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至 北 美 及 发 展 中 国 家 在 全 球 化 进 程 中, 这 种 交 往 形 式 适 应 了 城 市 地 位 的 上 升, 友 好 城 市 由 情 感 型 开 始 向 重 视 经 济 和 社 会 利 益 的 务 实 型 方 向 转 变, 进 而 成 为 城 市 外 交 的 主 要 形 式 国

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1 20 2 1 P309 310 1 2 73

1 3 2 1933 1 2 3 74 13 1976 7

2 1 2 P281 1929 1930 1935 1937 1948 1 2 1933 3 25 11 1998 5 ~ 1999 5 1933 1956 20 75

1941 1945 3 P140 ~ 143 4 P35 36 76


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6 P82 83 7 1942 1 2 3 1 2 1974 4 13 1978 9 64 2006 3 65 2007 10 12 79


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1941 6 8 P50 51 Palau 33 10 P410 ~ 411 1. M. A. Ⅱ 2004. C.. 2. 6. A. A. Ⅱ 12 C. 2004. C.. 7. M. 3. M. 1984. 1990. 8. M. 4. 10. J. 9. J. 1994 5. 1971 25. 10 82 C. 5. 1964. / 82

The Influencing Factors for the Off-Farm Workers Integrating Themselves with the Urban Life A Case Study of Five Chinese Cities LIU Jian-e From the perspective of social integration the paper investigated the off-farm workers in five major cities in China. It found that the major factors of their poor integration with the urban life include the residence community economy social capital human capital employment and health. Their integration with the urban life is related to themselves economic factors and especially social factors. The solutions include the acceptance of such workers by Chinese cities favorable policies and better economic social and cultural conditions. The Inheritance and Development of the Literary Works with Transformation as the Topic in Japan in Modern Times and their Relevancy with Those in Ancient China LI Peng-fei The literary works with transformation as the topic in Japan in modern times are mostly the inheritance and development of those novels in ancient China with some rewriting and modern topics. The transformation factors are quite symbolic about which Japanese critics have different understandings. A study of this old transformation can reveal its revival and development in the new literary context. A Study of Paradox of Fiction in the Perspective of the Relationship between Body and Mind PENG Feng Paradox of fiction is a focus in contemporary aesthetics. To interpret the inconsistency between the truthful feelings and artistic fiction in aesthetic experience some aestheticians hold that the emotional reaction is false while others hold that artistic fiction has some imaginative truth. The paper interprets this paradox with the theory related to the relationship between body and mind and brings up the hypothesis of artistic functions that is art aims to maintain the balance and cooperation between body and mind. Another Academic Approach to Sinology Reflections Written before Professor K. H. Pohl s Retirement CHANG Qie Professor K. H. Pohl a German sinologist is devoted to sinology and his study has his own features and ideas with the aim of improving himself and objectively studying China which is mirrored in the study by another German sinologist Wolfang Kubin. Different from most sinological studies in UAS Pohl holds that the West should not regard itself as the cultural lord and should not domesticate China in their own ways. He believes that it is necessary to have a sympathetic and open-minded attitude towards sinological studies and to understands the other and its value in order to improve oneself. 96