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Complimentary Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 Newsletter Editorial Team: Haji Nasser El-Morshidy Haji M.A.Khan Imam Uthman Yang Haji R.M. Omar Ms. Roxanne Yu Please show due respect for this publication as it contains excerpts from the Holy Qur an. Address: Masjid Ammar & O.R.Sadick Islamic Centre, 40 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong E-mail: Contact: (852)34699205 Fax: (852)28345409 Lectures by Two Eminent Muslim Speakers Two overseas Islamic speakers were invited to the Masjid Ammar & O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre by the Islamic Union of Hong Kong to give a series of lectures. They were Dr. Jamal Badawi, a well-known Islamic scholar from Canada and Sis. Kristiane Backer, a famous European TV presenter from Germany. Three lectures in different topics were delivered, which attracted hundreds of brothers and sisters. Details on Page 2 and Page 3. Dr. Jamal Badawi Sis. Kristiane Backer

P2 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 IU MATTERS Newsletter Dr. Jamal Badawi in Hong Kong Left: Dr. Jamal Badawi delivering lecture; Right: Bro. A.R. Suffiad, Chairman of the Union presenting souvenir to Dr. Badawi The Union organised two lectures for Dr. Jamal Badawi during his visit to Hong Kong in January 2014. The two lectures were delivered in 6/F, Seminar Room, Masjid Ammar and O.R. Sadick Islamic Center. Dr. Badawi delivered an informative lecture on Da wah Methods on 11/1/2014. He emphasised that Da wah means invitation and thus Muslims should invite non-muslims to Islam in a peaceful and wise way. He indicated that Muslims invite people to believe in Allah (SWT) and they do not invite them for any worldly gains. Da wah is an obligation upon Muslims Dr. Badawi said. He quoted the Holy Qur an: Say, This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him. 12:108 On 12/1/2014, Dr. Jamal Badawi also delivered a lecture on Status of Woman in Islam. He emphasised that the Holy Qur an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) made it clear that there is no difference between man and woman concerning their spiritual relation with Allah (SWT). He quoted many verses from the Holy Qur an including the following verse: Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and we will surely give them their reward according to the best of what they used to do. 16:97 Dr. Badawi also said that woman, according to the Holy Qur an, is not blamed for Adam's first mistake. Both were jointly wrong in their disobedience to Allah (SWT), both repented, and both were forgiven. In one verse in fact, Adam specifically, was blamed. Then they both ate of it, so their evil inclinations became manifest to them, and they both began to cover themselves with leaves of the garden, and Adam disobeyed his Lord, and erred. Then his Lord chose him and turned to him in forgiveness and guided [him]. 20:121,122 Dr. Badawi also said that it is very important to be good to one s mother. He mentioned a Hadith when a man came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asking: O Messenger of Allah, who among the people is the most worthy of my good company? The Prophet (PBUH) said: Your mother. The man said: Who else? The Prophet (PBUH) said: Your mother. The man asked: Then who else? The Prophet (PBUH) said: Your mother. The man asked: Then who else? The Prophet (PBUH) said: Your father. Bukhari Over 100 brothers and sisters have attended each of the two lectures. Many questions were asked especially during the lecture on Status of Woman in Islam. Dr. Badawi, who is a renowned Muslim scholar and expert in the field of Islamic studies, answered all the questions to the satisfaction of the audience.

Newsletter Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P3 IU MATTERS An Evening with Kristiane Backer From MTV to Mecca career in the entertainment world, she felt her soul was missing. In 1992 Backer met former Pakistani cricketer Imran Khan in London. He gave her books on Islam and invited her to travel with him through Pakistan. Those trips opened a new dimension in her life, an awareness of spirituality. She converted to Islam in 1995. But soon after the disclosure of her Muslim identity, her career was facing different kind of threats. Sis. Kristiane and Bro. Suffiad The Union organised Kristiane Backer From MTV to Mecca at the 6/F Seminar Room on 14 January 2014. Kristiane was invited by The University of Hong Kong to come to Hong Kong for a conference and she took an evening out from her short stay here to share her spiritual journey to Islam with over 100 Muslims in Hong Kong. Kristiane is a TV presenter, journalist and voice over artist based in London with a pan-european career. At the age of 24 Kristiane became one of the leading presenters on MTV Europe, where she interviewed most of the major artists and musicians of her time. While she was having a very successful and glamorous During the talk, Kristiane encouraged the audiences to be positive when facing challenges and stays close to Allah. She quoted from Hadith Qudsi Allah (SWT) says: Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you. The faith journey shared by Kristiane offered a clear message: Peace can only be obtained through complete submission to Allah. Kristiane s talk was followed by her book signing and questions and answers session. All the available copies were sold out within 15 minutes. The event received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the audiences. A copy of her book is available at the 6/F Haji Imam Mohamed Yaqub Ma Tat Ng Library for reading and borrowing. Sis. Kristiane diaplaying the souvenir presented to her by the Union Sis. Kristiane signing her autograph in her new book for the audiences.

P4 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 IU MATTERS Newsletter Scholarship Award Presentation Members of the Education Committee Haji Kasim Ma presenting the scholarship to Sis. Hira Khan The Education Committee of the Union recently held its annual Scholarship Award and Education Assistance Presentation Ceremony. The number of applicants for this year s Scholarship Award and Education Assistance was 84. Nineteen received the Education Assistance from the Union, while other 42 got the Scholarship Award. Dr. Abdullah Siu giving a talk Haji Kasim Ma, the Chairman of the Union s Education Committee and Sis. Zareenah Ho, Principal of the Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College, presented the awards to the successful students. A short talk was delivered by Dr. Abdullah Siu. The Scholarship Funds which are managed by the Union were from Haji M.Y. Adal, Mdm. Yeung Lai Kwan and Karrim s Education Fund. Sis. Zareenah Ho presenting the scholarship to the successful student

Newsletter Observance of the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P5 IU MATTERS Forthcoming Events Maulood Class Left: Muslim brothers attending the Maulood function; Right: Haji Muhaemin reciting verses from the Holy Qur an On 12 Rabi-ul-Awal 1435 Hijri, a Maulood function was organised by Da wah Committee of the Union to observe the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The function began after Magrib Prayer with Haji Abdul Karim Muhaemin s recitation from the Holy Qur an, which was followed by Maulood. A short talk was given by Hafiz Atiq-ur-Rahman and Imam Uthman Yang in Urdu and in Cantonese respectively. CSD holds first thank-you day for the NGOs 2 March 2014-20 April 2014 (Every Sunday) 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 4/F Classroom, Masjid Ammar and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre Azan Training Course 16 March 2014-4 May 2014 (Every Sunday) 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 4/F Classroom, Masjid Ammar and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre Charity Sale Left: Representatives from the NGOs; Right: Mr. SIN Yat-kin, Commissioner for CSD and Imam Uthman Yang Correctional Services Department (CSD) held a thank-you day for the first time on 6 December 2013 to let persons in custody express their gratitude to volunteers of the nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) which have been co-operating with the department over the years. Imam Uthman Yang, represented the Union and the Incorporated Trustees, attended the event. 5,6,12,13 April (Consecutive 2 weekends) 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8/F Open Patio, Masjid Ammar & O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre There will be a variety of items to purchase such as shoes, electrical appliances, handset accessories and household goodies and more. A portion of the proceeds are to benefit the Union. Special thanks to.

