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283 Wormsley, 2000 Stocker Walton 1967 Modern Methods of Teaching Braille Stocker, 1970 Weiss 1980 1989 Willoughby Duffy Davidson Koppenhaver 1993 Wormsley 2000 - - Wormsley, 2000

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292 P4.304:308 P8.356:370 P4.304:308 P6.374:388 P3.164:170 program progr program P5.436:444 P1.392:396 P7.180:188 P8.452:463

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294 P5.82:117 P1.62:72 P6.131:166 P3.192:204 P2.118:129 P5.120:152 P7.192:248 P8.136:167

295 P2.118:129 P1.212:254 skill P5.298:302 P8.120:152 P6.90:99 P3.192:204 P1.214:230 P4.222:236

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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 2015, 11(4), 281-306 PSYCHOLOGICAL ADJUSTMENT OF BRAILLE LEARNING FOR PEOPLE WITH ADVENTITIOUS BLINDNESS Guo-Yan Huang Department of Special Education, National Hsinchu University of Education ABSTRACT This study attempted to investigate the problems of those suffering from adventitious blindness s psychological adjustment to Braille learning. This study provided suggestions for those problems to help the visually impaired. We selected eight individuals living with adventitious blindness in New Taipei city as the target for the study. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and document collection with the blind. This study employed grounded theory to analyze the data. We found that those with adventitious blindness would meet two problems when they tried to adjust their attitude to being blind: (1) the barrier of self-acceptance; (2) the limitation that is caused by Braille-reading s slow speed. Furthermore, this study also revealed five supports for psychological adjustment: (1) self-identity; (2) carelessness of others; (3) needs for Braille learning; (4) media for independence; (5) attitude of significant others. Based on the results, this study tried to provide propositions for those obstacles to help those with adventitious blindness to solve them. Keywords: braille learning, psychological adjustment, visual impairments