HGC27 MKN45 SGC7901 MGC803 BGC823 AGS GES μl ATCC RPMI X F12K Sigma SDS-PAGE PBS 4 d CCK-8 Tris-base Biosharp 10% CCK μ

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516 1002-0217 2017 06-0516 - 05 3 1,2, 1, 1, 1 1. 210029 2. 244000 3 RT-PCR Western-blot RNA CCK-8 Western-blot P < 0. 05 P < 0. 001 LC3Ⅱ P < 0. 001 P62 P < 0. 001 3 R 735. 2 A DOI 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1002-0217. 2017. 06. 002 Effects of inhibiting aquaporin-3 expression on the proliferation and apoptosis of gastric cancer cells GAO Libin ZHANG Qiang CHEN Liang XU Hao Department of General Surgery The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Nanjing 210029 China Abstract Objective To investigate the effects of inhibiting aquaporin-3 on the proliferation and apoptosis of gastric cancer cells and the potential mechanisms. Methods The expression level of in gastric cancer cell lines was determined by RT-PCR and Western-blot. low expression cell line was constructed by small interfering RNA. CCK-8 proliferation assay and flow cytometry were used to detect the cell proliferation and apoptosis. The autophagy level was detected by Western-blot and number of autophagosomes was measured by transmission electron microscopy. Results Significantly higher expression of was seen in the gastric cancer cells yet was markedly down-regulated following interference P < 0. 05. Increased apoptotic level P62 expression and decreased autophagy biomarker of LC3Ⅱ were also seen in the gastric cancer cells after interfering all P < 0. 001. Conclusion is highly expressed in gastric cancer cells and interfering the expression of can promote cell apoptosis by decreasing the level of autophagy and inhibiting the proliferation of gastric cancer cells. This suggests that may be potential target for treating gastric cancer. Key words aquaporin-3 autophagy proliferation apoptosis gastric cancer 4 1 2 Aquaporins AQPs 30 ku 5 3 Zhao WSW-038 2017-09-13 1978-13965208002 doctor_gaolb@ 163. com hxu@ njmu. edu. cn

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