P6 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 IU MATTERS Newsletter An Amazing Outing Inspiration Lake Picnic On a beautiful and sunny Saturday morning, nearly 130 brothers and sisters embarked on a trip to the Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre in Tung Chung, Lantau Island, near Disneyland. Organised by the Sports and Recreation Committee of the Union, the group left the Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre on board two coaches in the morning. On arrival, the group settled in a big grass lawn where lunch was served by volunteers. The menu consist of minced beef lasagna, garlic bread, mashed potatoes, roast chicken, minced beef curry, white rice, biryani, broccoli and fruits. After lunch, the group, young and old, brothers and sisters, joined together for Zuhur prayer led by Imam Sulaiman Wang. The prayer session was watched by hundreds of curious on lookers who were playing in the park. Special games were arranged for the youngsters and they all enjoyed every moment of it. The response for the outing was so popular that a number of brothers and sisters made their own way themselves to the park. The group returned to Masjid Ammar in time for Asr prayer. The Amazing Muslim race winners Players enjoying the race Brothers and sisters praying on the lawn Volunteers delivering foods to participants

Newsletter Course on Understanding Islam Completed Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P7 IU MATTERS DU AA of protection from Shirk Arabic Left: Completion Ceremony; Right: Imam Uthman Yang giving lecture. The Da wah Committee of the Union has recently organised a three-month course on Understanding Islam. More than 50 persons attended the course which was held every Saturday in eight sessions. The topics covered the Existence of the Creator, Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and other prophets, Qur an and Hadith, Five Pillars of Islam, Muslim Rituals and festivals, Muslim Women, Halal Food and Resurrection. At the end of the course, each participant was presented with a Certificate of Completion. Pronunciation Allahuma Inni Au zu Bika An Ashrika Bika Shay an Wa Ana A lam Wa Astaghfiruka Lima Laa A lam Visits to Our Mosque All are welcome! English O Allah! I take refuge in you lest I should commit shirk with you knowingly and I seek your forgiveness for what I commit unknowingly. There has been a marked increase of people from different groups and institutions visiting Masjid Ammar & O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre. Between January and March 2014, there have been 507 persons from seven different organisations.. The organisations were from the Hong Kong Christian Service, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tsang Mui Millennium School, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Syracuse University etc. Chinese 真主啊! 我祈求你護佑我避免明知而舉伴你, 我祈求你饒恕我無知而犯的過錯

P8 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 Newsletter ISLAMIC WORLD NEWS Syria Syrian children face harsh winter In need of respite from their place of refuge, Syrian refugees, especially children, are facing the harshest winter in 100 years and many are struggling to survive. A United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) report published on 10 March 2014, calls Syria one of the most dangerous places in the world for children, 5.5 million of whom have been affected by the country s threeyear war. At least 10,000 children are estimated to have been killed during the war in Syria, a number the Under Siege report calls the highest recorded in any of the region s recent conflicts. For Syria s children, the past three years have been the longest of their lives. Must they endure another year of suffering? UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake said in a press release. An estimated 1.2 million Syrian children are refugees in neighboring countries, over 3 million are displaced within the country and 323,000 are living in areas that are difficult for relief workers to access. The war has also forced children to grow up fast: a reported 1 in 10 refugee children is working and 1 in 5 Syrian girls living in Jordan are forced into marriage. An estimated 2.8 million children are out of school. Source: The Muslim News & UNICEF The Muslim News Website Page of Time Central African Republic ICC opens probe into serious crimes International Criminal Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said on 7 February that she has opened an initial probe into "serious crimes" committed in the Central African Republic, the scene of spiraling sectarian violence. The announcement came as thousands of Muslims fled for their lives from the capital on 7 February, with Christian crowds cheering as truckloads of Muslim families made their way out of Bangui. The United Nation's refugee agency said on 7 February, around 20,000 people have now fled to Cameroon to escape communal bloodshed in the country following a coup in March last year that ousted long-time leader A woman is cared for after she was injured by a tear-gas canister fired by African Union soldiers to disperse a crowd. Francois Bozize. 7 February's convoy of 500 cars, trucks and motorcycles was guarded by heavily armed soldiers from Chad, a neighbouring predominantly Muslim country. The exodus comes after two months of sectarian violence in Bangui that has targeted Muslims accused of collaborating with the now-sidelined rebel government. Despite the presence of French and African peacekeeping troops, violence continues in the country and has already forced about a quarter of the population of 4.6 million from their homes. In recent weeks, angry mobs have set fire to mosques and have brutally killed and mutilated Muslims. On 5 February, one Muslim suspected of having aided last year's rebellion was attacked with knives, bricks and feet. Soldiers then paraded his body through the streets before it was dismembered and set on fire. Source: SCMP

Newsletter Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P9 ISLAMIC WORLD NEWS Bulgaria 120 arrested after mosque attack in Bulgaria More than 120 people were arrested in Bulgaria after hundreds of people attacked a mosque in the country s second city Plovdiv on February 14. Over 2,000 nationalists and football hooligans had gathered outside a Plovdiv court as it heard an appeal case dealing with the return of an ancient mosque in the central city of Karlovo, taken over by the state more than 100 years ago, to Bulgaria s Grand Mufti. Firecrackers, torches and stones Thailand Fury as 1,300 Rohingya refugees are sent back Thailand has sent about 1,300 Rohingya refugees back to Myanmar, a top official said, dismaying rights campaigners who warned that the minority Muslims face persecution in the former junta-ruled country. Thousands of Rohingya, described by the United Nations as among the world's most persecuted minorities, have fled sectarian violence in western Myanmar in rickety boats since 2012, mostly heading for Malaysia. Thai authorities began deporting the Rohingya in September were thrown at the mosque. One policeman was injured. Some 120 people were detained, said a spokesman for the police. The Grand Mufti has launched some 26 court cases to try to restore Muslim ownership of 29 mosques and other property across the Balkan state, prompting some public opposition in the predominantly Orthodox Christian population. Muslims make up about 13 percent of Bulgaria s 7.3 million people. Source: The Muslim News through a border checkpoint in the province of Ranong, national immigration chief Lieutenant General Pharnu Kerdlarpphon said. "The whole deportation process was completed in early November," he added. It was the first official news of the deportation. It is unclear what happened to them after they left. Rights activists criticised the move to return them to Myanmar, where they face travel restrictions, forced labour and limited access to health care and education. Source: SCMP Arab Hollywood film on Noah banned in Arab countries Poster of Noah Some of the Middle Eastern countries have banned the Hollywood film Noah following a Fatwa against the film by Cairo s Al-Azhar, the highest authority of Sunni Islam and a main centre of Islamic education. The official statement described the film contradicts the teachings of Islam. Al-Azhar renews its objection to any act depicting the messengers and prophets of God and the companions of the Prophet, according to the statement. So far countries of Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have officially confirmed the ban of the film. (The film due to release in Hong Kong in late March.) The story is about Noorhu (Noor) that built the ark that saved some members of his family and may pairs of animals from a great flood. An entire chapter in the Holy Quran is devoted to him. Source: Reuters Ireland Islam set to become Ireland s second religion According to Census figures from Ireland s Central Statistics Office, Islam is projected to become Ireland s second religion within the next 30 years. Islam is now Ireland s fastest-growing religion and, at its current rate of expansion, it is set to become the second religion in the State after Catholicism by 2043. Source: The Muslim News

