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250 Discussion of Luo Yin s Object-Chanting Poems Kuei-Fang Liu* Abstract Luo Yin s object-chanting poems have the bright artistic feature and individ


1 * ** * ** 2003 11 1-36

Imitation and the Formation and Interpretation of the Canon: Lu Chi s Nigushi Ho Chi-p eng Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University. Hsu Ming-ch üan Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Institute of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University. Abstract This essay strives to point the importance of Lu Chi ( ) s Nigu (, imitations of Nineteen Old Poems ) poems and to re-evaluate his contribution to and influence on the entire imitative tradition. At the same time, we examine the rich connotations of imitation and its close connection with the interpretation and formation of the canon. In brief, we show that Lu Chi s imitations, while certainly borrowing from his predecessors, are innovative: poetic technique has become refined to the point of exquisiteness, style and subject make a turn for the elaborate, and the emotional contents shifts from the concern with the fickleness of life that permeates the Nineteen Old Poems to a lament over the passing of one s prime. Overall, Lu Chi s imitations not only overhauled the Nineteen Old Poems to make them a vehicle for the expression of the inner self, but also helped to refine a form of poetry popular among the general populace into something the upper classes could utilize, thus responding to the cultural situation of the upper class literati and creating an entirely new poetic style. Lu Chi s imitative technique also reveals his attitudes on and views towards imitation. He both borrowed and built on the imitation tradition. By looking at his Nigu and other related pieces, three things become apparent about Lu Chi s attitudes on and views towards imitation: he works for a complete expression within the context of a work, attempts to put a new face on an established work, and holds the classical in the highest regards. These three aspects work together to give the imitative work a richness of meaning Lu Chi s Nigu plays a crucial role in the establishment of the Nineteen Old Poems as a canon, and to a certain extent in the establishment of the five-syllable 2

?? poem as the standard poetical form. At the same time, this interplay gives witness to the fact that whether it be in terms of aesthetic norms for a poetical form or the formation, interpretation, and evaluation of a canon, imitation has a special meaning and function. Keywords: Lu Chi, Canon, imitation, Imitation of Nineteen Old Poems, Old Nineteen Poems 3


?? 5 1 2 3 1 2 1982147 3 199193-94

6 4 5 6 7 A.D. 261-303 4 1989108 5 1973435 6 1701 2002 7 1981434

?? 7 8 9 10 8 9 1986 1989 1996 10 1986 1014

8 11 12 13 14 15 11 1986251 12 237 13 14 292-293 15 1993 147-192

?? 9 16 A.D.217-278 17 1999 9 261-300 2001 407-434 16 186 17 1997 455-514 1988553-577

10 18 19 20 18 19 199190-93 2000334 20 200054

?? 11 22 23 21 1937 183-184 1992134 1994 77 22 23 1982

12 25 26 24 197694 25 26 1990

?? 13

14 27 28 29 27 1992 171 28 29 1956 12

?? 15

16 30 31 32 33 30 1988 530 31 1590 1995 32 197024 33

?? 17 34 34 155


?? 19

20 A.D.294 296 35 A.D.289 36 37 35 197861-71 36 48 37

?? 21 38 38

22 40 41 39 1988124 40 41 142

?? 23 42 42 1982255-256

24 43 44 45 46 47 48 43 1970 44 1999442 45 46 47 44 48 337

?? 25 49 49 77

26 50 50 1992127

?? 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 51 19 52 53 54 200 55 44 56 156-157 57 1997 1-14 58 2000 6 29 27


?? 29 59 59 1974

30 60 defamiliarization deformation 61 62 discourse 60 61 47 62 1995149

?? 31 63 63 353


?? 33 64 64 2 2002 2 27


?? 35 65 65 45

66 66 1973104 36