22 戲劇學刊 Shingeki, Shinkageki, Bunkageki and Bunkakageki: The Forms and Themes of Modern Theatre in the Japanese Colonial Period, Revealed by Columbia

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22 戲劇學刊 Shingeki, Shinkageki, Bunkageki and Bunkakageki: The Forms and Themes of Modern Theatre in the Japanese Colonial Period, Revealed by Columbia Phonograph Recordings Abstract Yin-chen Kang* During the Japanese colonial period, kua-a-hi and hakka theatre were born and modern theatre entered Taiwan. It is commonly thought that kua-a-hi and hakka theatre, which were kinds of Chinese classical theatre, told the stories with singing, dance and music, while modern theatre had gotten rid of these elements. However, the rediscovery of phonograph recordings of this period provides different clues. Columbia s shingeki (literally new theatre ), kageki (lit erally opera ), shinkageki (literally new opera ), and bunkageki (literally cultur al theatre ) phonograph recordings are representative examples. These are A Surprising Case along the Canal, A Dream about Lianying, A Tragedy of Hemei, Riding a Donkey and Viewing Flowers, A Golden Age, Songs of a Red Warbler, The Second Spring, A Flower in a Rainy Night, Hoping for Spring Wind, A Non-Wilting Flower, Peach Blossom Weeps Tears of Blood, and Mountain Songs and Folk Melody. Contrasted with popular song records at the same time, the above records are almost forgotten nowadays. This essay will examine the music forms of these records and then analyze ideas revealed in the plays, including the perspectives on love, the ideas of parent-child relationship as well as reflections upon modern society. Comparing audio and textual sources, we will find that during the 1920s and the 1930s, modern theatre in Taiwan in fact did not get rid of singing, dance and music. Meanwhile elements of modern theatre were integrated into popular kua-a-hi and hakka theatre as well. The forms of modern theatre, kua-a-hi and hakka theatre were not absolutely different, as we tend to think, but shared many characteristics. Keywords: shingeki, kageki, shinkageki, bunkageki, free love * Assistant professor, Department of Chinese Literature and Application, Fo Guang University

23 1920 1930 1 19 20 1910 2 1920 1920 3 1930 4 1920 1930 21 2000 1910-1945 5 6 2008 1 2016 167-168 174 2004 108-109 2 湾 湾 COE 2011 2 4-9 3 1895-19451992 304-326 4 1895-1945 328-340 5 1910-1945 2000 28-29 6 1910-1945 88-100

24 戲劇學刊 7 2009 8 9 2015 10 Columbia 1927 1910 1935 11 12 13 CD CD 2012 6 7 6 28 CD 7 160 2008 6 179-180 8 2009 178-182 9 80 10 2015 264-265 11 2007 402 12 176-182 13

25 14 15 16 17 18 2017 6 5 6 14 録 録 湾 2007 122 80361-A 80363-B 15 16 録 湾 117 80315-A 80317-B 17 録 湾 127 80397-A 80398-B 18 録 湾 1 湾

26 戲劇學刊 19 20 2000 21 19 462 20 録 湾 98 80151-A 80152-B 2017 6 5 6 21 1910-1945 28 88 99

27 22 2008 23 2006 1925 1927 24 25 opera 1890 opera operetta 26 27 28 1917 1940 29 22 1910-1945 21 23 179-180 24 1925 7 2006 8 97 25 1998 60 2002 190 26 2002 340-343 27 1986 41 28 345-346 29 Kang, Yin-Chen. The Formation of Taiwanese Classical Theatre. (PhD diss. SOAS. 2014), pp. 144-146; 312-314.

28 戲劇學刊 30 お 31 32 33 modern 30 Andrew F. Jones 2004 129 31 1910-1945 10 32 1910-1945 99 33 T411

29 34 35 34 録 湾 21 T111-A T112-A 35 録 湾 58 T1013-A T1013-B

30 戲劇學刊 36 37 38 36 録 湾 119 80329-A 80329-B 122 80361-A 80363-B 37 38 2012 6 7 28

31 1920 39 1927 40 41 1930 42 1930 43 39 1895-1945 325-326 40 1927 4 24 8-9 41 1927 10 30 6 42 1930 8 16 4 43 Kang, Yin-Chen. The Formation of Taiwanese Classical Theatre. p. 146.