P10 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE Newsletter QUR AN English Chinese Allah! There is no deity save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Unto Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His leave? He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He wills. His throne includes the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Most High, the Most Great. (Qur an 2:255) 真主, 除他外絕無應受崇拜的 ; 他是永生不滅的, 是維護萬物的 ; 瞌睡不能侵犯他, 睡眠不能克服他 ; 天地萬物都是他的 ; 不經他的許可, 誰能在他那裏替人説情呢? 他知道他們面前的事, 和他們身後的事 ; 除他所啓示的外, 他們絕不能窺測他的玄妙 ; 他的知覺, 包羅天地 天地的維持, 不能使他疲倦 他確是至尊的, 確是至大的 ( 古蘭經 2:255) Recommendation of Islamic Websites Various Online Islamic Courses The Islamic Online University (IOU) Aminul Haque Making authentic Islamic knowledge readily available to the world through the Internet solely for God's pleasure is a noble life-goal and a mission well worth sacrificing all of one's energies and means for. Assalmu alakium, Recently, I was searching on the internet and I found a lot of online Islamic courses. Some of these courses are offered free of charge, and I would like to recommend two of them. The Islamic Online University (IOU) is the brainchild of Dr. Bilal Philips, Founder and Dean of the Islamic Online University. He envisioned an institution that would offer online intensive, undergraduate, and graduate courses in Islamic Studies completely tuition-free. The IOU was launched in 2007 from Qatar with an offering of completely free diploma courses. Some of the readers may have met Dr. Bilal Philips is no stranger to Hong Kong Muslims as he was here on several occasions. For more information visit his website

Newsletter Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P11 ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE HADITH Arabic Arabic E-learning Islamic Studies [Online Classes] at Al-Azhar University English Al-Azhar University in Egypt, one of the oldest Islamic educational universities in the world. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: "Seize five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before your preoccupation and your life before your death." Al-Nasa i It has started weekly classes for Muslims aged 5 years and above. The syllabus taught is accredited by Al-Azhar University in Egypt, one of the oldest Islamic educational universities in the world. Subjects include: Arabic Language, Islamic Studies (Aqeedah, Fiqh, Qur'an and Tajweed). Class are conducted every Saturday. For more information visit website Other than mentioned above there are many other courses such as Islamic banking and insurance, offered by various organisations/institutes. As a reminder, do not made any payment, unless you are fully understand the content and trust of the organisations/institutes that are capable of offering the courses. Chinese 先知穆罕默德 ( 願真主賜他平安與吉慶 ) 說 : 你們應當珍惜五件事 : 在年邁前的年輕 疾病前的健康 貧窮前的富有 忙碌前的空閑 死亡前的生命

P12 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 IU MATTERS Newsletter Hijab Demonstration The Da'wah Committee of the Union recently organised a hijab demonstration event in which more than 50 people, both Muslims and non- Muslims attended. The event started with the recitation of the Holy Qur an by Hafiz. Rashid Nomani. Sis. Aida Wong, former IU Da wah Worker, gave a short talk on the meaning and the importance for sisters wearing hijab in their daily lives. She interacted with the audience by asking the audience about their thoughts on the hijab. "Hijab is modesty." said one participant. "Hijab is a form of obedience to Allah subhana wa ta'ala." stated another sister. The talk was followed by a hijab demonstration. Sis. Aida Wong Three sisters demonstrated to the audience various styles of hijabs that could be worn with both elegance and style. "The hijab can be stylish, yet still be able to cover the head and bosom as required in the Qur an and Sunnah." said Sis. Asiyah Yeung, one of the tutors. Many participants were excited to learn the new hijab fashion that they were considering applying in their daily lives. Sisters in different Hijab styles The programme ended with a dua by Imam Uthman Yang Xin Ben. Basic Sewing Class Completed A group of 20 sisters from Halaqoh (Friday) recently completed their 3-month basic sewing class training at Masjid Ammar and O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre. They will soon embark on the intermediate sewing class. After completion, the sisters will advance to the Advance Course. The sisters when they completed the advance course, they can make different kinds of ladies clothing and can work independently. The programme is supported and sponsored by the Welfare Committee of the Union. Sisters attending the presentation ceremony Sisters proudly display their certificate after the presentation ceremony The Islamic Union is always looking after the future of our sisters career especially when they return to their home country, said Haji A.D. Khan, Chairman of the Welfare Committee. Due to different dates of their off-days, most domestic helpers set up their Halaqoh group (study group) on different days to pursuit their studies in various fields including computer class, sewing class, English class and Qur anic Class. These courses are also supported by the Welfare Committee of the Union.

Newsletter Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P13 ISLAM Listening to the Qur an leads to peaceful mind Abdul Muhaemin Karim Allah (swt) said: So, when the Qur an is recited, listen to it, and be silent that you may receive mercy. (Al-A raf: 204) The above verse tells us that when the Qur an is being recited by anyone in anywhere, particularly read by an excellent reciter, we have to be silent and listen to it attentively. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to love listening to the Qur an from others and he also used to move whenever he heard it. He used to request some of his companions to recite the Qur an to him. He often asked Ibn Mas ud (ra) to recite Surah An-Nisa of the Qur an to him. Whenever he listened, he wept till his tears trickled down his cheek and he said: Enough for now. Listening to recitation of the Qur an is the perfume of the souls, the calmer of hearts, and the food of the spirit. It is one of the most important psychological medicines. It is a source of pleasure, enhances the functioning of the faculties, slows down senile decay by driving out its diseases, improves the complexion, and refreshes the entire body. Abu Nu aim states, in his Tib an-nabi, that the Prophet (PBUH) said that the benefits of listening to recitation are increased when it is understood. Even if we do not understand the meaning, reading or listening to the Qur an gives benefit to us. For example, can not a person who has lost his sense of taste benefit from the nutrition he has eaten? Although his tongue does not feel the taste, the food he eats will go to the necessary organs. When a person, whose mind does not understand the meanings of the Qur an, sends it to his spirit s stomach; the attributes of his spirit will take its meanings. The Prophet (PBUH) said: Qur an is a remedy for illness of the mind. (Bukhari). Dr. Greenberg said: The echo of sound has a medical effect and is now widely utilized. According to Dr. Ahmed Al-Kadi the recitation of or listening to the Qur an has an effect on the body, the heart and the mind. It is said that the letter ALIF echoes to the heart and the letter YA to the pineal gland in the brain. He conducted and published the effect of listening to Qur anic recitation on psychological parameters (the heart, blood pressure, and muscle tension), and reported improvement in all factors, irrespective of whether the listener was a Muslim or non-muslim, Arab or non- Arab. Obviously, it can be postulated that those who understand and enjoy the recitation with a belief in it will get maximum benefits. Try ourselves to read the Qur an or to listen to it. We may listen to it from a qari directly or through YouTube or other means. May Allah (swt) shower His mercy upon all of us.

