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(manipulatory-arbiter) (didacticism) (Walsh, 1992: 20) Ludmilla Jordanova (historical reconstruction) (illusion of knowledge) (Jordanova, 1989: 25)Stewart (Stewart, 1984: 162) (metonymic displacement) (Stewart, 1984: 162) (everyday) 18 (movements to the collection s gesture for the world) (Stewart, 1984: 162) Hooper-Greenhill Museums and the Shaping of the Knowledge 24

25 (Hooper-Greenhill, 1992: 5) (museumification of truth) (Karp & Lavine, 1992: 1 Duclos, 1994 1996)

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2002 2000 18 24 26 27 2000 18 24 26 27 1999.11.24 1998 1999.10.26 1999.12.5 Clare Cooper Marcus 2000 ( House as a Mirror of Self) 1991 29(4): 295~304 2000 2000 Rebecca Duclos 1996 10(2): 3~12 2000 1996 1989 2000 14(2): 99~106 Bennett, Tong. 1995. Museums and Progress: Narrative, Ideology, Performance. The Birth of the Museum History, Theories, Politics, chap7. pp.177~208. London and New York: Routledge Ltd. 1995. The Formation of the Museum. The Birth of the Museum History, Theories, Politics, chap1. pp.17~58. London and New York: Routledge Ltd. Clifford, J. 1994. Collecting Ourselves. In Pearce Susan M. (ed.), Interpreting Objects and Collections. pp.258~268. London and New York: Routledge. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly & Rochberg- Halton, Eugene. 1981. The Meaning of Things: Domestic Symbols and the Self. U.S.A.: Cambridge University Press. Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean. 1992. Museums and the Shaping of the Knowledge. London and New York: Routledge. Jordanova, Ludmilla. 1989. Sexual Visions: Images of Gender in Science and Medicine between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Harvester Wheatsheaf: Wisconsin University Press. Pearce, S. M. 1995. On Collecting: An Investigation into Collecting in the 28

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Museumization of Objects from the 921 Earthquake Yen-Huang Wu* Abstract On September 21, 1999, an earthquake measuring more than seven on the Richter scale struck Taiwan. After this tragic event, objects associated with the 921 Earthquake were collected. Some of these objects became part of collections of museums or were selected for exhibition. Others were archived and kept in regional cultural center storage areas or by private households or institutions. All of these objects are part of the collective and individual memories of the event. This paper attempts to discuss the value of the collecting system, with focuses on the process of collecting and interpreting behaviors. It seeks to answer the following questions: What did people want to rescue from the earthquake? How did they rescue it? Who participated in the action? How do people interpret the meanings of the objects? What kinds of purposes do they seek? After revealing the relationships between power and the consumption system, this paper takes a critical view of the question of whose memories were rescued. Finally, the possibility of escaping from the limitations of the consumption system will be discussed. Keywords: consumption system, collecting behavior, 921 earthquake, museumization * Master, Graduate Institute of Museum Studies, Tainan National University of the Arts; Director of General Division, Huayu Elementary School, Penghu 30