32 戲劇學刊 1937 の 44 1937 8 45 1921 1926 1920 46 1924 6 17 47 1926 3 8 48 3 11 23 49 50 51 1926 5 52 44 209 1937 4 20-22 45 録 湾 74-75 T1121-A T1129-B 46 17 2008 12 235-238 47 1924 6 17 4 48 1926 3 8 6 49 1926 3 11 6 50 1926 3 23 6 51 録 湾 25 T146-A T148-B 52 2009 33 2015 68

33 53 54 1937 8 55 1932 北投溫泉毒殺情婦, 犯人誇言為幫助自殺, 檢察官求刑懲役七年 56 1926 5 24 6 53 1933 録 湾 10-11 T009-A B 30 T190-B 2008 11 33580 33581 73 38065A B 54 55 録 湾 75 T1130-A T1132-B 56 1932 12 8 8 6 8

34 戲劇學刊 57 58 59 in 11 fai 11 60 1896 1885 1898 61 1908 62 1935 1 63 1931 57 1932 12 7 2 58 2011 63-65 59 1937 T1130 2 60 1937 T1130 2 61 台湾 湾 COE 2011 2 3-4 62 2005 69 150-155 63 録 湾 58 T1013-A B

35 1935 1 64 1935 7 65 1932 66 1935 4 67 1936 10 6 68 69 1937 1 4 70 1937 6 4 71 1937 5 72 73 1938 1 4 74 1938 1 75 64 録 湾 116-117 80308-A 80309-B 178-182 65 録 湾 119 80329-A 80329-B 66 1991 7-9 67 録 湾 118 80322-A 80323-B 68 録 湾 122 80361-A 80363-B 69 163 70 録 湾 125 80382-A 80383-B 71 録 湾 126 80390-A 80391-B 72 69 73 11-12 74 録 湾 128 80402-A 80403-B 75 録 湾 51-52 T360-A B

36 戲劇學刊 76 77 78 1930 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 76 77 39-42 168-182 78 8 79 1937 T1123 4 80 T1123 4 81 T1131 2 82 CD 2007 83 T1132 2 84 CD 85 CD 2007 86 T1126 3 87 T1125 4 88 T1130 3 89 CD 2007 90 T1132 2 91 CD 2007 92 T1123 3 93 CD 94 CD 95 CD 2007 96 CD 97 CD 98 T1131 3

37 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 dansu ダンス dance 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 99 CD 100 CD 101 CD 102 CD 103 CD 104 T1125 4 105 CD 106 CD 107 CD 108 CD 109 T1121 4 110 CD 111 CD 112 T1131 4 113 T1130 2 114 T1123 3 115 T1123 3 116 T1123 3 117 T1121 4 118 T1123 2 119 CD 120 T1123 4 121 T1124 3 122 T1126 4 123 T1124 3 124 T1124 3 125 CD 126 T1128 4 127 T1130 2 128 T1131 2 129 T1131 2 130 T1126 3 131 T1125 4 132 T1130 2 133 T1125 4

38 戲劇學刊 134 134 T1123 3

39 135 1920 135 T1124 2

40 戲劇學刊 136 137 138 139 136 T1126 3 137 T1132 4 138 T1132 4 139

41 1920 30

42 戲劇學刊 140 141 140 T1130 2 141 T1130 4


44 戲劇學刊 142 142 1994 146

45 143 1930 1920 1930 143 137 2008 12 59-61 66 2 2015 6 125-129 131-134 140-142

46 戲劇學刊

47 2002 2008 160 169-196 2015 237-275 2008 137 59-61 1991 2008 17 233-271 2015 2004 108-109 2016 1992 1895-1945 2006 19257 81-104 2005 2011 2002 2007 2009 1930 201566(2) 121-151 1998 2009 2009 1994 2005 20001910-1945

48 戲劇學刊 2002 Andr ew F. Jones 2004 録 2007 録 湾 2008 録 1985 1986 2011 湾 湾 COE 2011(2) 91-111 1937 209 19-23 Kang, Yin-Chen. 2014. The Formation of Taiwanese Classical Theatre, 1895-1937. PhD diss. SOAS. CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 CD 2007 2004

49 1937 1937 http://twblg.dict.edu.tw/holodict_new/index.html 2016 9 18 http://er.lib.ncku.edu.tw/cgi-bin/er/browse.cgi2016 9 19 http://cdnete.lib.ncku.edu.tw:8001/tabout.html2016 11 28 1898-1945 http://cdnetf.lib.ncku.edu.tw:8080/ twjihoapp/menu/intro.html2016 11 28

50 戲劇學刊 T146-A T146-B T147-A T147-B T148-A T148-B 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 3 4 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.

51 T360-A T360-B 1938 1 5 1 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. T1013-A T1013-B 1935 1 29 1 1. 2. 3.

52 戲劇學刊 80322-A 80322-B 80323-A 80323-B 1935 4 1 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 80329-A 80329-B 1935 7 20 1 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2.

53 80361-A 80361-B 80362-A 80362-B 80363-A 80363-B 1936 10 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

54 戲劇學刊 5 6 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 80382-A 80382-B 80383-A 80383-B 1937 1 25 1. 1 2. 3. 1 4. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 1. 2. 3.

55 5 6 7 8 1. 2. 3. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 80390-A 80390-B 80391-A 80391-B 1937 6 1 1. 2. 1 3.

56 戲劇學刊 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2 80402-A 80402-B 80403-A 80403-B 1938 1 5 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

57 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.