? embrace Islam. P14 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 Newsletter Newsletter Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P15 ISLAM ISLAM Nasser El-Morshidy There is a myth widely circulated in the Western world that Islam was spread by force. This myth was often repeated during the Dark Ages and some people still repeat it today. Unfortunately they do not ask themselves: how could Muslims force others to adopt their religion when the Holy Qur an states clearly: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands clear from error. Qur an 2:256 Another verse in the Holy Qur an emphasized the same meaning and made it clear that the freedom of belief is a fundamental principle in Islam: Say: The truth is from your Lord; so let whosoever wills, believe and let whosoever wills, disbelieve. Qur an 18:29 Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was one man who called on his people to believe in Islam and many people believed him and accepted Islam in Mecca. It is unrealistic to think that the Prophet (PBUH) forced them to believe in Islam. It is a fact that the Prophet (PBUH) and his Was Islam Spread by Force Say: The truth is from your Lord; so let whosoever wills, believe and let whosoever wills, disbelieve. followers faced persecution and torture to abandon Islam. Had it been that the Muslims used violence to force others to embrace Islam, they would not have migrated from their hometown, Mecca, to Medina to escape persecution. Ten years after the migration, Muslims conquered Mecca because the Meccans breached a truce with them. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) entered Mecca and the people gathered in front of him, he asked them: What do you think I am going to do with you today? They replied You are a good brother and a son of a good brother. He said to them: Go! You are all free. The Prophet (PBUH) forgave them despite all the torture they carried out against Muslims when they were in Mecca and the wars they waged against the new Islamic state in Medina. He did not force them to Before the spread of Islam, many countries bordering the Arabian Peninsula were under occupation of two large empires: the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire. These countries suffered different kinds of oppression by the Persian and Byzantine rulers. For example, the Byzantine Empire, whose rulers were Christians, persecuted other Christians who belonged to other denominations. They persecuted Egyptian Christians who differed with them on the nature of Jesus Christ (PBUH). The Patriarch of Alexandria escaped for years from the Byzantine rulers and only resumed his work after Muslims conquered Egypt. The two large empires felt threatened by Islam which united the tribes in Arabia and they feared the possibility of the spread of Islam amongst the people in their countries. They launched aggressions against Muslims during the life of the Prophet (PBUH) and even after his death. Muslim armies fought back against them, drove them out of the countries under their occupation and gave people of these countries all their rights under the Islamic rule. Actually, there were people of different beliefs in the Muslim state during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) and he did not force them to adopt Islam. There were Jews living in Medina and Christians living in Yemen. They totally enjoyed the freedom of worship. The Prophet (PBUH) wrote letters of covenants to them assuring them that they would enjoy their freedom of worship and instructing Muslims to give them help in case they need help even in maintenance of their places of worship. The Prophet (PBUH) made it clear that if a Muslim abuses a non- Muslim, he himself will stand against that Muslim on the Day of Judgement. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Whoever persecutes a Zimmi (singular of Ahlu-Zimma) or usurps his right or asks him to do work beyond his capacity or takes something from him unwillingly, I shall be a witness against him on the Day of Judgement. Abu Dauwd Many historical incidents show how Muslims abided by the instructions of the Holy Qur an and the Prophet (PBUH) in dealing justly with non- Muslims living in the Islamic Caliphate. For example, An Egyptian Christian came to Omar Ibn Al-Khattab in Medina, and said, O Commander of the Believers! I seek refuge in you from oppression. Omar replied, You have sought refuge where it is to be sought. The Egyptian said, I was racing the son of `Amr Ibn Al-`Aas -Ruler of Egypt-, and defeated him. Then he began to beat me with a whip saying: I am the Son of Nobles! So Omar wrote to `Amr commanding him to come to Medina with his son. Soon after their arrival and after confirming the claim made by the Egyptian, Omar told him Beat the Son of Nobles! so he beat him. Then Omar asked the Egyptian to beat Amr Ibn Al- Aas. He replied that he has beaten the one who beat him. Upon this Omar said to `Amr, Since when do you enslave the people when their mothers bore them as free men? It is a historical fact that there was peaceful coexistence between the followers of different religions in countries under the dominion of the Islamic Caliphate. Muslims conquered many countries to establish justice and peace and gave the people their freedom to adopt the religion they choose. Historical records prove without doubt that Muslims had never forced people of any of these countries to embrace Islam. On the contrary, they helped those people to enjoy total freedom of belief and worship. There are many well-known non- Muslim historians who refuted the argument that Muslims forced others to adopt Islam. For example, De Lacy O Leary in his book Islam at the crossroads said: History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races, is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated. (p.8)

P16 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 ISLAM & ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE Newsletter 恐怖主義與伊斯蘭教義背道而馳 作者 : 馬雪峰 ( 雲南大學副教授 ) 實際上, 恐怖主義本身就是反伊斯蘭的, 與伊斯蘭教義背道而馳 伊斯蘭這個單詞本身即為 和平 之意 ; 穆斯林做任何事時, 總是以誦念 奉至仁至慈的真主之名 這樣的經文開始 ; 古蘭經教導人類 : 枉殺一人如殺眾世人, 救活一人如拯救全人類 ( 古蘭經 5:32 ), 先知曾言 : 寧可天地崩塌, 也不可枉殺一人 某些極端主義者所鼓吹的 聖戰 (Jihad), 字面的意思其實並非西方許多人所理解的 神聖的戰爭 (Holy war) 絕大部分學者主張譯為 奮鬥 或 努力 更為妥當, 指的是運用最大限度的力量 氣力 努力及能力對付不被認可的 事物 ( 如敵人 惡魔或私欲 ) 傳統伊斯蘭教義中,Jihad 通常可分為兩個類別三個層次, 兩個類別是指即 大 Jihad 與 小 Jihad 大 Jihad 指的是精神上的自我完善, 小 Jihad 則指為反抗侵略而努力奮鬥 三個層次 : 最高層是 心的 Jihad ( 獲得正信, 從而達致仁慈至善 ), 其次是 舌的 Jihad ( 勸善戒惡 ), 最後才是 手的 Jihad ( 自我防衛 ) 因此, 絕大部分的穆斯林學者完全否認伊斯蘭教義中有任何要求 准許, 甚至是容忍任何恐怖主義的地方 然而, 今日之伊斯蘭世界, 其多元與異質性, 比之以往任何時代, 都更為突出 伊斯蘭世界體系的解 體 傳統權威的衰落, 為各種思潮的興起提供了展現的舞臺 由於神與人之間, 並無神聖權威的存在, 因而, 今日穆斯林對自身信仰的解釋, 比之任何宗教 任何時代, 都更為自由 因此, 作為一名穆斯林, 僅僅意味著堅持某些明確的信仰 ( 除了真主以外沒有任何主宰, 穆罕默德為真主的使者 ) 與履行某些明確的宗教功修 ( 如禮拜與齋戒 ) 在這普遍而寬泛的要求之下, 不同的穆斯林, 對於政治 經濟 文化等諸多世俗問題, 皆可有不同的觀點, 每一個穆斯林都有權利決定自己的行動與生活方式 伊斯蘭沒有天主教那樣的教會系統, 可以代行神權, 開除那些被認 伊斯蘭網站推薦 祈求真主賜各位平安! 近來, 我一直為我的朋友們在互聯網上搜索資訊 不知不覺, 找到了許多在綫伊斯蘭課程 其中一些課程是免費的, 在此推薦其中的兩個給大家 伊斯蘭在綫大學 (IOU) 讓全世界通過互聯網獲取正統的伊斯蘭知識, 這只是爲了取悅真主的一個高尚的人生目標和使命 它值得一個人犧牲所有的精力, 用盡方法去完成 伊斯蘭在綫大學網 (IOU) 是 Bilal Philips 博士的智慧結晶 他設想是否能夠有一個能夠完全免費提供伊斯蘭研究的在綫強化 學士和碩士課程 他正是伊斯蘭在綫大學網的創辦人兼校長 該網站於 2007 年在卡塔爾正式開通, 向公衆提供完全免費的學位課程 一些讀者可能曾有幸在香港見過 Bilal Philips 博士, 此前他曾多次訪問香港 欲知關於網站的更多詳情, 請登錄 愛資哈爾大學電子學習系統之伊斯蘭研究 ( 在綫課程 ) 埃及愛資哈爾大學, 世界上最古老的伊斯蘭大學之一 該網站每週為五嵗以上的穆斯林提供課程 課程教授的内容由世界上最古老的伊斯蘭大學之一, 埃及的愛資哈爾大學認證 課程包括 : 阿拉伯語言, 伊斯蘭研究 ( 教義學 教法學 古蘭經 研究和音韻學 ), 逢星期六開講 欲知關於該網站的更多詳情, 請登錄 : 除上述兩個網站之外, 還有不同組織提供的專業課程, 例如伊斯蘭金融和保險等 友情提示, 除非你對網站内容已有全面的了解, 並相信該組織能夠提供相應課程, 否則不要輕易支付任何款項

