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6 9 Vol. 6 No. 9 2015 9 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Sep., 2015 2012~2014 * 甘辛, 白莉, 闫韶飞, 王佳慧, 王伟, 李志刚, 张靖, 李凤琴, 徐进 (, 100021) 摘要 : 目的 2012~2014 27 (, ) 4 417 方法 (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI), / 9 11 结果 417 8, 1.92%, 7 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 28, 16, 15, 1 结论 2012~2014,,, 关键词 : ; ; Drug resistant analysis of Cronobacter isolated from infant foods in 2012~2014 in China GAN Xin, BAI Li, YAN Shao-Fei, WANG Jia-Hui, WANG Wei, LI Zhi-Gang, ZHANG Jing, LI Feng-Qin, XU-Jin * (Key Lab of Food Safety Risk Assessment, Ministry of Health, China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing 100021, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To study the antibiotic susceptibility of 417 Cronobacter strains isolated from 4 kinds of infant foods from 27 provinces in China during 2012~2014. Methods Totally 11 kinds of 9 categories antibiotics, including Ampicillin (AMP), Amoxicillin (AMX), Cefotaxime (CTX), Ceftazidime (CAZ), Nalidixic acid (NAL), Ampicillin/Sulbactam (SAM), Tetracycline (TET), Gentamicin (GEN), Ciprofloxacin (CIP), Chloramphenicol (CHL) and Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (SXT) were chosen to conduct broth microdilution susceptibility tests according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) protocols. Results A total of 8 of 417Cronobacter strains isolates were antibiotic resistance, with the average resistant rate of 1.92%. The antibiotic resistant strains included 3(AMX), 2(AMP), 2(CHL), 1(CTX), 1(NAL), 1(SXT), and 1(TET). Three strains were resistant to 2 kinds of antibiotics. Twenty-eight strains were determined as intermediate, including 16 AMX intermediate, 15 CHL intermediate and 1 CAZ intermediate. * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: XU Jin, Researcher, Key Lab of Food Safety Risk Assessment, Ministry of Health, China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing 100021, China. E-mail:

3492 6 Conclusion All of Cronobacter strains were sensitive to most of antibiotics. Drug-resistant strains mainly came from cereal-based complementary food for infants and young children, and Amoxicillin and Chloramphenicol showed antibiotic resistance trend. Antibiotic susceptibility of Cronobacter should be continuously monitored in order to expound the main variation tendency of antibiotic resistance. KEY WORDS: Cronobacter; infant foods; antibiotic susceptibility 1 引言 (Cronobacter, ),,, [1],, 40%~80% [2], [3] 2002 (International Commission of Microbiological Specializations on Food, ICMSF) 2004 FAO/WHO, A, [1] 7, (C. sakazakii) (C. malonaticus) (C. turicensis) (C. muytjensii) (C. dublinensis) (C. condimenti) (C. universalis),,,,, 2012~2014, 2 材料与方法 2.1 材料 2.1.1 菌株来源 2012~2014 27 ( ) 417, 358, 57, 1, 1 (ATCC25922) (ATCC 35218), 2.1.2 主要仪器与试剂 DensiCHEK ( ) ( 3M ) VITEK 2 COMPACT ( ) PL602-L ( - ) SQ810C ( ) (BHI) (BHA) (DFI) (TSA) MH (MHB, Oxid ) ( Sigma ) ( ) 2.2 方法 2.2.1 菌株复核鉴定 : -80 417 5 ml BHI, 37, BHA, 37 24 h, DFI, 37 24 h, TSA, 25 48 h 2~3 TSA, 3 ml 0.85%, 0.5, VITEK 2 COMPACT 2.2.2 抗生素敏感试验 : CLSI, 9 (, ), - (Tetracycline, TET, [ 16]) - (Nalidixic acid, NAL, [ 32]) - (Ciprofloxacin, CIP, [

9, : 2012~2014 3493 4]) - (Chloramphenicol, CHL, [ 32]) - (Sulfamethoxazole- Trimethoprim, SXT, [ 4]) - (Amoxicillin, AMX, [ 32]) (Ampicillin, AMP, [ 32]) β- /β- -- / (Ampicillin-Sulbactam, SAM, [ 32]) - (Gentamicin, GEN, [ 16]) - (Cefotaxime, CTX, [ 4]) (Ceftazidime, CAZ, [ 16]) CLSI (broth microdilution susceptibility testing) : 5 ml BHI, 37, BHA, 37 24 h, BHA, 37 24 h 2~3 BHA, 3 ml 0.85%, 0.5, 96 : 100 μl MHB 2 96, 11, 50 μl MHB; 50 μl, 2,, 8, 8 50 μl, 4, 4 : 80 μl 8 ml MHB,, 50 μl 37, (minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC) 3 结果与分析, 27 4 417, 8, 1.92%, 2012 221 3, 1.36%, 2013 196 5, 2.55%, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 16, 15, 1 11 95.44%~100%, 1 8, 5, ; 3,, 2 417, 358, 7, 1.96%, 57, 1, 1.75%, 1, 1, 3 28 26, 2 417 4 Table 1 表 1 417 株克罗诺氏菌对 11 种抗生素的敏感性结果 Antibiotic susceptibility of 417Cronobacter strains against 11 antibiotics /% /% /% 3 0.72 16 3.84 398 95.44 2 0.48 0 0.00 415 99.52 2 0.48 15 3.60 400 95.92 1 0.24 0 0.00 416 99.76 1 0.24 0 0.00 416 99.76 1 0.24 0 0.00 416 99.76 1 0.24 0 0.00 416 99.76 0 0.00 1 0.24 416 99.76 0 0.00 0 0.00 417 100 0 0.00 0 0.00 417 100 / 0 0.00 0 0.00 417 100

3494 6 Table 2 表 2 克罗诺氏菌的耐药谱 Antibiotic resistance distribution of Cronobacter 0 409 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2-1 2-1 2-1 Table 3 表 3 食品种类与耐药结果 Antibiotics susceptibility of Cronobacter isolates from different types of food /% 358 7 1.96 57 1 1.75 1 0 0.00 1 0 0.00 417 8 1.92 表 4 克罗诺氏菌抗生素敏感性分布 Table 4 Antibiotic susceptibility of Cronobacter (μg/ml) MIC (μg/ml) 0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 0.5~64 16 164 203 29 3 2 0.125~16 320 80 14 2 1 0.25~32 279 116 19 2 1 0.5~64 44 279 87 5 1 1 0.0625~8 404 10 3 0.5~64 139 219 55 3 1 0.5~64 375 37 5 / 0.5~64 16 179 191 29 2 0.125~16 394 14 6 2 1 0.5~64 7 106 218 44 23 16 2 1 2~256 56 273 71 15 2

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