Exodus 0:). This book must have been completed in that period or shortly thereafter, in the wilderness of Sinai. God redeemed the Israelites from Egypt, calling them out of the nations to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation unto God (Exodus :). Therefore, the thrust of this book is "holiness" "Be holy, because I, the LORD your God, am holy" (Leviticus : ). Moses wrote down what God told him with the intention of teaching the Israelites to follow the laws and regulations of the covenant. These rules and regulations can be broadly divided into the following three aspects: KEY VERSES Leviticus :- Leviticus :- OUTLINE - - - - The Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting. He said, Speak to the Israelites and say to them: When anyone among you brings an offering to the Lord, bring as your offering an animal from either the herd or the flock. The Lord said to Moses, Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. Regulations on Sacrifices Ordinances of Ministry The Holy People The Feast of the Lord Other Regulations and Warnings The Ordinance of Sacrifices The Establishment of the Law The Cases for Penalties to have a deep understanding of the seriousness of sin to understand God's requirements for human living and conduct to let them know that anyone who breaks the law will be punished by God

APRIL NUMBERs 0 DAY 0 Numbers God s People: The Nation Counted God s People: The Nation Camped God s Priests: The Levites Arrayed God s Priests: The Levites Assigned The Nation Cleansed for Worship: Defilement in Morals The Nation Cleansed for Worship: Dedication to Service The Nation Cleansed for Worship: Offerings of the Leaders The Nation Cleansed for Worship: Offerings of the Levites - The Nation Starts the Journey: Getting Read to March - The Nation Starts the Journey: Grumbling on the March - Rebellion against God in the Wilderness - Judgement from God in the Wilderness - The Staff & Rebellion - The Red Heifer & Rebellion The Bronze Snake - Balaam Baal of Peor A New Generation: Repeating The Census A New General: Replacing The Commander-in-Chief -0 A General Review: Recounting The Code of Worship Moses Leadership: The Midianites Removed Moses Wisdom: A Problem Solved Moses Travels: A Journey Recounted Laws of the Promise Land: Military Protection Laws of the Promise Land: Legal Protection Laws of the Promise Land: Legal Protection

NUMBERS The Bible translators called this book Numbers because the book records twice the numbering/census of the Israelites: once in the wilderness of Sinai, and once in the plains of Moab. Author DATE & PLACE WRITTEN Moses The book covers years of history. It chronicles Israel's arrival in the Sinai desert up to the time of their arrival at the plains of Moab, that is the border of Canaan. The city of Jericho lies just across the river. CHARACTERISTICS This book is a continuation of the Book of Leviticus. There is no time interval between the two books. Leviticus is Israel s story in the wilderness of Sinai. This book begins with the Israelites still in the Sinai wilderness. This book is a historical record on one hand and on the other, a legislative book. OUTLINE -: At Mt. Sinai :- From Mt. Sinai to Kadesh - At Moab KEY VERSES Numbers : Numbers : At the Lord s command they encamped, and at the Lord s command they set out. They obeyed the Lord s order, in accordance with his command through Moses. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.

MAY DEUTERONOMY 0 DAY 0 DEUTERONOMY Looking to the Past: Postponement of the Land Looking to the Past: Promise of the Land Looking to the Past: Possession of the Land Learning from the Past: Principle from the Land, Obey! Reviewing God s Demands: Laws from Sinai Reviewing God s Demands: Law of Love Reviewing God s Demands: Certainty of Victory Remember the Lord s Provision: God s Part Remember Israel s Provocation: Moses Part - Respond with Obedience: The Nation s Part Religious Laws for Canaan: Offerings Religious Laws for Canaan: False Gods Religious Laws for Canaan: Food Religious Laws for Canaan: Finances Religious Laws for Canaan: Festivals - Civil Laws for Canaan: Choosing A King & Testing A Prophet Civil Laws for Canaan: Providing A Refuge Civil Laws for Canaan: Waging A War - Societal Laws for Canaan: Domestic Relationships - Societal Laws for Canaan: Defending The Weak Societal Laws for Canaan: Donations To God - Commitment to the Covenant: Concluded -0 Commitment to the Covenant: Ratified The Final Days of Moses: Moses Successor The Final Days of Moses: Moses Song The Final Days of Moses: Moses Farewell The Final Days of Moses: Moses Funeral

DEUTERONOMY This book is the last volume of the Pentateuch. The Septuagint refers to it as the Second Law, because it is a restating of the law that was given before. There is no new law here; it is simply a reiteration of the laws obtained at Mount Sinai thirty-nine years ago. Author DATE & PLACE WRITTEN Moses This book is the continuation of the book before it, the Book of Numbers. This book has the same timeline as the Book of Numbers, both chronicle the forty years the Israelite spent in the plains of Moab after their exodus from Egypt. OUTLINE :-: Recollection of the Past :- Review of the Law - Warnings -0 Covenant - The Last Exhortation KEY VERSES Deuteronomy : Deuteronomy :- Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever! Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

JUNE JOSHUA DAY 0 JOSHUA Preparation of the People for War: Be Strong Preparation of the People for War: Go Look - Preparation of the People for War: Go Over Preparation of the People for War: Circumcise Central Campaign: Obedient Victory at Jericho Central Campaign: Disobedient Defeat at Ai Central Campaign: Obedient Rematch at Ai Southern Campaign: Craftiness of Gibeon Southern Campaign: Conquest of Five Kings Northern Campaign: Conquest of the North Northern Campaign: Counting Up The Score Portions for Tribes: East of Jordan - ½ Tribes Portions for Tribes: West of Jordan - Caleb Portions for Tribes: West of Jordan - Judah - Portions for Tribes: West of Jordan - Joseph s Sons Portions for Tribes: Benjamin Portions for Tribes: Tribes Protection For Slayers Provision For Levites Joshua s Last Words: National Conflict Joshua s Last Words: National Challenge Joshua s Last Words: National Commitment

JOSHUA In the Old Testament, historical books follow immediately after Moses Pentateuch. The Book of Joshua is the first of these twelve historical books. The books narrate Israel s history, from its early days as a nation in Canaan until its captivity. The historical books are significant to New Testament believers because these serve as warnings, examples and lessons for us. Author DATE & PLACE WRITTEN THEME Joshua This book covers a period of about years, from - BC. It is situated in the plains of Moab and the land of Canaan. The primary message of this book is that God is faithful. He is faithful to his promise to His people. He led them into Canaan in accordance to His promise. The second message is that God is righteous. He hates sin and must punish sin. He caused the Israelites to fail in Ai and He appointed the destruction of the seven tribes of Canaan. All these are a result of His righteousness and campaign against sin. CHARACTERISTICS The Book of Joshua is a book on the fulfillment of God s salvation. The first step in God s salvation is to lead his people out of Egypt, free them from their slavery. The second step of His salvation for His people is to lead them into Canaan, to enjoy God s inheritance. This book is also a book on warfare. OUTLINE - Entry into the Land - Conquest of the Land - Distribution of the Land - Farewell KEY VERSES Joshua :- Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.