Newsletter Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P17 ISLAM 伊斯蘭 是全人類的宗教 伊斯蘭是阿拉伯文的音譯, 伊斯蘭一詞源於阿拉伯文的三個字母 : 希尼 倆目 米目, 其本義是, 和平 安寧 健全 阿拉伯語的規則是增字增義, 在這三個字母 ( 字根 ) 上又增加了一個字母艾力夫, 因此增加了意思, 其意是順從 服從 降服 伊斯蘭一詞及其派生詞在 古蘭經 中以不同形式出現過一百多次, 都表達了安寧 順從 和平的意思 穆斯林一詞也是阿拉伯文的音譯, 是由伊斯蘭一詞派生出來, 是主動名詞, 意思是順從者, 意即順從真主的人 平安者 熱愛和平者 伊斯蘭認為, 真主 ( 安拉 ) 是宇宙萬物的主宰, 宇宙萬物都是真主創造的, 從廣義上講, 宇宙萬物都按照真主所制定的規律運行, 都要順從真主的定制, 也就是說都是順從者都是穆斯林 正如真主所說 : 難道他們要舍真主的宗教而尋求別的宗教嗎? 同時天地萬物, 不論自願與否, 都歸順他 ( 真主 ), 他們將來只被召歸於他 ( 古蘭經 3:83) 從狹義上講, 穆斯林作為人是指自願順從真主的人 人類應當自願歸順真主 伊斯蘭是真主啟示的宗教, 是真主命名的, 這個名稱來自於 古蘭經 的明文 它不是以任何人的名義, 也不是任何人命名的 真主說 : 今天, 我 ( 真主 ) 已為你們成全你們的宗教, 我已完成我所賜你們的恩典, 我已選擇伊斯蘭做你們的宗教 ( 古蘭經 5:3) 伊斯蘭是真主的宗教 真主說 : 真主所喜悅的宗教, 確是伊斯蘭教 ( 古蘭經 3:19) 伊斯蘭不是一個新的宗教, 伊斯蘭是人類最早的宗教, 始自人祖阿丹, 伊斯蘭道冠古今 穆罕默徳 ( 願真主賜他平安與吉慶 ) 聖人, 所受的啟示, 所肩負的使命, 其核心與之前眾使者所受 的使命都是一致的 都是召喚人類崇拜和順從宇宙萬物的主宰真主 ( 安拉 ) 可以說, 是一脈相承 所有先知所接受的啟示, 第一個召喚都是 : 我的宗族啊! 你們應當崇拜真主, 除他之外, 絕無應受你們崇拜的 ( 古蘭經 7:59,65,73,85) 所有使者所接受的啟示都是認主獨一, 順從獨一的主, 崇拜獨一的主 真主說 : 在你 ( 穆罕默徳 ) 之前, 我 ( 真主 ) 所派遣的使者, 都奉到我的啟示 : 除我之外, 絕無應受崇拜的 所以你們應當崇拜我 ( 古蘭經 21:25) 真主是宇宙萬物的主宰, 天地之間所有的一切都是真主創造的, 真主是全人類的主宰 古蘭經 首章開端章 ( 法諦哈 ) 第一節經文 : 奉普慈特慈真主的尊名 開宗明義闡明了, 真主至高無上, 真主的仁慈遍及一切被造物, 在審判日, 真主特別恩賜信主且行善的人們 第二節經文 : 一切讚頌全歸真主, 眾世界的主 此節經文闡明了真主是宇宙萬物的養育之主, 真主掌管养育眾世界 人類同根同源都是阿丹的子孫, 真主說 : 眾人啊! 你們當敬畏你們的主, 他從一個人創造你們, 他把那個人的配偶造成與他同類的, 並且從他們倆創造許多男人和女人 ( 古蘭經 4:1 ) 穆罕默徳聖人 ( 願真主賜他平安與吉慶 ) 說 : 你們來自阿丹, 阿丹來自泥土 因此說, 人類是一個大家庭, 人类是一家, 人與人之間的關係是人類兄弟姊妹般的關係 伊斯蘭是眾使者, 眾先知的宗教 真主說 : 他 ( 真主 ) 已為你們制定正教 ( 伊斯蘭 ), 就是他所命令努哈 ( 挪亞 ) 的 他所啟示你 ( 穆罕默徳 ) 的 他命令易布拉欣 ( 阿伯拉罕 ) 穆薩 ( 摩西 ) 和爾撒 ( 耶穌 ) 的宗教 你們應當謹守正教, 不要為正教而分門 別戶 ( 古蘭經 42:13) 也就是說, 阿丹 ( 阿當 ) 是穆斯林, 努哈 ( 挪亞 ) 是穆斯林, 易布拉欣 ( 阿伯拉罕 ) 是穆斯林, 穆薩 ( 摩西 ) 是穆斯林, 爾撒 ( 耶穌 ) 也是穆斯林 也就是說, 所有順從真主, 遵循正教的, 都是穆斯林 真主所派遣的使者都是報喜者, 警告者 真主說 : 我 ( 真主 ) 曾派許多使者報喜信, 傳警告, 以免派遣使者之後, 世人對真主有任何託辭 真主是萬能的, 至睿的 ( 古蘭經 4:165) 這一節經文告訴我們, 真主向人類派遣的使者, 都是向歸信並且行善的人報喜訊, 他 ( 她 ) 們將來必獲得重大的報酬並且入永久的樂園 ; 警告不信及作惡的人, 他 ( 她 ) 們將來必遭受痛苦的懲罰並且入永久的火獄 與此同時, 告誡世人再不要有任何藉口或理由說真主沒有派遣使者, 真主不允許任何人狡辯 穆罕默徳 ( 願真主賜他平安與吉慶 ) 是真主派遣的最後使者和先知, 真主說 : 穆罕默徳不是你們中任何男人的父親, 而是真主的使者, 和眾先知的封印 ( 即之後再沒有先知了 ) 真主是全知萬物的 ( 古蘭經 33:40) 穆罕默徳 ( 願真主賜他平安與吉慶 ) 是全人類的使者, 真主說 : 我只派遣你為全人類的報喜者和警告者, 但世人大半不知道 ( 古蘭經 34:28) 真主派遣穆罕默徳 ( 願真主賜他平安與吉慶 ) 是為了憐憫眾世界, 真主說 : 我派遣你, 只為憐憫眾世界 ( 古蘭經 21:107) 綜上所述, 伊斯蘭是真主喜悅的宗教, 是全人類的宗教, 是真主所接受的宗教 真主說 : 誰尋求伊斯蘭之外的宗教, 他 ( 她 ) 所尋求的宗教, 絕不被接受, 他 ( 她 ) 在後世, 是虧折的 ( 古蘭經 3: 85)

P18 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 ISLAMIC WORLD NEWS 敍利亞 敍利亞兒童面臨艱難寒冬 Newsletter 敍利亞難民面臨百年來最惡劣的冬天, 他們急需一片安身之地, 許多人都艱難度日, 尤其是兒童 聯合國兒童基金會 (UNICEF)10 日發布的一項報告指, 敘利亞全國有 550 萬兒童胞受持續三年內戰的影響, 並稱該國兒童的處境堪稱全球最危險 報告估計, 至少有 1 萬名兒童因敘利亞內戰而死亡 ; 是近期各地區衝突中最高的兒童傷亡數字 聯合國兒童基金會執行主任安東尼萊克 (Anthony Lake) 表示 : 過去 的三年對敘利亞兒童而言無疑是漫長的煎熬, 這些幼小生命不能繼續受折磨 報告又指, 大約 120 萬敘利亞兒童正在鄰國避難, 超過 300 萬名兒童痛失家園流離失所, 另外更有 32.3 萬兒童身處救援人員難以到達的地方 無情的戰爭促使兒童變得早熟 報告指, 目前敘利亞全國失學兒童估計已達 280 萬, 當中十分之一難民需外出工作, 五分之一身處約旦避難的女孩被迫早婚 穆斯林新聞報 及時代網站 中非共和國 國際刑事法院就嚴重暴力展開調查 國際刑事法院檢查官 Fatou Bensouda 2 月 7 日宣佈對中非共和國所犯下, 與宗教相關的嚴重暴力及不斷升温的教派衝突展開初步調查 聲名指該國基督徒和穆斯林之間的宗教衝突, 造成過萬名穆斯林逃離首都班吉 ; 當地的基督徒都湧到車道兩旁為穆斯林的離開夾道歡呼 聯合國難民署表示, 自去年三月政變推翻長期掌權的前總統 Francois Bozize 起, 約有 20000 人 為避開血腥衝突而逃往喀麥隆 儘管法國與非洲維和部隊駐紮當地, 暴力事件仍不斷蔓延升級, 令當地四分之一 (460 萬 ) 人口流離失所 事態在近幾星期漸趨嚴峻 憤怒的暴徒到處燒毀清真寺, 殘忍地殺害及肢解穆斯林 2 月 5 日, 一名穆斯林因涉嫌支持去年的反政府叛亂而遭拳打腳踢, 被持刀及磚頭的暴徒襲擊 士兵抬著該名穆斯林的屍首遊街, 其後再肢解及焚燒屍體 南華早報 過萬名穆斯林逃離首都班吉 為是異端者的教籍 一個穆斯林, 即使犯了極其嚴重的過錯, 只要他 / 她仍然堅持伊斯蘭的核心信仰和行為, 就仍然是一個穆斯林, 理論上講, 人間沒有任何機構或人有權利開除他 / 她的教籍 當然, 在末日審判的時候, 他 / 她要為自己所做過的每一件事負責 自亨廷頓提出所謂 文明的衝突 以來, 世界多被想像成由各類集體單元 ( 宗教 文明 文化 種族 民族 ) 所構成 人類豐富多彩的人性被粗暴地塞入某種單一維度的 小盒子 之中 這樣一個單一劃分的世界比我們所實際生活其中的多重而有差異的世界更具分裂性 (Amartya Sen) 因此不能將恐怖主義或者基要主義簡單等同於伊斯蘭教義, 今日伊斯蘭世界, 有基要主義, 也有自由主義 前者本是 內向的思潮, 張揚與收斂與否, 取決於穆斯林中其他競爭性伊斯蘭思潮的收斂與張揚 武力只能消滅武力, 戰勝思想的, 只能是另一種思想 ( 本文轉載自 伊斯蘭之光 " 網站 )

Newsletter 埃及 艾資哈爾反對公映 諾亞方舟 認定其明顯違背伊斯蘭原則 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P19 ISLAMIC WORLD NEWS 保加利亞 120 名極端分子衝擊當地清真寺後遭逮捕 日前, 以艾大長老 艾大資深學者機構和艾大伊斯蘭研究院為代表的艾資哈爾機構再次發表聲明 : 反對公映任何以人物造型的方式, 飾演和塑造眾先知和聖門弟子的影視作品, 並強調這樣的影視作品否定了眾先知和眾使者所享有的崇高地位, 違背伊斯蘭信仰和伊斯蘭教法的基本原則, 挑釁了伊斯蘭信眾的宗教感情 因此, 艾資哈爾機構重申不允許放映這種以人物造型的方式, 塑 泰國 造和飾演真主的使者, 努哈 ( 諾亞 ) 聖人的電影 在這部影片中, 努哈 ( 諾亞 ) 聖人被塑造和飾演為一個特定的人物形象, 而這一行徑是對伊斯蘭教法原則的公然否定, 是違背埃及新憲法的行為 為此, 艾資哈爾以其在伊斯蘭事務中所享有的學術權威的身份, 明確要求阻止該部影片在埃及上映 目前為止, 卡塔爾, 巴林和阿拉伯聯合酋長國已正式確認對該片發出禁令 伊斯蘭之光 羅興亞難民遭遣返 艾資哈爾大學 一名高官證實, 泰國政府已把 1300 名羅興亞難民遣返緬甸 人權人士對泰國此舉表示遺憾, 指遭遣返的穆斯林將面臨前軍政府統治國家的迫害 這是首次有泰國官員證實遣返消息 目前還不清楚他們被驅逐後的情況 人權組織譴責泰國政府此舉等同把難民送回緬甸接受強制勞動 出入境及醫療教育限制等, 各方面的歧視及不人道對待 南華早報 2 月 14 日在保加利亞第二大城市普羅夫迪夫 (Plovdiv), 數百名反伊斯蘭極端分子企圖衝擊當地的清真寺, 其中 120 名極端份子遭逮捕 超過 2,000 名民族主義者及球迷聚集在普羅夫迪夫法院門外, 聆聽一宗首席教長上訴申請歸還清真寺的案件 該清真寺位於卡爾洛沃市 (Karlovo ) 中心, 早於 100 多年前由國家接管 一名警方發言人表示 : 示威者用鞭炮, 火把及石塊扔向清真寺 ; 混亂導致一名警員受傷, 約 120 人被拘留 首席教長向法院提交了 26 項訴訟, 試圖重掌屬於穆斯林所有的 29 座清真寺及橫跨巴爾幹國家的其他財產 此舉惹起東正教基督徒的公然反對 保加利亞現有 730 萬人口, 穆斯林約佔其中的 13% 穆斯林新聞報 愛爾蘭伊斯蘭將成爲愛爾蘭第二大宗教 据愛爾蘭中央統計局人口普查數據顯示, 伊斯蘭教預計將在未來 30 年内成爲愛爾蘭的第二大宗教 伊斯蘭教是目前該囯發展最快的宗教, 就目前發展速度來看, 2043 年, 它將成爲天主教之後的全國第二大宗教 穆斯林新聞報

P20 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 IU MATTERS Newsletter 香港懲教署舉辦首次在囚人士感恩日 在一個陽光明媚的星期六, 近 130 名兄弟姊妹踏上前往東涌迪士尼樂園邊上的迪欣湖 此次活動由香港伊斯蘭聯會體育與康樂委員會組織 參與者於當日早上乘兩輛巴士離開林士德伊斯蘭中心 到達迪欣湖活動中心, 志願者們則開始向大家分發午餐 這頓豐盛的午餐包括牛肉碎千層面 蒜茸麵包 薯茸 烤雞塊 牛肉咖喱 白米飯 印度炒飯 白灼西蘭花和水果 懲教署署長單日堅先生與楊興本教長 飯後, 無論男女老少都在王教長的帶領下一起做禮拜 公園裏上百名好奇的圍觀者見證了這次禮拜 年輕人們參加了為他們特別安排的 傑出穆斯林 環節, 每分每秒都充滿歡快的氣氛 此次出遊活動反響熱烈, 許多兄弟姊妹都自行驅車前往公園參加活動 在晡禮前, 大家回到了愛群清真寺 當日參加感恩日活動的各機構代表 香港懲教署首個 在囚人士感恩日 於 2013 年 12 月 6 日圓滿舉行, 楊興本教長代表香港伊斯蘭聯會與香港回教基金總會應邀出席, 該活動旨在答謝與懲教署長期合作的非政府機構與義工 紀念先知誕辰 野餐 姊妹們在禮拜 穆海明哈智誦讀 古蘭經 伊曆 1435 年 3 月 12 日, 伊聯會宣教委員會舉辦了一次讚聖活動以紀念先知穆罕默德 ( 願主賜他吉慶與平安 ) 的誕辰 昏禮後, 活動以穆海明哈智誦讀 古蘭經 開始 緊接著讚聖, 之後 Hafiz Atiq-ur-Rahman 和楊興本教長分別用烏都文和粵語作了教義短講 野餐 比賽中大家團結合作完成任務 大家成功完成比賽任務到達終點 比賽環節緊張刺激

Newsletter 縫紉基礎班結業 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P21 IU MATTERS 蓋頭示範活動 活動後姊妹們十分驕傲地展示自己的結業證書 20 位 Halaqoh 星期五 的姊妹近來在愛群清真寺暨林士德伊斯蘭中心完成了爲期三個月的縫紉基礎課程 她們即將展開中級縫紉課程的學習 結業之後, 姊妹們則能夠修習 高級班 的課程 那些完成高級班學習的姊妹們, 能夠獨立裁製各式各樣的女裝 該課程由伊聯會福利委員會贊助 香港伊斯蘭聯會一直為姊妹們將來謀求職業做打算, 尤其是當她們回到自己的祖國後 福利委員會主席簡文賢哈智說 由於傭工姊妹們平日在不同的日子放假, 因而她們在不同的日子組成自己的 Halaqoh 小組 ( 學習小組 ) 學習不同領域的知識, 包括 : 電腦 縫紉 英文和 古蘭經 所有課程皆由伊聯會福利委員會協辦 左圖 : 導師示範頭巾佩戴方法 ; 右圖 : 黃淑婷姊妹為大家做講座 香港伊斯蘭聯會的宣教委員會近日舉辦了一次蓋頭示範活動 當日有超過 50 人參與活動, 他們當中既有穆斯林, 也有非穆斯林 活動一開始由 Rashid Nomani 兄弟為大家誦讀 古蘭經 本次活動亦包括黃淑婷姊妹關於蓋頭的意義和日常佩戴重要性的講座 她跟觀眾互動交流時問觀眾對頭巾的想法, 其中一位參與者說 : 蓋頭是端莊 蓋頭是一種順從真主 (SWT) 的表現 另一位姊妹說道 之後的示範環節, 三位姊妹作爲導師受邀向觀眾展示了多款既優雅又時尚的頭巾佩戴方法 其中一位導師, 楊詠思姊妹表示 : 蓋頭除了要遮蓋頭部和胸膛, 亦可以很時尚 活動中參與者們都興奮地觀察著那些新的頭巾樣式, 讓她們學會後可以應用在日常生活中 活動的最後, 由楊興本教長誦讀了祈禱文 獎學金頒獎典禮 本年度香港伊斯蘭聯會教育委員會主辦的 獎學金及助學金頒獎典禮 如期舉行 今年申請人數為 84 人, 其中 19 人獲得助學金,42 人獲得獎學金 伊聯會教育委員會主席馬蓬偉哈智和伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學校長何秀賢姊妹為獲獎學生頒發了獎金 蕭偉樂博士則於頒獎前發表了短講 本次活動之獎金分別由伊聯會管理的 M.Y. Adal 哈智教育基金 楊麗君姊妹教育及獎學基金 和 Karrim 教育及獎學基金 撥出 馬蓬偉哈智代表伊聯會為獲獎學生頒獎 何秀賢姊妹代表伊聯會為獲獎學生頒獎 蕭偉樂博士為獲獎學生致詞

P22 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 IU MATTERS Newsletter Jamal Badawi 博士 在香港 伊聯會於 Jamal Badawi 博士一月份訪港期間, 在愛群清真寺暨林士德伊斯蘭中心六樓研討室舉辦了兩場專題講座 Jamal Badawi 博士於 2014 年 1 月 11 日作了一個關於 宣教方法 的講座 他強調說 宣教的意思是 邀請, 穆斯林應該以一種和平 優美的方式邀請非穆斯林了解伊斯蘭 他表示, 穆斯林邀請人們相信真主, 而非邀請他們爲了什麽世俗的好處 宣教是穆斯林的義務 Jamal Badawi 博士說 他引用了 古蘭經 : 你說 : 衆人呀! 從你們的主發出的真理, 確已降臨你們 誰遵循正道, 誰自受其益 ; 誰誤入歧途, 誰自受其害 我不是監護你們的 ( 古蘭經 12 :108) 2014 年 1 月 12 日,Jamal Badawi 博士作了另一個講座, 講座内容是關於 伊斯蘭婦女的地位 他強調說 古蘭經 和聖訓中闡述得很清楚, 男士與女士在真主看來是沒有分別的 他引用了許多 古蘭經 的經文, 其中有 : 凡行善的男女信士, 我誓必要使他們過一種美滿的生活, 我誓必要以他們所行的最大善功報酬他們 ( 古蘭經 16 :97) Jamal Badawi 博士還說, 根據 古蘭經, 女性並不是導致阿丹第一個過錯的原因 他倆皆是錯在不服從真主, 他倆都向真主懺悔, 亦都獲得了真主的寬恕 事實上, 在 古蘭經 一個章節中, 尤其是阿丹受到嚴厲的指責 他倆就吃了那棵樹的果實, 他倆的陰部就對他倆顯露了, 他倆就以園裏的樹葉遮蔽身體 阿丹違背了他們的主, 因而迷誤了 此後, 他的主挑選了他, 饒恕了他, 引導了他 ( 古蘭經 20:121 122 ) Jamal Badawi 博士又説道, 善待自己的母親是件十分重要的事情 他提到一段聖訓, 有位男子問先知穆罕默德 ( 求主賜他 平安 ): 真主的使者啊! 在世人之中, 誰最值得我好好善待? 先知說 : 你的母親 那人又問 : 之後是誰? 先知說 : 你的母親 那人又問 : 之後是誰? 先知又答 : 你的母親 那人接著問 : 之後是誰? 先知才答 : 你的父親 大約一百多名兄弟姊妹參加了兩場演講 尤其是關於 伊斯蘭婦女的地位 的演講, 大家都踴躍提問 Badawi 博士作爲一位知名的穆斯林學者, 在伊斯蘭研究的許多領域都頗有成就, 他為在場的聽衆解答了所有的提問 Jamal Badawi 博士為香港教胞做講座 了解伊斯蘭 課程圓滿結業 香港伊斯蘭聯會宣教委員會近日舉辦了一項爲期三個月的 了解伊斯蘭 課程, 該課程每週六開講, 共有八堂 五十多位各界人士報名參加了該項課程 每堂皆有獨立主題, 内容包括 : 造物主的存在 穆聖及眾先知 古蘭經與聖訓 伊斯蘭之五功 禮儀及節日 伊斯蘭婦女 清真飲食, 以及 死後復生 ( 後世 ), 旨在向公衆介紹伊斯蘭的基本教義 結業典禮 所有完成學業的學員皆獲頒結業證書

Newsletter 今晚與 Kristiane Backer 一同 從 MTV 到麥加 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 P23 IU MATTERS 伊聯會於 2014 年 1 月 14 日在愛群清真寺六樓研討室舉辦了一場 Kristiane Backer 從 MTV 到麥加 的講座 應香港大學之邀,Kristiane 來香港參加研討會, 當晚她拜訪了清真寺, 與 100 多位香港穆斯林分享了自己的心靈旅程 在演講中,Kristiane 鼓勵聽衆們在面對挑戰時, 應當積極樂觀, 並緊緊遵循真主的指引 她引用了 Qudsi 的聖訓 : 真主說 : 你向我走一步, 我會向你走十步 你向我走來, 我將向你飛奔過去 Kristiane 分享給大家的信仰心路歷程傳達了一個很重要的訊息 : 和平只能通過完全服從真主才能得到 Kristiane 是一名電視主持人 記者和配音演員, 活躍於歐洲, 日前任職於倫敦 24 嵗時 Kristiane 就成爲了歐洲 MTV 領軍主持人之一, 這段時期, 她訪問了世界最優秀的藝術家和音樂家 當她在娛樂圈炙手可熱之際, 她隱隱感到她的靈魂有所缺失 1992 年 Backer 在倫敦遇到巴基斯坦前板球運動員 Imran Khan 他給了她一些關於伊斯蘭的書籍, 並邀請她一起去巴基斯坦旅行 此次旅行使她的生命升華到了一個嶄新的層面 一種靈性意識 1995 年她歸信伊斯蘭 然而, 就在她公開自己的穆斯林身份之後, 她的事業面臨著威脅 Kristiane 在演講之後, 為書迷們簽名售賣她自己寫的書, 並回答了大家的提問 現場所有的書在 15 分鐘内銷售一空 此次活動受到聽衆們的空前好評 如您對 從 MTV 到麥加 感興趣, 可以在伊斯蘭中心六樓的馬達五圖書館借閲 分享會後,Kristiane 姊妹為廣大書迷簽名 2014 年 3 月 2 日至 2014 年 4 月 20 日 ( 每逢星期日 ) 上午十點至十一點愛群清真寺暨林士德伊斯蘭中心四樓課室 2014 年 3 月 16 日至 2014 年 5 月 4 日 ( 每逢星期日 ) 下午三點至四點愛群清真寺暨林士德伊斯蘭中心四樓課室 欢迎各界人士前来参观爱群清真寺! 楊興本教長在為同學們做介紹 本年第一季度, 共有來自 7 個不同組織的 507 位各界人士參觀灣仔愛群清真寺 這些組織包括香港基督教服務處 香港中文大學 香港教育學院 美國雪城大學和曾梅千禧學校等 如需清真寺導覽服務, 歡迎致電 34699232( 馬先生 ) 2014 年 4 月 5 日,6 日,12 日, 13 日上午十點至下午五點愛群清真寺暨林士德伊斯蘭中心八樓平臺大量鞋類 電器 手機配件及家庭用品以超低價發售部分收益撥捐香港伊斯蘭聯會作慈善用途特別鳴謝 : 創皇 ( 香港 ) 有限公司

Jamad-ul-Awwal 1435 Hijri 1435 5 March 2014 Complimentary 編輯團隊 納德賢哈智 哈智 馬超奇哈智 此刊物含有古蘭經經文, 切勿亂扔, 如需丟棄, 請先將其撕碎 地址 : 愛群清真寺暨林士德伊斯蘭中心, 香港灣仔愛群道 40 號電郵 : 聯絡電話 :(852)34699205 傳真 : (852)28345409 傑出穆斯林講者 帶來系列講座 爲了將精彩的系列講座呈現給香港社群, 香港伊斯蘭聯會邀請了兩位海外知名伊斯蘭講者蒞臨愛群清真寺暨林士德伊斯蘭中心 他們是加拿大伊斯蘭學者 Jamal Badawi 博士和英國著名主持人 Kristiane Backer 姊妹 三場不同主題 精彩紛呈的講座吸引了成百上千的穆斯林兄弟姊妹 詳見第二十二版 第二十三版的報道